The Hookup

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The Hookup Page 2

by J. S. Cooper

  “Oh, I think Anabel and I wanted to play each other today,” I said quickly. “We wanted to have a rematch because our last game was very contentious.”

  “Oh?” Nate looked at me curiously. “How so?”

  “Oh, well, we played for ten hours and then came to checkmate and it was, uhm, quite unexpected.”

  “Oh?” He tilted his head, a puzzled look on his face.

  “Yeah, uhm, my king was in a battle with some pawns. Back and forth, back and forth.”

  “Huh?” He blinked, his eyes narrowing as he tried to process what I’d just said.

  “Joke, joke.” I pretended to laugh instead of trying to clarify what I’d been saying. I had no idea how to play chess and that was going to become very apparent any second now. “So, what are you studying?” I said quickly. “Are you a sophomore as well?”

  “Engineering.” He laughed. “And no, I’m a senior. You guys are sophomores?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “And wow, engineering. You must be so smart.”

  “You’ve already told him that,” Anabel said, and I shot her a death look.

  “Well, vice president of the chess club and an engineering major says he must be pretty smart.”

  “Yeah, I bet you’re a regular Einstein, aren’t you, Nathan?” Anabel said as she rolled her eyes.

  “Not quite.” Nate looked a little confused as he stood there. “But thanks for the vote of confidence. Shall we go over and play?”

  “Sure.” I nodded quickly. This was starting to go south already. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought Anabel with me after all. Sometimes her snarky personality was too much to take. And she certainly wasn’t helping to make me look good in front of Nate. Even though she knew there was a high possibility that he was the love of my life. “Lead the way.”

  “Will do.” He smiled at me and walked over to the tables. I stared at his legs and his ass as he walked and I heard Anabel start to laugh as we stood there.

  “What?” I hissed as I looked at her. “What’s so funny?”

  “Lead the way, Nate,” she whispered back at me. “Lead the way to your heart.”

  “Anabel!” I blushed furiously as I hit her in the arm. “Ssh!”

  “Why? Shouldn’t he know that you’re the one?” She giggled and then she quickly walked away from me before I could say anything else. I was about to stick my tongue out at her behind her back, but my inner voice stopped me.

  “He will,” I said as I glared at her. “Trust me, he will.”

  “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE playing at?” I whispered to Anabel as we sat down and started to play the game. “You’re supposed to be helping me. Not making me look bad.”

  “Janie, I’m not going to tell you I told you so, but how am I supposed to help you when I have no clue how to play chess?”

  “Well, neither do I,” I hissed as I stared at the board. I could see Nate staring at us from the corner of my eye and it was all I could do to not start crying. I was pretty sure that he had to know that I was a fraud and that I had no idea what I was doing.

  “Having an intense game there, girls?” I looked over at Nate and he was grinning at me in a way that made my heart melt.

  “You know it.” I grinned back at him, trying to stop myself from melting into his big blue eyes. Boy oh boy, was he cute. Panty melting cute. I blushed as the thought crossed my mind.

  “We’re nearly done. I’d love to see you guys finish,” he continued and the smile nearly left my face.

  “Nearly done already?”

  “We like to play five- and ten-minute games. Keeps our brains ticking,” he said and I just nodded as my own brain went into overdrive. There was no way that I could allow him to come and watch us play, no way at all. He’d know that we had no clue what we were doing.

  “Oh, cool.” I attempted a light laugh, but I felt like I was going to cry. I knew Anabel thought I was crazy, but I really did feel something for Nate. Something that felt like it could be special. I looked over at Anabel, and I think she could sense the panic emanating from me because she rolled her eyes slightly before standing up and exclaiming.

  “Oh my God, I just remembered that I have to go and feed my boyfriend’s dog.” She looked worried. “And Janie, you need to drive me there.” She paused and winked at me as I gazed at her in shock. “Now.”

  “Oh?” I blinked up at her. “Right now?”

  “Yes, Janie. Right now. I’m afraid we don’t have time to finish the game after all.”

  “Oh, okay.” I sighed, trying to not to look at her too gratefully. “I guess.” I stood up slowly and looked over at Nate with a sad look on my face. “This sucks.” I pouted.

  “Maybe we can play soon?” he said and my heart thudded. He wanted to play with me? Maybe he liked me.


  “Or maybe you guys could do something else,” Anabel suggested and then cleared her throat. “What are you doing on Friday night, Nate? Maybe you can come over to our apartment. We were thinking of playing a new board game.”

  “Oh, that sounds cool. Thanks.” He looked away from me and smiled at Anabel. “I’m actually going to the Sigma Ep party on Friday though. Maybe you guys can come by?”

  “That would be great,” I said excitedly. “We’d love to come by.” Immediately my spirits lifted, and I started thinking about what outfit I would wear to the party.

  “Okay, cool. Well, see you guys then.” He gave me another smile and then turned back to his game. “Bye, Anabel, bye, Jane.”

  “It’s Janie,” I said, my heart dropping slightly. “It’s Janie, not Jane,” I muttered as I walked out of the room, behind Anabel, feeling my excited buzz dimming. I walked out of the room, not quite sure how to feel, but I was proud of myself. I was already on the way to making Nate realize that we were destined for each other. Though I would never tell him that. I wouldn’t even repeat those words to Anabel. I knew how crazy they would make me sound.

  Chapter Two


  “Hey good-looking, what you got cooking?” Anabel whistled at me as I walked out of the bathroom dressed in my shortest black skirt and a push up bra that left nothing to the imagination.

  “A steak and fries,” I giggled as I winked at her. “Hey, can I borrow your red lipstick? I can’t find mine.”

  “Sure.” Anabel laughed and I watched as she stood up and walked over to her vanity. I stared at her skinny frame and sighed with envy. Anabel was one of those natural effortless beauties. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans, a cute gray top and little makeup, yet she still looked stunning. Her hair hung straight in a bob, accentuating her heart-shaped face, and when she handed me her Chanel lipstick, her hazel eyes were sparkling. I would have hated her if she weren’t my best friend.

  “You know you’re a gorgeous skinny bitch and I want your figure and hair, and natural rosy cheeks.” I stuck my tongue out at her as I grabbed the lipstick and walked over to the mirror to apply it.

  “Janie.” She laughed. “I will take those words as a compliment. You know you’re a sexy beast. Don’t even pretend that you wish you had no curves, like me.”

  “You call them curves. I call it fat.” I glared at my reflection in the mirror. My black hair was wavy and mid-back, my brown eyes looked like they held dark naughty secrets and the red lipstick made me look vampish. Overall, I was pleased with my appearance, but I still wanted to lose a good twenty pounds. “Do I look like I’m trying too hard?” I spun around and looked at Anabel. “You look so casual and I look so dressed up.”

  “It depends on what you’re trying too hard for.” Anabel grinned at me. “You’re sexy and you know it. Own it girl.”

  “Own it?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Have you been watching reality TV again?”

  “Like duh, holla.” Anabel started giggling. “Okay, maybe we shouldn’t have taken shots of vodka before the party.”

  “It’s called pre-gaming.” I giggled again. “I mean, we’re even lucky that Louise gave us that
bottle. It’s not like we can buy it ourselves yet.”

  “And that’s exactly why we shouldn’t be drinking. It’s not even legal yet.”

  “Waa waa.” I rolled my eyes. “We’re nineteen, it’s fine.”

  “Janie, sometimes I just don’t know about you,” Anabel said with a small sigh. “You’re my exact opposite.”

  “And that’s exactly why our friendship works so well.” I turned around and grinned at her. I grabbed her hands and danced around the room. “Aren’t you so glad I’m your best friend? Your life would be so boring without me.”

  “I don’t know if that day in eighth grade was the best or worst day of my life.” She smiled at me as she shook her head. “We’re dancing to no music, you know?”

  “I can sing us a song.” I suddenly stopped and started swinging my hips. “And what do you mean you don’t know if it was the best or the worst day of your life?” I glared at her.

  “Oh, Janie.” She shook her head at me. “Of course it was the best day of my life. Now let’s get going to this party, so that we can have you meet lots of hot frat guys.”

  “Uhm, there’s only one guy I’m going to meet.” I sighed wistfully. “And hopefully make out with.”

  “And marry and have kids and grandkids,” Anabel continued.

  “And we will live in a mansion with five cars and two nannies.”

  “No nannies.” Anabel shook her head. “You don’t want him sleeping with her and your kids calling her mummy.”

  “You’re right, no nannies. You can help out.”

  “Uh huh.” Anabel laughed. “I’ll take care of your kids and my kids.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.” I grinned. “Maybe Nate has a brother and you can marry him.”

  “Yeah, let’s ask him tonight after he proposes to you.” Anabel grabbed her bag. “Come on, silly. Let’s go.”

  “You’re making fun of me now, but just you wait. When Nate and I end up together, I’ll be the one laughing.”

  “If you and Nate end up together. I will very happily enjoy watching you laugh,” Anabel said and we walked out of the room arm in arm.

  THE SIGMA EP PARTY was in full swing by the time we made our way through the front doors, and I was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of students who were packed into the house. The music was blaring and there were lots of hot girls dancing with even hotter guys. The lighting was dark and the booze looked plentiful. I gave Anabel a look as we made our way into the house and she just grinned back at me.

  “This is crazy,” I said as we walked into the living room. “Do you see Nate?”

  “Are you going to make a beeline directly for him?” she asked curiously as she looked around the room. “There are a lot of other guys here. Really hot ones. Maybe you’ll fall in love with one of them instead.”

  “Anabel.” I glared at her. “I’m not flakey.”

  “Uh huh,” she said as we walked over to a fruit punch bowl.

  “I’m not. You know that,” I continued.

  “Hey, there ladies.” A cute Asian guy handed us two cups. “Drink?”

  “Sure, thanks,” I said as we took the cups from his hand. I took a quick sip and started coughing. “What’s in here?”

  “Gin.” He laughed. “Ever had that before?”

  “Not really.” I shook my head. “And now I know why.”

  “It’s not so bad once you get used to it.” He grinned. “I’m Chen, by the way.”

  “Hi, Chen, I’m Janie. This is Anabel.” I nodded toward my friend.

  “Nice to meet you ladies.” He gave us both a wide smile and nodded his head. “Want a tour of the house?”

  “Maybe not now,” Anabel said quickly and gave me a look as if to say no. I rolled my eyes at her. Sometimes she had no faith in me. I wasn’t going to tell him yes. No matter how cute he was.

  “Are you sure?” He flashed a wide smile and his dimples set in. “I can show you my room.”

  “Yeah, we’re sure,” Anabel said and grabbed my arm. “Thanks for the drink, Chen. We’ll see you around.”

  “Ah, okies.” He shrugged and I saw his attention turning to some other girls as we walked away.

  “You didn’t have to cut him off like that,” I said to Anabel as we walked away. “He was just being friendly.”

  “Yeah, he was just being friendly because he wanted to get us into his bed.”

  “No, he didn’t.

  “Ah, yes. He did.” She made a face at me. “He most probably thought that it was his lucky night and he was going to have a threesome.”

  “Anabel!” I laughed. “No, he didn’t.”

  “I bet he did.” She grabbed the cup from my hand. “And don’t drink anymore of that. He might have roofied it.”

  “Anabel, I’m sure he didn’t.”

  “Not worth the risk,” she said as she grabbed the cup. “Okay,” her voice lowered. “Don’t look now, but today is your lucky day.”

  “Oh?” I immediately looked behind me and my heart started racing as I saw Nate approaching us. He looked so handsome in a pair of dark blue jeans and a crisp white shirt.

  “Hey, girls,” he said as he joined us. “Nice to see you, Anabel.” He gave her a hug and then he turned to me. “And you too, Jane.” He gave me a quick hug as well and the warmth of his body against mine made me want to melt. “So glad you girls could make it.”

  “Thanks, the party seems hopping,” I said. “Are you in the frat then?”

  “No,” He laughed as he shook his head. “I’m too much of a nerd to be in a frat.”

  “You don’t seem like a nerd to me.” I batted my lashes up at me.

  “I hide it well.” He threw his head back. “I mean I’m only vice president of the chess club and an engineering major.”

  “You’re so smart,” I said, just gazing at him.

  “Did you sort out your boyfriend’s dog—or was it cat problem?” he asked Anabel, and I could feel jealousy whirling up in me. Was he interested in Anabel? Why did he seem to be asking her more questions than me? I tried to ignore the envy that was growing as I watched him staring at her appreciatively. I couldn’t fault him for finding her attractive.

  “Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking,” Anabel responded nonchalantly.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asked her as he moved slightly closer to her. My skin grew cold as I watched him paying all of his attention to her.

  “No, thanks. I don’t want to be drugged.” Anabel shook her head.

  “Drugged?” He tilted his head to the side. “Would I do that?”

  “I don’t know? Would you?” she bantered back at him, and he laughed. I could feel a coldness in me as I stood there.

  “Never.” He then looked at me. “You don’t think I would do that, do you, Jane?” He stopped for a second and his hand flew to his mouth. “Oops, sorry. It’s Janie, isn’t it? Not Jane.” He looked apologetic, and once again I was on top of the world. His eyes gazed into mine, and I nodded happily.

  “Yes, it’s Janie, and no, I don’t think you would drug us.”

  “Good.” He smiled at me warmly. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Sure.” I nodded happily. “That would be great.”

  “Hold on, stay here and I’ll be right back.”

  “Yeah, okay.” I ran my hands through my hair and gave him my best flirtatious smile. “Oh my God, he’s so cute!” I hissed to Anabel as soon as he was out of earshot. “I want to just push him against the wall and plant my lips on his.”

  “Then you should do that.” Anabel nodded her head. “Go for it, Janie.”

  “Really?” I looked at her in surprise.

  “No, of course not.” She gave me a look. “Be cool. Don’t be too eager.”

  “I don’t know how to be cool.” I pouted. “Not when the feelings are this strong.”

  “Janie.” She threw her hands up in the air. “Are you kidding me? You don’t even know him. You—”

  “I’m joking.” I started lau
ghing. “I know you think I’m crazy, but I’m not that bad.”

  “You are that bad.” She started laughing as well. “You forget I’ve known you since we were fourteen, and you’ve always been boy crazy.”

  “I’m not boy crazy.”

  “Okay, well, love crazy.”

  “I’m not love crazy. I just believe in true love.”

  “Every guy you meet and find hot isn’t your true love.”

  “I know that.” I sighed. “But I feel something special for Nate.”

  “Yup, it’s special all right. I mean, you know him so well.”

  “Anabel, don’t be facetious.”

  “Would I ever?” She winked at me. “And it’s fine. One of these days you will actually meet the one, and all your dreams will come true.”

  “You don’t think Nate is the one?” I grinned at her.

  “Honestly?” She stared at me. “I very much doubt it, but then neither one of us knows him very well.”

  “Yeah, he is super cute though, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, he’s cute.” She nodded, her face thoughtful. “But ...” Her voice drifted off.

  “But what?” I asked her suspiciously.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head swiftly. “Nothing.”

  “Do you like him?”

  “What?” She frowned at me. “No.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” She made a face. “He’s not my type. You know that.”

  “Hmm, yeah,” I said, but a part of me still wondered if she was into him. Anabel had always put her studies first, but I knew that she also believed in true love—that was something we had in common. She just didn’t always jump in with her heart right away, like me. She was cautious when it came to love.

  “Here we go, ladies.” Nate popped up in front of us with two drinks. “I brought one for you as well, Anabel.”


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