Hawk's Prey

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Hawk's Prey Page 5

by Dawn Ryder

  But that did not explain his sudden distaste for a Trophy’s flesh. His cock was hard but the only female who interested him was a non-convict who would likely spit in his face if he approached her.

  Hawk suddenly chuckled at the idea of Tova’s reaction to his pursuit. Bringing her to obedient submission would be a task he realized he was beginning to anticipate.

  It was possible that was the true problem with him this night. He needed more passion, more fire…something beyond bored compliance. While Aldrich’s captured females might cater to a cock with an experienced hand, there was no accomplishment in being able to pump his seed inside her body. There was only service.

  It wasn’t true submission. That was something that was offered only to a male who earned it from the female in question. Hawk didn’t doubt that some Trophies might share that sort of intimacy with their Hunter, but joining the fucking tonight wouldn’t yield that relationship to him.

  If he desired his own mate, he would have to chase her to ground first. His lips turned up into a grin for the first time that day as Hawk began to look forward to sunrise…and Tova’s return to his territory.

  * * * * *

  “You showed up.”

  Tova jerked around to face another Hunter. He stood next to the doorway that allowed them into her workroom. One doorway only opened for Hunters, the hallway behind it led to places where they controlled the food-processing center. He chuckled slightly as his eyes moved down her length. She should have been used to inspection but this was not a duty he was performing. She caught the flare of appreciation cross his blue eyes before he looked back at her face.

  “I bet Hawk you wouldn’t find the courage to finish your probation assignment.” His face lost its hard mask for a second as he grinned at her. “I find I do not mind losing for a change. I am Janus. I share this command with Hawk.”

  Tova hugged her arms close to her chest to hide her hard nipples. Confusion swept through her at the reaction from her body. Was any Hunter able to solicit the same flare of lust in her flesh? Even so, she would not lower her head to any Hunter. She was not a convict.

  “I keep my word and my duty requirements.”

  Janus raised an eyebrow at her tone but there was another flicker of appreciation in his eyes that betrayed his enjoyment of her insubordination. “So your record shows. Still, most chaste females are timid, but most inhabitants of the penal sphere are not chaste. You are interesting in your contradiction.”

  “My sexual experience is not your concern.” She would cheerfully return to another labor detail if her body was to become the main topic of conversation. “Best you reassign me if your intention is for me to spread for you and Hawk. I will not trade my body for this duty assignment.”

  “You are not dismissed.”

  Hawk’s voice came from behind her and she jumped around to face him. Her skin tingled as all her nerves tightened in response to his appearance. Janus chuckled behind her and moved to stare at her. Between them, her lungs froze, unable to inflate. Panic attempted to gain a hold on her as Tova frantically tried to force her brain to think. Her flesh made that task nearly impossible. Her sleepless night replayed across her memory as she hugged her arms tighter to her chest. The knowledge her wristbands contained horrified her with the possibility of both Hunters viewing it. She had not considered that when taking her release last night by her own hand. Hawk studied her with hard eyes a moment. Tova noticed the small mark marring his lower lip and shivered as she looked at the evidence of her bite.

  “You will report or I will verify the cause of your delinquency—personally.”

  Her temper flared up as Hawk delivered his words. “I am here, but not to talk with either of you! Leave me to my duties.”

  Janus chuckled at her angry words. She glared at him but turned her head to look at Hawk. “I am not trading sex for this posting either.”

  “I did not ask you to.”

  A hint of pride rang in his voice but Tova needed to make sure he understood her.

  Hawk grinned at her. “In fact, I’m looking forward to having sex just because you want me.”

  Her lips sat frozen in a horrified gasp over his blunt words. He raised an eyebrow at her defiance before nodding his head.

  “If you are still a child, run back home. I can smell your pussy.”

  She slapped him. Tova had already struck his mocking face before her reason shouted at her to stop. The impulse was too quick and she could not hide her look of satisfaction as she watched Hawk’s head turn with her blow. A second later her wrist was imprisoned in his grip, helpless against his superior strength.

  “I am pleased to see we agree, Tova.” Hawk pulled her against his body with a single tug on her wrist. She stumbled forward as he carried her wrist behind her back to bind her against his body using her own arm. She tipped her head back to see his face.

  “Your passion meets with my full approval.” His mouth captured hers and she moaned as sensation filled her. His scent was drawn deep into her senses as his tongue moved over her lower lip before striking into her mouth to trace her own. She was helpless against his strength but Hawk only used it to hold her in place. His mouth didn’t bruise hers. He licked and stroked her tongue, tempting her to kiss him back instead of forcing a hard kiss onto her. She shivered as her tongue mingled with his. It felt so good and that amazed her, for never once had she ever thought that a man might taste good.

  Hawk did. Her fingertips spread out over his chest to absorb how good he felt too. Hard and strong, there was some part of her mind that found those hard muscles under her hands irresistible. Pleasure filled her as she stroked his tongue in return and felt a slight tremor shake his wide chest. The tiny response made her bold with her own power to affect him. She pressed her mouth against his and she kissed him as determinedly as he was kissing her.

  A deep chuckle shattered the moment as her ears recognized Janus’ presence. Somehow, she had completely forgotten the other Hunter. Tova jerked her mouth away from Hawk’s and heard him growl in response.

  “Let me go.” Her voice was close to pleading as embarrassment turned her cheeks scarlet. She had been completely tuned in to Hawk. Janus must think her loose. Taking a lover was fine but only a slut displayed such touches right out in plain sight.

  Hawk cupped her chin and stared into her eyes. Hunger flickered in his and she shuddered in response to it. It was a stark blaze of determination that mesmerized her with its sheer level of heat.

  “Janus sees everything I do. You will become accustomed to him.” He traced her lower lip with his thumb and a shudder shook her body. “You will spread for me because you crave the pleasure I can give you. It will not be for any worldly gain, only the sweet reward of passion. I understand your terms and accept them.”

  His words taunted her with the remembered pleasure he had wrung from her with nothing save his fingertip. If his cock was filling her, the pleasure would have to be so much more intense. She shivered and Hawk’s mouth curved into a smug grin. But she caught a glimpse of Janus over his shoulder and tried to jerk away from his body. Being told to accept the other male watching did not make her comfortable with it.

  “I do not want to become used to your friend.” She jerked against his hold and Hawk made a low sound of frustration in his throat. His embrace never yielded even a meager amount, instead his fingers stroked her jaw as he watched her.

  “Among Hunter command, each commander is linked with another. Janus is my partner, he sees what I see, knows everything I do. It keeps commanders from becoming corrupt with their authority. You will become used to this arrangement.”

  She was free a moment later and Tova gasped as she caught her body weight against her worktable. Appearing so weak without his support vexed her sorely.

  “I will become accustomed to nothing until you stop sneaking up on me from behind. I am no Trophy or convict and will not be treated as such. Maybe you fear to let me see you approaching because I will refuse you permi
ssion to touch me.”

  Janus laughed. The sound bounced off the wall behind her before he swept her a deep bow. “Now that, Tova, is more passion than I can ignore. Hawk is a bastard for touching you first.” He laughed again as he left.

  A warm hand cupped her chin as Hawk captured her gaze. “I accept your terms.”

  His mouth landed on hers in a hard kiss. It was a demonstration of his ability to touch her when he desired, even if he was going to let her see him coming the next time. It was such a strange mixture of hunt and dance between them. Her nipples tingled as she kissed him back. Hawk broke the contact a moment after she responded to his kiss. A smug smile of satisfaction lifted Hawk’s lips for a second before he turned and left her to her duties. Her emotions surged in different directions and all of them conflicted with each other. Tova could not decide if she were angry or frustrated but it was the truth that she feared her rising excitement the most.

  That was something she could not blame Hawk for. There was a slight scent of her own wet pussy drifting up her body and her nipples were still hard. If she detested him so very much, there would be nothing but rage shaking her body. Instead her clit flickered with hunger as she craved another sample of the delight he had granted her yesterday. There was a hard ache in her pussy that hungered for that one thing she had never had.

  There was no mystery as to the cause of her frustration. She wanted Hawk to handle her. It was as simple as her need to draw breath. The body did not always bend to the will. Today her pussy was wet. It mattered little that the male who had aroused her was a Hunter. Somewhere deep inside her mind, his strength triggered a craving that was not going to be vanquished at the mere idea that no one in her sphere would approve of her spreading for a Hunter.

  Relief was not hers to grant either—at least not an acceptable method of relief. She might kneel in submission at his boots but she could not use her hand to end the craving as she had last night. The day stretched out in front of her with hours that felt far longer than they ever had before.

  Tova muttered with frustration as she looked at the first trays of food she was to process. The sweet smell of sugar filled the room as she pulled the sterile wrapping off the first bowl. Melios…a favored treat that was barely a memory for her. How long had it been since she had tasted the green concoction? Tova took a deep breath and practically tasted the rich dessert. Her lips turned up into a smile as the scent filled her head. Sweet and fruity, and it was served during festival days, so her thoughts were ones of fun and dancing. She suddenly realized that it was planting festival time. It was easy to forget such things in a penal sphere. Oh convicts were not denied entertainment but it was carefully planned due to their lack of possessions and the need for security. There would be dancing and song, some small amount of treasured treats such as the melios sitting on her table, but in truth she had never seen so much of it in her entire life!

  But true festival was full and rich with entertainments that she remembered well. Knife dancers, rare meats, sweets and dancing. The mature girls would join together to dance the trigol. Steeped in tradition, the dance was sensual and designed to show off the gentle curves of a female’s body. The huge kettle drums would be pounded by the males as the females lifted their hands into the air and moved their hips in time with the beat. She had been too young to ever dance before being removed to the penal sphere but she had often attempted it when alone just as all young females did.

  But the trigol would not be danced in this sphere. It was disallowed because convict females had attempted to use it for prostitution. Tova sighed. Truly there were times she might enjoy wielding a whip onto some of the backs of the greedy. They only considered themselves. She was tired of suffering for their poor choices.

  Hawk would enjoy watching her dance…

  Tova felt her cheeks slowly heat with a blush. Aye, she could see herself with her hands in the air with Hawk’s eyes following her hips like devoted slaves. She licked her lower lip as the heat from her blush flowed down to her breasts and all the way to her clit. Her mind was busy remembering the way Hawk responded to her as her hands began to roll the melios. She wished she could dance because she was completely certain that Hawk would watch her and only her.

  She was insane to allow her mind to wonder so. It was such a dangerous idea but it shimmered with temptation. Hawk would be an intense lover. But he was very much like the amount of melios sitting in front of her. Far too much for one person.

  Tova looked at the mountain of sweet confection and giggled at the idea of simply stuffing handfuls of it into her mouth. She would become sick without doubt but she laughed at the idea all the same.

  And then she sobered as she began to roll the melios into their customary little round serving allotments. Hawk would overwhelm her. She felt her clit pulse with need as she worked. The shift of emotions left her confused as she struggled to keep up. One moment happy and the next burning with need. Her temper rose as she dealt with her passion because her body had been hers to command just two days past. Now she shivered when Hawk touched her. Her pussy would have her spread for his use with no regard to the possibilities. If she did not turn prostitute, then did it matter whose cock split her chaste body as long as it was her choice of lover?

  Such dangerous ideas, ones that might alter her entire life. Her body pulsed as she worked and the folds of her slit felt wet as she moved. She had never been so aware of her body and there was part of her that enjoyed the abundance of sensation. Her pride battled against it as she dipped her hands into the huge bowl of melios. The sticky dessert was as foreign in her life as the passion gnawing at her body. Decadent and tempting.

  But there was one hard fact that lodged in the center of her thoughts—Hawk could be the one to offer her a taste of both delights.

  Of course, it was also a matter of if she could muster the strength to deny it. Life was no more fair in the matter of her passion than anything else. She wanted Hawk and he knew it.

  May the gods help them both!

  Chapter Four

  “Why so disturbed? I thought you hungered for a female.”

  Janus’ words made Hawk angry. Knowing there was naught wrong with his comrade’s comment did not change the spark of heat that flared up inside him. Hawk let a growl rattle his chest in response. Janus smirked at the sound. He was one of the few who would dare. Hawk was a senior Hunter, his authority absolute among the garrison he controlled.

  “Take her to the festival and she will follow you home as meek as any Trophy.”

  Hawk raised an eyebrow at Janus. “That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

  Jansus’ eyes flared with heat as he looked down at Tova’s workstation. “It would be effective.” He turned his attention to Hawk. “You would have her tonight before she concocts any means of avoiding you. Then it will merely be a matter of her adjusting to her new life.”

  Hawk tightened his fingers into fists as he resisted the urge to slam his hand into Janus. Jealousy rose up in him as he watched his comrade looking at Tova. The flare of heat was undeniable proof that Tova had to be brought to heel.

  His heel. If he hesitated, another Hunter would be after her the second his attention was diverted. Tova’s workstation had already become quite popular in just a single day. The Hunters under his command had developed an amazing interest in food processing.

  “She’s mine, Janus, and maybe you should lighten your approach if you ever want to lay a hand on Fay. Keep charging at her and she’ll submit to another right in front of you. A little camouflage could draw her in.”

  “What’s wrong with honesty? I want Fay to know exactly who I am.” Janus didn’t like having the tables turned on him.

  Hawk shrugged at his partner and smirked at him. “Except that you can’t even touch her without her permission.”

  Janus snorted but nodded with agreement. Hawk looked back at Tova. Her non-convict status made it easier for him to gain access to her. It wasn’t exactly fair but he wasn’t
going to apologize either. Arousal was burning through his better intentions. Janus’ words tempted him with their effectiveness. The idea of having Tova seated on his cock was almost blinding. Maybe it was blunt but it was honest. Janus had a point there.

  But there was another point that held his attention as his temper simmered while watching Janus look down at Tova. He could not be jealous of any common cunt. But Janus was a complication he had always understood would happen. Among the command officers, sharing was common. The reason was simple. He and Janus were linked, they shared every inspection to maintain fairness. One commander might be swayed to a weak decision but two would not for fear of being viewed as unfair in their judgment. It was a system that built a foundation for a society where the law-abiding lived in complete peace and harmony. They did not fear in the dark of night because there was no evil allowed to take root in the civilian spheres.

  But that same system made it impossible to hide his attraction for Tova from Janus. His fellow Hunter viewed each encounter with Tova, and it was igniting hunger in him as well. Sharing her was the best solution.

  “Tova might enjoy the festival. I think I’ll bring her tonight.”

  Janus raised hungry eyes from the female in question. Hawk didn’t say anything more. Between them, it was understood and Tova would adjust.

  Hawk moved into her workspace from the front door. That was something Tova knew he did for her sake, a sort of peace offering. He was a Hunter and was lowering his guard enough to let her see him coming. While simple, she could not overlook that he made the effort for her comfort. It was a concession to her demands.

  A tiny twist of heat went through her heart because it had been so very long since she could recall anyone doing something for her due to her wishes. He watched her as she chewed on her lip and stared at him. A corner of his mouth slowly rose as his eyes simmered with amusement.

  “Ah, Tova, you tempt me to grant your demands. If for no other reward than to see your eyes brighten.”


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