The Predator: Part Two (The Predator Series Book 2)

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The Predator: Part Two (The Predator Series Book 2) Page 32

by Brooke May

  Beth has been in her own, and she trains three times a day. She’s turned into a machine. I’ve scheduled some low-level fights, something to get her feet wet with, but it is by no means the level she will be at. But if it helped Chamberlain, then it would help her.

  Lovingly, Chamberlain lowers me to the bed. I hiss as he eases out of me. He gently kisses my lower belly like he has done every time before he goes to get a washcloth to clean me. An ache hits my chest; I know he does that in the hopes a baby will be growing in there. I keep my mouth shut. I love that he does it, but I refuse to get my hopes up.

  We are enjoying being together again. The fact that my period is three days late doesn’t get my pulse high or my hopes higher this month. It will more than likely come tomorrow, just when my heart starts telling my brain this could be the month.

  “I’m surprised someone didn’t barge in on us like yesterday morning.” Chamberlain laughs, but I can’t help but cover my face as my face flushes.

  “That was horrible,” I mutter against my arm. Marissa came bounding up the stairs and stormed our room while we were in mid-orgasm. I think every child walks in on their parents at one point in their life. Thankfully, Chamberlain had the covers down around us and was able to pull them up quickly.

  “Didn’t bother you after Fiona got her to go back down to the kitchen.” He rubs his bottom lip against my temple. I wiggle, thinking about finishing in the shower with the door locked. “Up you go, Mrs. Lawrence.” He helps me onto my still shaking legs and slaps my bottom, encouraging me to get dressed. “I would love to keep you up here and naked all day, but we have shit to do.”

  “I know,” I bemoan. I would love to do that as well, but he is right. We have Beth’s fight tonight, and Chamberlain’s tomorrow night. “We could stay for a couple of more hours.”

  “Oh, no you don’t.” He turns me back around and points at our closet. “I need to get some actual training done today as well.”

  “You are training.” I bite my lip and wriggle against him, knowing what it does to him. “You’re working your cardiovascular system and breaking a sweat.” I stop moving on a hiss but cover it, so Chamberlain doesn’t see or hear. I don’t want him to get his hopes up either. His sigh tells me I’m not going to win.

  “Be my shy wife today, please? My dick needs a break, Katie.” My bottom lip rolls into my mouth. I can’t help it; I can’t get enough of him. He kisses my shoulder. “I love you, and I love that you have become so insatiable, but we, unfortunately, have things to do today.”

  “Okay.” I kiss his hand on my shoulder and get ready.


  I WATCH HER from across the room as she bounces on her toes. “Beth, you ready?” Helena screams in her face. She and Noah, along with baby Holder, couldn’t stay away from Beth’s debut fight. For now, it is just the four of us in the locker room; Beth, Helena, me, and tiny baby Holder in my arms.

  Tonight is the third night in a row my stomach has been uneasy. I haven’t gotten to the point of being full-out sick, but it is a definite discomfort. I’m not holding my breath on it yet, though.

  Holder wriggles in my arms at the sound of his mom’s voice. “Here, Helena.” I hand him back to her. She needs to nurse him before I get him back again. She is also fighting tonight, but in the lightweight class, which is the weight class above Beth.

  I step back after Holder is safely in his mom’s arms and place a hand on my lower stomach, almost absentmindedly. “What?” I frown at Beth who is watching me.

  “I knew this was coming.”

  “What?” I repeat as she walks away from me and to her gym bag, digging through it for something. “What are you doing?” I try to peer over her shoulder.

  “I bought this earlier for you.” Beth takes my hand and slaps a box in my open hand.

  Furrowing my brows, I look down at the box and discover it is a pregnancy test. My gaze slowly goes back up to Beth. “You think I might be pregnant?”

  “Think?” She huffs out in disbelief. “K.C. I know you are pregnant. Go take it.” She gently shoves me toward the bathroom.

  “Actually, Beth, it’s better to do it first thing in the morning.” Helena joins us, lightly bouncing a nursing Holder in her arms. “But you already know that, right?” She nudges me.

  I nod. “It’s true. The hormone level is higher in the mornings, so the results are more accurate.”

  Plus, I’m not ready to know yet.

  I keep holding out thinking it isn’t going to happen this month either.

  “So?” Beth shrugs. “Piss on it in the morning then, but I already know the results.” She points at my stomach. “There’s a baby in there.”

  I purse my lips but hold my tongue. I’m not fighting her about this, especially since I don’t know for sure. My body is conflicted.

  “It’s almost showtime!” Beth claps her hands together, bounces again, and rolls her neck. “You’d better give him to K.C.”

  “Oh, all right.” Helena places a kiss on his dark head of hair and hands him back to me after I slip the pregnancy tests into my bag and grab both it and the diaper bag. Helena fixes her top and kisses him again as he nuzzles against my chest.

  I’m not in the corners tonight, and that’s fine. At this venue, we are lucky to get a private box where all the noise of the crowd is drowned out, leaving only the sounds of the fights and the commentators. Marissa finally got to come along this time along with Fiona. They are both waiting up in our box for me.

  I hug them both with one arm and tell them good luck, but I stop Beth before she can leave. “Don’t say anything to Chamberlain,” I plead.

  Her sly grin slips into place. “I won’t.”

  “Thank you.” I hug her again, and then with Holder, I manage the catacombs leading up to the VIP boxes. He doesn’t fuss with all the noise and is completely out when we arrive at our box.

  “Let me see ‘im, Mommy!” Marissa squeals, running over to me. Her Team Predator shirt hangs on her like a dress. I paired her pink top with black and white stripped leggings and her pink glitter shoes. I wear a matching top, but it’s black and fits perfectly.

  “Shh, he’s sleeping, baby doll.” Fiona laughs, watching us and silencing her granddaughter. She too is in a Team Predator shirt.

  “It’s okay. He slept the whole way up here; I don’t think she would wake him if the crowd couldn’t.” I place the bags down and take my seat. We can see everything from up here. We can clearly see the ring and the two women currently fighting. “Beth’s fight should be next.” I say offhandedly as I get sucked into watching the fight.

  I’m happy for my friend and my husband, but this isn’t the career for me.

  “Is she nervous?”

  “What?” I don’t break my eyes from the ring. “No, she’s pumped and ready to show how well she can handle herself.” The fight ends, and they take a short intermission to get the ring cleared and ready for Beth’s match. I’m just as pumped as she is for her fight. My best friend finally has goals and dreams of her own to work toward. Fiona slaps my shoulder with the back of her hand.

  “Did Beth give you her present?”

  “She told you?”

  “Who do you think told her what kind to get?” Her eyes dig into my soul like they did as a child. Of course, she knew. She admitted she had a feeling about Marissa before everything happened.

  “What if she’s wrong?”

  “She isn’t.” Fiona pulls me to her and kisses my cheek. “I know my girl is going to have another baby. The way you’ve been walking around the past few day, the glow around you; there isn’t no way that you’re not pregnant.”

  Knowing what Fiona thinks helps me. “I guess we’ll find out in the morning. If I am, I want to tell Chamberlain in a special way.” He missed finding out and everything the first time around. I know it bothers him because it bothers me, too. I don’t want to waste a moment of this pregnancy.

  If there is a pregnancy.

  “I’m sure you�
�ll think of something. Now, let me see that baby.” Fiona claps and rubs her hands together before taking Holder.

  The crack of the microphone comes through the speakers of our room. People are scurrying back to their seats as the announcer and the referee jump back into the ring.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you tonight!” The announcer gets the crowd excited. “Fire Woman” by The Cult comes through the speakers. “In her debut fight, weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds and standing at five-foot-three inches, I give you Beth ‘Wildfire’ Martin!” The crowd roars as my best friend jogs down to the ring, flanked by Chamberlain and Scott.

  “I can’t believe that’s the name she went with.” I lean into Fiona again, never taking my eyes off the ring. That’s what Scott has been calling her. When she isn’t around, he refers to her as his wildfire knockout. But as far as I know, she still wasn’t letting him in intimately. Friendship-wise, they were good, but that was it.

  Her opponent is announced, and when they come toe-to-toe, they are about the same size, her opponent being a tiny bit shorter than she is. Beth is short, to begin with, so being taller than another adult makes her feel bigger.

  The bell sounds, and just like wildfire, Beth takes to her opponent, spreading her own rain of fire on her with blow after blow like she’s been doing this for years. I’m mesmerized as she moves, never backing off unless the referee tells her to. I break my eyes for just a moment to look down at Marissa. She has her face pressed against the glass, staring at Beth; she too is transfixed.

  This must have been what it was like to watch Chamberlain’s debut fight, and a part of me still aches that I will never get that back. But I have the others to watch now. My hand meanders to my belly.

  Will I have to miss this season if I’m pregnant?

  I can’t see Chamberlain letting me travel. He would want me to stay safe here at home. Then he would miss everything—appointments, my belly growing—and the ache grows.

  What are we going to do?

  I look over at him and Scott. Standing by Beth’s corner, they pound on the canvas of the ring, cheering her on. I can’t let this get to me now; we’ll figure something out. Beth’s fight ends just as quickly as it begins. I can’t believe it went so fast; all the training and preparation made it look easy for her. And nothing can compare to the smile on her face; it is wide with mouth guard still in.

  She won. Chamberlain explained to me that they also do a point system, which helps with the ratings. She gets a one hundred for winning but still has a long way to get to the top rank.

  Helena’s fight is just like Beth’s, and I have to admit watching women’s boxing is really interesting. Where the guys are all about their brute strength, the women have more finesse to their fights. I cannot wait to see what the season brings for them.

  Chamberlain joins us up in the box as the rest of the fights carry on. He takes his seat next to me and pulls me closely. “Hey, Katie,” he hums, kissing me before pulling Marissa onto his knee. I think she is hooked now as well because her eyes never leave the ring. “I think we’ll have to get her into lessons.” Chamberlain juts his chin to her as he sits back, taking me with him.

  “Or you could work with her?” I cuddle into him. I love this. I love getting his scent in my lungs; it warms my body.

  “I think we can figure something out.” My breath stills as his left hand comes to rest on my lower stomach, his thumb instinctually grazing over the tiny bit of exposed flesh. “I’m sure we can get gloves small enough for her little hands. Then when I’m doing my own training this season, she can be right there with me.” A pang of sadness hits me. Marissa will have to stay wherever I am. “Hey, what’s the matter?” His arm tightens around me.

  “Hmm?” I look up at him.

  “You’re tense, Katie. Are you okay?”

  “Fine, just getting tired. Today was busy, and tomorrow will be just as much.”

  “Well, let’s get you home.” He kisses my forehead tenderly. “Come on, Marissa. Mommy is tired.”

  “Otay. Can I come tomorrow, too?”

  “Of course, princess.”

  Chapter Forty-Four



  A laugh bubbles up and erupts. I’m pregnant. I’m going to have another baby, and this time around, I actually get to tell Chamberlain. Nothing bad is going to happen this time around. He will be there for everything, I hope. The first heartbeat he will hear, the first ultrasound he will see, the first kick he will feel, and for everything else, Chamberlain will be by my side.

  This will be nothing like four years ago when I was scared and alone with it all. None of the fears and insecurities I felt back then are present now. I am stronger than I was back then, I am more confident with myself, and I know Chamberlain loves me when before, I didn’t know.

  “Katie? Are you okay in there?” Chamberlain knocks lightly on the door; his voice ebbs with concern through it.

  “Yeah, I’ll be out in a few.” I sit back. “Think, Katie,” I whisper low and to myself so he can’t hear. I need to think of a way to tell him. Something special, a way it will both be memorable and amazing for our family.

  The door rattles as Chamberlain tries to open it when the idea hits me. I know what I’m going to do, and I need to recruit some help. I rush out of the bathroom after hiding the test. “I need to make a couple of calls. Take your time in the shower.” I run my hand over his stubble-covered face. This goes bye-bye after his shower. He prefers to be clean shaven for his fights.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Perfect, why?” I grab the monster phone and a pair of socks.

  “You locked the door. You never do that.”

  “Oh.” I try my best to look confused, hoping he won’t push it. “I didn’t notice I did. Oh, well.” I kiss him before flying out of the room to get the rest of my stuff together and ask Beth and Fiona to keep Chamberlain busy while I make the calls I need.

  Ten minutes of hiding in the gym with Scott obviously standing guard, I’m all set and ready for tonight. My outfit for the day is a pair of worn, soft jeans, sneakers, and my other Team Predator shirt under my Predator’s Girl hoodie. I think I may have gotten carried away when it came to getting things made for Team Predator. I ordered mouth guards, boxing shorts, towels, shirts, hoodies, and even Chamberlain and Beth a new set of gloves. But no one has said a word about my purchases. If anything, the look I get from Chamberlain when I’m in the hoodie makes me glad I got them all made.

  I made them add a special shirt for Marissa along with my hoodie. One of her shirts says The Princess: Property of the Predator, and of course, it’s pink. She’s wearing it today. And now that Beth has her own name picked out, I will order her a Wildfire shirt. But for now, Chamberlain and I are going to be busy with a couple of interviews and prepping for his fight.

  My nerves are going to get at me all day, but the excitement I know he will have once I tell him is worth every single one of them. I can’t wait for tonight.

  Chamberlain comes jogging down the stairs, iPod and earbuds already in place, when I come out of the elevator and grab a water bottle for him.

  “Your first interview is here. Ready to head down?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” He jogs to the elevator and continues to jog in place the whole ride down.


  I MAKE SURE to wave up toward our box where Fiona and Marissa are at with Helena and Holder. Noah has decided to be in Chamberlain’s corner tonight, seeing as he isn’t fighting. After cornering Helena and asking her a dozen questions about her pregnancy on the road, she finally sat me down and told me the truth.

  It was a difficult pregnancy traveling all the time. They had more flights than normal just to get home to all her appointments, on top of not being able to do much toward the end. She said she had never been so tired, and if I was wise, I would just stay home this season. Chamberlain can make the flights to be home, but I shouldn’t risk my hea
lth to travel with him.

  I was glad she was blatantly honest with me. I’ve been doing some thinking since our talk a few hours ago. It’s kept me quiet and my mind busy. I don’t want Chamberlain to give up on his career just because of me. I know we will find a way.

  It also makes what I’m about to do harder than ever. “GO, CHAMBERLAIN!” I scream next to our small group in his corner. Beth is jumping next to me; full of energy and punching the air like she is up there rather than him.

  The way he is moving, swinging, and stalking his opponent is like he never left the ring four months ago. He has trained hard and managed to keep his muscle mass to qualify for the heavyweight class. Before the fight, he and Noah were bantering playfully with one another about the championship. I smiled and laughed at the comradery of the two and the fighters who are in this league.

  The bell rings for the final time, and Chamberlain roars with the energy he has to spare. The crowd eats it up and screams for him when he walks back to us. I get to work quickly to get past him without him even seeing me. I knew without a shadow of a doubt Chamberlain would win tonight. So when I get to the announcer and the referee, they give me knowing smiles. The scores are already in, and Chamberlain did win. I’m lucky to know beforehand, so this makes it so much better.

  “Here you go, Katie.” The announcer hands me the microphone and the crowd stills as Marissa sprints her way to me. All eyes are on us, and I’m not even nervous. Gone is the K.C. who always tried to blend in and hide and be normal. I’m Katie Lawrence—proud, strong, the wife of an amazing, loving man, and the mother to a beautiful little girl and to another growing within me.

  When Marissa is next to me, I bend down and kiss her little cheek. “Are you ready to make Daddy’s night?” I had told her moments before I left her up in the box. I didn’t want to run the risk of her telling Chamberlain.

  “YES!” Her pigtails bounce with her. She stands with pride next to me as I get ready to announce to the crowd.


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