Girl, Immortal (Girl, Vampire Book 3)

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Girl, Immortal (Girl, Vampire Book 3) Page 3

by Graceley Knox

  “Wench!” he lets out in mock exasperation. “What happened to women doing as they are told!”

  “Not this wench,” I say firmly.

  “You think?” He rose and turned me so I was face down in the bed. With another yank, he pulled me up to me knees.

  “You better be ready. You’ve been begging for this.”

  “Sir, I never beg.”

  “You will be,” he says roughly.

  And I think I know what he will do, but I am wrong. Holding my hips so tightly I think he’ll leave marks with his hands he lowers his head and kisses and nibbles the globes of my ass. He is everywhere, and it is delicious and torturous, because it is good but not enough and a little whine escapes from my mouth.

  “Oh, Arsen. Please.”

  “Is that begging?”


  “I thought so.”

  He resumed his sweet torture but this time between my butt cheeks and I jump. I never imagined that area would be so sensitive, but it is. Delectable shivers run through me and my knees grow so shaky I don’t know if I hold myself up on them. Already my face presses against the pillow, and my legs spread wide, open and vulnerable to whatever Arsen wants to do.

  Arsen gives me an unexpected by playful nib on my butt.

  “How you doing, there, babe,” he teases evilly. “Ready to beg yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Let me see what I can do about that.”

  He dipped his head lower, and oh dear lord, laved my folds from front to back. I’m clawing the sheets, pressing my mouth into the pillow to keep from screaming out. It's so good I don’t want him to stop ever, and the universe could go to hell if Arsen wanted to stay between my legs with his tongue.

  The evil bastard hit my clit and battered it over and over with loving licks and I want to scream. I am a mess now, slobbering into the pillow, whole body shaking as jolts of pleasure travel my spine and I’m unsure if I can hold out much longer.

  Arsen pulls his head away and sighs and I want to scream “No! Don’t stop.” But I don’t because I want to see what new torture the rogue has for me.

  “I can see you are incorrigible. I must go to further lengths to get you to beg properly.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” I choke out.

  A resounding slap jiggles my butt. What otherwise would be pain transmutes by his previous relentless assault in pleasure and my core tightens in the delightful burn of imminent orgasm. If he does that again, I will come.

  But Arsen doesn’t. He enters, hard and rough, and fills me with his cock and nothing ever feels this good. I’m on the edge anyway, but instead of moving, he holds his hard cock inside me and I am wild at being held at the edge of orgasm.

  “Tell me you want me,” Arsen said.

  “I want you,” I choked out.

  “Tell me you need me.”

  “Oh dear god, I need you, Arsen.”

  “Tell me to fuck you. Beg for it, Sasha. Beg for me to fuck you.”

  I shook my head defiantly.

  “I see,” he says coolly.

  His cock is hard within me and I feel the blood pulsing through it but he doesn’t move, and I want it, him too. I need the push and pull of him inside, the heat of friction within to light that final blaze. But Arsen will not deliver until I say the words he wants from me.

  My body burns, my mind stares of the edge of the conflagration that gathers between my legs and spreads through my body in relentless suspension. Never move did I need this—him—so much that I cannot help my next words.

  “Please, Arsen. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

  He bent and kissed my neck tenderly.

  “Your wish, my lady, is my command.”

  Chapter 3

  I wake as if from a fever dream, disoriented and unable to piece together where I am. And flashes of Arsen inside me, outside of me, nibbling every part of my body, biting my shoulder flood my consciousness. If that didn’t tell me Arsen fucked me six ways to Sunday then the residual throbbing in my core did. We had overdone it in every way possible and I just passed out from exhaustion.

  But my body, from the residual aftershocks, told me it was looking for rounds two, three and four. Who knew that vampires had such stamina? Arsen apparently did, because I had woken briefly in the night and found him clutching me, still hard within me. It was a sweet moment that also starkly illustrated the difference between human and vampire men.

  No wonder Claudette wanted him back. Well, too fucking bad. He was mine now and I don’t share. She better stay out of my way or I’ll lay her out flatter than a rug just for general principles. That made me smile way more than it should.

  But as I fully wake, I realize a distressing thing. Arsen is not in the bed. What was he up to now? I prop myself on my elbows sweeping the room checking if he sat at the desk to the right, in one chair by the fireplace on the left, but nope.

  Arsen left me alone.

  Irrationally, I grew afraid that I’d displeased him, and that I wasn’t enough for a vampire that had more lovers than rocks in the asteroid field. And that was a crazy idea because I felt the bottomless depths of his love last night, and his unstoppable passion.

  The door creaks open and surprised I gathered the comforter to my breast and Arsen walked in with a tray of donation bags.

  “I brought breakfast.” Arsen sat on the bed and held out the tray to me.

  “Hmm, my favorite.” Like a gentleman he offered me first pick, and it turns out I chose a very ordinary O positive. But I don’t care. I’m not some of these vamps that determine your status by the company you drink.

  “Where did you go?” I asked.

  “Miss me?”

  “Yes, you scamp. I did.”

  “Scamp? I’m that now?”

  “Yes,” I say with authority.

  “I see. Well, first thing I did was tell everyone that you are my mate, and they are do what you tell them without question.”

  “Oh, really? One good fuck and I’m lady of the manor.”

  “To be technical about it, it was more than one good fuck.”

  “Ah, you’re right about that. Though I’m fuzzy on the details.”

  “Good, then I did my job.”

  “I see. And tell me what does this lady of the manor business mean?”

  “It means you are to be ready to hop into bed whenever I say.”

  “Does it now? Are there some sort Lady of the Manor bylaws I should consult? Because that sounds awfully convenient for you.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Well, what about when I want to go to bed? Is the lord of the manor similarly obligated to occupy the bed?”

  Arsen stroked his chin. “I’m not sure because I never had an official lady of the manor before.”

  This bit of information floored me and I stared at him.

  “But Claudette—”

  “Claudette talks a lot of shit. The truth is she had her affairs and I had mine. It’s not my fault that she thought we had more than I offered."

  Okey dokey, then.

  “She didn't get the memo,” I said.

  “Don’t worry about Claudette. She’s my problem. Now drink up. You need your strength.”

  Hefting the bag in my hand, I slice the pouch with my fangs and sucked it in. I am hungry and the bag is empty within a minute. Arsen smiled at me indulgently. “Have another,” he urged.

  “Not until you have yours.”

  “Hmm,” he says thoughtfully. “Defiant and bossy.”

  “That’s why you love me.”

  “Oh, I love you?”

  “Don’t you?”

  “Yes. You wench.”

  “I didn’t know I was signing up on a pirate.”

  He scowled “sexily. Pirate?”

  “Your excessive use of the word ‘wench.’”

  “Other people used the word ‘wench.’ It was a common enough term.” during a more civilized time

  “Not in this century. Drink up.”<
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  Arsen must have realized he was beat because he tore into the pouch and drank while he kept one eye on me.

  “Where did you go,”? I said. “Not just to get these. Anyone would have brought these to you.”

  “You’re right. I checked on things,”

  “Like what?”

  “Niko seems to have disappeared. Left his coven behind.”

  “Isn’t that weird? Why? “Yes, it is very strange. Niko is their prince, but he has abandoned them. I can’t figure an advantage in that, and for Niko he only does what gives him an advantage.”

  “He doesn’t care a thing about them, except as extensions of his power.”

  “I agree he doesn’t care, but why did you say that last thing?”

  “It’s was something he told Demetri when he didn’t know I was listening. Each fledgling, because they drank his blood, was a part of him, subject to his directions and therefore increased his sphere of influence.”

  “That is a common attitude among the princes of the different clans. The Kresova Queen is even worse. She considers all her subjects her slaves. Her favorite ones she calls ‘her pets’ and she treats them like that.”

  “She continues to sound horrible.”

  “The worst of the worst. But we still have no explanation for Niko abandoning his coven.”

  Arsen is right. It makes little sense. Niko was power hungry and I couldn’t see how leaving behind his followers would help him gain power. He only wanted a few to get sick just to throw suspicion off himself and from his conversation in the lab with Demetri, fully expected to have most of his coven at his beck and call.

  “Did you see your sister while you were ‘checking things out?’”

  He nodded his head.

  “How’s she doing?”

  Arsen shrugged. “About the same. No improvement.”

  “She didn’t get the cure?”

  “No one can make it.”

  “There’s Jackson.”

  “And with me out of it, do you think my people will let him in the door?”

  Arsen was right. No sane vampire would let the most feared vampire hunter in the door even if wore a sign that said. “I’m your next best hope for survival.”

  “That’s too bad. Jackson and I made an agreement. He won’t kill any vampires that do no harm to humans.”

  “Yes. It is a fantastic agreement.”

  I couldn’t tell if Arsen was being sarcastic, or perhaps he meant ‘fantastic’ in the more mundane meaning as ‘unbelievable.’

  “Just so you know, I changed the orders at the door to allow Jackson in.”

  I did not expect that, and gave Arsen a searing kiss. God, I missed my best friend, and I want to know how he came out of the mess at Niko’s house. I’ll call him in a few and ask him to come over. Besides, I’m going to need his help for what I will do next.

  “You are awesome,” I said.

  I hop out of bed and start the search for my clothes, which found curious places to hide during last night’s festivities. T-shirt, jeans, bra, panties behind chairs, under the desk, and the bed. Clutching my panties and catching the scent of last night’s arousal on churned the desire in me. We would need to do something about getting more of my clothes here.

  “Question. Just for logistics ’sake, I am moving in, right?”

  “Of course. Where else would you live?”

  “I do have an apartment off campus. I have a lease.”

  “Don’t concern yourself. I’ll get my lawyers on it. If need be, I’ll just pay the lease.”

  I kissed his cheek.

  “That’s what I like about you. Insufferably rich.”

  “Is that all?” he says quirking an eyebrow.

  “Nope. Your big dick.”

  He pulled me on top of him which demonstrated how big said dick was pressed it into my stomach while he gave me a kiss that sizzled hot enough to curl my toes.

  “Mmm,” I murmured in appreciation and then vainly try to pull away. But he’s too strong, as usual and we stare at each other—he with a look of lust that made me reconsider my plan. But Sasha Keleterina did not get to superstar graduate student status by laying down on the job, no matter how much I wanted to.

  “I’ve got to go.”

  “Go? Where? For what?”

  “To get to work on mass producing the cure. I’ve already been too selfish as it is.”

  “You and I are still recovering from everything, Sasha, I understand if you want to wait a day or two, and gather your strength. Nothing will change and you can tell I feel about you.”

  “Or three or four you devious vampire. And I can feel you, for sure. And you’re right. If things have been status quo there is no reason to think they will change drastically. But to get this done I must get back to the school lab and produce more cure.”

  “Career women,” Arsen huffed. “If you insist on leaving my bed at least don’t go far. In fact, you don’t have to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll show you.” He pulled on a pair of pants and threw on a silk bathrobe, fully dressed as the lord of the manor instead of a sex-starved stud, pushing back my lust he took my hand and led me down the hall.

  My sharpened vampire senses caught a faint difference from the scent of the hallway and I wonder what was up. At a door with a fancy security pad, he pressed his finger in the center and the door swung open automatically. Arsen stuck his hand instead and the room within lit in fluorescent brilliance.

  Holy shit. Arsen built a lab facility on his compound and it’s better than Nikos. In a trance I walked to the state-of-an-art electron microscope and caressed it.

  Arsen laughed and it broke me out of my shock.

  “I think you love that thing more than you love me.”

  “Oh no. Each has your uses. I use this for hard science. You? Hard biology.”

  He came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

  “I don’t think I mind as much as should,” he said. Arsen planted several nibbles on my neck and hit a spot that was as sensitive another erogenous zone.

  “What’s that?” I said.

  “Mmm,” he said, licking behind my ear. “My mating bite.”


  “It shouldn't be a surprise. You gave me one too.”

  “I may have given you a hickey or two.”

  “No, Sasha,” he rumbled in my ear. The sound shot straight between my legs. “You do not give hickeys with your fangs.”

  “I sunk my fangs into your neck?”

  “My, my,” he says with a voice that was too self-satisfied. “Don’t remember? Did I fuck your brains out too?”

  “I remember you torturing me with pleasure until I begged for you. After that the details are hazy.”

  “And you love it, wench.”

  Arsen pulls me tightly against his hips and again he’s as hard as a rock. He grinds against my ass.

  “You should return to bed. As you see you have everything you need to pursue whatever work you want to do here whenever you want to. There is no need to expose yourself needlessly to the dangers of human or exposure.”

  “I can’t believe that you built this for me.”

  “I didn’t.”


  “What Niko did made me realize how vulnerable we all are the advances of human science. They no longer need wooden stakes, or to take dangerous chances to eradicate us. And we need to keep our work secret, otherwise humans will find other ways to exploit us. Sasha, I need you for me. But my people need you for the skills you have.

  For the briefest glimmer of time I remembered what Claudette said about Arsen using people until he had no more need of them. But I had shared, do share a part of Arsen’s soul and I can’t believe that he would cast me aside. This might make me the biggest vampire fool on this side of the Atlantic. I looked over my shoulder and into his eyes and I see a man whose eyes shine with love. Will they shine like that for me forever? I don’t know. All we ha
ve is now, and I take now.

  But I still have reservations.

  “Wow, Arsen, that’s a lot of responsibility. I haven’t even finished my studies yet.”

  “You will. Whatever it takes, whatever resources you need, you’ll get it. You’re my consort now, part of the Draugur, and what’s mine is yours.”

  “Gee. Aren’t you afraid of what kind of divorce settlement that will mean?”

  “Who says I’d allow a divorce, wench.” He nipped the skin at the base of my skull. curse, because the pain and pleasure mix sweetly and I want to spread my legs and take him right here, which might be what he intends all along.

  “Allow, allow,” I complain as he sucked on my spine and made me grip the steel lab table with my hands. “You’re so bossy.”

  “That’s my job. Boss around the wenches and make sure the important works gets done.”

  “Well, you’re failing at that, because you make me want to play, not work.”

  “That is also my job.”

  “So, you can’t lose, can you?”

  “I never do, Sasha,” he purred.

  He reached his hand around and stroked my mound through my jeans, and I throw my head back onto his shoulder.

  “I’m going to lose my sterile field if you keep that up.”

  “Whatever that is, I’ll pay to fix it.” He reached further and drew his fingers up in one long continuous slide that made me stand on tiptoe.

  “You’re impossible,” I gasp. My pants soak once again with my cream and all I can do is squirm on Arsen’s insistent fingers. I want him now, again and again in any way he would have me.

  And then another familiar scent hits my nose and he clears his throat.

  “Um huh,” said Jackson as he cleared his throat. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “Jackson!” I said. I twisted away from Arsen and threw my arms around his neck.

  “How are you? You worried me? I tossed a glance over my shoulder to gauge Arsen’s reaction, because he had responded poorly to Jackson’s presence in the past. But he stood there calmly, without a flicker of jealously or territoriality lighting his model handsome face. Well, that’s new, but I’ll take it as a measure of our cemented relationship.

  “I’m fine,” said Jackson. “I came to check on you, in fact, I have every day for two weeks. But today was the first day they let me in.”


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