No Such Thing as a Dragon - Exclusive

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No Such Thing as a Dragon - Exclusive Page 7

by GRP

  He laughed and shrugged. “It's a small castle though.”

  We walked up the stairway to his house, and he held the door open for me. I walked inside, feeling like a princess entering her palace. A girl could get used to that, I thought. I even had a handsome prince beside me – who could ask for more?

  As soon as we were inside his house, however, I decided to try a different tactic. Since talking about it wasn't getting us anywhere, I thought acting would be the best course of action. I turned and pressed him against the door, kissing him as hard and as passionately as I could. And just as I'd thought, he couldn't push me away. His hands were tangled in my hair as I ran my hands all over his body. He was toned and hard beneath his clothes as I ran my hands along the firm angles and planes of his body. For so long, I'd admired his body from afar, but there he was – up close and in the flesh.

  I worked at the buttons of his shirt, and he pulled back a bit, trying to stop me. But I stared up at him, giving him my best bedroom eyes.

  “I just want to touch,” I said.

  “No touching,” he laughed. “Because I know where that will lead. Believe me when I say I want you so badly, I can hardly control myself. But we can't. I can't.”

  “Then why should you try to control yourself?” I asked. “Strongly discouraged doesn't mean we can't. We just need to make sure we're not caught, right?”

  He laughed, and I could see the yearning and desire in his eyes. I knew it was taking every ounce of control he could muster to not take me to bed right then and there. But I saw small cracks in his resolve. I just needed to keep applying a little more pressure.

  “The problem with giving in is, I can see myself falling in love with you,” he said. “And that would be bad. Very bad.”

  “Why would it be bad?” I asked, my heart nearly skipping a beat. “Because I feel the same about you.”

  “Because, we really shouldn't be together –”

  “Shouldn't, but again, it's not technically illegal, right? Just frowned upon?”

  “I guess so,” he muttered.

  As long as Ozy wouldn't get in trouble, I wanted to make it happen. So I continued working at his buttons, while pressing myself against his body. I felt his erection against my belly, and from the feel of it, he was rather well endowed. Not that I was surprised for a man – or rather, a Dragonborn – of his stature.

  “Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop,” I said, gently kissing down the length of his neck.

  His breathing alone told me that yes, he wanted this. He wanted this as much as I did. Removing his shirt, I ran my hands over his perfect abs and chest, feeling the chiseled muscle beneath my fingertips made me shudder in anticipation of what was about to come.

  I cupped his erection in my hand, stroking him through his pants, and that was it. He let out a low groan, and threw his head back. Before I knew what hit me, he'd picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. He placed me down gently on the bed, laying on top of me, kissing my lips, my neck, and down into my cleavage as he ripped off my shirt. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we ground ourselves together through our clothing, relishing the sensation of our bodies being pressed so close together.

  And as he kissed me, it struck me that there it was. There was that passion I'd been dying to see from him all along. And now that I'd gotten him started, he was on fire. With one hand, he ripped off my pants. I had no idea how he'd managed that feat, but there I was, naked before him. He took in the sight of me, looking up and down the length of my body as if I were a majestic painting in a museum somewhere – a priceless artifact that few people were privileged enough to lay eyes upon.

  The way he looked at me, with the burning hunger and lust in his eyes, only made me wetter for him.

  “Please, Ozy – please!”

  I removed his pants, and found that I was right about him being well endowed. As I gripped and stroked him, I found it hard to believe we'd be able to make love, given our respective sizes. Maybe that was why they discouraged being with humans – perhaps our bodies couldn't handle them.

  I quickly dismissed the thought though. I reasoned that it was just my nerves talking. He looked at me with unvarnished need and I gripped him even harder, stroked him even faster. He kissed me hard, cupped my breasts, and let out a slow moan as I stroked him.

  “I want you, Jessica,” he said softly. “I always have.”

  “You can have me,” I said.

  I looked again at his size and wondered if I was going to be able to take him all the way inside of me. But I told myself again that it was a case of nerves – only because I'd never been with somebody so large. The moment he pressed himself into me, my body opened up and accepted him willingly.

  I cried out as he stretched me open, and with one thrust, we were together. United as one. He stared into my eyes as he rocked his hips, settling into a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure washing through us. I moaned and called his name as he plunged himself deep into me.

  Our bodies worked in perfect harmony, bringing about a pleasure unlike anything I'd experienced before. As I dug my nails into his shoulders and cried out again, I thought that was what it felt like when you truly connected with another person. For so long, I'd been searching for a feeling like that – and he'd been right in front of me.

  “You're so beautiful,” he said to me, taking one of my breasts into his hand.

  He sucked on my stiff nipple as he slid himself deeper inside of me, which caused a ripple effect throughout my entire body. I shuddered against him, writhing and feeling like I was going to explode with bliss at any moment.

  He ran his hands up and down my thighs as he continued pumping his hips, driving himself deep into my opening. He kissed me, sucked on my breasts, and I felt like my entire body was on fire. It was like every nerve ending in me was humming with electricity.

  “Jessica,” he said. “You feel so good.”

  “You feel amazing.”

  I felt the pressure building up low within me and knew that he was going to make me come soon. He drove himself even deeper into me, his movements beginning to become a little more urgent. More frantic. His breathing – like mine – was becoming labored and his face took on a sheen that said he was in total ecstasy.

  The wave broke, sending me into a powerful orgasm, and Ozy was right there with me. He stared into my eyes as he moaned, filling me with his warm, wet seed. We kissed, grinding our bodies together, relishing the sensations working their way throughout us. Even as he throbbed and pulsed inside of me, he drove himself deep one last time and I cried out, calling his name over and over again as I held onto him for dear life.

  “Yes, Ozy – Yes!”

  And when the orgasm finally subsided, Ozy collapsed beside me and pulled me in close. We were silent for a long moment, allowing our hearts to slow and our breathing to return to normal. But a feeling of peace and contentment – satisfaction even – hovered over the bed we'd just made love in. Resting my head on his chest, I felt happy.

  And I never wanted this to end.

  “So why aren't we supposed to do that again?” I asked, looking up at him and laughing. “Because lightning didn't strike us down or anything. So, I think we're good. Don't you?”

  He kissed the tip of my nose and smiled. “You really want to know?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do actually,” I said, propping myself up on my elbow to meet his gaze. “I'm very curious why we're not supposed to be together. In what sort of insane, archaic society does that makes sense?”

  “Because a long time ago, there was a legend among my people,” he said. “The legend said that if a human and a Dragonborn procreated, that child would have special powers. Powers that could damn two worlds – yours and mine.”

  “So theoretically speaking – what would happen if I got pregnant?” I asked.

  “Theoretically? Our child could keep us apart forever – humans and Dragonborn,” he said. “The legend states t
hat the child of such a union could be used to seal the Doors for all eternity. We'd no longer be able to use the Doors to enter your world – or get out of it.”

  “Really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because in my experience, I've found that most legends tend to have a lot of crap in them. There are a lot of legends that are really far-fetched and ridiculous.”

  Then again, dragons and demons and whatever else I witnessed over the last few days were all pretty far-fetched, but whatever. I saw all that with my own two eyes. It was real. A child that could close the Doors between our worlds? I honestly didn't know – but it simply sounded like a scare tactic to me.

  Ozy shrugged. He seemed to be thinking the same thing I did. “Yeah, it's a legend, but who knows if it's true? Some of my friends have broken the rules because they don't believe in them either. But it's interesting to me that even with all of the rule breaking that happens, there is not a single child of both worlds. No Warden has ever produced an offspring with a human woman. I find that – odd.”

  I shrugged. “Not necessarily conclusive evidence of its truth though.”

  “No, it's not conclusive,” I said. “But I tend to live by the laws of the Dragonborn. Always have.”

  “Well, maybe it's time for you to learn to enjoy life a little more,” I said. “Maybe, it's time for you to loosen up a bit.”

  “Maybe so,” he said.

  “Because if I have my way,” I said, giving him a salacious grin. “I'm going to enjoy you over and over and over again.”

  He smiled at me but I could tell he was concerned. But I could also tell that he wanted to build something with me every bit as much as I wanted to build something with him. Something good. Something stable.

  “This could be dangerous for you,” he said.

  I nodded. “I know,” I replied. “I know what I'm signing up for.”

  “Do you?” he asked.

  I gave him a grin. “Not exactly, no,” I said. “But I know there's nothing I can't handle with you by my side.”

  He kissed me deeply; then pulled back and looked at me. “And that's where I wish to remain – by your side. Until the end of time.”

  Our life wasn't going to be anything near conventional – but I was looking forward to it all the same.


  I’m thankful and grateful that you finished my book. Your support means the world to me. My aim is to bring you amazing books that will grab you and take you on an amazing adventure across the universe. I hope you enjoyed this exclusive prequel. Please check out the first book from this series on the next page.

  Saved by a Dragon


  Many Centuries Ago...

  The world around me seemed like it had erupted in flames and smoke. Everywhere I looked was fire. Destruction. Death. The world was littered with bodies that had been ravaged. Torn open. Split apart.

  The War of the Three Stones had been raging for what seemed like forever – but in reality, had been just over a year. But the war, being waged between three of the major Clans – Fire, Ice, and Sand – had ravaged our world of Chondelai.

  And for what?

  There had been very little gain for any of the Clans. Nobody had gained or lost territories. Nobody had pushed any of the Clans’ major houses into exile – or wiped them all out.

  We'd been fighting, killing, and dying for over a year with no real gain.

  I stood upon the ramparts of the castle, looking out at the land below. What had once been lush, green, beautiful land, was now scorched, and dying. Everything below seemed like it was on fire and through the smoke, I watched as the winged shapes of my brothers swooped and dove, cleaning up the last of the stragglers – the air around me vibrating with the deafening roar of dragons, and the pained screaming of men –bringing this skirmish to an end.

  It had been a small force from the Sand Clan who'd tried to storm the castle. They were simply testing our defenses, seeing if this war of attrition had weakened us enough to justify sending a bigger force.

  It was a tactic we'd all used. And to that point, all our defenses remained stout. Sooner or later though, one of the Clans was going to have to break if this damn war was ever going to end.

  “Jyta, what are you doing up here? It's not safe.”

  I turned and looked into the face of my best friend, Klont. He was a good man. A good soldier. I valued him above all others.

  “Relax, brother,” I said. “The men are cleaning up the last of the Sands. I'm as safe here as I am anywhere.”

  I turned and looked back out at the world below. I was the King of the Fire Clan and Commander of the Golden Legion – my clan's fiercest warriors. Klont was my second in command. My right hand. There was nobody in our entire army I would have rather gone to war with.

  “A scout just returned,” he said. “The Sands are bringing in reinforcements. They'll be here any minute.”

  I nodded and sighed. Clearly, we weren't done fighting for the day. “Gather the men,” I said. “Have them ready.”

  “Right away.”

  I watched Klont turn and walk away to round up the men. I turned and looked at the carnage on the field before me. Our once beautiful world, torn asunder by greed and unchecked ambition; I felt nothing but revulsion and disgust. Chondelai had been a beautiful place once. A paradise.

  But we'd gone and destroyed the whole thing. Even when this war ended, I had no idea how long it would take the scars from our fighting to heal. Or if they ever would. More than that though, I had to wonder what kind of world Chondelai would be once the war was over. That, I supposed, depended upon who won.

  I sensed the beast before I saw it. Looking up, I saw the massive dragon descending from the thick columns of smoke before me. The beast was right on top of me and getting lower. I was just about to shift into my own dragon form, ready to fight, when I noticed that the Sand dragon was alone.

  If this was all the Sands had in the way of reinforcements, they were in a world of trouble.

  I was curious. Curious as to why one of the Sands would choose to show up – alone. I held myself back from shifting, trying to quench the fire and lust for battle that burned through my veins.

  The dragon descended, lowering itself onto the ramparts of the castle, and shifted into his human form. We stood about ten feet apart from one another, staring at each other in silence for several long moments.

  “I'm not sure whether it's the height of bravery or the depth of foolishness for you to come here alone,” I said.

  “I am Uldor,” he said. “Commander of the Scorpion Brigade and I do not come to fight. I come to have a conversation with you, your Majesty, nothing more.”

  Uldor was tall, a head taller than me, and had long dark hair. With his broad shoulders, powerful arms and a thick, wide chest, he radiated power and strength. I wondered how I would fare against him in hand to hand combat. Wondered if I even stood a chance against him in our dragon forms.

  Klont and half a dozen other warriors arrived on the ramparts, still armored, carrying spears and swords. I held my hand up to stop them from advancing.

  “Lower your weapons,” I said.

  My men did as they were told, but Klont stepped up beside me, sheathing his sword. He gave me a look that told me he wanted to say something, but he wisely held his tongue.

  “What is it you want, Commander?” I asked. “Why do you come to my castle alone? Especially after your raiding party killed two of my men. Your raiders were wiped out, by the way.”

  He sighed and looked to the ground, shaking his head. “They were instructed to relay my message,” he said. “I had heard they did not do that and acted on their own – which is why I am here of my own accord.”

  “You Sands have killed a lot of our brothers and sisters,” Klont hissed. “Give me one reason why we should not strike you down where you stand.”

  Uldor looked up and I saw the flash of anger and defiance in his eyes. �
��We've killed no less than you of the Fire Clan have,” he said. “War is a terrible, terrible thing that costs many lives. Far too many of them. But let us not compound that tragedy or dishonor our dead with hypocrisy.”

  Klont looked to me but fell silent. I looked at the man before me, my curiosity only growing stronger. It was quite a risk for an enemy to show up uninvited – and alone. The fact that he was one of the Sand's key commanders only compounded that risk. It made me wonder what was his real agenda.

  “Speak,” I said. “What is it you want?”

  “I am taking the risk I am because some things are more important than our living or dying,” he said.

  I smirked. “I can't think of anything more important to me than living, Uldor,” I said.

  He eyed me carefully, his expression inscrutable. Unreadable. I found myself intensely curious about what the man was thinking.

  “Is your life more important than the lives of all of the dragonborn living in Chondelai?”

  I cocked my head and looked at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “King Wotul,” he said. “He's gone mad. He's going to break our world if he is not stopped.”

  I cocked my head and stared at the man, not sure what he was going on about. Wotul had been the one who'd started the war and had taken to killing the other dragonborn with such zeal. I knew his greed and lust for power were insatiable – but breaking the world?

  “I don't even know what that means, Uldor,” I admitted.

  The man looked at me with an urgency that bordered on madness himself. His entire body was tense – though not like he was about to strike. His madness was born of fear. But what could he possibly fear so badly?

  “The Shongtal,” Uldor said, his voice low, intense. “He's speaking of releasing the Shongtal to aid him in his fight.”

  I felt a knot form in my stomach and constrict painfully as he spoke. I looked to Klont who stared back at me with wide eyes, reflecting the fear I was sure were in my own.


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