Their Family of Three [The Men of Space Station Two 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Their Family of Three [The Men of Space Station Two 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 1

by Marla Monroe

  The Men of Space Station Two 2

  Their Family of Three

  Jane wants a family, so she isn’t upset to be sent to the new Space Station. If only she could believe that of her new men. She’s worried they were stuck with her instead of one of the other women. Rusty makes sure she knows he wanted her, but Jared is a little less convincing.

  When she becomes pregnant soon after they arrive, Jane’s worried it’s too soon. How will they ever make a home if she’s already having a baby? She worries that Jared will pull away from her again since he’d lost a wife and baby back on Earth but, to her relief, he grows even closer. Soon, they would be a family of three.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Science Fiction

  Length: 45,090 words


  The Men of Space Station Two 2

  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2018 by Marla Monroe

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-929-2

  First Publication: January 2018

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marla Monroe has been writing professionally for over thirteen years. Her first book with Siren was published in January of 2011, and she now has over 85 books available with them. She loves to write and spends every spare minute either at the keyboard or reading. She writes everything from sizzling-hot cowboys, emotionally charged BDSM, and dangerously addictive shifters, to science fiction ménages with the occasional badass biker thrown in for good measure.

  Marla lives in the southern US and works full-time at a busy hospital. When not writing, she loves to travel, spend time with her feline muses, and read. Although she misses her cross-stitch and putting together puzzles, she is much happier writing fantasy worlds where she can make everyone’s dreams come true. She’s always eager to try something new and thoroughly enjoys the research she does for her books. She loves to hear from readers about what they are looking for in their reading adventures.

  You can reach Marla at [email protected], or

  Visit her website at

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  Twitter: @MarlaMonroe1






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  For all titles by Marla Monroe, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen




  The Men of Space Station Two 2


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Jane looked around at her new home. The house was nice and had all the amenities she’d never had as a child. The kitchen alone was massive, with a huge fridge and walk-in pantry. There was enough counter space to aide in putting up vegetables or baking cookies and bread. All in all, she loved the house.

  It was the men she wasn’t so sure about.

  Rusty and Jared had claimed her as their woman, but she didn’t really know them. While she’d gone along with their asking her to be their wife, Jane was a little unsure about where she stood with them. Had they only picked her because they had to pick someone, or did they honestly want to be with her? Thoughts like that raced around in her head like cars on a racetrack.

  She jumped when Jared walked in carrying some of her things from the transport.

  “Hey, you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Just looking around. It’s really nice. Big.”

  “It is. Especially considering where we’ve been living for the last year,” he said. “Rusty is right behind me with more luggage. Don’t let him run into you.”

  She watched as he climbed the stairs, and then she walked back into the kitchen to be out of the way of them as they unloaded the transport. She didn’t want to be in their way by any means. While she’d been excited about going somewhere new and having something useful to do with her life for a change, Jane wasn’t sure about the marriage aspect of it all. They weren’t married like back on Earth, but here on Alpha, becoming a family unit with the two men was as good as being married.

  Once they’d settled in, she would be working at the new Space Station Two building keeping records of what came in and what was shipped out of the warehouse and storefront. She’d also help with harvesting and putting up any fruits and vegetables that Randi couldn’t get to.

  Randi, Bryson, and Mason were responsible for growing and harvesting the food for the three families at the new space station. Since the garden would be massive to support all of them, Randi would never be able to do all of the work by herself. Jane and Felicity would help as they could.

  Felicity would run the store where general supplies were kept for the surrounding families. They’d call ahead and pick up what they needed that she would prepare for them. Her men, Aaron and Marcus, would handle the larger transports to and from Space Station One, make two and three trips a week to spread out the supplies between the two stations. There was a lot of work that went into making sure there was enough food, grains, hay, and dry goods to support everyone.

  While Space Station One did some minor manufacturing of things such as clothes and other daily supplies, Space Station Two wouldn’t be doing any of that until they were established. Then more families would need to move out there to support the added jobs.

  Jane heard the men tromp up and down the stairs while she checked the fridge to see what she might fix for supper when they were through. It appeared someone had stocked the refrigerator and freezers well for their arrival
. She decided for their first meal it would be simple. She’d whip up some spaghetti with Posh noodles made from the posh plant found on Alpha and ground beef. It wouldn’t take long, and though she liked for the sauce to simmer for a while, it would still be good on short notice.

  “We’re going to run over to the warehouse and see how everything is set up. Do you need us for anything before we go?” Rusty stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room.

  “No. Thanks though. Dinner won’t be ready for a little while anyway. When I finish down here, I’m going to go unpack my stuff. So, whenever you get back is fine,” she told him.

  “Do you mind unpacking ours, as well? Not like we have anything you haven’t seen before,” Rusty said then winked.

  Jane caught her breath. He was so cute when he smiled. The tiny little dent in his chin made him look even more approachable than his partner, Jared. Rusty had red hair with bright blue eyes and a cyclist’s wiry build. He was six feet of well-built man whose bright smile put her at ease around him.

  “I don’t mind. I’ll put everything away while the sauce is simmering. Just let me know when you’re back so I can put on the noodles.”

  “Sounds like spaghetti. I love it.” Rusty disappeared into the living room, where she could hear the two men talking before the front door opened then closed with a soft click.

  Alone once more, Jane began browning the meat then added a chopped onion to the mixture before draining the fat and pouring it with all the other ingredients into a pot to cook. Her mind wandered while she worked. She had so many questions about the two men and no one to ask. Neither of the other two women knew anything about their men either, so they sure wouldn’t know anything about hers.

  Jared was the one who worried her the most. He was quiet with dark brown hair that, while a little long, wasn’t shaggy like Rusty’s was. He had dark eyes that seemed to see right through her with light creases at the corners as if he squinted a lot. He was taller than Rusty by about two inches and built larger than the other man, as well. His broad shoulders reminded her of football players before everything had gone crazy with the sun and people still played sports.

  Earth as she remembered it was long gone. Over several years the sun had begun to have flares that had started burning up the Earth’s atmosphere and caused all sorts of electronical and physical problems for her home planet. Women began to become sterile from Shear’s Disease, so the governments of the world tested all women and those who were still able to get pregnant were sequestered in bunkers underground to protect them from the sun’s continuous flares. Jane had lived in one until they’d chosen her to travel to Alpha, along with thirty other females and sixty men.

  When no further ships had shown up nearly a year ago, they all assumed that Earth was now a wasteland if it was even still in existence. Most scientists had thought it would implode at some point while others thought it would simply become uninhabitable. No one really knew.

  Fat tears formed in her eyes then slowly trailed down her cheeks as she stirred the sauce. Jane’s parents had been gone since she’d been a child. All she knew was the foster system, but she missed the friends she’d left behind. They were probably dead, and even if they weren’t, they weren’t there with her. Jane felt all alone in her new environment. She had no one she really knew to talk to about all the questions she had.

  I’ve got to stop feeling sorry for myself. It isn’t going to do any good, and I have to stay positive that everything will work out.

  She’d put on a smile and a can-do attitude for the other women, especially when she could tell that Randi was scared and nervous about the entire trip out of Space Station One. Now, all alone in her new home, Jane had her own doubts about living on the far outreaches of the planet with two men she knew nothing about.

  She wiped away the tears, a little angry with herself for letting even one of them fall. She wasn’t a crybaby or a wimp. She’d be fine. It would take time, but they’d all become good friends and help and support each other. Until then, she’d rely on herself like she’d always had.

  One thing growing up without real parents had taught her was how to be resilient and rely only on herself. After getting kicked around from foster home to foster home, she’d learned not to get attached to anyone because they wouldn’t be there a year or even six months later. It wasn’t until she’d graduated college with a business degree that she’d learned to make friends. They’d stuck together through everything, only to once again have it all taken away when they were separated during the sequestration.

  Why couldn’t we all have been selected together? At least then I wouldn’t feel so alone with them close by.

  Jane didn’t know if any of them had even made it off the planet before it was too late. All she knew was that they hadn’t been sent to Alpha. She’d checked every name on the logs that were kept of the population on the planet. It didn’t mean they hadn’t gone to one of the other two planets, only that they hadn’t been sent to Alpha.

  The sauce simmering nicely, Jane washed her hands and walked out of the kitchen to unpack everything upstairs. She’d half hoped they would have separated all of their things into different rooms, but no, they’d piled it all in the master suite. She knew they would be sharing a room and a bed but had hoped she’d have more time to get to know them first.

  That’s silly. Stringing it out won’t make it any easier. I just need to strap on my boots and plow into this like I do everything else.

  Jane spent the next two hours unpacking her things then the guys’. One thing she found out about them was that, though they had thermals, they didn’t own a single piece of underwear. It brought a flash of heat to her face knowing they were even now walking around in jeans without boxers or briefs.

  She also learned that, while Rusty favored brighter colors, Jared seemed to prefer darker shades. Most of his shirts were black, brown, or navy blue. Did it mimic his normal mood to indicate that he was a dark person? She prayed it wasn’t so. Some men just didn’t like light colors. It didn’t mean anything about Jared, she told herself.

  He’s so quiet though. How can I be sure of how he feels about me? About us?

  Just because he’d gone along with Rusty picking her didn’t mean he’d liked that decision. Felicity or even Randi was prettier than she was. She was just like her name, plain Jane.

  Worry twisted into a knot in the pit of her stomach even as her chest began to ache at the thought that he wouldn’t be happy with her. They were stuck together for the rest of their lives. She had to figure out what would make him like her if it were at all possible. If nothing else, maybe time would mellow him. Until then, Jane would have to do her best to make him happy. She wanted both of them to be happy with her.

  Maybe that all stemmed from feeling as if none of the foster homes where she’d lived had ever seemed to be happy with her. She’d been shuttled from one to another for nearly seven years. It didn’t matter why she felt that way. All that mattered was that she did, and she had to come up with what would put a smile on Jared’s face.

  She checked on the sauce several times, adding water when it seemed to need it then spent another thirty minutes exploring the kitchen and pantry. She didn’t bother going down to the cellar. She figured any root vegetables she might need would be stored there, but she didn’t need them right then.

  Since there hadn’t been time to make bread for the spaghetti, Jane pulled out some flat bread and set it in the oven to defrost. She’d toast it and add garlic butter to it once it was ready. She’d make bread and rolls the next day so they’d have them for sandwiches and such from then on.

  She nearly screamed when the back door opened and Rusty and Jared walked inside. They were talking nonstop as they walked through the room toward the living room. Neither of them stopped to say a word as they did. Another pang of worry dented her already bent heart. Was it always going to be like this, or would things change once they all got to know each other a little better?
/>   She finished up the bread then walked into the living room, only to find the room empty. She followed the sound of their voices around to where there was an office on the other side of the stairs.

  “Hey, guys, I have dinner ready.”

  Rusty looked up with a smile. “I could sure eat.”

  “Thanks, Jane. We’ll be in to eat in a few minutes,” Jared said without a smile.

  “Okay. I’ll wait to dip anything up so it won’t be cold.” She slipped out of the room feeling less and less sure about Jared’s feelings toward her.

  I mean I don’t really expect him to fall head over heels in love with me, but couldn’t he at least like me a little?

  Jane shook it off and reminded herself to be cheerful and wait and see how everything went. It would take them all some time to adjust.

  Ten minutes later the two men strode into the kitchen and sat at the table. She smiled and dipped out noodles then passed around the sauce. Then she set the plate of garlic buttered flat bread on the table between them.

  “This looks great, Jane. Thanks,” Rusty said as he ladled sauce over his noodles.

  “Smells great, too,” Jared added.

  “I’ll manage better meals after this,” she told them.

  “Don’t forget you’ve got the books to work besides cooking and such. We’ll be fine with sandwiches for lunch. No need to try and conjure up a heavy meal when we’ll all be busy around that time.” Rusty all but shoveled in his food after a quick mmm.

  “This is really good,” Jared said between bites.

  “Thanks.” Her heart swelled at the praise.

  Maybe things would be okay after all. Jared was just a quiet man. She needed to stop reading into things that weren’t there.


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