The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4 Page 59

by Heather Rainier

  “Let us know if you start to feel bad, baby,” Evan said, patting her knee. “We don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.

  “Once I eat and cool off in the pool I’ll be just fine.” Rosemary giggled and pointed. “Aw! Look.”

  On a straight section of FM 709, Jayne released Seth’s torso and lifted her arms high in the air in a triumphant-looking gesture. Rosemary’s eyes misted a little, and she whispered softly, “You go, girl.” Jayne deserved to have a little fun after the trials she’d suffered.

  At the ranch, the three of them were sitting down eating with everyone else when Rosemary’s phone trilled with the ringtone that automatically told her the call came from work. Brantley Gilbert’s “Country Must be Countrywide” played softly on the outdoor speakers as she pulled her phone from her purse.

  “Uh-oh,” Evan said before taking another bite of his potato salad.

  “Doesn’t the store close early today?” Wes asked as he checked his watch.

  “Yes. They’re supposed to close early for the holiday. Hello?”

  “Rosie.” Rosemary immediately recognized Bernadette’s voice, but she sounded odd.

  “Hey. You okay?”

  “Noooo. I’m really sorry to call you on your day off but…”

  “Let me guess. The stomach flu got you too?” A nasty case of it had been going around town, and everybody at Cheaver’s had caught it in the last couple of weeks. Rosemary was just praying that it didn’t catch up to her.

  “Yeah. I’m dyin’. I feel like a big baby for calling you when the store closes in an hour but I’ve hardly been able to get out on the floor as it is. Can you come?”

  Bernadette wouldn’t call her unless she was on death’s door, and she’d been there for Rosemary more times than she could count. “Sure. Just let me finish eating. Tell Irving that I’ll be there just as soon as I can and then head on home.”

  “He insisted he could handle closing up the store but I told him he’s not quite ready.”

  Irving was their assistant manager in training, but he’d only started a few weeks before. He was also a serious flirt, which Rosemary knew was a bone of contention for her men.

  “Go home. Rest. I hope you feel better.”

  Bernadette groaned and replied, “Sorry to bother you.”

  “Would you stop? You can’t help it. Don’t forget to drink lots of fluids.”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  Rosemary hung up with a grin and then gave both Evan and Wes smiles of commiseration. “I have to go up to the store. You can stay here and I’ll come back just as soon as things are shut down. Shouldn’t take me long at all.”

  “That guy Irving is working?” Evan asked with a slight frown on his face.

  Knowing where the frown came from, Rosemary put her hand on his thigh. “He’s just eager. He wants me to be happy with his work. He’s not flirting with me.” Girl, you know he’s totally flirting with you.

  Wes shook his head. “I don’t know about that, baby.”

  “I don’t like the way he looks at you, Rosie.”

  Uncharacteristically, Wes growled. “Like he wants to eat you up or something. We’re going with you.”

  Rosemary nodded as she finished her brisket. “Okay. At least that way I can still spend time with you.”

  When she was done, Evan rose from the table and took her plate with his to dump in the trash can. They made their apologies and promised to return as soon as they could.

  They climbed into Evan’s big truck, and as he turned the key in the ignition, Evan said, “I know you probably think we’re going all alpha-male ‘he-man’ on you but that guy rubs me the wrong way. I’d just as soon you weren’t left alone with him after the store closes.”

  “I wouldn’t be alone with him. Linda and Merle are there too. But the alpha-male he-man thing doesn’t bother me at all. I know your heart is in the right place.”

  They both seemed relieved when she said that and spent the rest of the trip back to town in a much lighter mood, though she was a little curious about what was causing their possessiveness.

  She was just glad that it wasn’t a bone of contention between the two of them. Evan had come a long way in understanding her over the last couple of years. She made sure that he knew without a doubt that he and Wes were the only men she was interested in.

  When they arrived at the store, the men opened the front door for her and Irving was right there waiting for her. She pressed her lips together to hide a smile and suppress a snicker as she looked back at Wes and Evan. They both had I-told-you-so smiles on their faces for her then turned the flinty-eyed Clint Eastwood look on Irving Darnell as he greeted her and nodded at the men.

  He showed her the day’s sales so far on a register receipt and then listed off what they’d accomplished that day and what remained to be done. She made her way back to the stockroom to check in with Linda in the office and wasn’t surprised when Irving followed her through the doors. All the female employees found him handsome and charming, and while she thought they were right, Irving held no interest for her. Her heart was firmly in the hands of the two very tolerant men waiting out front.

  She stopped and turned to see what Irving needed because she had an inkling that Wes and Evan were already on their way to the stockroom doors if they had seen Irving follow her. She stopped abruptly, and Irving nearly plowed right into her.

  “Did you need something, Irving?”

  He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down for a second and then said, “Would you like to have dinner with me?”

  Where the hell is the gossip mill when I fucking need it? How does he not know I’m involved with two handsome, hunky men?

  Her stomach roiled a little, and on top of her embarrassment, she felt slightly nauseated. She’d never made a huge secret out of her relationship, but for the sake of the store she hadn’t paraded that information around town. There had been gossip at one time, but the rumor mill had long since moved on from her “supposed” ménage relationship.

  Rosemary lifted her hand to show him the ring. “Irving, I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m already—”

  “Married.” The deep, territorial-sounding voice was Wes’s. Her men stood in the open stockroom doors, giving Irving the “are ya feelin’ lucky, punk” look.

  “Oh, man! I’m sorry. I don’t know how I missed that.”

  Rosemary had a feeling she knew. The rumor mill in Cheaver’s was currently all about Irving, so he hadn’t had a chance to hear anything about her because they were all talking about him. Plus, if he was management and hadn’t worked there very long he wouldn’t have heard much anyway. Rosemary knew who the best sources of gossip were in Cheaver’s because she’d grown up in the store.

  Directing a hand toward the doors, Rosemary said, “My husbands.”

  The speed at which his eyebrows shot up was almost comical. “Well, I have heard talk in town about ménage relationships. Really?” he asked affably as he turned to look at both men. Rosemary had a feeling that if the men had been alone he might have given Wes and Evan a “thumbs-up” and asked for how-to tips.

  Evan shifted the toothpick from one corner of his sensual mouth to the other as he leaned against the door and nodded. He crossed his ankles as he hooked his thumbs in his front pockets, which automatically drew her eyes to the bulge in his jeans.

  Gah! But he’s the sexiest man alive when he does that!

  Evan caught her look, and she felt a blush heat her cheeks as the bulge at his groin appeared to swell just a bit. He had the gall to wink at her.

  “Yes. For two years now.” Normally Wes was so open and friendly, but his tone was definitely communicating “get your own woman.” Rosemary thought maybe it was time to have a private talk and find out what was going on with him.

  With his usual good nature, Irving said, “Sorry, Rosemary. If I’d known…” He looked at the men then back at her. “I’d have gotten to Divine sooner. Maybe I coulda beat them to you.”

; Wes stepped away from the door, and Rosemary held up a hand to stop her Neanderthal from making a point with Irving’s head. “Now that’s not helping this situation. Irving, you were probably still in diapers when they fell in love with me and me with them.”

  Irving grinned at both men. “Sorry, guys, but you can’t fault a guy for tryin’. I mean, look at her,” he said, gesturing at her with both hands.

  Wes’s tone bordered on harsh. “We see her.”

  “All right. No hard feelings, Rosemary.”

  “Of course not. Now go get to work. I’ll let you out in a few minutes.”

  Irving sauntered off as though he didn’t have a death wish after all, and Rosemary scoffed and rolled her eyes as she continued on to the office. Linda was just gathering her purse, so Rosemary escorted her, Merle, and Irving to the door and locked up after them.

  “Let me take one razoo through the dressing rooms,” Rosemary said and smiled when Wes and Evan followed her as she made a quick check of the fitting rooms in the apparel department.

  She sighed when she found a large untidy pile of clothing that someone had tried on and then discarded in the large women’s dressing room. Thinking it must’ve been overlooked, Rosemary set to straightening and folding or hanging each item.

  “Guys, you know that what Irving said about me doesn’t mean a thing to me, right? I think he just wants to get ahead and he’s just super…friendly.”

  “Super manslut is more like it,” Wes grumbled as he shook out a pair of blue jeans for her. She could tell he was still ticked.

  Suddenly feeling tired, Rosemary plopped down on the wooden bench in the corner. “I don’t even know why he acts that way. I didn’t encourage it and I’ve only worked with him a few times.”

  Wes came to her and kneeled at her feet. “I don’t think that you encouraged it, baby. But I know why he does it.”

  Evan nodded as he put a shirt back on a hanger. “It’s obvious.”

  Rubbing her forehead tiredly, Rosemary said, “Enlighten me.”

  Wes brushed a long, curly lock of black hair from her shoulder. “It’s because you’re beautiful. You’re smart and funny. What man could resist that?”

  The sincerity in his eyes buoyed her spirits somewhat, and she giggled. “Yeah, right. Are you just angling for a blow job?” Wes laughed as she shoved lightly at his shoulder but then put her arms around him and hugged him. “Wes, I’m grateful that you didn’t rip his arms off and beat him with them.” It really wasn’t like Wes to be that territorial of her. She usually saw behavior like that from Evan first.

  Evan chuckled. “Yeah, you kinda beat me to the punch, so to speak, bro.”

  Wes shrugged and slid onto the bench next to her. “I guess I was just threatened. He’s younger, kind of ‘up and coming’ so to speak, and you’ve been spending a lot of hours here at the store with all the personnel issues.”

  The store had gone through several changes with longtime employees leaving or retiring and new people filling those roles. Whenever that happened, Rosemary always felt that the store deserved extra attention to make sure things were getting done right. The amount of time she was working at the store was going to be changing soon though. She didn’t need Wes to tell her that she wasn’t spending as much time at home or on their business, Garner Custom Furniture, as she used to. But there were only so many hours in the day.

  Rosemary had an inkling that something else was going on. “Is that all?”

  Wes took her hand. “Are we asking too much of you? The two of us? Are you having a hard time…being with us?”

  Rosemary couldn’t help it when her jaw dropped. “Why would you think that?”

  “It’s been a couple of years. I was worried that the shine had worn off of our relationship, that you were tired of keeping up with us. When your hours at the store gradually increased again I began to think maybe…”

  “I was interested in someone at the store?” The thought was positively jarring to her, and she was sure that showed on her face.

  Wes shook his head vehemently. “No! Not at all! Although, Irving was clearly interested in you. I meant just that maybe we were too much.”

  “You thought that maybe I was avoiding home because I couldn’t keep up?”

  Wes nodded affirmatively, and Rosemary wished she could say something snarky like that it was they who were having to keep up with her. But the truth was that she had been away from home a lot, especially in the evenings. The store hiring a new and undeniably charming management trainee only compounded matters, and she could understand why he might feel threatened. She looked up at Evan.

  “What about you? Do you feel the same way?”

  Evan smiled and shrugged at her before he sat on her other side on the bench. “Right about the time we talked about starting a family, things changed around here.” He gestured to the store around them. “I figured that maybe you got cold feet and wanted to cool off the baby talk for a while. We want you to have what you need, Rosie. We just aren’t sure what that is lately.”

  Rosemary looked from one man to the other and placed a hand on their cheeks. “All I need is the two of you. Yes, I admit I’m gone from home a lot. I’m pretty tired by the end of most days, too, so we haven’t been fooling around as much as you probably need. But how I feel about you and about us hasn’t changed. I still love you and want you both.”

  The memory of Wes’s territorial behavior returned, and she smiled at him. He’d been so sexy, standing there in his faded jeans and boots, looking ready to do bodily harm if Irving laid a hand on her. She looked at Evan and saw the gleam in his eyes. She looked around the big dressing room with the mirrors on three walls.

  “I don’t suppose you’d like to get in a practice run on that baby-making project, now would you?”

  The tension in the dressing room suddenly escalated as she watched the heat kindle and smolder in Wes’s eyes and the slow, sexy smile that spread over his lips. He placed her hand on his groin and let that be her answer.

  Turning her gaze to Evan, she said, “You’re usually the pushy alpha male around me. What do you have to say about this?”

  “I want your time back. And I want your hot little pussy, right now.”

  “Why, Mr. Garner, we’re in a public place, a store dressing room no less. Look at all these mirrors. It’s quite shocking.”

  “Even better,” Wes murmured as he pulled her to her feet. “Maybe that’s all we need…To shake things up a bit.” He drew her with him to the middle of the room and tipped her chin up so he could kiss her. Wes was usually her gentle, ardent lover, eager to please her and passionate about making love with her. The man holding her now was forceful and demanding as he claimed her mouth, plundering her with hot, wet strokes of his tongue.

  Evan gently drew her long mass of black curls back and pressed tender kisses along her shoulder and up her neck. She felt tugging at her shoulders and knew he was untying the spaghetti straps of her sundress.

  She smiled against Wes’s questing lips as Evan stroked her bare shoulders and chest before freeing her bare breasts from the elasticized bodice of the dress, pushing the stretchy top of it to her hips. She’d picked that dress earlier that morning, hoping that it might motivate her men to play at some point. She never would’ve thought it would be in the dressing room at her family’s store, but she knew it was the perfect place. She’d be able to see from every angle with all those mirrors, which was always a huge turn-on for her. And there were no security cameras in the dressing rooms.

  Wes slid a callused hand down her back in a rough, sweet caress that left a wake of tingles. He caught the dress with the top of his hand as it continued south to her ass cheeks. Her pussy quivered when he yanked the stretch fabric past her hips, along with her thong, and it all fell to a cottony puddle around her ankles.

  “Better,” Wes whispered gutturally against her lips.

  The dominating way he was acting created a blaze inside her, and her pussy testified to that fact
when her juices leaked to her inner thighs. This was so unlike him, and she was uncertain what to do except let him have his way.

  Just as exciting was the feel of Evan’s body heat against her back and his work-roughened palms as he smoothed them down her ribcage and around her hips to her lower abdomen. Her tummy fluttered when he brushed his thumb over her belly button and sucked on her earlobe before tugging gently with his teeth.

  In a deep, growly whisper, Evan asked, “Are you wet for us?”

  “Oh…You know I am, baby.” She was ready to do whatever they wanted to do, however they wanted to do it.

  “On your knees, sweetheart,” Wes said before nodding at Evan, who immediately began undressing. Rosemary smiled, having an idea how this was going to go, and a thrill of anticipation rippled through her cunt. She bit her lip in delight as Wes helped her to her knees and unbuckled his belt. When he parted his fly she was delighted to find that he’d gone commando.

  “Honey!” she cooed as she lifted his big, meaty erection from his jeans. “Yummy!”

  Adoring him with her gaze, Rosemary licked the rigid, pulsing head and smiled when she felt a shudder run through his frame. She fondled his balls with her other hand as she stroked his length then licked him from root to tip. She wanted to bury her face in his groin and kiss him all over, but Wes’s abdomen was ticklish, so she resisted the urge. In his present dominating mood, she might get a spanking for it. While that wasn’t much of a threat to her, she wanted to keep doing what she was doing.

  She felt Evan’s presence behind her as he came close, and she glanced in the mirror to her right. Her cunt clenched with excitement at seeing the three of them. Evan’s thick, muscular physique was so sexy, his cock standing up, dark red and rigid, as he positioned himself on his knees behind her. Sunlight from the store windows shone over the top of the half-door on the dressing room and made the pre-cum at the head of his cock glisten, and her mouth watered.

  “Suck me, baby.” Wes’s voice was guttural as he drew her attention back to him.


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