Sheikh's Purchased Princess

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Sheikh's Purchased Princess Page 17

by Sophia Lynn

  Irene felt the bottom drop out of her stomach, and she stared at the whip in the woman’s hands. Surely she couldn’t be serious?

  “This is an old tool of correction. The whip itself is used to sting and drive camels, to make them go where we wish. When used against a woman whose skin is far more fragile than camel’s hide, well, the results can be terrifying, don’t you think?”

  Irene could feel tears start in her eyes as the reality of the situation sunk in for her. They could do anything they wanted to her. She couldn’t stop them.

  “Being given one hundred strokes at a time would kill a strong man, and this is not intended to be an execution, Miss Bellingham. We have a doctor come in to confirm that you can handle the pain and the shock and the subsequent time to heal. Then ten strokes are given. Slowly.”

  Irene flinched as if the woman had touched the braided handle of the whip against her shoulder. The woman nodded.

  “After that, you are taken to your cell to rest and heal. When the wounds are healed over somewhat, you are brought out again, only this time, you know what kind of pain is waiting for you. Strong men who went to the whipping post silent break down when they are brought back out for their second set. Some still resist, but all start howling when they are brought back for their third set.”

  She paused.

  “Ten sets, Miss Bellingham. It will not kill you, but many who are given this punishment are never the same again. They are… broken, in mind, if not in body.”

  The tears were running freely down Irene’s face. A black hopelessness had come up and overwhelmed her. She knew now what was going to happen to her, and she knew that there was nothing she could do about it.

  “We are not permitted to give you strokes of the camel whip for your crime now. That is only ordered by the court of law.”

  She waited until Irene relaxed slightly before continuing.

  “However, we are allowed to correct prisoners who have been unruly and uncooperative in our care.”

  Irene’s head shot up, and the woman smiled at her thinly.

  “What do you think defying your guards with silence is?” she asked. “I cannot use the camel whip, but I can use the cane, and believe me very well when I say that one is hardly better than the other.”

  The woman hung the camel whip carefully on the door, and then she produced a thick cane that looked more like a stick. When she swished the cane through the air, it made a ripping sound that made Irene flinch.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  Irene froze. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t.

  The woman looked at her calmly.

  “Take off your clothes, or I will call in two guards to take them off for you.”

  Irene’s mind was reeling. She couldn’t imagine taking her clothes off, let alone the brutality that the woman was telling her would follow. The entire room felt far away. She felt as if she were moving through mud, but underneath that, there was a layer of molten panic that was searing through her body.


  The woman suddenly lashed out with the cane, bringing it within a hairsbreadth of striking Irene’s arm. She could feel the way the cane tore through the air, making her gasp.

  She hurriedly started taking off her clothes, but her fingers were clumsy, fumbling with her buttons as the guard waited impatiently. She kept her mind consciously blank, trying to avoid thinking about what was going to come next.

  A cold feeling of hopelessness overcame her. She was utterly helpless. She couldn’t do anything. She hesitated when she got down to her underwear, but at an impatient look from the woman with the cane, she drew them off as well. Now she was naked inside a drafty cell, and she knew that whatever came next, she had to endure it. She couldn’t let herself be broken. She had to protect her brother. She had no other choice.

  “Step to the wall.”

  She stood shaking as the woman shackled her to the wall, pulling a switch that dragged her taut. The wall was ice cold against her breasts and belly. She tried to go somewhere else in her mind.

  Behind her, the woman swished the cane through the air two or three times, making her flinch with each sound and movement.

  “All right. Six to begin with, and then we will see how stubborn you are after that, eh?”

  Irene had tears in her eyes. She shut her eyes tight and clenched her fists where they were lifted over her head.

  Please, I cannot break…

  The cane swished through the air, or at least it started to. Suddenly, there was a crash as the door rocked on its hinges, flying open. There was barely enough free chain for Irene to twist around, but when she did, she was startled to see a familiar man outlined in the doorway.

  It was Raheem, the handsome stranger from the airport who had turned out to be none other than the sheikh of Khanour. Now he was dressed in the traditional robes of his people, the dark folds of fabric making him look even more imposing. It was as if he sucked all of the air from the room; every eye was on him, from her and the guard to the men behind him.

  For a moment, he glared around him, taking in the scene. His gaze flickered as it roved down her bare form, and then he was all business again.

  “Cut her down,” he said, his voice deep and imposing.

  The guard hurried to do as the sheikh said, and when she had done so, she stepped back. She looked, Irene thought, grateful to be out of the way of the grim-faced sheikh. For Irene’s own part, all she could do was hide her nudity as best she could with her hands, shaking as he advanced upon her.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked, his eyes dark and his face stern.

  Irene had no idea what was happening now, but she knew that she couldn’t defy this man.

  She nodded jerkily, as if her head was a ball on a string. He reached out, jerking her head up with his hand at her chin. When she looked up at him, he was even more terrifying. This was a man who held the power of life and death over his people. She had been caught stealing from him.

  “Say my name.” His voice was pure command, something that she could not defy.

  “Raheem,” she whispered. “Raheem ben Ali, sheikh of Khanour.”

  To her surprise, he broke into a smile that was bright and cruel.

  “It has been heard, and it has been witnessed,” he said, his voice pitched to carry to the people at the door. Irene looked up in surprise.

  “She has recognized me for who I am, and thus in the old way, I declare this woman my wife.”

  The people behind him broke into an excited murmur, and the guard watched them with stunned eyes, but Irene felt as if she had been hit with the cane after all. The world was swimming, and things were happening much too fast for her to figure out what was going on.

  The guard spoke up.

  “Your Highness… what does this mean?”

  “It means, warden, that this prisoner is no longer your responsibility. I am choosing to marry her in the old way, and thus her crimes are mine to punish and my responsibility to bring to rights. Her crime was against the country of Khanour, and as I am Khanour, I will take over her custody.”

  With a careless hand, he tossed Irene a cloth bag.

  “Cover yourself up,” he said, his voice brisk. “We are leaving as soon as you do.”

  For a moment, Irene wondered if she wasn’t leaping straight from the frying pan into the fire. In prison, she knew exactly what to expect, but with Raheem… who knew what kind of tortures he had planned. And married? It shouldn’t be legal, but from her studies, she knew that it was. The marriage he had declared was one from Khanour’s ancient history, a law that was in place only for the sheikh, who might take a woman as wife for just a week. Under that law, she was his property, and he could do with her what he liked.

  When he made an impatient sound, she hastened to open the bag. Inside, she found a loose robe and skirtlike trousers that buttoned at her waist. The clothes were similar to what the more traditional women wore in the Khanour countryside. The other items were more p

  There was a pair of delicate gold bangles studded with tiny red gems that she suspected were rubies and a pair of intricately worked knotted gold earrings, but the prize was obviously the necklace. No, not the necklace; it was more of a collar. It was a piece that recalled some ancient distant past, a heavy piece of metal that fitted closely around her neck with a gleaming moonstone at the center.

  Raheem looked her over with a critical eye before nodding briskly.

  “Good,” he said, his voice crisp and commanding. “Now you will follow me. You will not attempt to escape, or I will show you that I can be just as savage as any prison. Nod if you understand.”

  She nodded, feeling as shaky as if she stood in an earthquake. Things were happening so fast that she had no idea what was going to come or what she could do about it. Instead, she followed the sheikh in a daze. He walked her out of the building, past the guards and the gates and the bars, and then she was handed into one of the dark cars that were waiting outside.

  I don’t have my passport, she thought suddenly. There was no procedure to show that I had left the prison, nothing that will tell people that I was here at all…

  She realized, sitting alone in the car where she was separated from the driver by a pane of safety glass, that she was truly on her own. No one knew where she was or where she was going. Instead, her life was utterly in the hands of a man who had no cause to love her, who saw her as a traitor to his people and as a filthy thief.

  As the car drove through the dimming afternoon, Irene wondered what was going to happen to her.





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