The Last To Know - What I Did While We Dated

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The Last To Know - What I Did While We Dated Page 10

by Bridy McAvoy

  “Ow! Not fair.”

  “Revenge is sweet.”

  “I’ll get you back for that.”

  “Now, go put some clothes on, woman.”

  “Don’t give me orders.”

  “I’m not. Scoot. Clothes. Now.”

  She pouted but stepped back. She struck a pose, back arched, chest thrust out, hip shot, one foot flat on the floor, the other with only her toes on the floor, knee bent and, even as I watched, she swiveled that out to the side, exposing herself to me.

  “Minx. Go!”

  “Or what?”

  “Or nothing, just go. If I offered to spank you, you’d just turn around and bend over. If I threatened to push this cold beer bottle up you…”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “Ah, I’ve found something you won’t do for me.”

  She shook her head. “No, I mean it, you wouldn’t. If you did, I’d let you.”

  “Double minx! Go!”

  “I’m gone.”

  She waltzed through into the bedroom and I realized she’d done all that with the drapes still open. At home, up at the house, she was very circumspect and modest. Down here she let herself go. Ten would get you fifty the drapes were still open in the bedroom as she dressed in whatever she decided would impress me the most. I was sure it would be either underwear, or something thin, short and without underwear.

  I wondered for a moment if one of the Merry Widows would make an appearance, complete with stockings, but if I’d have put money on it, I’d have lost. Sam reappeared in the same thin T-shirt she’d worn earlier in the day, and nothing else. The T-shirt hung down long enough to qualify as a mini-dress, but only just. She seemed disappointed I’d closed the drapes before I sat down.


  “No, just protecting my reputation.”

  “Your reputation?”

  I nodded. “The number of times I guess you’ve paraded naked around the condo with the drapes open I doubt you’ve got one left.”

  She winced. “Harsh.”

  “Not meant nastily. True, though.”

  She took a swig from her beer then put the bottle down on the table as she curled her legs underneath herself. I’d been right—there was no underwear under that T-shirt.

  “You really want to hear what happened that evening?”


  She sighed. “Okay.”

  * * * *

  I’d calmed down as we crossed the lake, my libido retreating and letting my mind work. I still needed to finalize a deal with Max, and I was pretty sure he was going to take another run at me. I was also quite sure I was going to let him, too, as long as it was more on my terms. It had been good on the boat, but I wanted something softer under my back.

  We tied up at the yard, and Max handed me up out of the boat into Max Junior’s arms. He held me for a moment, then, after a glance at his father, stepped back. I don’t know what went on behind me, but some unspoken message had been passed between testosterone overloaded father and son. Whatever it was, it made the son back off. He noticed my still damp hair, although the top layer had sun dried and gone frizzy.

  “Bit cold for a swim at this time of year.”

  “It was refreshing.”

  Max jumped up onto the dock next to me and grinned. “She sure found it refreshing too—should have heard her scream.”

  I couldn’t help blushing and obviously Max Junior enjoyed the joke. Rather than stand out there and exchange double meanings and let the conversation take a complete nosedive into the truth, I cocked my head toward the office. “Come on, we still need to sort out the paperwork, and you need to give me a good price if I’m going to keep the boat here.”

  “You’re keeping the boat… Cool.”

  “That depends on you clearing the back debt.”

  “Let’s just say time to negotiate, shall we?”

  We both ignored the son’s obvious enthusiasm for keeping the boat in the yard. I think he genuinely loved the boat, but I also think he wanted to have more time to get close to me. As I said, testosterone fuelled. Just like his father and, I guessed, his brother too. Halfway back to the office, I looked over my shoulder and saw Junior staring at my butt as I walked away. I hadn’t consciously been swinging it, but I must have been, nonetheless. The look on his face was pure longing, and I giggled. He looked up, saw me watching him and slowly flushed. His father snorted, said something about boys will be boys and led me into the office.

  I was assessing him according to the rules Mr. Bryant had suggested to me—this guy was no gentleman, he didn’t open the door for me. Having said that, being dunked in the lake so unceremoniously wasn’t exactly the action of a gentleman either. He sat down behind his desk and watched as I sat in the cleared visitor’s chair.

  “Well, sweetie…”

  “I’d prefer you called me Samantha. This is business.”

  He nodded his head. “Okay, Samantha. There’s the little matter of the overdue fees.”

  “Which you should have written about.”

  “I didn’t want to intrude.”

  “Under contract law you can’t bill services that late without prior agreement. So, about half that money is unobtainable for you, even if you go to court.”

  “I could seize the boat…”

  “And I’d have the sheriff on your ass so fast for illegal seizure, then I’d sue your ass for damages and loss of reputation. I doubt your yard would survive that.”

  “Since when did you become such a hard-ass lawyer?”

  I smiled at him. “Remember, I work in a library. I have access to all the books on the subject. I probably know every lawyer in town.”


  “One more thing.”


  “My ass isn’t hard. At least, you weren’t complaining about it being so, less than an hour ago.”

  He sat back, surprised, then laughed and shook his head. “There’s no doubt you’d make a mean card player.”

  “Not playing cards.”

  “Pity, I’m sure it would be an interesting poker evening.”


  “Okay, let’s come at this another way.”


  “You want to keep the boat, and you want me to keep it here?”


  “And when you want it, you want one of my lads to bring it over and moor it at your place.”


  “That bit’s easy. A ten spot to whichever one of them delivers it.”


  “See, told you it was easy. Now about the rental and the back dues.”

  I smiled at him. “Actually, I have a confession to make.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I just used the law to low-ball you because you low-balled me on the price of the boat.”

  “So that wasn’t true?”

  “No. It was true, every bit of it, but I’m not going to push you like that.”

  “I’m pleased about that.”

  I smiled at him then sat back. “In fact I’ll write you a check for that right now, and three months fees in advance…provided we can agree on a price.”

  “Your father paid thirty a week.”

  “Because he was so blinded by the idea of using the boat to play hide the sausage with whichever piece of ass he managed to hook up with, he’d pay what you said. Thirty is too high.”

  “He was quite the st…” He trailed off, realizing he was talking to me, my father’s daughter.

  “Stud? When he could have been at home with a loving wife, and his daughter who frequently felt neglected.”

  “Look, sorry…”

  “Don’t worry, I’m over it. It hurt when I found out after the accident, but it took me a while to actually come down here and look at the place. I fell in love with it, and have no intention of letting it go. My house will become my family home one day. This might become my getaway, but for now, it suffices in much the
same way as my father used it.”

  He chuckled and nodded.

  “So, you need to come down from thirty.”

  “What kind of figure did you have in mind?”

  “I did some calling. The commercial boatyard at the end of the lake would charge me twenty.”

  “They’d do a good job. I’ll not knock them. But they wouldn’t deliver and you’d have transport issues getting there and back unless you left your car there.”

  “True, but that’s a saving of five hundred a year. That would cover a few taxi fares.”

  He nodded his head, deep in thought. After a couple of minutes he grabbed his calculator and started playing with the buttons. I was pretty sure he was doing that for show, not for real. I could see the pattern his fingers made on the keys, even though he held it tilted away from me. His pattern was no pattern at all. I doubt he even switched it on.

  “You’ll settle the bill, in full?”

  “Yes. I said that.”

  “I can’t do twenty.”

  “What can you do?”

  “Say, twenty-two a week, but six months in advance…”

  I waited for him to finish.

  “…and make it twenty for either of the boys to bring you the boat.”

  I smiled at him then extended my hand. “Deal—on one condition.”

  “Which is?”

  “You bring the boat over to the condo, yourself, at five.”

  “Sure. I’ll get one of the lads to drive around to pick me up.”

  I smiled at him. “That won’t be necessary, you won’t be coming straight back.”

  He grinned even wider. “Then I’ll add a condition.”


  “When you hear me approaching the dock, I want to see your naked body pressed against the ranch window of the bedroom. Arms and legs akimbo, flattened against the glass. I want you to stay like that until I get inside.”

  I shuddered. “That’s a big ask.”

  “But it saves you a twenty note.”

  “True, but will you be in the boat on your own?”

  “Of course. Don’t worry, I won’t be bringing the boys with me. Not today.”

  There was a hidden sub-text there, one I would eventually find out was real—he wouldn’t be bringing the boys with him, not this time, but on another occasion…

  The idea of exposing myself like that had my juices flowing. I knew my nipples had hardened, both in anticipation and in memory of what we’d been doing about an hour earlier. I even wondered if he could see them through my blouse and bra. Both were thin enough to betray me.

  I breathed out, then smiled. “Deal, you kinky shit.”

  “That isn’t kinky, not for me. Maybe for you.”

  “If anybody sees me and complains, I’ll—what do they say—keelhaul you!”

  “You sure you don’t want me to bring the boat now?”

  “Nah.” I shook my head. “Come round at five. That way you get a chance to get some work done, and I get the chance to shampoo and condition this frizz out of my hair.” I dropped my voice to a husky whisper. “If I’m going to greet you naked, I want my hair looking nice.”

  “I won’t be looking at your hair. Even so, don’t put it in a ponytail though, please.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  I wrote him a check for the money we’d agreed on and then walked out to my car. Steve was there to open the door for me and he made sure he got a good look at my legs as I swung them in. I wondered if he, or his brother, had realized quite what their father had been doing. I wondered, too, if their father would tell them. Certainly, they knew I’d been in the lake, and I wasn’t carrying a swimsuit when I got out of the boat.

  I fishtailed out of the yard and made for the nearest convenience store. I hadn’t intended to spend any time at the condo after my trip to the boatyard, so I needed to get some basic provisions in. Meeting Max there at five was going to be a tight fit with everything I needed to do. As soon as I had the car loaded I headed for the other side of town. There I picked up everything I needed for work, including my staid outer clothes and, this time, a set of purple underwear, including garter belt.

  Max didn’t seem to be into underwear like Mr. Bryant had been, and you are, honey. He seemed to want his women naked and panting, nothing more.

  Then it was back to the condo, and I dived in the shower. Shampooing and conditioning took ages—my hair really was a mess from my impromptu swim. Then I wrapped a towel around my body and sat down in front of my dresser to sort out my hair. I wasn’t going to bother with makeup other than a bit of lip gloss. He’d been fine with the au-naturel look earlier, so that’s what he was going to get.

  * * * *

  He’d specifically asked me not to put my hair in a ponytail, but he hadn’t said leave it down. That meant I could put it up. It was always so much easier to do just after I’d washed it so I pushed and twisted it into a tight bun, but left a few tendrils dangling each side of my face. A quick five minutes with the curling tongs made them into bangs, and the overall effect was something I really liked, even if it was quite a fresh look for me. The hairdo, though, cried out for some eye shadow otherwise the bangs tended to hide my expressive eyes. A quick brush of silver color and a few dabs of bright red lipstick and I was ready. I checked my toes—they hadn’t chipped during our escapade in the hidden little lagoon in the middle of the lake, but my fingernails needed some work. I ended up huffing and puffing on them to get them to dry as I slipped my feet into a pair of heels.

  Still wrapped in the towel from the shower, I quickly unlocked the ranch doors in the main space, allowing Max to get inside, and slid the far door open a few inches. The sounds of the lake filled the condo. I left the bedroom door locked. If I was going to do as he asked and press my body against it there was no way I wanted him sliding the door open with me potentially stuck to it! He’d have to come in through the other side.

  This last bit was making me very nervous. I’d never flaunted myself to anybody quite like that. Sure, Mr. Bryant and all of my previous lovers had liked seeing me naked. My boss had even made me do a couple of stripteases. But this was more public. Kirk had been quite aggressive about not worrying about the drapes, but I’d been inside the condo by some distance, not right up against the glass—pressed against it in fact. Okay, he’d taken me outside and fucked me on the patio, but that had been in the dark at three in the morning, not at five on a sunny Sunday afternoon, when who knows who might pass by.

  The clock ticked inexorably around toward five o’clock and I rose to my feet. I could feel my nipples already hard inside the towel, and my pussy starting to moisten at the thought of what was about to happen. Only my brain seemed to want to not get with the program.

  I was sitting at my dressing table, with the towel wrapped tightly around my otherwise naked body when, at one minute to five, I heard the burble of an approaching boat engine. Looking out the floor to ceiling glass—the one I was supposed to press my naked body against—I could see a boat heading toward me from the middle of the lake. I wasn’t sure if it was my boat—I wasn’t sure if it was Max driving it—so I stayed where I was for a few seconds until it was a little closer. I could see more detail now and the image seemed to resolve into clearer focus the closer the boat came. Sure now it was Max and my boat, I knew I had to move. His demand was almost nonsensical but, at the same time, very exciting.

  I rose to my feet and moved up to the window, my hands entwined in the top of the towel where the knot was. One sharp pull, the opening of my fingers, and the towel would hit the floor, leaving me naked. Not exactly a striptease—just a strip, no tease. But it was a strip in front of a window, where anyone could see.

  I tried not to shiver, convinced now it was Max at the wheel of the boat. The sun was behind him and he was more of a shadow than anything else. Thoughts ran through my head. What if it wasn’t Max, what if it was a complete stranger, one who would object to seeing a woman suddenly naked, obscenely
posing in front of him. What if it was someone I knew from the library? My fingers froze, I couldn’t move them. Max took matters into his own hands. Whether he recognized my problem, or simply wanted to communicate his impatience, I don’t know. About a hundred yards from the end of the dock the boat heeled over and started to move parallel to the shore, moving away from me. With a side-on view, I was now able to see it really was Max, it was my boat, and I relaxed slightly. His head was turned toward me, watching me hesitate. His meaning was obvious. Either I did as he asked or he’d turn back to the yard and I’d be left high and dry. I’d probably find they were always too busy to deliver the boat to me when I wanted it. It was a simple transaction.

  He turned his head forward and started to turn the boat through a hundred-and-eighty degree turn. Now he was cruising back past me in the other direction. I somehow knew, if I didn’t make a move before he drew back level with my dock, it was over, and I’d have to go to the boatyard and eat crow at some point in the future.

  My fingers flew into action. The knot came apart with a tug, and I held the towel in place for a second then let it fall. It slithered down, exposing my breasts, caught for a second on my hips then slithered all the way down, landing in a heap on the floor. I was naked, in front of the window, where he wanted me.

  The boat coasted to a stop, but didn’t turn into the pier. I was where he wanted me, naked like he wanted me, but not in the position he’d insisted on. I gritted my teeth and stepped all the way up to the window, pressing my chest against the glass. It was cold, and I could feel my nipples, crushed back into my breasts, stiffen under the stimulation from it.

  I closed my eyes, then, gritting my teeth, pressed fully against it. If anything, it was even colder on my belly than it had been on my breasts. They had, in turn, flattened against the glass and I knew I must look obscene from where Max was. There was only one more thing to do. Careful not to step on the towel and tangle myself in it, I shuffled my feet until they were about a yard apart. This had to look totally obscene from his perspective. Then my hands completed the star pattern as I stretched my arms up and out, palms flat on the glass.


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