by Larry Bond
The roughness of the sea changed suddenly, well before the clouds reached them. Sea state three with four-foot waves became sea state five with peaks two or three times as high. The wind tore the tops off, adding their spray to the snow already flying into their faces. Small pieces of ice were picked up and hurled against the hull. And it was going to get worse.
Seawolf rolled violently in the swells, a fast combined pitching and rolling motion that threatened to knock Jerry off his feet. He looked up at Lamberth, who was hanging on to the cockpit’s handrails, his face pale. “Get below! You can’t do any more good up here!”
With careful timing, Lamberth unhooked his harness and almost dove into the bridge access trunk. Jerry steadied him as he went down. A sudden loud clang told him the larger ice chucks were starting to get thrown about. The wind’s intensity was picking up even more and had shifted toward the south. They were facing a full-blown winter gale. Jerry called down a course correction, a little more southwesterly.
Constantino acknowledged the course change, and added, “We’re ballasting her down a little as well. I know it gives you less freeboard up there, but it should help reduce the rolls.” After a moment, he added, “They’ll be done soon.”
Jerry held on tightly to the coaming with one hand and the binoculars with the other. Facing directly into the wind, he was glad to have the binoculars. At least his eyes were protected from the spray. He hoped someone down in control was watching their heading, because he couldn’t spare the time.
It started getting really bad when the waves began breaking halfway up the sail. Sheets of ice-cold water leapt over the top of the cockpit, drenching Jerry. Every once in a while he had to literally dodge a chunk of ice that was thrown by the waves. But as long as they were on the surface, somebody had to be up here.
He was getting ready to change the ship’s course again when Fisher appeared from the hatchway below. “We’re ready to submerge. I’ll get the suitcase.”
The console was caked with ice, but they finally knocked enough off to detach and close the lid, after which it was hurriedly manhandled below. With one last scan of the horizon, Jerry undipped his safety harness and dropped through the hatch. He gratefully dogged it shut, double-checking to make sure it had sealed properly.
By the time he dropped into the control room, they were already heading down. He heard Lieutenant Wolfe, the new OOD, order “One hundred feet” and began to worry. That was shallow for a submarine of Seawolf’s size.
Jerry’s face must have shown his concern, because Wolfe reassured him. “The XO wants us to take it slowly. We’ll work our way down to three hundred feet, but in baby steps.”
“Well, it’s got to be better than riding it out on the surface. It’s way beyond nasty up there,” Jerry replied as he struggled to unzip his parka with half-frozen hands. And then more lightly, “I guess someone really pissed off King Boreas, because he’s hopping mad right now.”
“Wasn’t me; honest,” cried Wolfe defensively.
Jerry chuckled and then groaned as he gratefully stripped off the icy foul-weather gear. He hadn’t realized just how sore he was. Somebody handed him a towel, and he stepped to one side, blotting the seawater from his face, while another sailor mopped up the puddle he’d left on the deck.
“The XO wants a status on all the gear ASAP.” Jerry acknowledged Wolfe’s message as he stepped over to the chart table. QM3 Bishop was tending the nav plot, and Jerry studied their track, the twists and turns of their encounter with the Russian, their slow northwest crawl since. Their submerged speed was still just five knots.
He took a quick bearing to LaVerne’s programmed location. Wolfe already had them on course to the rendezvous with the UUV. At five knots, they’d reach her in an hour or so.
Sighing, he asked the chief of the watch to please send the messenger of the watch to find Mr. Chandler, Chief Hudson, and QM1 Peters. “Tell them to meet me in the wardroom immediately.” He headed aft, straight to the wardroom, half-expecting to find injured sailors, but the corpsman had finished his work. The space was clean.
QM1 Peters showed up first, then Chandler and finally Chief Hudson. The chief’s clothes were stained and wet.
With all three of his divisions’ leadership present, Jerry got straight to business. “All right. Who else was hurt?” He didn’t need to mention Rountree.
Peters spoke first. “Gosnell slammed his shoulder, but that’s all.”
Hudson said, “Troy Kearney landed wrong on the deck and broke his wrist. The doc’s already put a splint on it.”
Chandler added, “Minor bumps and bruises, but nobody’s reported anything serious.”
“Chief?” Jerry dreaded Hudson’s reply, but they had to know. “Does anything work?”
“We’re still trying to get power to the racks. Between finding shorts and replacing charred cables, that’s been hard enough. We’ve restored power to the ship control circuits, internal comms, and the WAA. I can tell you right now that the radar and ESM are a total loss.”
“Matt, what about the radios?”
“Without power, we couldn’t test the gear.”
Jerry waited a moment, expecting to hear more, but Chandler seemed to be finished. “Fine. QM1, see what your people can do to help the ETs and the ITs. I know you’re not techs, but they’re shorthanded. Hourly reports. That’s all.”
They all turned to leave, but Jerry asked, “Matt, stay a minute.” As soon as Peters and Hudson were gone, Jerry said, “I need to know more about our radios.”
“I’ll get right on it, sir. I’ve been busy with other things.”
That “sir” thing again. Jerry fought to control his irritation. “What could be more important than fixing the radios, Matt?”
“Documenting the collision. I’ve been working on my account of events. I wanted to do it while they were still fresh in my mind.” He reminded Jerry, “You know, we’re all going to have to provide them.”
Between Chandler’s self-serving response and his own grief over Rountree’s death, Jerry snapped. His anger flashed into full bloom. “Lieutenant, we’re in the middle of the Barents on a boat that’s deaf, dumb, and blind. Now is not the time to cover your ass.”
“Sir, I resent the implication that I’ve neglected my duties.” Chandler’s injured demeanor increased Jerry’s anger.
“I’m not implying it, I’m saying it. Drop the damn paperwork and get to work on those radios.”
“Sir, are you ordering me to not work on recording my account of the collision?”
Jerry pulled himself up short. His irritation changed to caution. Chandler was looking for Jerry to say the wrong thing, something angry while he was cold and tired and strung out. It would go right into his report, part of an official record.
Jerry adopted a formal tone. “I am informing you of what our priorities are in this critical situation, and reminding you, as always, to spend your time wisely and to do your duty accordingly.”
After a moment, Jerry added, “This is no time for mind games. Report to me in control in five minutes. I need to know exactly how quickly we can get one HF transmitter and receiver on line. And don’t ever tell me that ‘nobody’s reported anything’ to you. It’s your job to find out. Is that clear?”
“Yes sir.” Chandler’s tone and expression didn’t change, but Matt was no fool. The message had been received, for now.
Cursing Chandler, Jerry quickly changed into some drier clothing and headed for the electronic equipment space. He needed to know just how bad it was.
Standing outside the door, Jerry could smell burnt paint and rubber. Inside the cramped compartment, illuminated by work lights, three enlisted men struggled to pull blackened electronics modules from their racks. Every module had been sprayed with salt water, and would have to be thoroughly cleaned before anyone dared to run power through it.
Their movements were hampered by a wooden framework that had been roughly braced to the deck. Several beams angled up to an are
a of gray metal on the forward bulkhead. The insulation that normally covered it had been torn away, and Jerry could see the ribs that lined the inside and strengthened the pressure hull, spaced a few feet apart. Three ribs were exposed, and the center one was deformed inward—not a lot, but Jerry could see where it was no longer a perfect circle.
The wooden braces would shore up the weakened rib, although there was no way of knowing how much strain the area could take. He was enough of an engineer to know what their vulnerabilities were. He just couldn’t calculate how much trouble they were in.
One enlisted man from auxiliary division, wearing sound-powered phones, had been posted in the space. His only job was to watch for signs of stress in the hull or the shoring, and for any new leaks.
One of the technicians, ET1 Kearney, looked up from his work and asked, “Need something, Mr. Mitchell?”
“No, Kearney. That’s what I was going to ask you. How’s your wrist?”
Kearney held out his right arm for Jerry to inspect. A metal splint surrounded his arm from below the elbow to his palm. “The chief did a good job. He says it’s hardly more than a greenstick fracture.”
Jerry flashed back to his own injury, a shattered right wrist that had ended his aviation career.”Now you’ll always be able to tell when we change depth. How’s the pain?”
Kearney shrugged. “It hurt like hell when he examined it, but since then it’s just a dull ache.”
“It’s going to swell some. Keep taking the ibuprofen that the doc prescribed.”
“How’d you know he’d told me that?”
Jerry held out his own wrist, showing him the scars. “Been there, done that, bought the pharmacy.”
Jerry headed for control. He found the XO there, watching as Greg Wolfe cautiously took Seawolf deeper. They’d worked their way to two hundred and fifty feet and seven knots. Reflexively, Jerry checked their sea room on the chart and found no issues. They would reach the rendezvous with LaVerne in half an hour.
Lieutenant Chandler showed up, but as Jerry asked for his report, the XO appeared. “Department head meeting in the wardroom. Pass the word.”
Chandler followed Jerry and the XO to the wardroom, with Lavoie and Wolf arriving moments later. Shimko sat down tiredly and the others did the same. Sonar Technician Senior Chief Mike Carpenter, one of the intelligence riders, knocked on the door and then took a seat at the XO’s invitation.
“I asked the Senior Chief to tell us what he can about the Russian submarine—as much as he can, anyway,” Shimko added. Jerry hadn’t seen much of the acoustic intelligence, or ACINT, riders. There were three of them aboard, but they kept to themselves.
Carpenter’s sandy hair made him look younger than his early forties would suggest. As a senior chief, Jerry guessed that he had at least twenty years’ experience listening to Russian submarines. “In this case, sir, it’s pretty much everything we know. We’ve got twenty-eight minutes of recordings that covers the time from our first detection until the collision. She was running at high speed, and using her sonars freely, so we got plenty to work with. In fact, we haven’t gotten through all of it, but we’ve seen enough.”
Carpenter stopped, and the XO waited for a moment before asking him, “For what?” He was impatient, but curious.
“We didn’t get a positive match to anything in our database. That was the funny part. With so much recorded, we figured it would be simple to match his acoustic signature to one of the Northern Fleet’s boats, but it’s definitely not a match, which means it’s Severodvinsk by default, their newest boat. She’s been running trials, but we haven’t heard her before.”
“Given that it was Severodvinsk, does that explain how she found us or what she was doing?”
Carpenter frowned. “No sir, not at all. No transients, no unusual acoustic transmissions. Her sonar suite is the best the Russians have, but nothing exotic, as far as we know. We were a little noisier during the UUV recovery, mostly short mechanical transients, but nothing more than what’s normal for that evolution.”
“Then keep sorting though those recordings. I want to know everything you know.” Carpenter nodded his understanding.
“Mr. Mitchell, what about the electronics?”
“We’ve lost radar and ESM. I was just about to get Mr. Chandler’s report on the radios.” Jerry didn’t need to share his problems with the XO.
Chandler didn’t wait to be asked. “We should be able to get an HF receiver circuit on line by the end of the day, an LF receiver will take a little more time. Chief Morrison said it would take at least six hours, maybe longer. He’s got his people working on a transmitter, but they’re in considerably worse shape.” He shrugged. “The bridge-to-bridge radio works, so if we get in line of sight with another vessel on the surface, we can talk to them.”
Jerry almost laughed. The bridge-to-bridge radio was no bigger than a good-sized walkie-talkie, and would not reach farther than the horizon. Still, they’d need it to communicate when they got back to a friendly port.
“Mr. Wolfe, what about weapons department?”
“All bow arrays are officially gone. As is the TB-16 towed array. Its stowage tube was crushed during the collision. The TB-29, WAA, and HF sonar are on line, torpedo division is ready. Mr. Palmer is preparing to recover LaVerne.”
The XO asked Lavoie, “Engineering?”
“Everything’s on line, sir. The plant took a heckuva shock, but no equipment failures. We’re watching everything very closely.”
The XO absorbed the reports for a moment. “We’ve been hurt, but we are not in danger of losing the boat. We’re ending the mission, of course. As soon as we recover the UUV we’re turning southwest and heading for Faslane.”
Jerry knew the place. On the western coast of Scotland, Faslane was a British submarine base. It was the closest friendly port that could take their injured and make emergency repairs.
“Mr. Mitchell, I’ll need a recommended course as soon as possible.”
“Aye, sir.”
“Mr. Wolfe, you’ll do the death investigation for Petty Officer Rountree.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Mr. Mitchell, start reconstructing the incident, beginning with our initial detection, up to the moment of the collision. You are not writing the incident report—that’s my job—but I want a chronology that may help explain how he found us and what he was trying to do. And I will use it in my report.” Shimko motioned toward Carpenter. “Use whatever the Senior Chief can give you about the Russian’s movements and activities.
“That’s all,” Shimko said, dismissing them.
Jerry hurried back to control. It only took a few minutes to work out the course changes and times for Faslane, Scotland. He arrived at the XO’s cabin just as Shimko was returning.
After Shimko reviewed and approved the route, Jerry said, “Thank you, sir. Should I go brief the Skipper now?” That was standard procedure.
“No, Jerry, I’ll brief him.” That was unusual. Rudel always wanted to be briefed by the officer involved. And it was unnecessary. Rudel’s cabin was right there, a few steps away. And Shimko’s tone was off. He was trying too hard to sound casual.
“Is everything all right, sir? Was the Captain hurt? I noticed he wasn’t at the meeting.” Jerry was deeply concerned. Rudel was more than a commanding officer. Everyone in the crew liked and admired Rudel, and thought of him as a friend, a father, or a favorite teacher.
“He’s fine.” But Shimko said it too quickly, and seemed uncomfortable. Finally, he added, “He’s taken Rountree’s death pretty hard.”
“We all have,” Jerry agreed. But then he added, “He doesn’t think it’s his fault, does he?”
“It’s always the Captain’s responsibility, you know that,” Shimko answered. It was a mantra in the navy, but it didn’t tell Jerry what was wrong with the captain.
~ * ~
A coughing fit yanked Petrov back to consciousness, an acrid s
cent that made his mouth taste of old tires. Disoriented, he fought to remember where he was. It was dark, but he didn’t recall turning off the reading light in his bunk . . .
No. That wasn’t right. This wasn’t his cabin. He felt himself lying on the deck, propped up against the command console. His head and right shoulder burned with pain, which became sharper when he tried to pull himself up. As he struggled to stand, he saw the dim glow of the emergency lights.
Everything was wrong. What had happened to the power? The central post was dark, really dark, in the worst possible way. Not only were the lights out, but most of the console displays were dead as well. As his confusion subsided, he felt the sudden loss of information. What was happening throughout the rest of the boat?