Alien Revelation

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Alien Revelation Page 5

by Nicole Krizek

  Onalee shook her head. “Not often, no. We have an apartment there, but Forkan usually uses it by himself when he’s working. I stay at our country home, which is where I prefer to be. Talavera is nice to visit, but it’s too crowded for my taste. I prefer the quiet solitude of the country.”

  Conall wasn’t sure what to say to that. He completely agreed with her. Invergordon (hardly considered more than a small town, even by Earth’s standards) had been the largest city he’d ever lived in, but even that was too big for him. Onalee interrupted the silence.

  “How is Oliver adjusting to the move?”

  Conall gave a soft laugh. “He’s handling it the best out of everyone.”

  She smiled. “I hear that children are quite resilient.”

  “Oh, aye. He’s taken to this new life like a bird to flight.”

  “Has he begun school?”

  “Not yet. Someone came a few days ago to set up his virtual classroom, so I guess he can start anytime.”

  She looked at him for a silent moment as if she could read his mind, or knew what he wasn’t saying.

  “Are you apprehensive about him starting school?”

  His eyes went to Oliver, then back to the lovely lady at his side. Conall wasn’t one to share his burdens, especially to someone he just met, but there was something in Onalee’s expression that urged him to open up and answer honestly.

  “Aye. He’s going to have a lot of catching up to do, and I’m not going to be much help.”

  Her gaze traveled to Oliver. “I could tutor him,” she offered. “I learned via a digital classroom when I was a child, and did just fine. I’m familiar with the technology, and would be glad to help.”

  Conall shook his head. “That’ll take up too much of your time. I’m sure your husband won’t be happy about that.”

  Her brows knit in confusion. “My husband?”

  “Oh, sorry. I meant, your mate.” Conall gestured to Forkan, and her eyes went wide in understanding. She shook her head.

  “You misunderstand, Forkan is my brother. I am unmated.”

  Those three words made Conall’s mouth go dry. I am unmated. How was that possible? She was gorgeous, sweet, a pleasure to be around… Conall cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry if we did not make that clear from the beginning,” she continued. “I have plenty of free time to commit to helping Oliver. It would be my pleasure.”

  Her pleasure? No. Certainly it would be his to have this woman around. To help Oliver, of course, not for him.

  “I would really appreciate that,” Conall answered. “God knows we can use all of the help we can get.”


  “You did wonderfully today,” Forkan told Onalee once they were alone in their transport and headed home. “The family seemed taken with you, especially the Sirilian’s brother-in-law. He may be our way to get closer to the family.”

  Forkan’s phrasing was strange to Onalee. She’d enjoyed her time with the MacLeod family; Conall in particular. He was an intriguing male with many wonderful qualities. Not to mention the fact that he was physically attractive—the foreignness of his pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes which reminded her of a clear afternoon. She would have happily stayed at their house all day, just casually interacting with him and his family.

  Conall had made her feel at ease when they’d talked, and she’d enjoyed their moments alone. She’d talked to him because she’d wanted to; not because Forkan had instructed her to do so.

  “I enjoyed the afternoon,” she told her brother.

  Forkan didn’t reply, but instead took out his small handheld tablet and began scrolling through the screen. He was probably checking his messages, but there was something she needed to tell him before they got home and he ensconced himself in his office with Stigus.

  “I have offered to tutor Oliver.”

  The statement startled Forkan. He looked up from the tablet, a strange look of surprise on his face. “The child? Why?”

  “Because he moved here from another planet, and will be far behind in his studies. I believe that I can help him.”

  Forkan scoffed, and looked back at the small device. “That does not seem like a worthy way to spend your time.”

  Onalee knew that she needed to tread lightly. If Forkan didn’t approve and told her no, she’d have a difficult time changing his mind. She knew her brother better than anyone. If she wanted his approval for this, she’d need to convince the business side of him: the side that was always working towards a goal.

  “I think that my presence in that house will benefit us.”

  He looked back at her with curiosity. “How so?”

  Now she was getting somewhere.

  “The more familiar I am with their family, the greater my chances of improving our relationship with the Sirilians. As they make their technology available for purchase, I’ll be there to find out, and possibly secure it for Cormikan Industries before it’s available to competing markets.”

  “Competing markets” meaning anything other than the search for their genetic cure. Forkan looked at everything else as second to their fight to find a cure to their reproduction problems. Onalee agreed that it was incredibly important, but so was food and energy production. It was a long-standing argument between the two of them, and one that she was not keen on repeating.

  Forkan was quiet while he contemplated her words.

  “That may be a good idea.” He softened and pulled her into a side-hug. “But you know I like you home when I get there, Lea. I miss your company when I’m in the city.”

  She offered him a smile. “I know, Forkan. I won’t be gone all of the time. Just a couple hours here and there. You probably won’t even notice my absence.”

  “Alright, but don’t grow too close to them.” He pulled away from her and put his face back into his tablet. “Who knows how long they’ll stay on Arath.”

  The comment was strange, but Onalee was too excited to dwell on it. She’d be going back to the MacLeod’s house soon, getting to spend time with Conall and his son. It was a rare opportunity for her.

  Not to mention that for the first time, she’d have a reason to get out of the house.


  “Da’… do we have to go?” Oliver whined for the dozenth time. Conall said a small prayer for patience, and adjusted his son’s tie.

  “Aye, we’re all going.”

  “But why? What’s so important? And why do we have to wear our church clothes?”

  Another deep breath for patience. “We’re wearing this because it’s not every day we get to meet a royal family.”

  “And because Grandma Clare said we have to,” Oliver added.

  Conall smirked. “That too. Do you want to be the one who disobeys her?”

  Oliver shook his head. “Not me.”

  “Me either. Now, on with your jacket and shoes or we’ll be late.”

  Conall grabbed his own suit coat and smoothed down his tie. They’d received an invitation that morning to have dinner with the royal trio, and although he suspected the family would meet them eventually, since they were good friends with Karo and Aevum, it was still something to be nervous about. He didn’t meet royalty every day.

  “Can I take my tablet?” Oliver asked hopefully.


  His face fell and shoulders slumped, almost comically.

  Conall knew that an entire evening full of nothing but polite conversation and best manners were torture for a ten-year-old boy, but he also needed to learn to suck it up. They’d all be uncomfortable in their suit coats and ties, trying to remember which utensil to use at dinner.

  “Karo and Aevum will be there,” Conall added, to hopefully lift Oliver’s spirits. “And I hear that the trio lives in a palace. Maybe we can get a tour?”

  It worked. Oliver brightened and slung on his coat. They were out the door in the next minute, and met the family in the garage. They loaded into the largest transport, and it automatically sped off tow
ards the royal estate. It was a short trip, since their property bordered the royals’.

  “Whoa,” Oliver murmured with his face pressed against the window. Conall agreed. Whoa. And here he thought their new house was huge. This made their mansion look downright homey. The palace was several stories high, had multiple wings, and large outbuildings. And that was just what they could see from the circular driveway!

  The transport stopped in front of an older man, who stood waiting for them. He opened the door and bowed.

  “Welcome to the Royal Summer Palace. I’m Palavi, and am happy to show you inside.”

  Clare climbed out first, Artair at her heel.

  “Thank you. My goodness, what a home!” she exclaimed.

  Palavi smiled broadly. He nodded politely to each of the other family members as they exited. “Yes, madam, it’s quite impressive,” he agreed.

  “All of this for three people?” Artair asked.

  “Not exactly, Mr. MacLeod. Along with the Princess and Princes, we have a household staff of twenty, and a contingent of Royal Guards who live on-site. Occasionally we also have the two younger Princesses, Queen, and Kings in residence.”

  “I didn’t know Jayda had sisters,” Ashlyn remarked.

  “Yes, madam,” Palavi answered. “Torei and Tolani are her younger twin sisters. Now, if you’d follow me, I’ll escort you inside.”

  Palavi led them down the path and into the palace. The inside was simple and elegant, not like the royal homes Conall had seen pictures of back home on Earth. The entry and hallways they traversed weren’t gilded in gold, or decorated with plaster. These were adorned with colorful art, most of which were landscapes of places Conall didn’t recognize. He assumed they were photos taken on Arath.

  They heard voices up ahead, and entered a comfortable room that was more intimate than others they’d seen. This one looked lived-in. Inside were Karo, Aevum, two Arathians, and a blonde man whom Conall assumed was Lukas. They all stood as the family entered.

  “Thank you, Palavi,” Jayda acknowledged as she stood.

  “We’re so glad you could come!” Aevum exclaimed.

  She came forward and gave Ashlyn a hug, followed by Reus, and Clare. Introductions were made, and Conall found the trio to be warm and inviting. They were like normal people, not what he expected rulers of an entire planet to be like. It was also surprising to have one of the most powerful people on an alien world be from Earth. Although by the looks of him, Lukas seemed like he could take care of business, and himself.

  “How are you settling in to your home?” Jayda asked as they all took seats.

  Clare answered, “Oh, just fine. You know, there’s a lot of work to be done, but I think that’s normal with any new house.” She paused to look around the room. “How long have you lived here?”

  “This home has been in my family for several generations. It was my parent’s favorite estate, so I spent the majority of my childhood here, until I went away to school.”

  Deian continued, “It surprised us all when Jayda’s parents decided to use one of the other palaces as their primary residence and give us this one.”

  “You have more houses like this?” Oliver asked in awe.

  Jayda nodded. “We do, but this has always been my favorite.”

  “How come?” Oliver persisted.

  “I like that it’s outside of the city, and that we’re surrounded by a large area of wilderness. It gives us the illusion of seclusion.”

  “Why do you say it’s an illusion?” Ashlyn asked.

  Jayda smiled and gestured around herself. “We have a household staff and Guards stationed here, so someone is always within ear shot.”

  Conall saw Deian smirk and seem to be holding in a laugh. Obviously they’d had incidents in the past with privacy. If the three of them were anything like the mated couples, trios, and quartets he’d seen during his time on the Adastra, it was no wonder. Arathians were more open about public displays of affection than Earthers were.

  Clare suddenly jumped in her seat. “Oh! I nearly forgot that congratulations are in order! How are you feeling, dearie?”

  Jayda’s smile became radiant, and both men at her side took her hands. “Thank you. I’m feeling better than I was. Those first few weeks were rough.”

  Clare nodded in understanding. “I remember when I was pregnant. With Conall it wasn’t so bad, but with Ashlyn I felt like death warmed over. If I’d had her first, I never would have had a second.”

  “Thanks, Mum,” Ashlyn muttered from an adjoining sofa.

  Conall chuckled. They’d all heard a dozen times about how much Ashlyn had made their mother sick. He had a theory that even in the womb Ashlyn was a problem just waiting to happen. But he’d never tell her that. Well… he would… just not in front of strangers.

  From behind where Conall sat, a male’s voice intruded.

  “Please excuse me for interrupting. Lukas, may I have a word?”

  The voice slid down Conall’s spine. It was a deep baritone that made him think of darkened bedrooms and wandering hands.

  What the actual fuck?!

  No man’s voice had ever had that effect on him before. Conall was both dreading, and dying to, turn around and see the person that voice belonged to.

  “Can it wait?” Lukas asked.

  “No, my Prince, I’m afraid it can’t. But I’ll only take a moment of your time,” the male answered.

  Conall shivered—actually, fucking shivered—just from the sound of that voice.

  His eyes flew around the room to see if anyone else was having the same reaction as him. To his disappointment, they weren’t. Everyone was sitting politely, waiting for the conversation to resume. No one looked uneasy or unsettled like him. No one looked like their heart was going to beat out of their chests… like his was.

  When his gaze circled back, he belatedly noticed that Lukas had left his seat. Conall turned around, and barely caught the two men as they left the room side by side, heading down the nearest hall and out of earshot. But even that short glimpse was enough to know that the Arathian male had been much taller, and much broader, than Lukas. Conall was surprised to find himself disappointed that he hadn’t gotten a better look.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “That’s Brogan, a lieutenant in the Royal Guard,” Deian explained to the group. “He’s always looking out for us.” He took Jayda’s hand, and she gave him a tight smile.

  Brogan. Now Conall had a name to go with the voice and broad back.

  “Have the threats become more serious?” Karo asked.

  “What threats?” Clare added. “Has someone been threatening you?”

  Jayda sighed. “There are some who are… unhappy… that Lukas will be their High King, since he is not native to our planet.”

  Deian continued, “It started out as simple protests, but they’ve grown more aggressive since the coronation is drawing near.”

  “There are always going to be people who disagree with what we do,” Jayda added towards her mate before turning to address the rest of them. “In no way do I mind people protesting peacefully, or making their feelings known. What one specific group is doing is more serious than that.”

  “You don’t think they’d actually hurt Lukas, do you?” Aevum asked, concern lacing her words.

  Deian’s expression turned pained. “It’s a possibility.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me,” Lukas corrected as he walked into the room with Brogan at his side. “There are dozens of people whose profession it is to make sure that doesn’t happen. The best of the best.” He walked over and kissed Deian’s temple. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Deian retorted.

  Conall didn’t like the thought of the royal family being in danger. In the very short time he’d been exposed to the Arathians and their world, he’d heard nothing but positive things said about the trio. What Conall disliked even more was the way his eyes d
rank in his first good view of Brogan.

  Conall’s initial thought had been correct: the male was taller and broader than most Arathians he’d seen. He nearly dwarfed Lukas, who was not a slight man.

  His clothing did nothing to make him seem more inviting: black and dark grey, from his form-fitting t-shirt, down to his boots; a weapon at his hip, and a forearm encased in some sort of technology. Add in the bulges of muscle that his clothes only seemed to enhance, and the male looked like a walking weapon.

  Even Brogan’s face was rough-hewn. He had an angular jaw, cropped hair that was only slightly longer on the top of his head, and piercing dark green eyes, which roamed over everyone seated… including Conall.

  He tried not to react as Brogan’s eyes settled on him.

  Conall watched the green orbs slide down and up his body, before locking onto his face. Conall had no idea what expression he wore, but the corner of Brogan’s mouth lifted into a half smile, before he bowed his head to Conall in a polite greeting. Conall reciprocated in what he hoped was a causal, (my straight world is being rocked by an attractive same-gendered otherworlder) no-big-deal gesture.

  Nope, there was nothing strange happening today. Nothing that would cause a grown man to ask himself what the hell was going on inside his own mind—and his body.

  Am I getting hard? Conall turned forward in his seat, and glanced down as casually as possible to check his own crotch. No tenting.

  Thank God! How would be ever be able to explain that to his son, who was sitting right next to him.

  Finally, some snippet of the conversation lodged in Conall’s frazzled mind.

  “So far the threats have all been aimed at Lukas. We’re fairly certain that’s because he’s from Earth,” Jayda explained.

  “No matter the reason, I refuse to hide away because there are nut-cases out there,” Lukas stated.

  “You could at least start carrying a weapon again,” Karo suggested. “I’m sure your skills have not diminished too badly since you left Earth.”

  Lukas nodded in agreement. “Thanks, Karo. I’ll take that under advisement.”

  Conall was just about to ask how serious the danger was, when Palavi entered the room. “Everyone, lunch is served,” he said with a bow.


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