Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4)

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Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4) Page 5

by Paloma Beck

  Breaking the kiss, Donovan picked Paige up and brought her to the bed. He tossed her onto the plump pillows and by the time she landed, he’d used his powers to render her nude. Perfect. Her legs were spread open as she attempted to gain purchase but Donovan was too quick as he grabbed onto both legs.

  “I have plans, Paige. I’ll be taking my time with you today.”

  “Can I check in at the café first?”

  “All taken care of. All you need to concentrate on is us and since I know you’ll need help to relax, I’m going to tie you to my bed. Then all you have to do is feel.” He spoke the words against the skin of her calves as he rubbed them along his jaw. Donovan loved the gooseflesh that arose at his tickling touch. His facial hair against her smooth skin was a wicked sensation.

  “You want to tie me up?” Paige sounded uncertain, nervous. He had her right where he wanted her.

  “I don’t want to, Principessa. I’m going to,” Donovan asserted just before he used his Valendite speed to have both of her wrists and ankles cuffed to the bed before Paige knew what was happening.

  He watched her carefully though, mindful of any sign she was afraid, but he saw only arousal in her bewitching green eyes. A quick glance between her legs told him she was, without a doubt, turned on. A vortex of emotion washed over him. It was never more telling than in this moment that he had found his perfect match. His little mate would always be enough for him, but better still was he could feel through their bond he would be enough for Paige as well.

  Donovan adored how her wide smile lit up her face. He saw not an ounce of hesitation. Her cheeks were flushed, there was a hint of perspiration on her skin and never before had she been more beautiful. Words were unnecessary because they shared all their emotions through the blood bond. Donovan never had to guess. He could feel every emotion she felt, and now combined with his own intense craving, their joining—that bond all Valendite Breeds share with their mates—was becoming quite an erotically charged experience.

  “Keep your eyes on me, Princess. I want to see your reactions. I want to see what pleases you,” Donovan leaned over her body—still fully clothed—to whisper his words into her ear.

  Running his finger straight down her body, he came to the junction of her thighs. The tiniest patch of blond curls did nothing to hide her core. “Keep it like this. You groom well so I can see all of you. Nothing is hidden.” Donovan’s voice grew deep with his desire.

  He used his same finger to brush through her soft curls and find her wet and swollen folds. His finger pressed inside and Paige let out a gasp. He suspected she imagined he’d go soft. She would learn soft wasn’t much part of his time in the bedroom.

  He thrust his finger in several times as he watched her eyes grow darker and her skin shine with sweat. He purposely didn’t touch her clit despite feeling her lift herself to him. Placing his hand on her stomach, he easily held her still while continuing his rhythm.

  “Donovan. I can’t stand this.” Paige tossed her head from side to side, “Please.”

  “Oh, Principessa, since you asked so sweetly,” Donovan couldn’t hold back his delight in her easy acquiescence.

  Donovan bowed his head to her breasts. He greedily nipped and sucked on one of her sweet pink nipples as he circled his thumb around her clit. The dual sensation of his bite to her breast and the touch to her most sensitive spot had her coming without warning.

  Paige screamed out, “Donovan!” Her muscles tightened, her expression tensed before every part of her body relaxed. His mate was stunning like this.

  He couldn’t have been any more pleased with himself. He sat up again, removed his clothes and said, “That was one.”

  Without giving her much time to come down from her high, Donovan kissed below the under swell of her breast and followed the natural lines of her body as he tasted her sweat-slickened skin. She lay still though her muscles rippled under his touch. For now, he kept his touch light to bring out the sensitivity of her skin.

  “This feels amazing.” She sighed.

  By the time Donovan had learned each line of her body, every sinew and muscle, and the tiniest of scars on her left ankle, Paige was relaxed with her arms flung over her head. Quickly, he restrained her wrists to the upper bedposts and she did nothing to resist. His mate was totally content under his care.

  “I’m going to decorate you now.”

  Her head shot up and her eyes sought him out where he stood near his dresser. “Wh-what do you mean?”

  “I have gifts for you,” Donovan explained and enjoyed seeing her relax again. “My family is jewelers. I had these crafted for you right after we first met. My parents and older brother were more than happy to do this for our newest family member.”

  She smiled up at him as he walked back to her with small jewelry boxes in his hands. He first held out one to her that looked like earrings inside. “They’re beautiful.”

  “They will adorn your nipples,” Donovan paused for her reaction, and when he saw her confusion, he then quickly explained, “They set around them so you don’t need to pierce your skin until you are ready. It’s tradition in my family that the woman be adorned in her husband’s jewels but we can wait for now. I know it is a big step.”

  Paige swallowed down a lump of fear.

  “I smell your fear as much as I feel it inside me. Do not fear me. I will never harm you. For now, these will bring you pleasure.”

  Paige nodded, still not sure what to say.

  “Very good. I just want to see how beautiful you look with my jewels.” As he spoke, Donovan took out the tiny green gems that hung from golden hoops and kissed them. Then he set one on her stomach as he brought the other to her breast.

  He pulled firmly at her already peaked nipples until it was as erect as she had ever seen it. She couldn’t help arching her back to the sensations and arousal coursing through her, but the restraints kept her in place. Then he rolled the hoop onto her nipple and pressed it until it closed snuggly. He performed the same ritual on her other nipple and she wanted to scream when he gave them simultaneous flicks with his fingers.

  “Donovan,” Paige shouted, not sure what she wanted but completely overwhelmed by the moment, the sensations, and her need for more of his touch.

  He stepped away. “You look beautiful. You should see yourself.” Donovan touched a switch above his bedside table and looked above her. Suddenly the ceiling was a mirror and she could see herself restrained with desire coursing through her body. An unbidden tear fell from her eye as she took in the view. Then she focused on the jewelry that shined so brightly. It was nearly the color of her eyes.

  “Why the tear, Princess?” Donovan asked in a soft voice as he wiped it form her face.

  “I feel so overwhelmed. It’s crazy, I know, but I feel so cherished,” Paige snorted at her foolishness. “I’m laying here tied to your bed, doing wildly kinky things and I feel cherished.”

  “That’s because in your heart, you know that’s exactly what I’m doing. This is my way of cherishing you. Right here and now, with my touch and my kiss and my gifts.” With his final word, he flicked at the nipple rings and she winced.

  Moving away, Donovan picked up another box. This one had a single hoop, larger than the ones he’d place on her nipple. Paige furrowed her brow and struggled for a closer look, confused by what this could be.

  “Don’t fight your restraints, Princess. Everything in good time,” he stroked her head and she calmed. “This is a ring for your clit.”

  Paige instinctively shook her head. “I-I can’t…”

  “Ssh,” Donovan hushed her. “You will find this the most erotic of all. The sensation derived from your piercing here will be more than you could imagine. Remember, trust me.”

  Paige nodded but watched his every move. What did he plan to do with that? Surely he wasn’t going to…oh, Goddess. Donovan stroked through her folds and spoke softly. Paige couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying. She could barely breathe. She felt his s
trokes, his fingers cool against her heated flesh.

  “Donovan?” Paige couldn’t resist her need to call for him.

  “I’m going to clip it into place just for now. I just need to see how beautiful you look.” She supposed it was the closest he’d come to asking permission.

  Paige took a deep breath and relaxed into the soft bed. She focused her eyes on her image floating above her on the ceiling. She looked wanton with messy hair and heavy eyes. The bangles hanging from her nipples were sparkling in the reflection. Lower between her spread legs, Donovan stared at her core. His dark complexion set apart her more alabaster skin tone. It was a stunning sight to watch his fingers glistening with her cream. Paige watched as he drew the tiny bangle between his fingers, and then felt the cool metal against her skin.

  “This is so perfect. You are so well groomed; your jewel will be visible to me always once it’s permanently in place.” Donovan’s words were reverent but still they caused her heart rate to accelerate. Sensing her anxiety, he stroked her leg gingerly and made cooing sounds. It warmed her to know how deeply he truly cared for her.

  A quick pinch and Donovan’s smile was the only indication he’d placed the hoop on her clit. She watched Donovan take a deep breath. It made her shiver when she realized he was breathing in her scent.

  “Heavenly. I won’t tighten it any more than this for now. It is just enough for you to feel the pull when they are connected.” Donovan spoke as he rose again and brought back another jewelry box. This time, it was longer and when he opened it, Paige gasped. It was a long chain of gems and links. It was the most incredible necklace.

  “It’s beautiful, Donovan.”

  “It is, but it will be better once it adorns your body.” Donovan brought the chain to her chest where he strung it through the hoops he’d placed on her. With a gentle tug, he ensured they were in place. She gasped and noticed Donovan looked pleased.

  “Still beautiful?” He grinned at her obvious discomfort.

  “Yes,” Paige fought for the breath to answer. “I need you, Donovan. I feel like I’m going crazy. There’s too much sensation. Everything tingles.” Paige could feel her body trembling and she fought to control it.

  “Don’t try to control it. Just relax into it. Look at me. Let’s take some deep breaths.” Donovan focused on Paige and took deep breaths. He watched to be sure she was copying him and finally seeing her muscles relax, he smiled. “Now just allow the feelings to wash through you. Or perhaps a spanking would help you gain focus?”

  Donovan’s serious expression and raised eyebrow told Paige it was no idle threat. She wanted so badly to do what he said, to be calm and relaxed. She craved this man and needed what he was giving her.

  “You’ll get used to this with experience. Then you’ll live for such a feeling. The explosion to come is going to be nothing short of magnificent.” Donovan continued stroking her folds, tugging the chain and thumbing her clit. Paige was on the very edge of something she knew was going to be huge, but couldn’t quite get there.

  Then Donovan continued to string the chain through the hoop at her clit before engaging the clasp. The chain was one continuous loop between the three points. “Beautiful,” Donovan stood back and admired his handiwork. Then he walked away and returned with another box. Paige was ready to scream. Each time she moved even the slightest bit, the chain would pull and she swore she felt the pressure building in her core.

  “Please, Donovan, I can’t do more,” Paige begged as he opened the box in his hand and smiled.

  He turned the box towards her and watched as Paige tried to reach for the sparkling ring, only to be reminded of her restraints and, of course, her new chain.

  “Allow me, Principessa.” Donovan released her left hand from its bondage and slid the large gleaming ring onto her finger. He lifted it so Paige could see the matching gemstones glitter in the light.

  “Oh, Donovan. It’s beautiful. All of it is so beautiful,” Paige allowed the tears to drop from her eyes, not certain if they were from happiness or this overwhelming emotional ride he’s strung her along.

  Donovan released her right hand as well and massaged both of them. “I want to feel your hands on me when I take you.”


  “I’m going to take you hard now,” Donovan warned. “This, us in this very moment, is me claiming you.”

  “Yes. I need you so badly.”

  “Me too. Goddess, me too,” Donovan returned her smile.

  Paige felt Donovan’s need to claim her emanate from him. She could feel his desire along with her own. Paige knew he did this so she would understand how powerful their bond was. As the strong male he was, Donovan could accept nothing less. He stroked her clit again with a firmer touch and pressed a finger inside once more. Her body bowed and the pull of the chain had her screaming his name.

  “Donovan!” Paige watched him with hungry eyes. She could tell small bursts of colored light were being released from her body, but the only thing she could think of now was gaining release. Oh Goddess, nothing had ever been so necessary. Her body was calling to him, her mate. Paige needed him and she was prepared to do anything to get him.

  Donovan must’ve felt the same way because in the next moment, he slid his cock fully into her core. Paige cried out for more. Donovan pulled out and rubbed his shaft along the outside of her folds, drawing forth moisture, and then pushing himself in again.

  He leaned forward so their faces were close. “Hold on to my shoulders.” Donovan commanded through gritted teeth. He was holding himself back as well, his need as strong as hers.

  Before she could do any more than grab onto his shoulders, Donovan slammed into her sheath. Through each other’s eyes, they watched the emotion swirling around inside of them, but through her powers, they could have seen it all around them. Their eyes remained connected though, as over and over, Donovan continued to work himself into her. Each pass of his cock over her clit added more pressure against the bangle. Paige could feel herself on the edge and wanted desperately to go over.

  “Oh, Goddess. Oh, Goddess. Oh, Goddess,” Paige chanted as a barrage of sensations bombard her.

  Donovan continued his forceful rhythm. She was nearly out of her mind. Everything was beyond a stopping point. They were as connected as two people could be and together, they seemed to be reaching for that unattainable place just out of reach. He placed his hands under her buttocks to raise her hips off the bed. She felt the tenderness of her reddened bottom and a thrill shot through her. Dammit, she was close. She needed to cum. Paige fought for breath as her back arched with each of his thrusts, feeling the pull of her jewels. The dual sensations were a rush.

  Donovan tugged on the chain between her nipples. Paige’s scream pierced the room. Her inner muscles squeezed his cock. She wanted to take him over the edge with her. Paige latched onto Donovan’s neck and sucked at his salty, sweaty skin before biting down into his life’s vein. Unsure what compelled her but unable to resist, she began to drink.

  “Fuck,” Donovan roared into the air as he gave one final and mighty thrust into her core and released. He shook, but continued to hold her as his seed emptied into her core.

  As he lay over her, he burrowed into her neck and licked at the spot over her life’s vein. Paige was still drinking from Donovan and floating from her orgasm when she felt first a few licks of his abrasive tongue, and then one of his sharp teeth gently pierce her and draw a small droplet of blood. She felt his moan of pleasure in her core. The scent alone of their combined fluids—blood, sweat and sex—raised her arousal all over again, but the divine taste was even better. The life-sustaining blood they were taking from one another bonded them as they would never be to anyone else.

  Since he hadn’t yet pulled out of her, Paige felt as his shaft grew larger again inside her channel. She pushed her hips against him as he penetrated her with both cock and teeth. In just moments, Paige screamed again as she came for a second time. Her inner walls clamped down on him and
drew out every ounce of life it had to give. No one had told her sex with her mate would be this overwhelming. Simply knowing this was a complete joining and, together, she and Donovan could have offspring, felt right. Why had she ever thought otherwise?

  As he released her neck, and she let go of his, they looked into each other’s eyes and shared their thoughts telepathically. Somewhere in the mix of it all, he’d unlatched the chain and released her ankles so their feet were now entwined with one another. It was perfect and Paige wanted to remember this moment forever. For the rest of their time on earth, she and Donovan would take their sustenance from one another. Donovan rolled them to the side but remained inside of her. They held one other and waited for sleep to claim them.

  Chapter Five

  “We have to talk,” Paige spoke the words as soon as she saw Donovan’s eyes open. She was afraid if she didn’t say them right away, she might never get up the nerve. She’d never had to discuss her plans with another person except to tell them what she was doing. Paige suspected this would be more of a give and take than that.

  “I’ve been wondering when you’d bring it up.” Donovan stretched and sat up, pulling her back against him. This would be easier without having to look at him. She dreaded this first fight, but she was not giving in. She had to go.


  “Princess, I may have distracted you a bit these last few days but your goals weren’t just going to go away. Now tell me what the plan is.”

  “What the plan is?” Suddenly this seemed too easy to be true. Why wasn’t he arguing with her?

  “Yes. Go on. If I’ve come to know you well enough over the past few months, I’m certain you have a plan for attending the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie.” Paige was impressed when Donovan pronounced the name of the international baking competition with such ease. Still, she had no idea he knew about her plans to attend despite the mating.


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