Home > Other > THE DRAGON AND THE PHOENIX > Page 10

by Shoraz

  And now, as Razen stood on the edge of the portals and looked at the army of the Blue Dragon carefully advancing towards their enemy, he smirked an evil smile knowing that he had outwitted everyone, including the Phoenix herself, and his master plan for control of everything in existence was almost complete.


  On the ground next to the Grand Castle; Manaka and Yokelis struggled to find their place amongst the royal guards and sentinels, and as they did so, the two sides that were only moments ago in the midst of battling each other were now scrambling to join forces to do battle against the formidable army of the Blue Dragon.

  “What is happening Yokelis, the plan of Galiac is falling apart,” Manaka said in disappointment to his friend Yokelis.

  “Galiac couldn’t have known everything Manaka, he led us this far, and now we must fight alongside Ava to return Zerros back to its days of glory,” Yokelis said.

  As Yokelis finished his sentence he could hear Alkazar screaming commands at the army of Zerros, and they marched forward, and even as they marched towards their enemy, those under the command of Alkazar hurriedly organized the army as best they could as there was still much confusion and uncertainty as the battle drew closer and closer with every step that they took.

  “How can we possibly win a war against them Yokelis? They are made of diamond, and we are made of liquid,” Manaka asked referring to the diamond army.

  “I do not know Manaka. I do not know,” Yokelis replied to him.

  Meanwhile, in the sky above the Grand Castle the sorcerers gathered, and leading them were Mikaelos, Astaria, and Qabreal. And as they prepared for the battle against the mystical diamond army of the Blue Dragon, they knew that their chances of victory were low given the weakened state of Ava the golden Phoenix.

  Then suddenly Astaria had an idea, and she grabbed Mikaelos and flew in haste towards Alkazar.

  “Alkazar I have a plan,” Astaria said to him.

  “Good, please tell me what it is because I most definitely do not have one,” Alkazar replied.

  “We must lead them away from the Phoenix as she is weak and unable to fight against them all. Our best chance to win this war is for Ava and Zarax to do battle against each other and hope that good fortune and luck is on her side. Other than that our chances of winning are slim to say the least,” Astaria said to Alkazar.

  As Alkazar heard the plan from Astaria, he stopped the army from marching forward to meet with his commanders in order to change their plan of attack.

  Meanwhile, Astaria and Mikaelos flew back to the Phoenix to tell her of the plan, and as they arrived, Astaria said to the Phoenix, “My ruler, you must stay here at the Grand Castle while the army of Zerros and the sorcerers continue their march towards our enemy.”

  “I will not let my people walk into certain death while I stand by and watch and wait for Zarax to come to me,” Ava replied.

  “But what choice do we have Ava? If we all go together; the Blue Dragon and his four dragons will destroy you as you are weak right now,” Astaria said.

  “How are you so sure that the Dragon will come towards me alone? And how are you so sure that he will not come with the four dragons?” the Phoenix asked.

  “I know this because he is full of conceit and arrogance and he wants to kill you by himself. I also know that the four dragons will stay with Razen as he is a coward and he knows that the sorcerers will kill him the first chance we get and he will do everything he can to protect himself,” Astaria replied.

  “Very well Astaria, I will stay back,” the Phoenix replied.

  “And I will stay with her,” Max said as he looked at his beloved Phoenix ready to defend and protect her in any way that he can.

  Astaria and Mikaelos then flew back down to Alkazar and as they told him that the Phoenix was satisfied with their plan he ordered his commanders to regroup the troops and as they began doing so the entire army of Zerros began spreading apart and made a formation to enclose the approaching army of the Blue Dragon.

  As the army of Zerros continued their march, Manaka and Yokelis made their way to the front of the army to find Alkazar, and as they saw him they ran towards him, and as they arrived, he was talking to Jinnack.

  “Alkazar we must not leave the Phoenix alone, she is in a weakened state and must be protected,” Jinnack said to him.

  “Jinnack, we need every single Zerrosian to do battle against the diamond army,” Alkazar replied.

  “If every single Zerrosian died at the hands of the diamond army and the Phoenix survives, I will consider that a victory Alkazar. Her life is precious, and she must be protected at all costs. She is selfless and will always put the people of Zerros ahead of herself, but now is the time to put her ahead of the people of Zerros,” Jinnack said, and with that he called upon a battalion of his troops, and they began heading back to the Grand Castle to protect the ruler of Zerros – Ava the Phoenix – as Alkazar looked on with a sense of regret and doubt.

  “What’s going on Alkazar, where are they going? We need everyone with us,” Manaka said.

  “Jinnack is right Manaka, the life of the Phoenix should be our main concern, and we must do everything in our power to protect her,” Alkazar said.

  Yokelis and Manaka then both looked at each other, with both of them knowing that their friend and mentor, the great Galiac, entrusted them both in helping to bring the Phoenix back home. And now it was as if the plan that he had so carefully crafted was being undone right before their eyes and there was nothing that either of them could do about it.

  “Don’t give up on Galiac’s plan, and don’t lose hope Manaka,” Yokelis said to him when even he himself was at the edge of hope and looking down into the abyss of despair and anguish as life under the rule of the mighty, greedy and power hungry Blue Dragon loomed on the horizon.

  “I’ll try not to lose hope Yokelis,” Manaka said to him as they both merged with the army of Zerros and they watched and followed as Alkazar and his commanders continued their march to surround the army of the Blue Dragon.


  As the Blue Dragon looked on as his army made their way to clash with the army of Zerros, he looked back at Razen and wondered what his plan was for killing the Phoenix as well as the gigantic army of Zerros which included a band of sorcerers who Razen had thought were all dead.

  For if it was not for these sorcerers; Razen and Zarax the Blue Dragon would have already most likely conquered Zerros with an onslaught by the army of the Blue Dragon. But as the sorcerers, which included, Astaria, Mikaelos, and Qabreal amongst others looked on and waited for their chance to attack, both Razen and Zarax had to be on the defense from their enchanted and ultra–supernatural adversaries.

  Zarax then called out to Vylkrie – the one he created to lead his army – and said, “They are trying to surround us Vylkrie, command our army to stop moving forward,” and with that, Vylkrie, the powerful leader of the army of the Blue Dragon, flew ahead of his army and shouted for them to stop and as he did so the entire diamond army as well as the four dragons stopped moving forward and came back to wait beside their creator – Zarax – and patiently waited for their next command.

  Then, as the army stood at a standstill, Zarax looked in the distance and saw the golden shine of the Phoenix, and as the Phoenix realized that Zarax was looking at her, she felt that he was somehow trying to infiltrate her mind. And as she realized that, she used her magical powers, and before Zarax realized what had happened, she entered his mind.

  Then, as she did so, Zarax’s mind went blank, and he started falling from the sky above to the ground below and as he fell, the diamond army and the four dragons, as well as Razen looked on in dismay as the one being that could kill the Phoenix came crashing down to the ground below.

  Inside the mind of Zarax – The Blue Dragon

  As Zarax flew through the portals and went from universe to universe he felt the power and the dominance to do anything that he wished, and as
he looked in the distance he saw a marvelous golden light, and as he looked closer he realized that it was Ava the Phoenix flying towards him faster than the speed of light.

  As she came closer Zarax roared, and as Ava heard him she stopped and said, “I am not here to fight you Zarax, I am here to help you.”

  “You, help me?” Zarax said as he scoffed at her.

  “Yes Zarax, believe it or not, but I do not wish to fight you,” Ava said.

  “It’s because you know that you would not survive the fight O mighty Phoenix of Zerros,” Zarax replied.

  “I am ready to die defending the universes under my protection Zarax, and I am also ready to share my rule over the universes with you if that is what you so desperately wish,” the Phoenix said to him.

  “Don’t pretend to know what I want,” Zarax said.

  “Tell me then Zarax, what is it exactly that you want from me?” the Phoenix asked.

  “I want power and command of Zerros and everything under its control including the universes and everything that exists within them,” Zarax replied.

  “Do you remember when I gave you that chance Zarax? Do you remember what you did to me and do you remember how many sorcerers you killed due to your need for power?” the Phoenix asked.

  “Yes I remember what I did, and I will do it again if I have to. Now prepare to die O Phoenix of Zerros,” Zarax replied.

  “Very well my brother, now come and kill me,” Ava said.

  Zarax then scoffed, and as he smirked he said, “I am no brother of yours O Phoenix, I killed you before, and I will kill you again,” and with those words, Zarax began his charge towards the Phoenix and as he did so, she prepared herself and expanded her majestic wings.

  Then as Zarax came closer and closer and shot shards of fire and ice towards his beloved sister from his past life, the Phoenix dodged out of the way and as she did so Zarax lunged towards her, and as he was just about to collide with her, she closed her wings and wrapped them tightly around his head, and as Zarax flew out of control within his own mind, the Phoenix held on tightly, and slowly began to take control of Zarax’s mind within his mind.

  Then, as Zarax tried to fight her off of him, he bit and clawed at her, and as she continued to hold on through the excruciating pain, she knew that she was close to achieving her goal. And then suddenly the Phoenix entered Zarax’s mind within his mind, and as she did so, the memories that Zarax had tried so hard to suppress were now released, and as the floodgates opened, it was as if Ava and Jonah were back on earth once again.


  Inside of Zarax’s mind within his mind

  “Wake up Ava, wake up they’re coming,” a voice said, and as Ava awoke she looked around in a confused state and to her surprise, she saw her brother Jonah standing in front of her with a look of panic on his face.

  As Ava tried to get up, she was unable to stand, and she was drowsy, and in her mind, she knew that Jonah was dead, but as she looked at him in her dreamy state, he looked as real as he ever did when he was alive back on earth.

  “Let’s go Ava, if they find us they’ll kill us,” Jonah shouted and as Ava heard his words she tried her best to get up, and as she did so, she stumbled and fell to the floor and as she fell forward, Jonah tried to pull her up and in the background she heard footsteps and voices coming closer and closer towards them.

  “Ava listen to me; you have to pull yourself together. We have to get out of here now, they’re getting closer,” Jonah said.

  Then as Ava stood up and looked around, Jonah grabbed her hand and began leading her away from the footsteps and voices that were headed their way, and as Ava looked around, she realized that they were back at the Denver Collective Church of Worship.

  And then suddenly a voice shouted, “I found them, they’re over here,” and as Ava looked back to her surprise she saw Dylan, the leader of the vigilantes in Denver, and within seconds the rest of his ruthless group of vigilantes came running towards Ava and Jonah with their guns drawn and firing shots towards them.

  As the hail of bullets came speeding towards them, Jonah pulled Ava along and ran around the corner just in time as the bullets crashed into the wall beside them.

  Jonah then reached inside his jacket and pulled out his gun and began firing towards the group of vigilantes and as he did so, they took a defensive position and then Dylan, the leader of the vigilantes shouted, “Give up you’re surrounded, you’re not getting out of here alive.”

  “But we didn’t do anything, why are you after us?” Jonah shouted at them.

  “That golden knight didn’t die on his own, and we were told that you were the ones who killed him and brought him to the church,” Dylan shouted back.

  “We didn’t kill him, we found him outside of our apartment and brought him here,” Ava shouted.

  “If you’re innocent then come out with your hands up, and we’ll straighten out everything,” Dylan shouted.

  Jonah and Ava then thought about it for a minute and they knew that the vigilantes were a ruthless and merciless group, and there was no way that they would give them the chance to explain themselves, and then Dylan shouted, “Decide quickly, or we’re coming after you, you have fifteen seconds,” and with that Dylan started counting down and as the countdown began Jonah and Ava knew there was only one thing to do and they quickly began running down the hallway in hopes of escaping their ruthless predators.

  As the group of vigilantes heard the footsteps, they ran towards them and started to shoot at them again and as they did so one of the bullets struck Ava in her torso. As it struck her she fell to the floor, and as she did so she used the last bit of strength she had and tried to get up and run again, and then another bullet struck her in her leg, and she collapsed to the floor.

  As she collapsed she screamed at Jonah to keep running but as he turned back to pick her up the group of vigilantes pointed their guns at her, and Dylan shouted, “Don’t make a move or she’s dead,” and with that the vigilantes surrounded Jonah and Ava, and as they made their way towards them, they handcuffed Jonah and picked up a wounded Ava and brought them to the center of the church where the dead golden knight lay on the floor and beside him were Dean, Luanne, and John who were all handcuffed and made to kneel on the floor.

  As they arrived at the center of the church the vigilantes made Jonah kneel on the floor beside his father, his mother, and John and they threw Ava down, and she hit the floor with a thud.

  “Have some compassion, she’s injured,” John shouted, but the vigilantes laughed and scoffed at him.

  “There’s no compassion left in this world, all is lost,” Dylan said to John as Ava writhed in pain on the floor and Jonah listened and contemplated on what Dylan had just said.

  “There is compassion and love, it just has to find us,” Ava said in her injured state.

  “I don’t think so, look at you, you’re bleeding to death, and no one is coming to save you. Where is the compassion? Where is the love? If this world were fair, then this wouldn’t be happening to you, but guess what? This world isn’t about love and compassion, it’s about power and greed, and evil has cast a shadow over everything in existence,” Dylan said.

  “You’re right Dylan, this world isn’t fair, and evil is everywhere but a time will come when the light of good and happiness will break through the dark shadows of evil and wickedness; and everything in existence will be happy and full of joy and bliss,” Ava replied as she focused and looked at Jonah, and somehow Jonah knew that her words were not meant for Dylan and the vigilantes, but were instead meant for him.

  “And if that day comes you will never see it,” Dylan said as he pointed his gun towards Luanne and shot her in the head and Luanne fell to the floor and instantly died as Ava, Jonah, Dean and John looked on in horror and fright.

  Next, Dylan pointed his gun towards John, and before John could plead for his life, Dylan quickly ended it with three bullets to his chest.

  Then Dylan pointed the g
un towards Dean; and Jonah shouted for him to not do it and Ava looked at Jonah and said, “This is what hate and evil make people do Jonah,” and as Ava looked on in dismay and fright, Jonah struggled to get free in order to run to his father and save him, but it was not to be as Dylan fired two shots to the back of Deans head and he fell dead to the floor and Jonah began to hysterically cry and scream.

  Then Dylan pointed his gun at Ava, and Jonah shouted for him not to do it, and as Jonah struggled to get free Ava looked at him almost as if she knew what came next and said, “Always choose good Jonah, and never let evil overtake you, I love you so much my brother,” and just as her sentence was finished, Dylan pulled the trigger three times and fired towards Ava’s head, and she instantly died as Jonah watched in utter shock and despair.

  “Noooo!” Jonah screamed, “Why are you doing this to us?”

  And before Dylan could answer, he and the rest of the vigilantes looked behind Jonah towards the main door of the church, and they began to run in the opposite direction and as Jonah wondered what they were running from they all froze in mid–stride and were unable to move.

  Then as Jonah looked back he was unsure of who this strange looking being was and asked, “Who are you?”

  “My child, my name is Razen, and I have come to help you,” Razen said as he walked closer to Jonah.

  As Razen approached him, Jonah felt the evil that followed him and asked, “Why do you want to help me?”

  “I want to show you the truth Jonah, and I want you to see the lies that she is trying to put in your mind,” Razen replied pointing towards Ava.

  “Can you please help her? Can you please help them all?” Jonah asked as he sobbed.

  “For you my child, I will do anything. I will even bring them back to life,” Razen said and then suddenly Luanne, John, Dean, and Ava all came back to life and stood up as Jonah and the vigilantes looked on in complete astonishment and disbelief.


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