Girl, Immortal (Girl, Vampire Book 3)

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Girl, Immortal (Girl, Vampire Book 3) Page 13

by Graceley Knox

  "He's turned his own coven into a zombie army."

  Chapter 17

  We pull up to the Seattle coven’s compound, and despite myself, I can’t stop my jaw from dropping. If I thought Arsen’s mini-castle was huge, this is like the Palace of Versailles, the gothic vampire edition.

  “Um… Arsen? How many vampires are in this coven?” I ask.

  He walks around the car, placing his hand at the small of my back. “About five hundred or so, last I checked. Why?”

  “Because they’re giving royalty a run for their money with this castle of theirs.”

  Arsen chuckles, tugging me into his side. “Who do you think helped draw up the plans for Louis?”

  “Stop it.” I blink up at the imposing doors.

  “He’s just messing with you, Sash.” Jackson laughs.

  “No, he’s not.”

  I turn toward the newcomer’s voice. He’s shorter than your average man. Maybe five six or so. His hair is pulled back with a strip of leather, and he’s so pale I swear I can see the veins under his skin.

  “Sasha, my love, this is Gregor, the master of the Seattle Draugur coven.”

  Gregor bows low to me and I glance at Arsen, unsure if I should curtsey or something in return. He shrugs and I suppress a growl at his unhelpful gesture, instead thrusting my hand out to Gregor.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Gregor.”

  He stares blankly at my hand, and then grasps it in his, lifting it to his lips and kissing the back. His lips are cool to the touch, and while I appreciate that this gesture is meant to show respect to me, it’s still a bit creepy. I guess when you come from the time of Marie Antoinette though, old habits die hard. Or not at all.

  “And this is Jackson, the hunter we spoke about.” Arsen jumps in, taking my hand in his and entwining our fingers before I can wipe the back of my hand on my pants.

  Gregor’s eyes narrow as he turns his attention to Jackson. “Ah, yes. Your pet vampire hunter. You’ll forgive me if I don’t shake your hand for fear of losing it.” Gregor’s lips form a thin line.

  “Hey, no offense taken. It’s not like I’m exactly at ease surrounded by vampires, but I’m not here to harm you, I’m here to help you.” Jackson’s voice is even and calm despite the slight from Gregor.

  “If Jackson isn’t welcome at the Seattle coven, then you can count me unwelcome as well.” I drawl. I’m not quite sure where the statement came from, but I know that I mean it.

  Gregor is the master in Seattle, sure. But Arsen is the Master of the Draugur of the entire continent. Seeing as how I’m his mate or his consort or whatever it is that we’re calling it, I might as well use it to my advantage if only for time’s sake.

  “Is that so?” A man from behind Gregor growls.

  “Yes, it is.” I keep my gaze focused on Gregor, not even bothering to address his minion.

  “Father, we spoke about this. Let us move on from the posturing and focus on what the true problem is. Nikolai and his maniacal plans. Oui?”

  Gregor dips his head and steps to the left, revealing the girl the melodic voice belongs to. “My daughter, Darya.”

  “Nice to meet you all.” She smiles warmly. “Now, let’s get inside and discuss how to end that Baetal scum’s life, shall we?”

  I grin at Jackson. “I think I’m in love with her.”

  He doesn’t even look my way when he mumbles, “You and me both.”

  I shake my head at his smitten expression. This will probably not end well for my friend, but hey, who am I to cock block him?

  “I wouldn’t try it, friend.” Arsen claps Jackson on the shoulder as we walk into the fortress. “She’s what you’d call off fucking limits.”

  Jackson scoffs. “Relax. It’s not like I’m going to go hump her leg or something. I’m here on business. Not pleasure.”

  “So many jokes, so little time…” I mumble to lighten the mood.

  “Say one word about my stake, and I’ll throat punch you, Sash.”

  “Rude, Jackson. I’m on your side.” I feign a punch to his side.

  Jackson ruffles my hair and when a throat clears we both separate from our tussle, matching expressions of chagrin.

  “Sorry, we grew up together. He’s like my annoying older brother.”

  “Interesting.” Gregor remarks, before turning to the room of vampires, all eyeing us with blatant shock. “This is Arsen Eskandar, his mate, Sasha, and their friend, Jackson. I’m sure some of you have heard of Jackson’s vampire hunting ties, but he’s here to help us stop the Baetal from infecting all of us, so please don’t make his stay here too rough.”

  “We don’t need help from his kind!” Someone shouts from the back of the room, and I raise a brow.

  “Oy, step forward and say that to our faces.” No one steps forward and I nod. “Yeah, I thought so. Without Jackson’s help, I wouldn’t have found the cure in time to save not only myself, but the rest of Arsen’s coven in Portland, and the others Nikolai tried to infect in Boston and on the East Coast. So pipe down.”

  Darya snorts, covering her face with her hand as she tries to hold back her laughter. “You and I are going to get along famously, Sasha.”

  I smile at her. “I had a feeling we might.” I rub my hands together. “So where can we set up so we can talk strategy on stopping Nikolai from attacking you guys.”

  “Right this way.” Darya holds her arm open, leading us down a hall to a conference room of sorts.

  “That will be all, Darya. We can handle it from here.” Gregor orders.

  “Father, I am an asset to this team.”

  “You aren’t a warrior, daughter. Do as I say. Now.” He turns his back to her and I watch as rejection, sadness, and then anger roll over Darya’s soft features.

  “Of course, father.” Darya leaves, the door a soft click behind her.

  I lean over to Arsen, resting my hand on his thigh. “What the hell was that about?”

  “She’s not meant to be a warrior. From what I understand, Gregor plans to arrange a match for her to strengthen his alliances with other covens.”

  “And that doesn’t concern us?” I ask.

  “Not at all. It’s a common practice. He will probably make a match with a coven in Europe, so I’m not concerned.”

  “And if that’s not what she wants? What then?”

  “I am sure she could go out on her own, or find another coven, but most other leaders won’t go against Gregor. After me, he’s one of the most powerful vampires in Northern America.”

  “You guys really need to update your rules of what is and isn’t okay these days. Arranged marriages are something that they report on the news, not something that is acceptable among civilized cultures.”

  Arsen chuckles, kissing at my neck. “Who said we were civilized, love?”

  Desire trickles through me, warming my center and I inhale a deep breath, trying to calm my raging libido. “Certainly not you.”

  More vampires shuffle in, a few of them carrying notebooks and hopeful expressions, a few others with open looks of hatred and anger on their faces as they stare at Jackson. I lean back in my seat, thankful that I don’t get headaches anymore, because by the looks of these vampires, I’m about to have one hell of a migraine.

  Four hours later, I’m standing behind my chair, arms crossed over my chest, furious and riled up form arguing with each and every vampire other than Arsen in the room. Jackson is shouting at one vampire who’s been a real asshole to both of us, telling him where he can shove his ideas, when I snap.

  I hold two fingers to my lips and whistle loudly, startling everyone.

  “Everyone sit the hell down and shut the fuck up.” They all stare at me with mouths wide open in shock and I growl. “Don’t make me say it a second time.”

  Asses hit chairs and I take my time to meet the gaze of every single one of them before speaking.

  “I’m only going to say this once, so don’t just hear me, listen to me.” I cut a glance to a vampire as
he opens his mouth, but at my stare, he shuts it just as quickly with a clack of his teeth.

  “We are not here to discuss vampire politics and how to go against the vampire hunters. Jackson isn’t here to hurt you or your families. So forget about the fact that he’s a vampire hunter. It’s not relevant right now. His allies are helping to save you. From one of your own.”

  I circle around the table, unable to stand still. “He helped create the cure that will save you should Nikolai sneak past your defenses.” I hold up a hand to stop any arguments before they can even get defensive. “I’m not saying they’re not incredible. I’m not even saying we’re here to help you defend your compound. I’m saying we’re here to catch Nikolai before he can infect any of your thralls, any of your vampires, anyone that could come in contact with you and leave you all dead. As in no longer living. Not just undead, but straight up cold in the ground, and not in the way that you did in the old days. So shove your prejudices up your asses, and focus. For the love of fucking God.”

  “Are you done?” Gregor asks.

  “I don’t know?” I open my arms and address the room. “Am I? Is my point made? We all clear on what’s going to happen next?” They all nod, and I smile at Gregor. “Yes, I’m all set.”

  Shortly after that, we’re all leaving the room, a plan to corner Nikolai in place. I lean my head on Arsen’s shoulder, exhausted from arguing with stubborn vampires older than the United States.

  “I think I need some air.” I rest my chin on his arm, looking up into his blue eyes.

  “Then let’s go for a walk.” Arsen looks at Jackson, “You going to be okay by yourself?”

  “Yeah, I think I’m okay. I wanted to chat with one of their security guys about how he can make their protocols more secure anyways.”

  I shake my head. “You’re crazy. We just argued with them for hours, but you want more.”

  Jackson shrugs, walking backwards. “What can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment.”

  Arsen and I walk down to the gardens at the back of the house, and I run my hands over the impressive array of flowers and sculpted shrubbery. I listen to the sounds of the night around us. Birds settling down for the night, bunnies scurrying across the back half of the yard, headed to safety, and the faint sound of the city in the background.

  “I wasn’t expecting it to be so hard to get them to listen to us back there.”

  “What did you think they would say when we told them we wanted to discuss all their security protocols with a vampire hunter in the room? Here are the blueprints, go nuts?”

  I bite my lip. “Um, yes. You’re the master over all of the covens. I assumed they wouldn’t say no to you.”

  “You know it doesn’t work that way. Or at least, I don’t enforce it. I am only one man. And now that we’re spread out over such a large area, I can’t patrol everyone as easily as I could.”

  “So you’re telling me you’re like a powerless figurehead?” I scratch my head, thoroughly confused. This was nothing like what I read during the Provokar.

  “Not at all. I’m very much the ruler. It’s just complicated.”

  “Of course it is. Nothing is simple around here. That would make things boring.”

  “Uh oh. Can’t have you bored. You might leave me for someone else.” Arsen jokes, turning me so I’m facing him, his arms wrapped around me.

  “I think I tried that once. And it didn’t really work out for me.” In fact, I’d been miserable. Cranky, duped by a psychotic vampire or two, and let’s not forget the whole, almost killed by a deadly vampire parasite.

  Arsen leans down, his lips brushing mine softly. “Didn’t work out? Are you sure?” He eliminates the inch of space left between us until we’re pressed so close together, I can feel each inhale of breath he takes against my chest.

  “You’re right. It totally worked out. I’ve got you. And I’ve got Jackson. And I’m not sick. And we’re going to stop the bad guy. It’s like a fairytale.” I trace a finger down his jaw.

  “Hate to interrupt, princess, but we just found a poison apple, and you’ve got to come save the damsel.” Jackson’s voice rings out through the quiet night behind us, and I look over my shoulder at him.

  “I wish you were kidding. But I know you’re not. What’s happened now?”

  “Nikolai is on the phone. He’s demanding to speak to you, and only you.”

  “Did he say what he wants?” I ask, praying that he won’t make me drag every detail out of him like he normally does.

  “Yeah, he’s got Darya, and if you don’t deliver yourself to him in the next hour, he’s going to give her a new mutation of the parasite that he claims our cure won’t work on.”

  “Of course he does.” I kiss Arsen, full on the lips, letting my tongue drag across his mouth. “Time to go save the day again, babe.”

  Chapter 18

  I walk inside the compound, rage rushing through my veins that Nikolai somehow got his hands on someone I have to sacrifice myself for. I reach for the phone Jackson picks up from a side table, ignoring the group of vampires huddled around looking anxious.

  “Jackson, give me the phone.” I growl when he holds it away from me.

  “Stay calm, Sash. He’s got Darya, so you can’t lose your cool. I know you hate his guts and want to spread them on the pavement like a bunch of cherry jam but stay collected.”

  I take a deep breath, and then another, grasping for calm. “Thanks. I’m good.” I take the phone he hands me and decide to play into Nikolai’s delusions. “Niko, my love, I hear you’re looking for me?”

  “Ah, Sasha. I’ve missed your sweet voice.” He sighs into my ear and I try not to gag in revulsion.

  “I’ve missed you too, Niko. Jackson told me you’re threatening a friend of mine. That’s not very nice. Why do you want to hurt me?” I play stupid, hoping that he’ll give me something. Slip up and get sloppy.

  “You left me no other choice. You’re with that Draugur slime, and I can’t get your attention otherwise.”

  “Well that’s just not true. I’ve been chasing after you for weeks now, Nikolai.” A movement to my left catches my eye and Jackson rolls his hand, telling me to keep him talking. He must be tracing the call with all his fancy hunter tech. “What is it that you want for my friend’s freedom, Niko? Tell me and it’s yours.”

  “I want you, with me, Sasha.”

  “Tell me where you are and I’ll come to you.”

  Niko laughs mirthlessly in my ear. “Do you think me a fool, Sasha? I know that you’ll tell them where I am.”

  “Why would I do that? I want Darya to come home to her family unscathed, and not sick, so I’ll come to you, without backup, without anyone watching. Just name the place, Niko, and I’m there.” God am I there. With a stake, a gun or two, perhaps a knife dipped in silver, and a Mac truck to run him over with.

  “Sixty-seven fifty-eight North Salem street. Be here in less than an hour, or your friend gets a syringe full of death.” The line goes dead and I look to Jackson.

  “Did you get his location?”

  Jackson nods. “Yeah, same address he just gave you.”

  “Excellent, well, I’m going to go get Darya, I’ll be right back.”


  “I know, Arsen, I was kidding. I’m not going in there without backup. I’m brave but I’m not idiotic.”

  Jackson snorts. “Debatable.”

  I punch him and he winces. “Cram it, doofus. Let’s figure this out. We have ten minutes.” I look around the room and spot Gregor. “You and your vamps know the area better than we do. Can you tell us what our best vantage would be?”

  “I’ll tell you whatever you need so long as you get my daughter back.” The vampire looks stricken, like he’s not quite sure how to process that he could lose the daughter he so carelessly tossed aside earlier today. It takes me aback, but I should be used to vampires surprising me at every turn by now.

  “Great, let’s get a map and get to work.”r />
  With twenty minutes to spare, I drive up to the curb of the abandoned warehouse Nikolai is keeping Darya and get out. Stopping to hold open my jacket and show Nikolai that I’m not armed. At least, not in the way he assumes I will be.

  I’ve got a syringe with the cure for the parasite shoved down my bra, a plastic cap on the needle between my boobs and his sanity.

  “Nikolai, I’m here. I’m unarmed, and I’m ready to see Darya.” I call out as I enter the warehouse. Rats skitter away as I walk inside, their squeaking sending goosebumps over my arms. The air is dank with molds and the odor of diesel and there couldn’t be a most disgusting place on the face the of the earth. This is where Niko choses to claim me.

  A romantic he isn’t.

  “Yoo-da-lay-hee-ooh,” I yodel. “Niko, I’m here, just as you asked.”

  “Sasha.” His oily voice oozed from a dark corner of the warehouse. “Where are your friends.”

  I hold out my hands.

  “You said ‘alone.” I’m alone. Where is Darya?”

  “I’ll send a message to Arsen when we’re safely away.”

  “No can do, Niko. I need to see she’s okay before I leave with you. That was the deal. You wouldn’t break a deal, now would you?”

  “Maybe, I will. You’ve caused me so much trouble, Sasha.”

  It was a blur I could barely follow Niko jerked my head onto his leather covered shoulder. Stunned, I couldn’t fight him off before he had an iron grip around me, keeping me mostly immobile.

  “Sasha,” he draws each sound out slowly, one hand stroking my hair, the other holding me still. “You know, I missed you. I’ve don’t think I’ve ever missed anyone before, but then I have your blood in me, don’t I? And you have mine in you. We’re joined, irrevocably, married in the most intimate of ways.” He licked behind my ear, and I shivered, but in disgust, not pleasure. Niko gave new meaning to the term “batshit crazy.”

  “Niko, darling,” I murmur.

  “Yes, Sasha.”

  “You know I fucking hate you, right?”

  “Love. Hate. There is a thin line. For instance, right now I want to suck you dry just to leave you thirsting, unable to die, unable to drink. It’s an exquisite form of torture. And you are so delicious. But you know, so much to do, so much virus to distribute, so little time. So, we’ll have to delay that little entertainment.” The bastard kisses the back of my neck and I want to rip his head off his shoulders. But I kept my cool. Darya’s life depends on it.


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