Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 24

by Tracy Lorraine


  I felt like a huge pussy admitting to Molly that I was jealous of her drawing Jax today, but I couldn’t help it. When I walked in on them in her room, all I could think was that it should be me laid on that bed, and it should be my body she was staring at. I don’t want her eyes on anyone but me. Yes, I know it’s completely irrational because she’s got a boyfriend and Jax has something going on with my sister, but I just couldn’t help it.

  Not long after she left to go and see Megan, I went downstairs so I could see her sketch of Jax. I’ve always loved her artwork, and although I’d be looking at him practically naked, I wanted to see what she had produced and I couldn’t wait until she got home and showed me herself. Luckily for me, her sketchpad was open on her bed. As predicted, the drawing was stunning. She is seriously talented.

  I made the decision then and there that one day she would be drawing me. It would be awkward as hell because all I’d be able to think about is the fact that I’m naked in front of her, and I’m sure my dick will think it’s for one reason only, but I’m determined to let her do it. I want to see how she will capture me.

  I head back upstairs after sitting on her bed for a while thinking about everything, and continue working. I can’t wait until Friday - the end of term at last. These past few weeks have been crazy with my head of department being off. He’s supposed to be back after the break so will relieve me of the extra workload I’ve had to take on. I can’t lie and say that I haven’t spent more time than necessary at school because I was avoiding Molly, but I have had a stupid amount of work too. I could have done a lot of it here, though. It’s my colleague’s birthday on Friday night and he has planned a night out with a load of the lads at work. He won’t tell us where or what we are doing, but every time he talks about it I can see the mischief dancing in his eyes, so I can only imagine what he has up his sleeve.

  It’s early evening before I finish my marking. I make a quick call to Abbi before having a shower and deciding to get something sorted for dinner. I know that Molly bought ingredients for a lasagne yesterday when we were shopping, so I decide to give that a go with the help of a recipe.

  I’m just finishing the washing up when I feel tingles run down my spine, and my temperature rise a couple of degrees. I realise instantly that Molly is home and looking at me. I turn to grab the tea towel, and my breath catches at the look on her face.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’ve spent hours going over everything with Megan. She has listened diligently as I talked myself around in circles about my feelings for Ryan. I told her about the massage and how amazing it felt having him so close and his hands all over me, then spending yesterday together like old times. When I started talking about today, Megan demanded to see the sketch of Jax. I’d taken a photo on my phone before leaving the house, so I grabbed it and showed her after making her promise she wouldn’t tell Jax she had seen it. I wasn’t sure if he wanted everyone drooling over him.

  “Bloody hell. I never knew you were so good. This is amazing.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, what happened when Ryan walked in?”

  I explain everything about him, admitting he was jealous to how I thought he was going to kiss me and how badly I wanted him to, which was totally opposite to how I have felt in the past when I thought he was going to.

  “Molly, I’ve said this all along, but I do really think you should just see where it goes. You two would be amazing together and you know it. Take the jump.”

  These words run through my head all the way home. Should I just let go and take the jump? Just do what feels right and not keep running from it? Yeah, that’s all well and good, but it’s easier said than done.

  When I get home, I dump my bag and shoes in my room. I catch a glimpse of my sketch lying on my bed and I can’t help but smile. I really am pleased with it. I make my way upstairs to find Ryan and see what he has been cooking. The smell is making my stomach growl.

  When I get to the top of the stairs and turn into the living room, I find myself rooted to the spot. I lean up against the doorframe and take in what is in front of me. Ryan is stood at the sink with his back to me, wearing only lounge trousers that are hanging so low they are resting on the curve of his arse. I can only imagine how good his front will look. He is washing up, and I can see all the muscles in his back rippling as he moves. My mouth starts watering as I think about tracing all his muscles with my tongue, and my heart starts to race.

  As if he knows I’m here, he turns and his gaze instantly locks with mine. I watch as his eyes darken the longer I look into them. Eventually, they break away and run down my body. I’m still wearing my boyfriend jeans and a hoodie, so I don’t know why he bothers.

  When they come back to my eyes, his are even darker still. I’m motionless but I watch as he slowly starts to walk towards me. The closer he gets, the faster my heart beats and the stronger the throbbing gets between my legs. He stops just before his chests touches mine. I have to tip my head back so I can still look him in the eye.

  “Hi,” I say in a quiet voice.

  “Hi,” he says back with a smirk.

  We just stare at each other. Neither of us moves an inch. After what feels like forever, I can’t cope any longer.


  He continues to stare a few seconds longer before he quickly moves his head closer to mine, placing his lips against mine for the briefest kiss before turning around and walking back into the kitchen.

  I stand there and stare, feeling completely confused by what just happened. I snap myself out of it in time to see him adjust himself as he comes to a stop in front of the fridge. He pulls out a bottle of wine and pours me a glass. I watch as he slides it over the counter so it is in front of one of the stools at the breakfast bar, before placing his palms flat on the counter and leaning his hips forward to rest against the worktop, giving me an awesome view of his chest, abs, V line and his happy trail that disappears under the counter, then his trousers. I can’t help but stare.

  “Come on, dinner will be ten minutes…I think,” he says, nodding to my glass of wine.

  I slowly walk over, taking my hoodie off as I go. After that little interaction, I most definitely don’t need it on to keep me warm. I throw it on the sofa as I pass, and sit myself up on the stool before taking a sip of my wine.

  I look up because I feel his eyes on me. Well, when I say on me, I mean on my tits. I still have my tank top on under my hoodie, and it’s pretty low-cut. I watch his tongue sneak out and run over his bottom lip before he swallows, making the muscles in his neck ripple.

  “Come and sit down.”

  “I…uh…I think I need to stay this side of the units for a while.” His eyes drop to his crotch briefly and I follow them, suddenly realising why he is over there.


  “Did you have a good time with Megan?”

  “Yes thanks. We just chatted.” I feel my cheeks heat as I say this, knowing the only thing we talked about was him.

  “Why are you blushing?”

  For fuck’s sake, I can’t hide anything from him. “No reason; didn’t even realise I was.”

  “Molly, you’re a shit liar. Wait, were you talking about me?”

  “Careful, Ry, your ego might not fit out the door when you leave the room.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

  I just look down at my wine glass like it’s the most interesting thing ever while I try to think of something to say.

  “Soooo, did you get all your work done?” I try to change the subject and get the heat off me.

  We chat for a few more minutes before the buzzer goes off on the oven and Ryan dishes up our dinner. He has obviously calmed himself down enough to be able to walk over to the dining table so we can eat. I hop off the stool and join him.

  The lasagne was delicious. I never would have guessed it was his first attempt if he hadn’t told me.

  After we finish ea
ting, we wash and dry up the dishes together. Standing so close at the sink is torture. Every time I brush against him, sparks fly from the place that touched him. I know he’s feeling the same, because every time it happens his eyes snap to mine.

  Once we have finished, I excuse myself so I can go downstairs and get changed into something more comfortable. I decide to have a quick shower before getting my PJ’s on and heading back upstairs.

  Ryan is watching some nature programme when I join him on the sofa with a fresh glass of wine. He is sat in the middle seat of his corner sofa with his legs stretched out down one side, so I go to sit at the end closest to the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Uh, sitting down!”

  “Not over there, you’re not. Come here.”

  I’ve just placed my wine on the coffee table when I feel hands firmly gripping my hips and pulling me backward until I am sat right up against his side. He settles himself back and puts his legs back up on the cushions before pulling me into him so my front is against his side. He has one arm around my shoulders and the other grabs my hand and pulls my arm around his waist before resting his hand on my forearm. I look up at him, confused.

  “Relax, Molls. Put your legs up, your head down, and just chill.”

  I do as he says, placing my legs alongside his and putting my head on his still naked chest. I try to relax but it’s hard, pressed up against his smoking hot body. I feel his hand start stroking up and down my arm trying to relax me, and it actually works. I let out a huge sigh and snuggle into him.

  “That’s it,” he says, before kissing the top of my head. “I’ve missed this,” he says, holding me tighter and pulling the blanket over us.


  “Shit,” I say as my eyes pop open. It’s still dark so it can’t be too late. We must have fallen asleep on the sofa after we got comfortable last night.

  I look down at Molly and see that she is completely laid on top of me. How can I be that comfortable to lie on? She has her arms on my shoulders, her body flush against mine, and her legs are either side of me. I shift slightly and realise that my dick is throbbing, not only because I’ve got Molly cuddled around me, but her hot centre is right on top of it. The friction is so good that I want to keep moving against her, but I don’t think she’ll appreciate that wake-up call at the moment. Hopefully someday in the future she will, though. I smile to myself at the thought.

  I was expecting Molly to run away from me last night. First when I kissed her briefly when she came in, and then when I got her cuddled up against me here - but she seemed happy about everything, so I just went with it.

  I feel my hopes start to rise that maybe she is coming around to the idea of us. I try desperately hard not to let them, because I know the disappointment of that not happening will hurt like a bitch.

  I stretch my arm out and grab my phone to see that it is nearly six am, just before my alarm would go off. I put it back down and turn my attention to the little beauty that is still fast asleep on top of me. I place my hands on her lower back so I can touch her skin and gently start rubbing up and down, lifting her top as I go. I need skin-to-skin contact. If she does get up and freak out, at least I’ll have the memory of this.

  I lean down and kiss her head. “Molly,” I whisper. “It’s time to wake up.” I watch as her eyelids start to flicker, showing she is coming around. I continue running my hands up and down her back and I’m aware the moment she is awake and realises what is happening, because I feel goosebumps cover her skin. I kiss her head again before I feel her move. She makes me jump by sitting up all of a sudden. My hands slip around so they are on her waist, and I manage to contain the growl that creeps up my throat as she moves against my dick.

  “Shit, did we fall asleep? What time is it?” she asks sleepily, and looking really cute. Her hair is a mess, her cheeks are pink, and her eyes look like she could be still asleep.

  “Yeah, we did, but it’s okay. It’s not even six yet. Come lie back down; you looked pretty comfy.”

  She smiles at me, looking embarrassed. I don’t miss her checking out my chest and stomach though. She suddenly tenses as she looks at where she is sat straddling me. She looks back up at me with a shocked expression on her face. “I…uh…should probably move.” She looks anywhere but at me as she says this.

  I reach my hand up to her cheek to make her look at me. “Why? Come on, lie down.” I give her waist a tug and after a couple of seconds she moves herself forward and lies back on my chest with her face turned to look at me.

  She must notice me grimace as she moves over me again. “What’s wrong, did I hurt you?” she asks, concerned.

  Now, do I tell the truth and risk her freaking out, or do I make something up that will keep her here? Uh…“Nothing, it just…uh…felt good when you moved.”

  Her eyes widen slightly at this but to my surprise she stays put, and to my utter shock she actually wiggles her arse, causing a moan to escape my mouth. She just looks at me and laughs.

  “Someone’s a little horny this morning, are they?” she asks, still laughing.

  “You have no idea, gorgeous.”

  Her eyes widen slightly and I feel her arse move slightly again. I lean towards her ear and whisper, “if you keep doing that, you could find yourself in a dangerous position.” She just shrugs and holds me tighter. She shoves her face in my neck where I feel her breathe me in. It causes a huge smile to break across my face.

  We continue to lie like that, just holding each other, until my phone alarm goes off, signalling I really need to get up as it’s my last chance emergency alarm. I move my arms from around Molly’s back and place them on her waist to gently push her up.

  “Nooooo,” she complains as I move her. “Ring in sick and we can stay like this all day.” Fuck me, that sounds like the best way to spend a sick day ever.

  “Molly, as much as I’d love to do that, I really can’t.” She pouts at me and gives me her puppy dog eyes. “Molly, stop it. Trust me when I say there is nowhere in the entire world I’d rather be than under you right now, but I have to go to work.”

  I join her sitting up, making us chest to chest again. I wrap my arms around her for one last squeeze before I’m going to have to lift her off me because she isn’t going willingly. I kiss her forehead and look back at her as she stares into my eyes. My heart skips a beat when her eyes move down to focus on my mouth. I feel my chest start to rise and fall faster as my heartrate picks up. She looks back up to my eyes before leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine. Neither of us moves; we just sit there enjoying the closeness. Well, I hope that’s what she’s doing too. After a few more seconds, she pulls away and opens her eyes, I don’t think I have ever seen them so full of hunger. I’m very close to throwing caution to the wind and carrying her to my bed for the day so I can have my lips on every part of her body.

  To my disappointment though, Molly gets herself up and stretches before heading to the kitchen. “Coffee?”

  “Please,” I say, following her lead. I may have had the best night’s sleep I’ve had for a long time, but the sofa wasn’t the most comfortable of places.

  After putting the kettle on, Molly turns around and leans back against the counter. “Ry?”

  “Yeah,” I say on a yawn. I look at her and see that her eyes are following my hand that is scratching my stomach.

  “Um…you might want to do something about that,” she nods her head towards my very tented trousers, “before you go to school.” She can’t help herself and bursts into giggles.

  The kettle pings so she turns around to start making our drinks. I walk up behind her, cage her in, and shove my crotch into her lower back.

  “You could offer to help, you know,” I say in a low voice.

  She shoves her arse back into me more. “Not this time, big boy. Now go get ready or you’ll be late.” I do as she says because I am going to be really late if I don’t get my arse in gear.

  I’m totally distracte
d all day. All I can think about is how Molly’s body lined up perfectly with mine when she was laid on me. How she smelled when I held her close. How soft her lips were when they were on mine, and every other tiny thing that happened last night and this morning. We had a meeting after school but I couldn’t tell anyone what it was about.

  These constant images in my head have meant that I’ve had a raging hard on all day, and let me tell you, that doesn’t make teaching PE any easier! Nothing I do relieves it. I need Molly.

  I drive home with a smile on my face, thinking about what could be in store for us. Molly has a dance class tonight and I’m seriously hoping I get to give her another massage. I’m desperate to get my hands on her.

  I’m on the sofa watching TV when she comes in. She still looks a little hot and sweaty from her class, which has my dick twitching in my jeans. She shrugs her jacket off, revealing a tiny crop top sports bra thing that gives her awesome cleavage and shows off her toned stomach. She’s also got skin-tight leggings on that co-ordinate with the blue top.

  “Fucking hell, Molly. Are you trying to kill me?” I say, running my eyes up and down her body.

  “Ry, I’m all hot, sweaty and minging. Seriously?”

  Does she have no idea what she looks like? I watch her walk over to the sink and get a glass of water, giving me a great show of her arse. I can’t help but groan at the sight. I walk up behind her and put my hands on her bare waist. She flinches slightly and stops drinking when I touch her.

  I lean into her ear before whispering in it. “You really have no idea how fucking sexy you are, do you?” I can’t help running my nose around the edge of her ear. When I breathe out, I notice tiny goosebumps prick her skin. Good, she’s just as affected as I am. She places her glass down on the worktop before turning around and looking at me.

  “I’m going to have a bath, then I’ll be up to make dinner, okay?”


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