Hawk's Prey

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Hawk's Prey Page 11

by Dawn Ryder

  “You will never enter that penal sphere again. Is that clear, Tova?” His voice was hard as stone. Janus nodded in approval as the second Hunter crossed his arms over his chest.

  Hawk suddenly moved and she gasped as he caught her right wrist. He pressed his bare fingers onto her wristband and it let out a small chirp. He pulled some kind of tool off his belt and a moment later the band opened. Tova stared in wonder at the ease with which he removed the thing that had been clamped onto her arm for so long. Her shock broke as Hawk captured her left arm and removed the twin band sitting there. She jerked her eyes up to Hawk.


  “No, I should have removed them this morning.” Hawk handed the bands to Janus. He placed his body in front of her as an immovable wall. “You will never place yourself at risk again.”

  “What risk? A little cursing is not such a horrible thing. Besides, where was I to go?” Tova shook off his hold and then hissed as she recognized that Hawk let her go. She didn’t have the strength to break free. Knowing that truth made her furious.

  “You know I must leave the processing building within fifteen minutes of the end of my shift. Besides, that is not the first time I have fought with Rishan.” But it would be the last and that sobered her. Like a book closing, that portion of her life was past now.

  Hawk caught her chin and raised it up to meet his eyes. “Females who choose Hunters over their own kind sometimes end up murdered.”

  Tova gasped because she saw the truth of his statement on his face. Horror flooded her as Hawk glared at her. But he shook his head as he shot a hard look at Janus.

  “But it is our failing that allowed you to end up making the choice to return. One of us should have been there when your shift ended.”

  Tova wasn’t sure what to think of his comment. Her heart wanted to grasp his words and hold onto them like a promise but she was too uncertain to question him because false hope was better then none. She looked past Hawk to her little bag that was lying on the bed she had shared with him last night. Right there was everything she had in the world. It was a harsh reality but not really a frightening one. Life did not scare her and she certainly wasn’t going to let it begin doing so today.

  “I would like to bathe.” Tova didn’t wait for approval. She moved towards the shower and rubbed her wrist as she went. She studied her bare skin as she went and a smile covered her face as she entered the bathroom. Yes, it would be the last time she listened to Rishan’s filthy mouth.

  “I’m an ass.” Hawk wasn’t looking for Janus to agree with him. He ground his teeth together as he picked up Tova’s discarded bands. He lived his life with details and he’d overlooked a really big one today.

  “I never thought she’d try to return to the sphere.” Janus spoke with his years as a Hunter backing up his words.

  “Except Tova isn’t a Hunter. She had no way of knowing what might have happened.”

  It was a harsh world and one in which Hawk would never have believed to find a female like Tova. But it made sense too. Her strength had allowed her to remain inside the penal sphere and resist being warped by those around her. But her heart was the real treasure, untarnished by evil. She never thought that others might hurt her for taking him as a lover. That was the thing that endeared her to him. Her undying belief in the good in everyone. She was an example of why he served the law. In the outer, civilian spheres, there was no fear. Tova still clung to that innocence despite her years among the unlawful. Hawk placed the bands next to his weapons belt to be returned to the command office. He was going to have to protect her from that ugly side of life.

  In fact, he was looking forward to the duty.

  Janus stayed for dinner.

  Tova lingered in her bath but habits died hard and she was finished in less than ten minutes. She prolonged her dressing but even that could not last very long. She tossed her head and turned to face the beginning of her new life. Somehow, she had to start without really knowing what she wanted.

  There was only Hawk, but that was a good place to begin. He turned his head the second she moved across the doorway. She stared at him and a giggle escaped her mouth. One of his dark eyebrows rose.

  “What? My cooking amuses you?”

  Tova fluttered her eyelids but the sight of Hawk tending to food remained. The common chore was so mismatched with his black uniform that she laughed again. Rishan would rather starve before performing any work that he considered female duty.

  “I think she’s laughing at you.” Janus enjoyed it too. His lips rose into a smirk as he popped a piece of food into his mouth. His eyes dropped down her length, capturing her attention.

  Excitement rippled through her as she recognized the flicker of hunger in his eyes. Promise shone brightly as he stared at her breasts. Tova turned her head and found Hawk watching them. More heat filled his eyes as her body began to clamor for something other than food. Tova refused to allow her mind to spin her into nervousness. She moved across the floor and reached for Hawk.

  “You are my lover.”

  Hawk groaned as her words echoed in his head. He crushed her in a powerful embrace that betrayed his emotion. His mouth caught hers a second later and his kiss was full of harsh demand.

  All Tova felt was the need to let her tongue tangle with his. Her fingers hated his uniform, so she slid her hands up his chest to his neck, where she found warm male skin. Hawk left her mouth and trailed his lips over her neck as he gently licked the bite he’d marked her throat with last night. A small bruise clearly showed on her fair skin and he lingered over the spot as she let her head tip back to offer her neck to his teeth. It was a submissive pose but one that declared how much trust she harbored for him. Tova yielded her delicate skin to his mouth, craving the pleasure she knew his touch would deliver. Hawk found her buttons and swiftly undid them. His hands dipped into the front of her open robe to part the fabric. The night air was cool against her skin as he pushed the robe across her shoulders and over them.

  Her nipples were twin points of aching need but she suddenly recalled they were not alone this time. Gravity did not care and her robe slumped to the floor around her ankles. A gasp caught on her lips as she shivered.

  “He has already seen you, Tova.”

  She shook her head. “I know this.”

  Hawk raised an eyebrow at her. His hands grasped her waist and turned her to face his comrade. Her breath froze in her lungs as she felt Janus inspect her. His eyes lingered over her body for long seconds as Hawk held her in place. Warm breath brushed her ear as Hawk placed a hot kiss against her neck.

  “He has seen everything, Tova. The forest and here. Your playfulness and your pleasure. It has all played out before his eyes.”

  Tova saw the truth of that on Janus’ face. It excited her. That surprised her but she savored the burn of it moving across her skin. Janus moved forward on silent steps before reaching out to run the back of his ungloved hand across her face. She shivered in response and he raised an eyebrow at her. A small tsk left his lips as he smoothed his hand over her neck and down to one of her puckered nipples. Hawk’s hands smoothed over her hips as Janus touched her nipple. She caught the scent of his skin and it mixed with her recognition of Hawk, making her shiver as her clit flickered to life.

  “Ready to submit, Tova?”

  She shook her head and smiled at the surprise that flashed on Janus’ face. “I prefer to play.” Lifting her hands, she laid them on his chest and heard him suck his breath in. He grasped her waist and pulled her against his frame as she heard Hawk pulling his uniform off. Janus stared into her eyes as she moved her hands slowly up to clasp his shoulders. Janus frowned at her.

  “Pity, I would have enjoyed your submission.” He caught her mouth in a hard kiss a second later. There was no teasing in his kiss, it was a bold breaching of defenses that made her gasp. This man did not play. He was intent on conquering her and his tongue thrust deep into her mouth like an invader.

  Tova twisted slight
ly against the hard aggression and Hawk’s hard body pressed against her to still her movements. Hawk grasped her arm and she watched as he pressed a medical tube against her skin for a moment. There was a hard pressure as something was introduced into her bloodstream.

  “A contraceptive. Against Janus’ seed.”

  “Oh.” She should have considered such a detail. “But not yours?”

  “No.” Hawk’s voice was hard with determination and he kissed her before moving around behind her.

  Pressed between them, a wave of heat swept through her. There was no portion of her flesh that wasn’t touched by the need. Hawk’s bare skin pressed along her back, making her conscious of the uniform Janus still wore. Janus cupped the back of her head, holding it in place for another kiss. His tongue stroked hers in bold promise as it stabbed back into her mouth once more. Tova felt the walls of her pussy heat and fluid easing down to the top of her thighs. Hawk moved one hand over her belly and down to the top of her mons. Janus broke the kiss as he held onto her head. He watched her face as Hawk fingered her clit. Hunger flickered in his eyes as she whimpered and her own hand reached for the front of his uniform pants. She stroked the bulge of his cock as a shudder shook her body because Hawk was rubbing his finger against her clit.

  Janus let her go and backed up. He began to unfasten his uniform. Tova stared at his body as it was revealed. Hawk tightened his hold on her as he pulled his finger from her slit. Janus’ uniform ended up on the floor as she felt the brush of Hawk’s cock against her thighs. He kissed her neck before biting the lower part of her ear.

  “Watch him, Tova, while I fuck you.”

  It was a hard command and she turned to look at Hawk. His face was taut with demand as his hand tightened around her hips. She understood, somehow. The need he had to show Janus that she belonged to him first. Hawk craved a demonstration of submission despite his agreement to sharing her. Janus caught her hands and pulled them towards him, her body stretched out between them as she bent over at her waist.

  “Spread for me.”

  Hawk’s voice was harsh as he pushed her feet apart with his. He had to bend his knees to get low enough behind her. His cock slipped into her wet folds. His hands pulled her bottom up as he thrust forward to impale her on his hard flesh. Her fingers gripped Janus’ forearms as Hawk fucked her from behind. Pleasure tightened her face as she listened to Hawk’s breathing increase. Her breasts bounced as he pumped against her and her cheeks burned as Janus watched her face with absolute devotion.

  Tova had never been the center of so much focus before. It heightened her awareness of each and every touch. The hard cock thrusting in and out of her pussy made her clit desperate for the same friction. The hard male muscle beneath her hands made her itch to handle the cock she could see thrusting out towards her. Janus let one hand move towards her breast and he pinched the nipple. Hawk grunted and began to pump hard against her bottom. His seed erupted inside her as her clit twisted in need. Hawk growled softly behind her before he pulled his cock from her body. Janus’ eyes glittered as he held her chin and pinched her nipple again and again. The small pain traveled into her clit, making her shiver as her hunger grew.

  “Kneel in front of me.”

  Tova shook her head. The idea was too submissive and the tone of voice Janus used far too commanding for her pride to shoulder. He chuckled at her defiance and pinched her nipple once more. He caught her wrists and carried her arms behind her back as he bent her back towards Hawk. He held her prisoner like that for a moment, letting her feel his strength.

  “I like my females submissive, Tova.”

  Tova moved away from him. She stroked one hand over Hawk’s chest but kept her eyes on Janus. “I like my lovers playful.”

  Hawk chuckled. One of his arms slid around her waist as he kissed her neck. Her hand found his cock and gently handled it as he held her. Janus’ eyes flickered with heat as he watched.

  “You need a ritith. Think how it would feel to have it vibrating right now.” His lips rose into a smug grin. “I enjoy watching you climax. A ritith would be a great addition.”

  “Then you should have one placed in your cock.”

  Janus’ eyes widened at her audacity before he laughed. He looked so surprised by his outburst of humor that Tova pitied him for a moment. Everyone had the right to laugh a little. Giving Hawk’s cock a last stoke, she moved away from him and towards Janus.

  Placing her hands on either side of his head, Tova laid a delicate kiss on his mouth. She stretched up onto her toes to do it and Janus still had to lean down for her kiss. Janus growled in response as Tova kissed his chin. She kissed each hard cheekbone, teasing him with soft presses from her mouth before returning to his lips. She still did not kiss him. Tova licked his lower lip with the tip of her tongue as she leaned close enough for her nipples to brush against his chest.

  He sucked his breath in harshly as his fingers grasped her bottom. “I want you to ride me.”

  She smiled as his eyes blazed with challenge. Janus lowered his body into a chair and waited to see if she would follow him. A firm hand on her back pushed her towards the male waiting for her. Tova made her steps slow, teasing Janus with the sway of her hips before she got close enough for him to grasp her hips. He lifted her up so that she could spread her thighs over his body. The head of his cock pressed against her pussy and he lowered her onto the hard flesh. Her position allowed his cock to slide along her clit and pleasure shot into her belly. There was just enough of the chair for her knees to rest on and that granted her the ability to control their pace.

  It was a test of willpower. Tova rose and fell on his cock. She watched him fight the urge to use his greater strength to move her faster. Need drew both their faces taut as sweat beaded on their skin. Hawk suddenly stepped closer and Tova turned her head to suck his cock. Need twisted through her as she tasted her own juices on him.

  Janus snarled as Hawk caught her head and began to thrust his cock into her mouth. Janus took control of their pace, moving her faster as his hips bucked under her body. Pleasure tightened in her clit as both cocks thrust towards her. Janus growled and his seed shot into her body. Hawk’s cock offered up another spurt of his seed into her mouth as her pussy clamped around the cock inside her and pleasure tore into her. She relaxed against Janus for a moment before Hawk picked her up and cradled her against his chest. He moved across the outer room and into the bedroom. The sheets were cool against her hot skin as Hawk settled her into his bed. He dropped lingering kisses on her neck and breasts as her heart slowed down.

  His hands never stopped moving over her skin. Tova lifted her eyelids to look at him. A trace of uncertainty sat on his face and she sat up. She stroked the skin around his eyes that was crinkled due to concern. His consideration of her feelings touched her deeply as she stroked his lips before her eyes moved around the room. Janus was leaning in the doorway, he’d put his pants back on and was holding his uniform top. He passed his hand over the light control and the room brightened. It was almost like Janus considered the bedroom off limits for himself. He stood watching with envious eyes but he did not join them on the bed.

  Hawk held up a crimson wristband. “I won’t force you to wear this, Tova.”

  She looked at her bare wrists and realized that she had to choose something. Everyone wore one, from birth on.

  “But you may not have your non-convict ones back.” Hawk’s voice was hard with judgment.

  Tova looked at his face and saw the Hunter staring back at her. But it was part of him and she was discovering that she craved the combination more than one side over the other.

  And still he offered her choice. Choosing the crimson band identified her as a female who belonged among Hunters. Her other choice was to ask to be returned to a civilian sphere. There she would not have to wear any manner of identifying item because there were no law-breakers in the civilian spheres. You were only clamped into bracelets when you disobeyed the law or were born into a Hunter sphere.<
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  She suddenly realized that Hawk had been born into his role as well. He embodied it so completely that she had never realized that he was Hunter because of his blood. She lifted her arm towards him and caught the flash of joy that filled his eyes. Janus shot her a nod from the doorway before he shrugged into his uniform and turned away.

  Hawk secured the band on her arm and kissed it before he caught her chin. “I will not ask you to pledge to me tonight. But I intend to have you, Tova, bound to me by your own word.” He kissed her hard. His words painted a fantasy, almost too good to be found among reality. Hawk rolled her back onto the bed and pressed her thighs wide as he settled his body over her spread one.

  Hawk thrust into her with a slow motion of his hips. He wanted to linger in her body now, spend an hour just fucking. He pressed her arms onto the surface of the bed and grinned as his fingers closed over the wristband on her arm.

  “Clasp your thighs around me. Lift for me, Tova!”

  He growled the words against her ear as his cock thrust deep into her body. She whimpered as he slid into her. She gripped his hips with her thighs, trying to hold his cock inside her. Her fingernails bit into his skin as she clawed him.

  “Yes…more.” She panted out her words as her body arched up to receive his next thrust. Her clit begged for more friction as her pussy gripped the hard flesh probing her. It was a moment of perfection, one filled with sensation and need but the most important element was intimacy.

  Hawk pressed his body down on top of hers as his cock moved in and out of her body. When she came, he watched her face before bucking between her thighs and growling through his own pleasure.


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