Home > Other > THE DRAGON AND THE PHOENIX > Page 13

by Shoraz

  As the Dragon and the Phoenix fought, the Phoenix saw a chance at ending the battle and taking control of Zarax. And as she tried to wrap her wings around his face he managed to grab hold of one of her wings with his powerful jaws and clenched down on it as the Phoenix scowled in severe pain.

  Then using his powerful jaws, Zarax flung the Phoenix to the ground, and as she violently landed, he pounced upon her and stood above her and roared in her face. And then to the dismay of the army of Zerros and the sorcerers and those that remained of the seven survivors from earth, Zarax sprang forward and bit into the neck of the Phoenix as she squealed in severe and unimaginable pain from the potent bite of the Blue Dragon.

  Then, as the Phoenix fought back with whatever strength she had left, she somehow managed to push Zarax off of her, and as she did so Zarax once again lunged at her, and using all of his strength he went in for the kill shot in hopes of ending the life of the ruler of Zerros and claiming the throne for himself, and Razen the evil sorcerer.

  Meanwhile, as the battle for Zerros raged on, Mikaelos had just finished killing a few soldiers of the diamond army and just as he finished killing one of them, a fellow sorcerer yelled to him, “Mikaelos look, he’s chanting a spell,” and as Mikaelos looked in the direction to where the sorcerer was pointing, he saw Razen chanting a spell that was undoubtedly evil.

  Upon seeing that, Mikaelos then used his otherworldly powers and quickly made his way to Razen before he could complete the deadly spell, and as he did so, he used his magical powers and fired his magic upon Razen. Then, just as Razen saw him, he stopped chanting his spell and fired his magic back at Mikaelos, and the two powerful sorcerers stood facing each other as their mystical powers collided between them.

  “Why Razen? Why are you doing this?” Mikaelos shouted as he fired his magic towards the evil sorcerer – Razen.

  “Because I want control of everything,” Razen yelled at Mikaelos.

  Then, to the surprise of Mikaelos, and to the shock of Razen, a band of soldiers from the army of Zerros came running towards Razen, and as they shot their arrows towards him and readied their swords in hopes of plunging it into Razen and ending his life of evil, Razen focused his attention on them. And then, in that split second as Mikaelos saw that Razen was distracted, he fired a spell of magic towards his head, and as it hit Razen, he fell backwards to the ground.

  Then, as Razen looked around he saw as Mikaelos was running towards him ready to unleash his magical powers, and he also saw the small band of Zerrosians making their way towards him, and as he saw his master plan to control Zerros and the plethora of universes and life forms under its control flash before his eyes, he knew that he was as close as he would ever get to victory, and in confusion and with the fear of losing what he had waited so long for flashed before him, he quickly summoned his evil creation – Zarax – to save him from an almost certain death.

  And then, just as Zarax was about to strike his final bite into the neck of the Phoenix, he felt Razen’s plea for help and as he felt Razen summon him, he looked back towards him. And as he saw Mikaelos and the small band of Zerrosians running towards Razen, he quickly flew up to the skies, and in an instant he made his way towards Razen and stood in front of him and mightily roared as Mikaelos and the small band of Zerrosians stopped running towards Razen and looked on in awe and fear of Zarax.

  Then without a moment of hesitation, Zarax fired shards of ice and fire and the small band of Zerrosians put up their shields to protect themselves but their defense was of no use against the power of Zarax, and in an instant, the small band of Zerrosians disintegrated into nothing.

  Zarax then focused his attention on Mikaelos, and as he shot ice and fire at him, Mikaelos put a shield around himself and used everything in his arsenal to protect himself from the powerful Blue Dragon. And then, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Razen slowly walking towards him, and he could hear him conjuring a spell of death, and he knew that only the mercy of the One Great Creator could save him now.

  Meanwhile, back on the ground below, Vylkrie and Alkazar continued their fight against each other, and as their swords clashed, Vylkrie managed to get one of his hands free and grabbed Alkazar’s hand, and just as he raised his sword to slice it through the hand of Alkazar, Max came out of nowhere and slammed into Vylkrie.

  And as he did so, Vylkrie’s sword fell out of his hand and Alkazar quickly pounced upon this advantageous position, and as Vylkrie lunged at Max, Alkazar sliced his sword through the back of Vylkrie’s neck, and he fell to the ground in death as his army looked on in shock. But nevertheless, they continued their fight against the army of Zerros with one goal in mind – kill every single Zerrosian.

  Meanwhile, on the ground on the outskirts of the Grand Castle, the magical Phoenix lay on the ground, and as she opened her eyes and looked around, she saw the army of the Blue Dragon continuing their decimation of the army of Zerros.

  And in the distance, she saw Mikaelos shielding himself from the power of Zarax, and with the last bit of strength she had in her injured and battered body she began to make her way up and began to fly towards Zarax and Razen in hopes of helping Mikaelos, and killing Zarax.

  As the battle continued on the ground below, Max saw Vylkrie’s sword laying on the ground, and he quickly ran and grabbed it, and as he did so he felt a strange sensation course through his body, and as he grasped the sword and held it tightly, he waited for his chance to use it upon his enemies.

  Then, out of the corner of his eye, Max spotted one of the sorcerers fighting on the ground, and as he wielded Vylkrie’s sword he made his way towards the sorcerer, and he used his newfound sword to kill those that were fighting against his ally. He then said to the sorcerer, “Take me to the Phoenix, she needs my help.”

  Then without hesitation, the sorcerer teleported herself and Max to the outskirts of the Grand Castle, and just as the Phoenix was about to takeoff to the skies in her incapacitated and wounded state, and head towards Razen and Zarax, in order to finish the battle of Zerros once and for all, Max latched onto her and as she took flight they were both now headed straight towards Razen and Zarax.

  Then as Razen slowly made his way towards Mikaelos ready to kill him, he saw the Phoenix flying towards them carrying Max, and in Max’s hand, he saw the sword of Vylkrie.

  As Razen saw the Phoenix coming towards them, he quickly fired a spot of magic towards Mikaelos, and Mikaelos fell to the ground as Zarax looked on as the Phoenix was heading towards him. Then, Razen began to make his way to the portals, but before he did so, he shouted to Zarax, “This is why I created you, now go and kill the Phoenix of Zerros, and glory and power will be ours.”

  And with those words, Zarax obliged to the commands of Razen, the one who created him with the magic of pure evil and hate, and Zarax looked towards the Phoenix and with a mighty roar he began flying towards her with the intent of ending her majestic life.

  And on the other side, as the Phoenix and Max made their way towards Zarax, she loudly shrieked, and everyone looked on as they continued to fight in the battle for Zerros, as Zarax the Dragon and Ava the Phoenix headed towards each other at blazing speeds, on a collision course, as death waited in the shadows for them.


  As Jinnack ran into the Grand Castle in an attempt to escape from the actions of his deceitful and evil deeds, he was chased by Shonar, Sevki, and Galtra; and as they ran through the halls of the now empty Grand Castle they all wanted to capture Jinnack, to not only bring him to justice, but also to ask him why he led his crew in the attack against the Phoenix.

  As they ran after him through the majestic castle, they followed Jinnack’s every move, and as Jinnack realized that he had nowhere to go and was cornered, he turned to face the three covert sentinels and brandished his sword in anticipation of their attack on him.

  “What are you doing Jinnack? What madness has overtaken you and caused you to attack the true ruler of Zerros,” Sevki asked.
r />   “Now is not the time for questions Sevki, leave me and let me return to Razen and Zarax and I will spare your lives,” Jinnack said.

  “You know that we cannot do that Jinnack,” Shonar replied.

  “Then prepare to die,” Jinnack said as he charged towards them, and as he did so, he pondered back to the first time that he met Razen and he wondered how a meeting that initially started off with the good intentions of helping Razen the tortured sorcerer escape his life of captivity and confinement at the hands of Venetia, ended up being a promise and a pledge to help Razen the evil sorcerer in his immoral and wicked quest to rule Zerros and everything in existence.

  Flashback: Jinnack meeting Razen for the first time

  As the door to Razen’s cell of imprisonment slammed open, Razen fearfully scampered to the corner of the dark room as he had always done in order to make the royal guards think that he was actually scared and frightened of them. When in reality, Razen was simply deceiving and misleading them all, including Venetia, as he patiently waited for the Phoenix to return to Zerros so that he may unleash the mighty Blue Dragon upon her and kill her once and for all.

  “Do not fear my friend, it is I – Jinnack,” Jinnack said to Razen in hopes of quelling his fears and making him feel at ease.

  Upon hearing Jinnack’s name, Razen secretly smiled on the inside and then said to Jinnack, “Thank goodness it’s you, Asche has told me so much about you, and I am glad to finally meet you O brave soldier of Zerros.”

  As Jinnack looked at Razen he was in shock to see the state that Razen was in and said to him, “Razen – what can I do to help you? Are you ready to escape? If so I will do my best to gather my clan and help you.”

  “Thank you for your offer Jinnack but if I escape I will be hunted and killed by Venetia, and on top of that I doubt that you have the keys to unlock the shackles that bound my hands and eyes,” Razen said.

  “I will not let that stop me from saving you Razen; I can’t leave you like this,” Jinnack said.

  “I will not put your life in danger to save me Jinnack as that is unfair to you. Now go as they will grow suspicious if you stay any longer, but promise me that you will return to see me soon, and remember to keep our friendship a secret as the spies of Venetia are everywhere,” Razen said.

  “I promise that I will return to help you my friend, this I assure you,” Jinnack said as he opened the door and exited Razen’s cell.

  As Jinnack left and returned back to his clan, he pondered upon Razen and knew that he had to help him escape his life of imprisonment. Then, after what seemed like days passed by, Jinnack and Asche again planned for Jinnack to visit Razen and just as before, as Jinnack entered his cell Razen cowered in a corner and then as he heard Jinnack’s voice he stood up and greeted his newfound ally.

  “You have returned, just as you said you would my friend,” Razen said to Jinnack.

  “I will do everything that I can to help you my friend,” Jinnack said.

  “Are you sure that you are ready to do this Jinnack? Are you ready to give your life to help me?” Razen asked.

  “Yes I am Razen, I will help you, and one day we will together make Venetia pay for what she has done to you,” Jinnack said.

  “Do you trust me Jinnack?” Razen asked.

  “Of course I do Razen,” Jinnack answered.

  “Then if you trust me, go back to your clan and gather a small army of those who you genuinely trust,” Razen said.

  “Why Razen? What is your plan?” Jinnack asked.

  “Have patience Jinnack, I feel your trust in me, and I sense the allegiance that you have for me. Do not lose faith in me and one day I will give you powers beyond anything that you can or will ever achieve on your own,” Razen said.

  As Jinnack heard Razen’s words, he listened closely and wondered what powers Razen would grant him, and as his mind wandered, Razen sensed what went through his mind. And as he did so, he knew without a doubt that Jinnack was the one who would be his eyes and ears on the outside of his cell of confinement and would be the one who would let him know when the Phoenix finally made her majestic return to the Realm of Zerros.

  Then as Razen sat in his cell, he knew that his master plan was slowly coming together, and under his breath, he said, “My child, the time will soon come where your wrath will devour everything,” as he thought of his evil creation – Zarax the Blue Dragon.

  Meanwhile, as Jinnack left Razen and made his way out of the Grand Castle and back to his clan, he felt a sense of excitement due to what Razen had just told him, and what started off as a goodwill gesture to help someone in need of assistance, had now unknowingly turned into a plan to spread the wrath of evil throughout the universes, and also help Razen and Zarax become the rulers of Zerros and everything in existence.

  As Jinnack’s flashback ended, he was jolted back to reality and as he looked forward and charged towards Sevki, Galtra, and Shonar; he knew what he had to do in order to get his magnificent reward from Razen and Zarax.

  The end of the flashback of Jinnack meeting Razen for the first time

  “Be careful my friends, he is a skilled warrior,” Shonar said to Galtra and Sevki as Jinnack ran towards them and as their swords clashed the three covert sentinels had their hands full as Jinnack skillfully fought against them.

  As they battled, Shonar sliced his sword towards Jinnack, and as he did so, Jinnack blocked it with his sword and swiftly kicked Shonar to the ground as he ducked out of the way as Galtra and Sevki wielded their swords around him.

  Then, as Galtra struck her sword towards Jinnack, she hit him, and Jinnack winced in pain and stepped back from the fight.

  “You cannot win this fight against the three of us Jinnack,” Sevki said to him, “Give up now and face justice.”

  As Jinnack heard those words, he looked at his wound that he just suffered by the sword of Galtra. And as he looked at the three covert sentinels who were slowly making their way forward towards him he realized that his reward from Razen of being a ruler of his very own universe was not to be. And as those thoughts wandered through his head, he raised his sword, and as the three covert sentinels saw that, they prepared for his attack.

  But to their surprise, as he raised his sword, he plunged it into his neck, and as his life slowly left his body, he knew that this was his only choice as he was unable to fathom the thought of being brought to justice and the shame and dishonor that would accompany it.

  But right before he died, a thought of regret went through his head, and he wondered how something that started off so good and pure ended up being so evil and deceitful. And it was at that point that he realized that the evil and greed that lay within him got the better of him, and to his disappointment, his inner battle of good versus evil had been won by the side of evil.


  As the battle raged on the ground below, Zarax the Blue Dragon heard the command from Razen and saw his opportunity and took off to the skies of Zerros and began making his way towards the battered and injured Phoenix that he was ever so close to killing before Razen had earlier summoned him.

  As he flew towards her, the Phoenix saw him approaching, and as she looked around, her army was being decimated by the diamond army as well as the four dragons. Then as the Phoenix made her way in the skies above Zerros to valiantly do battle against the Blue Dragon, she knew that she had no choice but to fight him.

  But she also knew that this was almost the end as she was using her last bit of strength in hopes that she would emerge victorious and bring happiness and joy to everything in existence. In her mind there was a sense of trepidation as she knew that Max was on her back, ready to give his life, in hopes of seeing good overcome evil. And although she knew that Max did not have anything near the powers that she and the Blue Dragon had, she was glad that he chose to help her and she somehow felt that his love for her would in some way help her through this great ordeal in the fight against the Blue Dragon whose soul once existed in her bro
ther Jonah back on earth.

  As she raced in the skies towards Zarax, she remembered those that she loved, and as she thought of her mother, her father, Jonah and also her eternal friend John, she knew that she had no choice but to kill the Blue Dragon so that their deaths would not be in vain.

  Then, as she looked back at Max he smiled at her, and as their eyes met, she was glad to have the love of her life by her side in what was surely a universe–altering and life changing battle against her arch enemy that was destined to have eternal and everlasting ramifications for everything in existence.

  Upon seeing the Phoenix coming towards him, the Blue Dragon roared, and it echoed throughout Zerros. As the Phoenix heard the mighty roar of Zarax, she shrieked in response to show Zarax that she was ready for the ultimate fight of her life as the two majestic creatures barreled towards each other with the fate of Zerros as well as the fate of everything in existence within the inconceivable Realm of Creation hanging in the balance.

  As they flew towards each other at blazing speeds, Max sat upon the back of the Phoenix with the diamond sword of Vylkrie in his hand ready to pierce it through the Blue Dragon and bring victory to the Phoenix and the side of good.

  “Get me closer and I’ll kill the Dragon,” Max said to the Phoenix as he held the sword in his hand, and as they got closer and closer to the majestic Blue Dragon, Max began to raise his sword in preparation of his imminent attack on Zarax.

  Meanwhile, on the ground below, Sarah looked at the skies above hoping that her beloved Phoenix would somehow find a way to defeat her powerful foe and deep inside she wished that it was her with the diamond sword in her hand ready to fight the Blue Dragon alongside her eternal friend – the Phoenix.


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