Vampire's Pet

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Vampire's Pet Page 11

by amy o'connor

  “Yes,” he agreed, his eyes somehow heating up. “And I love that about you. Wouldn’t want to change it.” He smiled wickedly, his fangs showing. “But I think you’ll find you have some other…ah…urges now.”

  He was right too. She wasn’t scared of him anymore. No, that wasn’t quite it. She was no longer afraid he’d hurt her. Her earlier flight had been instinctual, before her brain had kicked in. Todd was back to playing the predator again. She was very aware he was stalking her, gradually inching his way closer when he thought she wasn’t looking. Yet the whole idea was…

  Her body cried out for him. she could hear her own blood now, feel every individual cell as it rushed through her veins, gradually collecting and pooling between her legs. She could hear his blood too. And it didn’t take any of her newly-discovered vampire senses to see the growing bulge of his cock as it pushed at his trousers. She could even smell his arousal.

  Almost as if he was aware of the heat that was building up inside her, Todd slithered another step closer. Only a few more feet and he’d have her trapped. Her womb clenched and she felt a gush of moisture between her legs. Todd hadn’t provided panties when he’d dressed her and his flaring nostrils told her he knew all about her body’s response.

  She’d liked him when she’d thought he was human, trusted him too. Now, she positively burned for him. Did she get little black flames in her eyes when she was turned on? And she was turned on. The heat building up under her skin was almost unbearable.

  It wasn’t just the regular five senses that had been affected by the change, she found. Her sexual needs had changed too. They were stronger. Much stronger. Right now she wanted to fuck. Actually she wanted him to fuck her. She was still an independent modern woman, however, so she was going to make him work for it. And the thrill of the hunt, she was sure, would work both ways.

  Before Todd could get within arms reach she turned on the ball of her foot and launched herself past him, running for all she was worth. Todd blocked the stairs so she spun around him, darting down the hall beside them and through the open door at the far end. Lack of lighting didn’t bother her anymore and she skidded across the polished wooden floor without pausing. It was a small library with floor length curtains covering the windows at the far end. She aimed towards them. If she was lucky they’d lead to French doors and a veranda. Outside, she’d be able to run so much further.

  There was no sound of pursuit coming from behind her and she hesitated a second before yanking the curtains open, the rattle of the timber curtain rings loud in the otherwise-silent house. Still no sound of pursuit. Had she misread him?

  Gwen reached for the handle of the closest of the doors. The brass was cool against her overheated skin and she lingered a second, running her fingers sinuously around it, the few tiny imperfections in the metal clear to her touch. Where was he? She stared at the glass. Only her own reflection stared back. If nothing else, the cooler air outside might help cool her libido. She pushed the lever down and swung the door wide.

  Her heart stuttered as a shadow loomed up in front of her. A single beam of moonlight streaked across the veranda, even with her enhanced vision the rest was lost in darkness. The shadow stepped into the light before her eyes could adjust to the darkness. Moonlight gleamed on black flames where his eyes should have been. Slowly, he smiled.

  Gwen shivered. The smile didn’t detract from the sense of sheer power surrounding him, it simply served to remind her that he was a predator, and he was in his element.

  And thank goodness for that!

  The heat pooling between her legs grew and she felt her nipples scraping to attention against the soft lace.

  “Going somewhere?” he queried, his voice silken.

  She licked her lip nervously, wondering if she dared… He glided a few feet towards her and she scurried backwards, her hand fisting in the curtains beside the doorway.

  Before he could slide any closer, she made the decision. She was a predator too now, albeit a very new one. And women through millennia, she knew, had preyed on men. They just weren’t quite so obvious about what they were doing as the often-larger, apparently more powerful, males of the species. Human or vampire, she could lure her prey to her. She didn’t have to chase it down.

  She dared.

  Heart pounding in excitement, Gwen jerked the curtains closed in his face before fleeing aback the way she’d come. In an ideal world she might even make it right up the stairs and as far as the bedroom. If not, there were plenty of sensual possibilities along the way.

  Behind her, there was a muffled oath, followed by the sound of curtains being torn from their rails. She hit the stairs running, unable to hide the grin that spread across her face. She could hear his longer strides pounding after her. Apparently he’d thrown stealth to the wind in his effort to catch her.

  Gwen took the second flight of stairs two at a time, exulting in the easy way her body responded to her brain’s commands. She vaulted the banister at the top and began the final sprint along the hall, laughing with the sheer joy of effortless movement. His footsteps were catching up with her now, she could feel the vibrations from his running flowing through the soles of her feet. Gwen loved these new vampire senses. She was close enough to the bedroom door to risk a glance back over her shoulder to judge just how close he was.

  Before she could take in the fact that the hall was empty, she barreled headfirst into his unyielding body. How on earth had he managed to get in front of her again? Not that it really mattered. The arms holding her hard against his chest could have been steel chains for all the movement they allowed her. She was right where she wanted to be — not that he needed to know that just yet. Carefully, she turned her head so she could look into his face.

  He bared his fangs and repeated his earlier question. “Going somewhere?”

  Gwen tugged experimentally against his arms. Nothing happened. “Um. No?”

  Todd’s mouth twitched. “Didn’t think so.”

  His hands slid down her arms, his fingers massaging gentle circles against her skin. Each deft movement sent a fresh spurt of liquid heat shooting through her. She tried to squirm away, only to find his hands again clamping her immovably in place.

  “With any other woman, human or vampire,” he told her conversationally, “I’d not only be able to read her thoughts but to control them to. You’d do whatever I told you to do.”

  As he spoke, Gwen found herself nudged gradually closer to the wall. One more step and her back was hard up against it. Her wrists were anchored above her head and one of his knees held her legs spread. She hadn’t even seen him take that final step, had no idea how she’d ended up so neatly pinned in place.

  Todd braced his weight on his hands, slowly lowering himself until his mouth was a whisper from hers. He smirked as she shivered, uselessly trying to edge away from the cold timber at her back. The filmy lace of the nightgown was no protection from the icy fingers that were trying to compete with the heat he was generating.

  “As I was saying,” he continued. “You are somewhat more challenging than usual.”

  “And that fascinates you, doesn’t it?” she said breathlessly.

  He leaned even closer. His shirt brushed over her already-aroused nipples, rubbing a fraction harder each word he spoke. “Yes. It does. I wouldn’t want you so desperately if it didn’t.”

  Gwen shuddered, screaming silently. It was nearly impossible to concentrate with him crowding her like this. How long could she possible survive this subtle torture? She wanted him now!

  Her thoughts were interrupted as she suddenly found herself released. The freedom was brief however, and before she could take advantage of it — did she even want to any more? — he’d slung her over his shoulder and carted her inelegantly down the hall. The world spun dizzyingly for a few seconds and she hadn’t quite oriented herself to hanging upside down when she found herself unceremoniously dropped face down onto her bed.

  At last!

  The sensati
on of something hard wrapping around her wrists jerked her from contemplation of what would happen next. Even as Todd drew his belt tight around her arms, he pulled them ruthlessly above her head, threading the ends through the slats of the bed and somehow securing them out of her reach. Gwen struggled around until she was on her side, her night gown tangled around her thighs. Stunned into speechlessness, she stared up at him.

  “If I’d been expecting you to keep running away like this, I’d have been more prepared,” he apologized, his eyes anything but apologetic. “I did warn you that I enjoy the chase,” he continued imperturbably.

  He was right, he had warned her. She just hadn’t expected him to catch her quite like this! She wondered what his plans were now, not that she was particularly worried about it. After all, she was roughly where she’d planned to be. She just hadn’t planned on being quite so…helpless. Her body reacted to the though, and she squirmed restlessly as the heat between her thighs grew. The whole idea of being totally at his mercy was kind of… She couldn’t even describe it to herself. It was like she was getting exactly what she wanted without ever having to admit that maybe, just maybe, her previously inviolable feminist scruples were getting a little shaky.

  Gwen let her gaze lower, tracing the hard lines of his body, clearly visible even through his black shirt and jeans. Apparently he was following right through on the stereotyping thing tonight. Not that she minded — the tight jeans hugged his perfect butt just fine. Her mouth watered and she started to reach out and run her fingers down the tempting curve.

  Her hands were brought up short after less than an inch. She blinked. Apparently there was a downside to teasing him quite as far as she had. She glared up at him, only to find his face wreathed in an infuriatingly smug grin.

  Todd raised an eyebrow. “I take it you like my ass?”


  His grin broadened and — so slowly she was sure she’d die of old age before he got on with it — he ran a hand over the curve of his own butt cheek. Gwen found herself licking suddenly dry lips, unconsciously straining to reach him again.

  “Well,” he pretended to think about it, “Since you don’t like my ass, I guess there’s no point in taking my jeans off then, is there?” He looped a thumb in the now-empty belt loop.

  Gwen just stared as his other hand reached up to stroke over the lines of his own chest. He stretched, the hem of his shirt loosening from the jeans and riding up to expose an inch of bare skin. Ever so slowly, he began to unbutton his shirt. As each button popped free, a little more skin emerged. Finally, his chest was bare, his shirt fully un-tucked. As he dropped it to the floor, her heart stuttered at the sight.

  “Are you sure you don’t like my butt?” he asked, fiddling with the button of his jeans, a wicked gleam in his eyes. Without waiting for her answer he turned his back, then slid them slowly over his hips. He’d already lost his shoes — goodness only knew when — and was stark naked within a few excruciating minutes. Gwen hadn’t realized it was possible to take so long for a man to get naked!

  Todd stepped closer to the bed, his straining cock only inches from her eyes. Already a drop of cum glistened at its tip. Unthinking, she reached out to stroke him, to cradle his balls and inflict some of the same slow torture on him.

  She tugged on her bonds in frustration. This was so not fair! She was the one supposed to be teasing him, not the other way around! “Let me go.”

  Instead of the sharp command she’d meant to issue, her voice came out embarrassingly husky. Damn it! She hadn’t wanted him to see just how aroused she was. Not, she supposed, that there was much chance of keeping it a secret when her nipples were pushing enthusiastically against the lace.

  He shook his head. “I’ve had enough of running after you.”


  Then he laughed, a deep masculine rumble that penetrated to her core. “Begging so soon, sweetie?”

  He reached casually down to her night gown, pulling the lower edge up until it was draped over her chest. Her entrance was bared to his gaze. She wriggled, hopelessly trying to twitch the gown back into place. Todd simply laid one hand firmly on her stomach, holding her in place. Long fingers probed her entrance, sliding easily inside her. She blushed furiously as he stood up again, her juices glistening on his fingers. So much for pretending she didn’t want this!

  “You’re not going to try and tell me you’re not enjoying yourself, are you?” He raised his hand to his face, slowly licking it clean.

  Gwen couldn’t take her eyes off the his tongue, the way it glided so sinuously up and down his fingers, lapping up every drop. Wide-eyed, she watched as he lowered his hand to his cock, slowly stroking it with the same sensual movements. Her tongue darted out to again moisten her lips. It swelled impossibly larger.

  His eyes flared, the black flames almost extinguishing the green and he took a step closer. She flinched as his other hand reached between her legs, stroking firmly over her lips. Fascinated, she watched as it joined the other hand, still gliding up and down his cock, smearing her juices along it.

  Eyes heavy, Todd took a step towards her. His cock was hovering just inches from her mouth. She could feel her own blood boiling in her veins, could hear his racing around his body. His cock throbbed, tempting her. Damn these bonds that wouldn’t let her touch him!

  “Please?” she whispered.

  Soundlessly, he leaned further over her, bracing his hands behind her back as he pushed his cock into her mouth. She sighed into him, taking him deep and suckling gently. He tasted of them — their scents and juices combined. Her tongue flicked out, teasing out his tip, and he shuddered, the vibration reaching through her. Gwen arched towards him, still sucking hungrily, and he complied with her unspoken request, reaching one hand down to stroke between her legs.

  She closed her eyes, basking in the heat that flooded her, and was caught unaware when he pulled his cock abruptly from her mouth. She groaned her disappointment as he removed his fingers too.

  “When I come, it’ll be inside you,” Todd gritted out, grasping her hips between his large hands and effortlessly spinning her around so her face was buried in the pillow.

  Her cunt began to throb as he pulled her hips higher, using his thighs to spread hers wide. A wisp of cool air flirted at her entrance, reminding her just how wet she was. She shivered at the sensation of icy fingers but didn’t protest as he rearranged her. With her hands still drawn tight above her head, she was a malleable as a rag doll.

  Todd settled more comfortably behind her, the bed dipping as he nudged her ass even higher. She squirmed backwards, aching for contact with his skin, but she couldn’t quite reach. One hand rested lightly on her ass, hot against her cooler skin. The other hovered somewhere over her back.

  “It would be a shame to ruin such a lovely night gown,” he murmured. As he spoke he tugged the hem higher, dragging it as high as he could then flipping it over her head. He fingered a strand of her hair through the fabric then reached under her, fingers tweaking a nipple.

  “I think this will work.” She may have been trapped under the nightgown, her vision even more limited than before, but she could hear the smile in his voice.

  He pinched harder, twisting the nipple until she arched her back up, bumping her ass against his cock. “What do you think?” he asked, reaching around her to grasp her other straining nipple.

  And she thought she’d felt helpless before! Todd was pretty well wrapped around her, her legs were spread and his cock nudged at the entrance to her cunt. She could barely move, yet each time he pinched a nipple, she found herself arching further into him. Obviously, male vampires not only liked to chase down their prey, but to make sure the prey knew exactly what they were. He was letting his alpha tendencies show here — and she didn’t object at all. He’d been right when he’d told her she’d feel some different urges now she was vampire too.

  “Well?” he repeated. “Does this work for you?” He ground his hips into her ass, his cock nud
ging at her dripping cunt.

  Eyes squeezed shut, Gwen managed to thrust her hips back to meet his. The lightning that was racing through her made it impossible to talk. She ran her tongue around the incisors that seemed to be lengthening. She wanted to sink her teeth into him and she wanted him to fuck her. Now!

  “Say it,” he urged. “Admit you want me. Admit you’re mine.”

  Admit she was his? Not likely! she gritted her teeth and tried to push back far enough to impale herself on his throbbing cock.

  His answer was unequivocal. His hands left her breasts, the abrupt temperature change as she lost the heat of his skin making her tremble with greater need. She opened her mouth to protest, only to be left speechless again as she felt both his hands land lightly on her ass. Her butt cheeks were pulled wide and she trembled as his fingers began to play around her opening.

  His thumbs traced a gentle circle around her anus, and long fingers rubbed her own juices up her slit, lubricating it. He shifted closer to her, his thighs holding her legs impossibly further apart. Her legs were trembling and he stroked soothingly along her skin. As she relaxed, she felt his other thumb push inside her ass.

  Gwen moaned quietly into the pillow. The first burst of pain had quickly been swallowed up by a dark sort of pleasure as he rotated his thumb, gently stretching her. She’d never even thought of doing this, and he was just… She started to wriggle away, freezing when she realized any movement on her part would push him deeper inside her.

  “Admit you want me.” He followed the quiet command up with a hard thrust of his thumb. Gwen yelped, then collapsed back onto his supporting hand. It felt so —

  He started to withdraw his finger, leaning away from her so she was denied all contact other than that one thumb still lingering in her ass. “Admit it.”

  Her blood was boiling in need and it was true, she did want him. “Yes.” She sighed, a whisper of sound that he somehow interpreted. He rewarded her by pressing his thumb deeper within her ass, twisting it to increase her pleasure. She felt his fingers pushing inside her cunt, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted him to fuck her.


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