The Predator: Part Two (The Predator Series Book 2)

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The Predator: Part Two (The Predator Series Book 2) Page 17

by Brooke May

  Wha- why … huh?” My shoulders sag as I look back and forth at the two grinning giants.

  “Surprise!” Chamberlain holds his arms over his head in a cheer.

  “Beth is coming here?” I point at the ground, indicating here as in Dallas while trying to understand what is happening.


  “Just for the week?”

  “No.” Chamberlain shakes his head.

  “I’d better get back in there.” Scott waves at us and takes off back into the airport.

  “How long for? A couple of days?” A warm, happy feeling starts to fill my chest as I dance into Chamberlain’s arms.

  “For good; she goes where we go.”

  “REALLY?” I can’t contain my joy and the thrill of having my best friend to see every day again.

  “She’s a member of the team now.” He nods, eyes sparkling. “Now, my woman will be undoubtedly happy.” He places me in the van where Fiona and Marissa are talking about food and grocery shopping.

  “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

  His face scrunches up in thought. “No, but you are more than welcome to remind me.” We kiss before he shuts the door.

  “Where Uncle Scott, Mommy?”

  “He’s waiting for Aunt Beth’s flight to get here.” I smile over the back of my seat at her.

  “Willy?” She squeals in complete delight, kicking her dad’s seat.

  “Yes. Daddy says she will be going everywhere with us now.”

  “YAY!” she cheers. “Tank you, Daddy. I wove you!” she screams to Chamberlain after he gets in and we take off.

  “I love you, too, princess.” Grabbing my hand, he kisses it and keeps our hands linked between us.

  “Gramma, you wove Aunt Beth too!”

  “I’m sure I will, sweet girl.” Fiona cups her face and smiles at her. “Our family is growing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “STAY UP ON your toes.”

  Marissa giggles as I sing to her.

  “Stay up.”

  She giggles again.

  “Stay up, stay up, stay up.” I continue to sing to her as we hold our positions while she continues to giggle. Like all the students I’ve had, I make ballet fun. I know what it is like to have difficulties learning something with a strict teacher. I don’t want to be strict, ever. I want Marissa and the students I have taught to have fun and enjoy this time. I love bonding with her this way.

  “Okay and drop.” Marissa and I gracefully drop to flat feet. We haven’t been at the hotel long. After Chamberlain had got us checked in, Fiona left to get groceries for our stay here, and Chamberlain decided to lay down for a quick nap. Marissa and I cleared out a good spot in our suite’s living room for us to practice ballet. I managed to find a music channel for us to dance to as well.

  “‘Gain, Mommy!” She beams at me, her blond hair falling in her face, but it doesn’t faze her.

  “All right, this time we will do—”

  “You are a fucking asshole, Franks! You hear me!” A. Fucking. Asshole!” Beth’s yelling carries over the music from the hallway outside our suite. I hear Scott’s muffled voice follow hers, and then Beth yells again. “Just open the fucking door and get out of my face, you sexist prick!”

  The door flies open just as Chamberlain, wide-eyed and alert, comes running out of our bedroom while pulling a shirt on. “What’s going on?” He moves quickly to my and Marissa’s side, standing in front of us to protect us.

  There is no need for it. Once Beth sees us, she will stop and clean up her language. But she doesn’t; Beth storms into the room and points a finger at Chamberlain. “Your friend is a fucking asshole!”

  I drop to my knees and cover Marissa’s ears. She hasn’t really been around this language before. My aunts never swore, and I really don’t, especially around her.

  “I know,” Chamberlain states. This isn’t new to us; Scott has a certain way with the ladies that some go for, but not all, like Beth.

  “We could hear you.” I stand back up and take my spot at Chamberlain’s side, mimicking his posture of legs spread and arms crossed.

  “Aunt Beth, no bad words!” Marissa marches up to her, scolding her. “Weave Uncle Scott awone!”

  The instant Beth sees Marissa, everything about her composure softens. She walks over to Marissa, drops to her knees, and encases Marissa in her arms. “I missed you.” I’ve never heard to the longing before in her voice. I knew she missed us, but I didn’t know how much until she held my daughter. “Uncle Scott was being a meanie to me,” she says in a childlike voice.

  I watch as little blue eyes shoot up and glare at Scott. He’s on her list again. “Be nice to my aunty, Uncle Scott.” Marissa points an accusing finger at him.

  He’s never going to win with her. Accepting his defeat, Scott lowers his head and turns his attention to Chamberlain. “Want to go for a run?” I can feel the tension rolling off him while he heads to his room to change. Whatever happened between the two of them on the way here isn’t good. I know Scott can be a bit much at times, but Beth isn’t the easiest to deal with either.

  “Sure.” Chamberlain watches him leave before he turns to me. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out his wallet. “Why don’t you three go dress shopping?” He hands me his MasterCard. “I’ve already added you to my account, so you are able to make purchases on this until we get yours.”

  I look down at it and scowl as if it is diseased. Even coming from money, I never liked to spend it unless I earned it, and even then, I was very frugal with it. “Umm …” I continue to stare at the offering, not really wanting to take it.

  “Just take it, Katie.” Chamberlain grabs my hand and places the card in said hand. “The limit is ten thousand.” My hand feels a whole lot heavier with that little card in it.


  I haven’t handled that much money in a really long time.

  “Hmpf.” Shaking my head, I pull my hand back and finally accept the darn thing. “Like I’m really going to spend that much money,” I mumble to myself.

  “If you find the right dress, you will.” He runs his finger along my chin before swiftly kissing me. “Take as much time as you need. We don’t have any plans for the rest of the day.” He takes his own leave to change and then he and Scott are off.

  “I’m going to go put my stuff in a room.” Beth excuses herself just as the door opens again, and Fiona walks in followed by a bellhop.

  “You can just set everything on the counter.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Thank you.” Fiona hands him some money after he deposits the bags on the counter and he leaves.

  “I help?” Marissa bounces her way over to the kitchen where Fiona is already unloading everything.

  “Sure thing.” Fiona starts handing her a few things that she can put away. “After we finish, we can go find your mommy a wedding dress.”

  “Willy?” Marissa stops with a bag of spinach in her little hands and stares up at me. “A wedding dress?”

  “Yes, Daddy and I are going to get married. Are you okay with that?”

  “Oh yes, yes, yes!” She dances her way over to the refrigerator and deposits the spinach inside.

  When the food is put away and Beth is back in the living room, we all grab our bags and head out the door to find me a dress.


  “WHAT HAPPENED WITH Scott on the way to the hotel?” I look through yet another rack of insanely priced dresses and find nothing. Beth is on the other side, her lips twisted in thought. “He was just trying to put the moves on me.” She looks up. “Does he really have any luck being a complete asshole to women?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” I pull out a maybe dress and hang it on the funky cart I have trailing behind me. So far, I only have three dresses on it. “Most women who hang around fighters and guys who look like Scott and Chamberlain are superficial and aren’t usually the brightest crayons in the box.”

>   “Well, that’s a given. Look at all the lines dumbass has already tried on me.”

  “He’s an alpha type like Chamberlain.” Not that it is an excuse. When Scott cares for someone, he will do whatever he can to ensure they are safe. I think he finally met his match with Beth and didn't know how to handle her.

  “And the difference is that Chamberlain knows how to treat you.”

  “This is true.” I pull out a simple white dress and add it to the rack. “Give it time; he’ll come around once he sees that his way isn’t going to win you over.” I pause and look over at her again. “That is if you are interested?” I know I’m right on this. There could be something between them if Scott would grow up and Beth would let him in.

  She snorts. “No, I’m done with men for a long ass time. I’ll keep company with other things.”

  “And now, we change the subject.” We both laugh. “I’m going to start trying on these I’ve found so far.” I start to push the rack to the changing rooms when Marissa comes running out with Fiona chasing after her.

  “Baby, we need to zip you up first!”

  “Mommy, look dress!” Marissa ignores Fiona and twirls. She looks beautiful in the little dress minus the sight of her Frozen panties showing from the back where she is unzipped. Fiona quickly zips her, and I walk around, tapping my finger to my lips. Her dress is white; only one shoulder has a strap that is thick, there is a bow on the front that looks more like a butterfly, and the skirt part is tons of ripples cascading down. She really does look like a princess in this.

  “You like, Mommy? I wove it!”

  I stop in front of her. “Then this will be your dress.” She squeals with delight. “Why don’t you and Aunt Beth go choose something pretty to wear in your hair?”

  “Otay!” She rushes off again, but this time with Beth on her heels.

  “After you change back into your sundress.” She nods and takes off to her dressing room.

  “Do you need some help with the dresses?” Fiona pulls out one of the dresses, looking it over. “Simple but beautiful, just like you.” She squeezes my chin.

  “I think so; you know how much I love shopping.” I wheel the rack into one of the dressing rooms. “You just take a load off, and I’ll come out with each dress.” I wave her to the cushioned chairs in front of my dressing room.

  The first dress is not at all me, and neither are the next three. Fiona agrees. I wasn’t even out the door yet when she waved me back in to change. I’m in the middle of pulling up my shorts when there is a knock on my door. “Try this one.” Beth cracks the door and slides a dress in.

  “Okay,” It doesn’t hurt to try something else on. The first thing I notice is that the dress is extremely soft. The bodice is a zip-up corset, and it slides up my body comfortably and almost perfectly like a second skin. I manage the zipper just fine after putting my left arm through the off-the-shoulder strap. It’s an A-line dress, fitting snugly on my upper body all the way down to my hips before the material drops off into a beautiful sweeping skirt.

  Most of the skirt is flat and nice, but off my right hip, it divides into a wide slit that has cascading material like Marissa’s dress, floating around to cover my leg. Above the slit is a jewel-encrusted pin that looks like it holds everything together. The jewels are mainly white, but there are blue ones scattered throughout.

  I know without even showing the girls that I am going to marry Chamberlain in this dress.

  “Is everything okay in there?” Fiona’s concern carries through the door.

  “Everything is perfect,” I say whimsically.

  “Well then, let us see.” Fiona pats the door just as I open it. I hear two collective gasps as I step out.

  “Mommy, you bootiful!” Marissa says in awe. “Wike a princess!”

  “Thank you, baby.” I turn so they can see the whole dress. “Do you think Daddy would like it?”

  “YES!” She claps her hands.

  “I knew you would look kickas- butt in it.” Beth places a hand on top of Marissa’s now crowned head. “Try these with it.” She hands me a pair of white Bordello heels with lace trim. The heel part is black along with a black strap over the top where a bow is on each.

  I climb into the heels, and just like the dress, they feel right. “Black and white.” I grin up at my girls. “This is it.”

  “Couldn’t agree more.”

  “Oh, baby doll, you look lovely.” Fiona taps at the corner of her eyes.

  “I’m going to take this off and have them put it and the shoes up front for me.”

  “And then we can work on something else.” Beth’s hint at lingerie is horrible.

  “I’ll take Marissa for ice cream.”

  “Otay, Gramma.”

  Once we are back in regular clothes and Fiona has taken Marissa down the street, Beth and I browse through the bridal lingerie selection. One thing my friendship with Beth has opened me up to is that I enjoy looking at sexy things; especially now that I have someone to look at what I wear under my clothes. Along with a good pair of heels, sexy panties, and a knockout bra, I feel powerful.

  “We need to find something that will fit under my dress without peeking through,” I announce to Beth while she is looking at the garters.

  I stop at the corsets, mainly because I don’t own any. I always thought they were extremely beautiful and sexy to look at but never had it in me to buy one until now. Picking up a black one that has white trim and a white bow in the place that would be right between my breasts, I examine it and deem it worthy.

  “Here.” Beth sets down a pair of black lace stockings that say thigh-high on the package. “You have any black thongs or lacy briefs to go with this?” She points at the corset in my hands.

  “Yes.” I pull one of the straps up that would attach the corset to the stocking in complete wonderment.

  Chamberlain will love this.

  “You are too easy to shop with.” She pouts while looking at other things.

  “I don’t care to shop. I find what I like and settle with it.” I pick up the rest of my purchases and head to the counter. “Did you find a dress?”

  “Yes.” She holds up a pair of suede black peek toe pumps that have wraps for her ankles along with a black cocktail dress in a bag. “I thought I would go with your man’s colors since you were.” She sets her shoes down and holds the dress up better for me to see. Like mine and Marissa’s, it is one shoulder, but instead of one thick strap, it has four thinner ones. It’s really cute. “And I can wear it again,” she states with pride.

  “Did Fiona find something?”

  Beth shakes her head. “She said she has a dress she keeps for special occasions that she will wear.”

  “All right.”

  “Someone is getting spoiled today.” The saleswoman smiles as she rings up our purchases. I feel a heart attack coming when the total appears: $4,359.39

  “Wedding shopping,” I manage to say as my hand shakes when I hand Chamberlain’s card over.

  “Oh, congratulations.” She smiles warmly at me. “When is the big day?”

  “Next Saturday.” Beth answers for me, seeing that I’m in shock. Again, I grew up with it, but it doesn’t mean that I’m used to it.

  “So soon?”

  “They’ve been waiting for four years. Plus, we will be in Vegas,” Beth replies with a shrug like that explains everything.

  “Well, congratulations again, soon-to-be Mrs. Lawrence.” She hands the card back to me. Beth has to help me sign the slip.

  “Thank you,” I manage. That’s right; soon, I won’t be K.C. Cunningham anymore and that fills me with so much joy. No longer will I fear that people will recognize me as my father’s daughter. Instead, I am marrying the man I love and taking his name.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  THIS HAS GOT to be one of the most boring things I have ever done in my life. Math class has nothing on the league meeting I am sitting in with Chamberlain and the CEO of the lea
gue, Jeremy Woodson. I do my best to take notes on things that I think will be important to remember, but otherwise, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.

  I’ve found myself more drawn to looking through different things on the monster phone than what is going on with the other two. They are currently discussing Chamberlain’s fight this weekend with The Destroyer. So I decided to pull open the YouTube app and type in the last fight Chamberlain had with the fighter.

  “He had you good last time you two met in the ring, Chamberlain.” Jeremy’s voice is concerned; his champ runs the risk of losing to someone who is actually competition to him. What he doesn’t get is that Chamberlain wants a challenge. Luckily, the monster phone quickly pulls up their last match. It is all over the place—different feeds, comments, and video commentary on the fight.

  I pull up the one that I think will show me the most, and to my surprise, I find that Chamberlain took the beating of his life and lost the match. He nearly lost his life as well from the looks of it and the comments posted by the viewers. Apparently, Destroyer doesn’t fight fair or nice, if it is possible to fight nicely.

  I watch the video from two years ago again in silence as they continue to talk. Once I’ve seen enough and have a better understanding of what went wrong, I set the monster down, and the words pour out of me before I can control myself.

  “Your head wasn’t in the match last time.” The room silences, and two sets of eyes look at me. I feel like waving.

  Yes, I’m still here.

  I could see it in Chamberlain’s movements, in his eyes as well when there was a flash of them on the screen.

  “You weren’t focused on the match, not like you usually are. You lost something with this one, and it wasn’t the match; it was something inside that you let go of that you shouldn’t have.”

  Chamberlain looks down at the phone in front of me before coming back up. “You just watched it, didn’t you?” He should be ashamed, and by his tone, he is.

  Nodding, I continue. “You were more focused on the crowds’ cheers rather than the match and that divided your attention. You never did that before, and you don’t do it now, so why the change?” I cock my head in regard. “You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you would have taken him more seriously. He may not look it, but he was able to put you in the hospital with internal bleeding and swelling in and around your brain.”


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