Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 19

by Tracy Lorraine

  Then Jax brought her home drunk last night, and I had to put her to bed. In hindsight, I should have just let her pass out in her jeans, but I couldn’t leave her to be uncomfortable. So I sat her on the bed, pulled her top over her head then stood her up to remove her jeans. She had on the smallest, sexiest underwear set I think I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She all but begged me to have sex with her. I almost caved because she looked so unbelievably hot sauntering towards me, explaining in vivid detail exactly what she wanted to do to me. When she reached up behind her to undo her bra, I snapped out of it and refused. Instead, I picked her up and placed her in bed. She almost instantly fell asleep. But hearing her saying my name in her sleep didn’t help my already hard dick become any less painful.

  Now she is looking at me like that in a little vest top that is so thin I can see the outline of her nipples, and a tiny pair of shorts that show me the curve of her perfect arse. I need some space and time away so I can put my feelings for her behind me and concentrate on being the friend she says she wants me to be.

  “Mum and Dad came down earlier to pick up her car. The funeral is Wednesday. I’m presuming you don’t want to come with me, so I’m going to drive up Tuesday sometime, but I’m only staying in Liverpool for the funeral because I’m still too mad at my mum for what she said. I’m going to spend a few days with Abbi in Manchester, then we are both going to go to Cardiff for a few days to see Liv. I’ll be back sometime towards the end of the following week, so I can get ready to go back to school. I hate to say it, but I think it will do us some good to have some time apart.”

  “You’re right, I have no intention of seeing your mother anytime soon. Obviously if you told me you wanted me there then I would go for you, but I’m glad you’re not. I think you’re right though, we need some time to get our heads straight and it will be good for you to spend time with your sisters. I know how much you miss them.”

  “Will you be okay here on your own?”

  “Of course I will. We’ve got loads of work so I probably won’t even notice you’re gone.”

  “Oh nice, thanks Molly!”

  “My pleasure. Right, I’m going to bed. Night, Ry.” She walks towards me as she says this and kisses my cheek before making her way downstairs.

  I decide to take myself to bed as well, but I know I’m not going to sleep. Every time I shut my eyes, all I can see is us kissing, but in my imagination Molly doesn’t get a call from the guy she is dating. I use my hand to try to rid myself of the hard on that I seem to constantly have these days. In my head, it’s Molly’s hand touching me, working me up and down. I bring myself to a quick orgasm with thoughts of how she tasted when I kissed her, and images of her downstairs relieving herself because I could tell how turned on she was after what I said to her earlier. How I would love to go downstairs and find out. My dick doesn’t stay soft for long; the thought of her possibly touching herself downstairs makes it stir again.

  Before I know it, it’s Tuesday and I’m packing, ready for the funeral and my break away from Molly. I hate the idea of being away from her for so long, but I do think it’s the right thing to do. The more time I spend with her, the more I’m struggling with my feelings for her, and it’s killing me to watch her go out with Adam. Every time she comes home from being with him, I can tell she likes him more and more. She has been her usual flirty self with me, but she is becoming more distant and we haven’t had any more awkward moments since Friday night. She spent practically all weekend with him, and when she has been home she’s been constantly texting him. Well, I presume it’s him, because I haven’t been brave enough to ask. I’m happy for her, I really am. She deserves someone to treat her right and worship her. I have just been hoping that person would be me.

  “Ry, you up there?”

  “Yeah,” I hear her walk up the stairs and in a few seconds she appears in my doorway.

  “Hey. You nearly ready to go?”

  “Almost. You got much planned while I’m gone?” I don’t know why I ask this, because I really don’t want to know what she’s planning with Adam. I continue folding my clothes as Molly gets comfortable in the middle of my bed.

  “Work, mostly. It’s crazy busy, I’m so glad Jax is now working full-time. Adam is coming over for dinner tomorrow night, and I’m going out with Jax and Lucy again on Friday evening. Not sure other than that. I need to catch up with Megan, and I would like to see if I can get in contact with Emma. I was hoping I’d have heard from her by now.”

  Yeah, I’d hoped that too. she promised me when I spilled my guts to her that she would get in touch with Molly.

  We continue chatting about our plans until I am totally packed and ready to head out. “Right, I think I’m done and ready to go.” I look up and see Molly wince as she goes to move. “You still hurting from your dance class last night?”

  “Yes, I didn’t realise how unfit I was. Pull me up.” She puts her hand out for me and I give her a tug. She moans as she gets to her feet.

  “It’s only a dance class, how strenuous can it be?”

  “You’d be surprised. Come on, let’s get you on your way. The sooner you go, the sooner you’ll be back. I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too, Molly. Come here.” I pull her in for a hug and kiss the top of her head while she’s in my arms. She smells so good. How I want to walk back over to the bed and throw her down on it.

  Ten minutes later, we’ve said our goodbyes, and I am on my way to Liverpool. I hated seeing the tears in Molly’s eyes as I pulled away from the house. I now have the challenge of sorting out my feelings this week, so when I come back we can be the great friends we were before all this weirdness happened. Surely I can fall out of love as fast as I fell in it, right?

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Pull yourself together, woman; he’ll be back in just over a week. Get a grip,” I say to myself as I walk back into the house, having watched Ryan drive away. I didn’t think I would get so upset at the thought of him not being here. I hate the idea of spending the night alone, so I walk over to my bed and grab my phone.

  “Molly, how you doing?” Shane says when he answers the phone.

  “Ryan’s just left for a week with his family. I don’t want to be alone. Have you two got any plans tonight?”

  “No, we are staying in and ordering a takeaway. We were going to plan our stag do - you wanna join us?”

  “As long as I’m not intruding.”

  “Of course not. Do you wanna stay the night so you can have a drink?”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a pain in the arse.”

  “Give me the phone,” I hear Chris say in the background. “Molly, shut up and get your arse over here.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll pack a bag and will be there ASAP.”

  “Good girl, see you soon.”

  I love spending time with Shane and Chris. They always make me laugh so much. They don’t take life too seriously and are constantly taking the piss out of each other. They have told me everything I could possibly need to know about their wedding. It’s the last Saturday in November in a hotel on the outskirts of the city.

  They have a black, white and red theme. Apparently, as groomsmaid I have to wear a little black dress, bow tie and little top hat. To my surprise, the picture of what I am going to wear looked much cuter than the image I had in my mind - thank God!

  They have decided to have a joint stag do as nearly all their friends are friends with them both. They have hired out a VIP section of one of the clubs in the city, and are having a ‘pimps and hos’ theme. We are going to have a meal, then drink and dance the night away. I can’t wait; it sounds like it will be a lot of fun, plus we get to dress up like idiots. It’s at the end of October - two months to get my outfit ready!

  It was well gone midnight before I made my way to their guest bedroom. I had a text from Ryan earlier to say he’d arrived safe and that his mum is going seriously overboard being nice to him and apologis
ing for what she did last week. I texted him to wish him goodnight, but wasn’t surprised that I didn’t get a reply. It was late, after all, and he probably went to bed early to avoid his mother.

  I’m stood in my kitchen, piping the meringue on to the lemon meringue pie that I’ve made for my dinner tonight with Adam. He should be here in thirty minutes. I really like him - he’s a nice guy. He’s fun and makes me laugh. I originally thought with him being a banker he’d be boring, but he isn’t at all. He’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie and has done all sorts of crazy things, and has some great stories. Like I said, he’s a great guy and I’m trying, really trying, but he just isn’t doing it for me. When I’m with him it’s great, but I can’t help my mind wondering what it would be like if it was Ryan sat opposite me, not Adam. I just don’t get the tingles with Adam that I do with Ryan. Yes, he’s hot, really hot, but he’s not Ryan. He seems to really like me though, so I’m going to keep at it in the hope my attraction towards him changes in time.

  I’ve explained to him about being screwed over by Max and how I want to take things slowly. He has reassured me he understands and is willing to wait for me. I’m standing by what I said to Ryan a few weeks ago now. I will not have sex again until I think it’s love. So if Adam thinks he’s getting lucky tonight, then he’s got another think coming.

  I put the pie in the oven just as the doorbell goes. I jog downstairs and open the door to let him in.

  “Hi,” I say, smiling at him. He’s wearing light blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He hasn’t shaved for a couple of days, making his stubble almost as long as his short, almost-black hair. When I invited him over I said it was a casual thing, and I’m glad he took that seriously with what he’s wearing, I didn’t want some pretentious evening where we’d both be on our best behaviour. I’m wearing my boyfriend jeans and a tank top. My hair is in a messy bun on my head, and I’ve only got a little make up on.

  “Hey, you look good, Molly.” He reaches his hand up to my cheek. “You’ve got flour on your face,” he says, wiping it off.

  I can’t help but feel disappointed. If Ryan did that to me, it would make my pulse rate increase. But I feel nothing.

  “Thanks. I always end up covered, I’m a messy cook.”

  “As long as you’re a good cook, that’s fine by me.” He shuts the door behind him and follows me up the stairs. “Wow, you were right, nice house,” I hear him say as we enter the living area.

  “I know, I love it here. Can I get you a drink?”

  We have a nice evening eating, drinking and chatting. He is so easy to talk to. The conversation just flows; we never have any awkward silences. He was very impressed with my cooking, and actually went to the extreme of trying to find the packaging I could have hidden because he thought I’d bought it all and was passing it off as mine.

  As the night drew to an end, Adam was a perfect gentleman. We had a little kiss at the front door before he left, but he didn’t push me for anything further.

  After tidying upstairs, I got myself settled in bed with my Kindle. I’m in the middle of a series and dying to know what’s going to happen. I end up reading for hours and when I eventually decide to go to sleep, it’s not my date I drift off thinking about, it’s Ryan. This time apart was meant to sort out my head, but I’m missing him so much and I can’t stop thinking about him, wondering what he’s doing and if he is thinking about me.

  Before I know it, it’s Monday again and Megan and I have just finished our pole dancing class.

  “Fancy going to grab a coffee? I need some caffeine after that,” Megan asks.

  “Yeah, sounds good.”

  We walk to the closest coffee shop, discussing the different moves we learnt tonight.

  “So how are you finding it with Ryan gone?” she asks me as we settle onto a sofa with our coffees.”

  “I hate it. I miss him so much. Our time apart was meant to sort our heads out to stop the attraction that has appeared between us, but I can’t stop thinking about him.”

  “Oh, that’s good! What about Adam? How’s it going there?”

  I explain everything about how lovely he is, but how he’s just not doing it for me.

  We chat for another hour – well, when I say chat, I mean me listening to Megan about how I need to just chill out and go for it, see where this thing with Ryan could take me. I tell her many times that I don’t want to ruin our friendship, but she won’t accept it.

  When I get home, I run myself a bath and pour in loads of my favourite relaxing bubble bath in the hope it will make me ache less in the morning. I just get in and comfortable when my phone rings. I lean over to dry my hands and grab it. I groan when I see it’s actually Ryan FaceTiming me. I move myself so I’m on my front and balance my phone on the towel on the toilet. I make sure I’m covered in bubbles before I answer.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Ryan says as soon as I answer. “I don’t see you for almost a week and when I do, you’re naked in the bath.”

  “Hi, nice to see you too. How’s Cardiff?”

  “Yeah it’s not bad, they talk funny though!”

  “Yeah, I would guess so seeing as it’s in Wales, you muppet! So what you been up to?”

  “Liv showed us around the place yesterday, but she has to work this week so Abbi and I just chilled out at her place today then had a takeaway when she got home. What about you?”

  “Just worked, really. We’ve had so much come in. Jax hasn’t really been with it; something is bothering him but he won’t talk to me about it. I went out with Adam again on Saturday night. He took me for a meal and to the cinema, which was nice. Megan and I went to our dance class tonight, hence the bath. Anything to stop it hurting so much in the morning.”

  “You know I did a massage course when I was at uni? I’m sure I could work wonders on your body,” Ryan mentions suggestively. I watch his eyes darken as he thinks about it. I guess his time away from me has been as effective as mine away from him. The idea of having his hands all over my body has me squeezing my thighs together to try to stop my clit throbbing.

  “Uh…I think the bath should do it. Thanks, though.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, I’m more than willing.”

  “Yeah, I bet you are.”

  We chat for a few more minutes about what we’ve been up to.

  “Do you know what day you’re going to be home yet?”

  “No, we haven’t made any decisions. But I’m thinking Friday.”

  “Okay, well let me know. Enjoy the rest of your week.”

  “Yeah, you too. Speak soon. Love you, Molls,” he says, then hangs up.

  “Love you too,” I mutter to myself.

  I lie back in the bath and get comfortable again. Between my legs is still pounding, and thinking about that massage only makes it worse. It’s been too long since I had an orgasm, I think to myself, while sliding my hand down my stomach to the place that’s causing me grief. I rest my head back while my fingers get to work. I can’t help my mind going back to that kiss in the office and letting my imagination run wild as to what could have happened next. I come with his name rolling off my tongue.

  Fuck, I’ve got it bad. This time away has done nothing to lesson how I feel about him. If I’m honest with myself, I think my feelings are getting stronger.

  I put my phone back down on my desk. I’ve been trying to get hold of Emma all week, but my calls just go straight to voicemail. It’s really starting to piss me off.

  Jax went home early yesterday because he had a migraine. That’s obviously what has been bothering him this week. He rang this morning to say he’ll be in later this afternoon.

  I hear the front door slam shut just after one o’clock, then his feet pounding up the stairs. When he appears at the top, he looks livid.

  “Jax, what’s wrong? I say, rushing over to him.

  “She was fucking playing me. She never fucking loved me, she just wanted to screw me over and take as much money as she could.”
  “Wait, what?” I ask, a little confused, as I grab his hand and drag him to the living room so we can sit.

  “I went home yesterday when I left here. I went straight to the kitchen to take some tablets. Her handbag was on the side with a load of paperwork spilling out of it. Now I wouldn’t usually look, but a few things haven’t added up recently, so I pulled a couple of bits out. They were addressed to a Charlotte Smith. I didn’t think much if it until I saw a passport so I grabbed it and opened it to the photo page. There was her picture, next to the name ‘Charlotte Smith’. Her phone then went off in her bag so I found it and opened the text. It was from someone called Jake, and the message was asking her if she had got the replica rings and pawned the real ones yet. I couldn’t fucking believe it. I dug around in her bag and sure as shit there was a box with cheap imitations of the bridal set I’d bought her after I proposed.”

  “Holy shit. What a fucking bitch. What did you do?”

  “I stood and waited for her to appear. The look on her face was priceless when she saw me with all the evidence. She just broke down in tears, telling me how sorry she was. It took a while, but eventually she admitted that her name was Charlotte. She made Lucy up so I couldn’t find anything out about her. It turns out the falling out with her parents was just a story to get me to let her move in. The times I thought she was with her friends, she was actually with her boyfriend, who was her partner in crime. They had targeted me because of my family’s money. She made herself the perfect girlfriend so I would fall for her, got me to buy her a stupidly expensive ring just so she could pawn it and take the cash. God knows what else they would have done if I hadn’t figured it out.”

  “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Jax. I thought there was something weird about her but I couldn’t put my finger on it.”

  “I know, me too. I was just blinded by how perfect she seemed to care enough to explore it.”


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