The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4 Page 57

by Heather Rainier

  Her cunt drew up with erotic tension as another orgasm loomed closer and closer. She jumped in surprise when Ace’s fingertips speared her pussy and he let loose a very pleased-sounding growl. Without preamble he unzipped his shorts and plunged his ramrod-hard cock inside her welcoming, trembling body.

  “Yes!” she cried out in ecstasy, riding the wave he’d started with the spanking as he fucked her hard and fast from behind. He reached around her hip and found her clit and began rubbing it between two fingertips in a circular motion timed with his thrusts.

  The tension in her cunt spread to the rest of her body as he pinned her down, held her tight, and fucked her until the orgasm exploded inside her. She screamed until her throat hurt and she saw stars. Ace thrust hard until he finally climaxed, panting hard and letting loose a deep, growly sound as he held her. His cock felt huge inside her, and she shuddered with an aftershock as he gave her his seed.

  Ace released his grip, and she lowered her cheek to his forearms beneath her as her heart pounded and she caught her breath. Ace pressed gentle kisses to her shoulder and her neck.

  Kemp shifted and then came near, gently dabbing her cheeks with a tissue. “You’re crying, kitten. Why?”

  “I am? I am,” she whispered as she patted her cheeks with the tissue and saw the tear stains mixed with mascara and eyeliner.

  Ace looked closely at her. “Did we hurt you?”

  Summer gave him a half smile. “As if either of you ever could. I don’t know. This was just…really powerful. I love it when you’re forceful like that and pin me down. It brings my emotions to the surface, I guess. You’ve been gone quite a bit, and I’ve been working a lot, and I guess I just needed the…” She trailed off, not knowing the right word.

  “Impropriety?” Kemp asked as he stroked the side of her breast, sending a sweet shiver down her spine.

  She smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah.”

  “You like being our naughty girl,” Ace said as he pulled out with a deep sigh.

  Her men helped her as she regained the use of her limbs. She cleaned up with a little assistance from Kemp, who had evidently prepared well in advance and had the necessary supplies on hand. They even helped her with dressing.

  Ace shoved the pillows out of the way and helped her climb from the back of the SUV while Kemp readjusted the backseat so they could continue on their way. She giggled when she saw that they were parked at an overlook from which Bowie Lake was visible several miles in the distance. No people or cars were anywhere nearby, but the thought that Ace might have stopped somewhere where they might’ve been seen or heard had definitely heightened the thrill.

  Summer smiled up at him, gazing at his dark-brown eyes, and wrapped her arms around him. Ace hugged her tight. “I guess we made some fireworks a little early, huh? How’s your ass?”

  Summer chortled. “It’s very warm.”

  Kemp came up behind her and gently squeezed each ass cheek. “Yep, and it’s probably nice and red too.”

  “So I’m sort of patriotic. Blue dress, white sandals, and a red ass.”

  “That’ll teach you to disobey,” Ace said with a chuckle.

  Summer kissed him lightly and rubbed against Kemp as she agreed, “Yes, it will.”

  They arrived with chairs and ice chest in tow about the same time Ace and Kemp’s sister, Lydia, showed up with Chance and Clayton. A fighter jet suddenly blazed a path overhead, signaling the start of the parade. In the distance, Summer could hear the Divine High School marching band as they slowly made their way down Main Street. Their vantage point afforded them seats in the shade right in the heart of the downtown Divine shopping district.

  Richard Warner, one of Jack Warner’s cousins, jumped down from the big flatbed trailer and then gently lifted his wife, Maya, down. Richard’s brothers, Boone and Kendall, Maya’s other mates, leaped down right after, and Kendall turned to the group. “We’re going to take Maya down the block to find a ladies’ room. Y’all need anything? Bottled water? Cotton candy?” He grinned when all the kids who could talk chirped at the same time, and he waved off the bills their parents handed his way. “Give us a little bit of time to find the porta-potties. We’ll be back soon as we can.”

  Summer giggled when she saw Boone pinch Maya’s ass as they scampered off. Ace leaned close and whispered behind his hand, “Yeah, they’re gonna miss half the parade. I recognize that look in their eyes. Kemp and I wear it often enough.”

  Summer laughed out loud. Go get it, girl!

  * * * *

  Jayne fiddled nervously with the strap of the tote bag slung over her shoulder as she walked through Cheaver’s parking lot toward the large flatbed trailer facing Main Street. Her house was located three blocks from downtown so the walk had been a brief one.

  “Jayne! You made it!” Grace called out as she shaded her eyes and beckoned her over to the end of the trailer where cinder blocks had been placed for steps. Awnings were set up to provide shade to those seated on the flatbed. As Grace’s husband, Adam, helped her up the steps, Jayne noticed several people in the group that she already knew, which was a relief to her. Grace took her tote bag from her and placed it in a chair next to hers.

  Rachel Wolf waved to her from her seat, where she was nursing baby Levi under a light blanket. Charity drew her into a big hug and whispered, “I’ve got the perfect bathing suit for you at the house. You’re not gonna bail on us, are you? You looked ready to run a few seconds ago.”

  “What? Are you reading minds now?” she asked, barely able to hear herself over the sound of a motorcycle pulling up nearby.

  Charity glanced at her sister as she greeted another new arrival, and then grinned at Jayne. “Not only can I read minds, I can also predict the future. You’re going to have a fabulous time today. And you’re going to stay for the whole day.”

  “If you say so.”

  Jayne heard Grace’s voice as she came near again, talking to someone else. “Jayne, I want to introduce you to someone.”

  Jayne turned from Charity, who now wore a smirk, to face Grace. Her jaw dropped when she saw the tall man standing beside her. Seth Carter, in all his tattooed, long-haired, blue-eyed glory.

  “Seth, this is my cousin, Jayne Sheridan. Jayne, this is our friend Seth Carter.” Grace looked like she wanted to do a victory lap around the block as Seth smiled softly in recognition and chuckled.

  “Hi, Jayne. We meet again.” Seth glanced at Grace with a knowing look on his face and then smiled at Jayne and rolled his eyes.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Jayne noticed that Grace and Charity both skedaddled off to check on other goings-on, leaving the two of them to talk.

  Wishing she was a social butterfly like her cousins, Jayne moved her tote bag and sat down. Her hands shook a little and she knotted them together to hide her reaction to him. Nerves made her belly flutter.

  Seth gestured at the empty seat next to her. “Is that seat taken?” The movement brought her attention to his tattoos and she once again couldn’t help but stare.

  “I don’t think so. Be my guest.”

  Jayne was willing to bet that was the seat Grace expected Seth to sit in. She was a notorious matchmaker. Seth sat beside her and got comfortable. Her temperature rose a few notches and the butterflies in her stomach started doing acrobatic maneuvers.

  “How are your hands and your knees?”

  A blush heated her cheeks as she recalled the scene she’d written the night before involving just that position with a hero who bore a striking resemblance to Seth. She restrained herself from reaching out to touch his tattoos and remembered that he’d asked her a question.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “From your spill yesterday. Were you okay?”

  “Oh.” She showed him the Band-Aids on the heel of her left hand and the one on her right knee. “Just scrapes. Nothing that won’t heal up in a day or so.”

  Seth looked down at her knee and made a concerned expression with his mouth, and she fanta
sized about how it would feel to have his lips on her.

  He interrupted her reverie as he looked deeply into her eyes again. She wondered what he saw there as heat crept into her cheeks, making it seem even hotter that morning. His gaze flicked over her face and he looked as though something had occurred to him. “That explains the reason I thought you looked familiar. You have dark hair and lighter skin but the resemblance to Grace and Charity is there in your facial structure.”

  “Yes, our mothers were sisters, but I inherited my father’s eye and hair color.” He nodded and gazed into her eyes again, until she had to look away. Her heart pounded rapidly as she felt his gaze linger on her face before he was distracted. There was a flurry of activity up and down the street as spectators found their places and the flag bearers came into view. As they marched past, Jayne, Seth and all their friends rose from their seats with the rest of the parade goers, removed their hats, and placed their hands over their hearts.

  Directly behind the flag bearers, a member of the Divine High School drum corps counted out the beat, and then the marching band broke into the Divine High School fight song. Many members of the crowd sang the words to the song, and Jayne smiled when Grace pointed at the kids all seated in chairs or strollers on the front row. Rose Marie Warner, Will Peterson, and Michael and Eleazar Martinez watched in fascination as the parade floated past in all its noisy, streamer-strewn glory.

  Chapter Four

  Richard Warner noticed Maya glance back at him and Boone as they strolled down the sidewalk a few steps behind her and Kendall. Richard smiled at her before she scanned the crowd around them. Maya didn’t go out of her way to avoid touching him and Boone in public, but she didn’t like to draw attention to them either.

  She followed Kendall into the Scherer office building a couple of blocks down from Cheaver’s as though they had an appointment there. There were parade goers watching the event from the third-story balcony, and they hoped to appear as though they were joining them. They breezed through the unlocked door, and Boone walked ahead of them to the two elevator doors and hit the call button.

  Maya inhaled deeply and shifted back and forth, rubbing her palms on her denim cutoffs as they waited. Richard heard voices in the stairwell as someone made their way down. He grew tense and wondered if the elevator would arrive and they could make their escape before being seen.

  Boone and Maya were the ones into the kinky stuff, and they were having fun drawing Kendall and Richard into their adventures, but stuff like this still made him nervous. An elevator in an office building was about as close as he could get to sex in a public place. He wrestled with the nerves and watched Maya’s excitement grow as the voices came closer and closer.

  Finally, the light above the left-hand elevator lit, and the door whooshed open. They entered silently, and he sighed with relief when the doors slowly slid closed on the sound of footsteps at the bottom of the stairs.

  Richard reached in his jeans pocket and pulled out the pad of sticky notes and peeled one off. Being the tallest, by far, of all of them, this job was his as he stretched and stuck the yellow notepaper to the lens on the security camera and did the same with the one in the opposite corner. Boone hit the second floor button and “lock” button on the elevator before the doors could slide open again. They’d chosen a holiday like today where the businesses located in the building were likely to be closed, for which he was grateful.

  “Is that it?” Maya’s eyes twinkled with excitement as she turned to the three of them.

  Boone nodded. “This old elevator has been retrofitted with cameras but that’s it. And those are video-only so you can be as noisy at you want.”

  Maya snickered and said, “Someone did their research in advance.”

  Boone had a teasing glint in his eyes as he approached her. “Damn straight. I don’t want anyone else to have video of us fucking your glorious body,” he growled as he unbuttoned her cutoffs. “I did a little checking around to make sure this was the best spot.”

  Richard wondered how far in advance Boone had planned this little escapade, knowing how much he enjoyed playing to Maya’s kinky side.

  “How did you decide?” Maya asked cryptically as Boone jerked at the zipper.

  Boone chuckled. “Rock, paper, scissors.”

  A lascivious giggle rippled from Maya. “And who lost?”

  Kendall raised his hand. “But I don’t consider myself a loser because you give amazing head, babydoll. C’mere.”

  “Plus, you know I wouldn’t make you wait until afterward.”

  Maya gracefully kneeled in her unbuttoned cutoffs and sandals as Boone stripped her tank top over her head and draped it over the railing. Maya placed her knees on the toes of Kendall’s boots, and Richard watched as she quickly undid Kendall’s fly and freed his cock. With a great show of enthusiasm, Maya licked and teased his dick until he looked ready to explode, and then she dove on him, suddenly sucking his cock to the back of her throat. Kendall caressed the back of her head and moaned in approval.

  It filled Richard’s heart with satisfaction that Maya enjoyed sex with them so much. In the months since their marriage, her ardor for them had never wavered, and Richard knew he was a lucky, lucky man.

  Boone pulled a couple of Ziploc bags from his pockets, dropping one that contained white folded squares on the floor and pulling the condoms and lube from another. Richard could say one thing about his kinky-minded brother. The guy was prepared.

  Kendall leaned against the wall of the elevator car and groaned as Maya held on to his thighs and sucked his cock with happy little noises. Her cheeks grew rosy as she released his shaft and winked at Richard then licked Kendall’s balls. Richard smiled back at her and noticed that Kendall had taken to doing a little manscaping, trimming the hairs at the base of his cock shorter. Richard grinned, thinking that only Kendall would think to encourage their wife to give him oral pleasure by maintaining the landscape for her comfort. He was one considerate pervert.

  Kendall growled softly, and Richard noticed that Maya had slid her hands to the backs of his knees, above where his blue jeans were bunched. She slowly grazed her fingernails in a slow, sensual caress up the backs of his thighs, his growl turning to a low moan as she neared his balls with painstakingly slow movements. Kendall grasped her shoulder with one shaking hand and stroked the back of her bobbing head with the other.

  “Get ready, babydoll! Oh, you’re killing me! Fuck!” He flexed against her as sweat poured from his forehead. “Yes!” Judging by his tone, she’d reached her destination as her fingertips disappeared between his legs. Suddenly his eyes popped open, and Richard heard a sultry giggle come from Maya. Kendall tensed violently, and his head bounced against the wall of the elevator, his climax obvious in his expression. “Fuck!” Boone might be the kinky one, but Kendall had discovered a fondness for anal play.

  Maya swallowed his cum as Kendall panted and his hips rocked. Richard’s cock throbbed as he watched Maya sigh in satisfaction. She released Kendall and looked up at him with adoration in her eyes as the tension left him, then turned her beautiful blue-green gaze on Richard and Boone. Boone handed her a wet wipe to clean her hands with while he unzipped his shorts and they fell to the elevator floor.

  Richard unbuttoned his jeans as she rose from her kneeling position and turned to him with lust in her eyes. Boone opened the tube of lube and slicked his condom-sheathed cock as Maya slid her cutoffs from her hips and stepped from them. Putting on a sexy little show for them, she turned and picked them up off the floor, sticking her ass out so they could see her bare, G-string-clad flesh. She rose, wiggling her ass as if she were a pole dancer, and grinned at them both over her shoulder. She put her shorts with her tank top and laid a gentle hand on Kendall, where he recovered against the wall.

  “You okay, baby?”

  Kendall smiled at her and patted her hand on his pectoral and nodded breathlessly. Maya slid the skimpy blue G-string from her hips and laid the damp scrap of satin with the ot
her clothes then added her bra to the collection, revealing the bounty of her gorgeous, full breasts.

  Richard’s cock twitched when he took in the sight of her nude body. A big smile appeared on her face as he shoved his jeans and boxer briefs down and his big, throbbing cock jutted out at her. His balls drew up in anticipation, and a drop of pre-cum cleared his slit when she licked her lips like she was starving for him.

  Boone groaned as he stroked the lube over his cock and growled, “Ready, baby?”

  Maya’s sultry gaze in Boone’s direction said as much as her words. “More than ready. I’m dying for this.”

  Kendall adjusted his clothing as Richard yanked his T-shirt over his head and threw it in the direction of her clothes, not caring if it landed on the floor or not. He wanted to be skin on skin with her for this.

  Maya reached for him, and he joined his lips to hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on when he lifted her. She wound her long, sexy legs around his waist and wiggled against him when he nudged his rigid shaft along her pussy.

  “Yes, Richard. Gimme your big cock,” she whispered against his neck before kissing his chest. She gazed up at him as he thrust and filled her, fitting her body against his in the most intimate way.

  He felt so blessed to have such a beautiful, caring woman in his life, and he remembered the day he and his brothers had bonded their lives with hers the previous summer. Looking like a fairy princess, she’d leaped from the bank of Divine Creek right into his waiting arms as he’d stood on their flat rock out in the water, trusting that he would catch her.

  Maya had devoted herself to loving them since the night she’d declared herself, and Richard was grateful for her love and the way she’d pulled him from the grief he’d lived with for so long.

  Rolling his hips, he thrust against her, sliding his cock in and out of her silken little cunt. “I love you, Maya,” he murmured, kissing her fragrant throat. Her long blonde curls tickled his nose as he breathed in her intoxicating scent.


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