The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4 Page 11

by Heather Rainier

  “I think she’s planning something,” Duke said. “She sounded bubbly on the phone earlier.”

  “I miss her.”

  “I do, too. Want to hit up Jelani and Marcario? They’re back in Toronto for a couple of weeks before leaving for the Congo.”

  Gage sighed. “Cool. I guess. For some reason Call of Duty doesn’t appeal to me lately.”

  Duke stepped away from the window. “I know. Me too.”

  It didn’t really interest him tonight, either. It was more of a fallback option since Emma was tied up. Duke sat back on the couch and put his boots up on the coffee table, feeling a funk coming on. It had only been a couple of weeks, but it felt like a month. He missed Emma.

  * * * *

  “Go big or go home, right?” Rachel asked as she stood next to Emma, gazing at her now blessedly empty closet. It had been packed from floor to ceiling with odds and ends from two decades of buying and not wearing. She’d get brave, buy something, be too afraid to wear it for fear of being noticed, and then let it languish in her closet until it went out of style.

  “The vintage clothing store in Morehead is going to love you, Emma,” Rachel said. “Now you have room for the things that worked and room to buy some new things. Want to open your box from Hips and Curves?”

  Emma squealed, “It came?”

  “Yeah, UPS just brought it,” Rachel replied then chuckled. “Duke and Gage are wondering what is going on down here, I bet.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Camilla said one of them peeked over the railing when she opened the door for the UPS man.”

  Emma fought the urgent need to rush upstairs. She knew the old saying that “absence makes the heart fonder” was true because she was missing her men like crazy this week. In order to accomplish her makeover, she’d needed the evenings free and wanted it to be a surprise for her men, so she had been keeping them in the dark for the time being.

  “Aw, you miss them, don’t you?” Rachel asked as she rubbed her lower back.

  Emma nodded, “I do. You okay?”

  “Yes, my back aches, that’s all. This little guy has been jumping on my bladder all day long. I’ll bet you have more than your fair share of aches and pains too, don’t you?” Rachel asked knowingly.

  “Mostly in my legs. Camilla really knows her stuff.”

  “It will help with your balance and walking too. How is it coming with the shoes?”

  Emma giggled thinking of last night as she rubbed her aching hip. “It was great. I only fell one time! And you’re right. The lessons are helping with my balance and poise. I never learned how to walk in heels properly.”

  “Practice makes perfect. Ready to get to work?”

  Emma smiled and nodded. If she was going to do this thing, she was going to do it right. She could keep doing what she’d been doing and accept her own personal status quo, or she could make some changes that might knock her men, and maybe herself, for a loop.

  Rachel cut the tape on the box and dumped the contents on the bed. Soon Maya, Summer, Camilla, and Emma were squealing over the contents.

  Later, after everyone had gone home, Emma looked around her bedroom with fresh eyes. Her closet was positively spartan now, but she looked forward to her shopping excursion with Summer and Maya. They were hitting Discretion, Macy’s, and points beyond the next day.

  She slipped her unreasonably priced, but fairly comfortable, high heels from her feet and placed them on their shelf then removed her clothing and put on her comfy SpongeBob SquarePants pajama bottoms and a snug white T-shirt that she’d been sleeping in.

  She’d bargained with Rachel to keep these two pieces. Emma let them take everything else they thought didn’t work for her, but she’d held her ground on her jammies. Rachel gave in, making her promise that since the satin pajama pants and camisoles had arrived from Hips and Curves she would save the jammies for emergencies only. This wasn’t technically an emergency, but she didn’t want to go upstairs in her scrubs and she didn’t want to give her surprises away.

  She took one last look in the mirror and smiled at what she’d accomplished with her hair and makeup on her own tonight, without any help, then brushed out her hair and washed her face. Slipping her feet into her bunny slippers, which she’d hidden in the pantry because she knew there was no way the girls would let those stay behind, she grabbed her keys and looked at the clock. She heard a soft thump directly above her, so Duke and Gage must have been up late watching television.

  Quietly, she slipped out of her apartment and tiptoed up the stairs, her bunny-ear slippers flopping with every movement. She rapped lightly on the door and giggled to herself when she felt the vibrations as they must’ve both jumped up and ran for the door.

  The door jerked open, and they both stood there, looking so happy to see her all she could do was fling herself at them. “How have you been?”

  They simultaneously wrapped their arms around her and buried their noses in her hair. Duke growled, “Better, now. We missed you.”

  Gage chuckled and murmured, “Emma’s feeling frisky tonight.”

  Emma turned to look into his mischievously twinkling green eyes. “How can you tell?”

  “You’ve got the bunny slippers on.”

  * * * *

  That weekend, in early October

  Saturday night, Emma stood in front of her mirrored closet door making a final inspection. Half her closet was filled with her work clothing. The other half was now occupied by the items she’d gone shopping for with Maya and Summer. She’d almost felt foolish as the girls had demonstrated how she could mix and match all the pieces she’d purchased.

  She’d been so enamored with reading and learning as a child that she’d never gotten into playing dress up and learning about fashion like other girls did. Her mom had always assisted her with putting her clothes together, and she’d just never worried about it.

  Once she was in college she’d always worn blue jeans and T-shirts, besides the required clothing for medical students. Her roommate had offered fashion help with special occasions, and Emma had honestly never given it that much thought as long as she was decently covered. As an adult the pattern had only been further ingrained.

  Feeling like a new woman, she gazed at her reflection and smiled. She was still the same person, and still Doctor Emma, but she liked this new facet of who she was, too. It was healthy to break out of ruts, and she’d discovered while shopping with Maya and Summer that one of her ruts was buying clothing that was too large for her. When they’d asked why she wanted to try on such large sizes, Emma had told them it was so she could be comfortable. But she knew deep down that she was also hiding inside her clothing because she was self-conscious about her curvy figure.

  Looking at herself in her sleek black dress, Emma was glad that all the voluminous tops and bottoms and matronly dresses were gone from her closet. The girls had also confiscated almost all of her shoes, even her floppy leather sandals. When they’d gone shopping, they’d made a point of buying comfortable, casual clothes and shoes that fit her properly since she enjoyed so many outdoor activities. The excursion hadn’t been just about buying sexy dress-up clothes and high heels. It had become a full wardrobe overhaul. Her pocketbook had squealed in protest, but she hardly ever shopped for clothing and had determined she was long overdue.

  Of course the overhaul hadn’t ended there. Meeting Camilla O’Neal had also had an impact on her. The striptease lessons had gone a long way toward building confidence in the way Emma handled herself and the way she moved. She only had basic moves for pole dancing down, but Camilla had helped her master the art of striptease, which she planned to try out on Duke and Gage soon.

  A thrill raced through her when the doorbell rang. She grabbed her evening bag and her overnight case, because she’d promised to spend the whole night with them. Her cell phone was turned off because she was not on call for that weekend. She turned out the lights in her bedroom and hustled down the hall to answer
the door.

  Duke and Gage stood there looking like movie stars. Gage was dressed in a long-sleeved, white button-down shirt, worn untucked over gray trousers, and Duke was dressed in a lightweight, black sweater that hugged his biceps and lean, muscular chest.

  Her jaw dropped, and she smiled when they had the same reaction to her. “Come in. You both look so handsome.”

  “Emma. Wow,” Duke said as he took her overnight bag from her shoulder. He gestured for her to turn for them, and she complied, ignoring the self-conscious voice that whispered they would see all her flaws as she turned. Emma fought down the urge to self-consciously wring her hands together, remembering Camilla’s instructions. “You’re…stunning.”

  Those two simple words made all the expense, work, and sore muscles worth it. Both men kissed her gently as though they were concerned about messing up her hair or makeup.

  She took a slow breath and felt herself relax as she replied. “I know this is not how you are used to seeing me. I’m glad you like it.”

  Duke’s eyes shone with approval as he said, “This is just another part of you that we get to enjoy, Em. In different ways, we were all out of our comfort zones. We’d usually be dressed in flannel and jeans on a Saturday night, playing Call of Duty with friends, not dressed up to take you out to a five-star restaurant.”

  Admiration glimmered in Gage’s eyes as he nodded in agreement and said, “You look sexy as hell in those high heels. You’re absolutely beautiful, angel.” Their words filled her with pleasure, and she felt herself stand up a little straighter because of them. Gage pulled the bouquet of red roses from behind his back and held them out to her. “We brought you something.”

  With a gasp, she took them and lifted the fragrant flowers to her nose and, with heartfelt gratitude, murmured, “They are beautiful, thank you.”

  Gage asked, “Ready for your evening out?”

  Emma nodded and said, “Let me put these in a vase.” While seeing to that task, Emma asked, “Where are we going first?” They’d asked her to be ready at four o’clock, which led her to believe that their plans included a drive somewhere.

  “Our first stop is Tessa’s, a little out-of-the-way place in Morehead that was highly recommended. We’re getting there early so we can take you out for a night of dancing afterward.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard of Tessa’s!” Boy, have I heard all about Tessa’s!

  Duke chuckled and said, “We have a table reserved in the main dining room. We had to get on a list for one of the private dining rooms. I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  “Not at all, Duke. I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  “I did put us on the waiting list, though,” he added as she placed the rose-filled vase on the kitchen counter. The girls had hinted at the intimate dinners several of them had enjoyed at Tessa’s, and her heart thrilled that they had that experience to look forward to.

  “Ready to go?” Gage asked as he reached for her hand. A flush warmed her cheeks as they looked her over appreciatively once more.

  Chapter Ten

  Duke couldn’t believe his luck as he drove his truck down Main Street in Divine. Between him and his cousin sat a woman who constantly amazed him.

  The relationship forming between the three of them was unlike anything he could’ve imagined. Maybe it was because they had started out with the idea of tackling goals and dreams with their bucket lists.

  Playing it safe and developing a regular routine hadn’t happened. Because of their work schedules, they’d had to seize any moment they had together. Their adventures had added an element of “comfort zone-less-ness” to his life that he never would’ve thought he’d be at ease with. He knew, and hoped, that eventually they would settle into the flow of a normal relationship, but these excursions forced the three of them to explore what was really important to them in their lives.

  For Duke it was making a difference with the technological talents he possessed. Gage had voiced similar thoughts, and Emma had told them she loved being a healer. But in the process of helping others they’d lost that little spark in themselves. They were reigniting that inspiration with these adventures.

  In his eyes, Emma was the girl next door. Fresh faced, ponytailed, always ready with a smile and an encouraging word. It was exciting to discover this other facet of her persona. When she’d opened the door he’d been floored by the difference in her. Since the other night when she’d surprised them with a visit, he’d noticed there was a new confidence in her, in the way she moved and how she responded to them.

  Tonight she’d transformed herself into a sultry temptress in a little black dress that fit her sleek curves so well his cock had stirred instantly to life. She was wearing high heels that nearly brought her to eye level and made her legs look even longer and so incredibly sexy.

  He caught Gage’s glance and could practically read his mind. Someone else was antsy to get the evening started as well. He decelerated as he caught up to a slower-moving vehicle in front of them. The road and speed limit didn’t really allow for passing and they were in no hurry, so they traveled the short distance through town behind the little silver Mazda sedan. Gage sighed softly, and Duke grinned to himself.

  They drove through the busiest part of the shopping district, pausing for stoplights and the heavier weekend shopping traffic. A cool front had blown in that weekend, and the cooler temperatures had brought out more shoppers to the area. Evidently the owner of the Mazda was new in town because the driver braked repeatedly as though unsure of where to turn. Duke backed off to allow ample room for them and to avoid having an accident in case the driver slammed on their brakes. Adjusting her eyeglasses, Emma leaned forward and squinted at the vehicle.

  “They must be lost,” Gage said distractedly as the vehicle suddenly turned into the parking lot of the large shopping center where Stigall’s was located.

  Emma frowned and pulled her phone from her purse and said, “Something is wrong with the driver. Slow down, Duke.” Her phone beeped as it powered back on. “Oh, no,” she said as she pointed.

  The three of them watched in surprise as the driver slumped over behind the wheel. The Mazda sedan swerved, barely missed a parked car, and careened into the limestone and glass windowed storefront of Clay Cook’s Jewelers. The bumper took out a few of the bricks, and the large plate glass window shattered and collapsed onto the hood of the vehicle.

  Emma dialed nine-one-one. “Stop the truck, Duke.”

  Duke pulled into the parking lot a safe distance away and parked. Gage helped Emma out, and they ran to the car. Others had already started to gather.

  “Damn it. I wish I had my kit—Dorothy, this is Emma Guthrie,” she said into the phone to the emergency dispatcher. “I’m on Main Street. Single-vehicle accident, in front of Clay Cook’s Jewelers. Send an ambulance. The driver appears unconscious.”

  Mindful of the broken glass, Gage opened the door of the vehicle, and Emma crouched down to check the driver’s pulse. The passenger-side door was pulled open by another man who had run out from the jewelry store. “Female driver, mid- to late-thirties…no sign of head injuries, the vehicle wasn’t moving very fast when it struck the building.”

  Duke stepped away to keep the crowd back that was gathering while Emma worked, checking the woman over as she filled the emergency department in on the details. Gage shifted the gear lever into park and shut off the ignition.

  Emma interrupted her conversation with the dispatcher to admonish a woman who looked vaguely familiar away from the vehicle. “Tabitha, stop taking pictures. There’s glass everywhere and you’re going to get cut. Move over there.” She pointed back to the doorway of the shop where the woman had originally come from, armed with her camera phone. It hit Duke suddenly that this woman had been their downstairs neighbor for a while. She pouted a little but did as Emma asked, while sending a text message.

  The hospital was close by, and almost immediately he heard the sound of a siren. A police car pulled up, and Duke greeted
the sheriff as Hank Stinson took over the scene.

  Duke returned to Emma as the other man assisted her in carefully laying the woman on her side in the vehicle. Emma asked, “Clay, do you know this woman?”

  The man, who must be the owner of Clay Cook’s Jewelers, gently swiped the woman’s wavy brown locks from her face and looked closely at her. “No, Emma. I—I don’t think—actually, I’m not sure. Something about her is…familiar. It doesn’t look like she hit her head or anything. She’s awful pale.” Duke noticed the man, who was evidently Clay Cook, stroked the underside of the driver’s chin.

  Checking her pulse, Emma said, “Rapid heart rate. She’s in shock.”

  EMS arrived, and Emma gave them a rundown of the woman’s condition. After she was finished, Hank took a report from the three of them regarding what they’d seen. The EMTs carefully removed the woman from the vehicle and lifted her onto a stretcher. Clay grabbed her purse and handed it to one of the technicians. He stood there, seeming at a loss, as they loaded her into the ambulance.

  Duke started the silver Mazda and parked the vehicle beside the store. It appeared to Duke that the driver of the vehicle might have been in the middle of moving day. Boxes and luggage filled the backseat of the sedan. The damage was mostly to the front bumper and the hood, but Clay’s window was a total loss.

  Clay asked, “Did you see it happen?”

  Duke explained what they’d seen and that Emma had asked them to stop.

  Clay stuck his hands in his pockets, watching the ambulance with a faraway look in his eyes before turning back to them. “Oh, so you’re friends of Emma’s?”

  “Yeah. You?”

  “She treats me for allergies. She’s a good person. That’s obvious, since she stopped to help someone she didn’t know.”


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