Their Family of Three [The Men of Space Station Two 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Their Family of Three [The Men of Space Station Two 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 10

by Marla Monroe

  “I want to knock some sense into him so bad it hurts,” Rusty said.

  “That will only hurt you. Don’t do it, Rusty.”

  “I’m not. At least not as long as you aren’t upset with how he’s treating you.”

  “I won’t lie, it hurts, but I have you. That’s all that matters to me right now. Hopefully he’ll come around soon.” Jane laid her head on Rusty’s shoulder and let herself relax into his arms.

  After a while she pushed away and made him let her up. She had lunch to make then dinner to start. Just because Jared wasn’t around didn’t mean that life had to stop. She cooked lunch and had Rusty call up that it was ready. Jared called down that he wasn’t hungry. When Rusty would have gone up to get him, Jane stopped him.

  “Let him go hungry for one meal. It won’t hurt him.”

  When dinner was ready and Rusty had called up, but the other man didn’t answer, Jane made Rusty stay downstairs to watch the meal while she went up. She was going to have words with the other man, not because of herself but because of Rusty. She didn’t want them tying up when she wasn’t around to stop them.

  “Don’t let him upset you, Jane. I mean it.” Rusty brushed a lock of her hair away.

  “I won’t. Now keep an eye on dinner while I talk to him.”

  She climbed the stairs and went in search of him. She found him in one of the spare bedrooms. It was obvious that he’d moved all of his things in there and was planning to sleep in there, as well. Jane saw red.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

  “I’m not fit for living with right now. I thought it would be better if I slept in here for now.”

  “To hell you will. You’re going to move every bit of your stuff back into our bedroom after dinner. I don’t want Rusty to even know that you did it in the first place. Do you hear me? I don’t care if you are pissed that I’m pregnant. More than likely it’s your baby since most of the time it’s you inside me when we’re all together. That doesn’t matter to Rusty or to me. All that matters is that my child has two fathers like all the other children here on Alpha. Get over how you feel about me and think about the baby and what that will mean to her or him.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you that I don’t love you? That I may never be able to love you?” Jared asked.

  “Yeah. It does bother me, but if that’s how it’s going to be, then that’s what we’ll work through. You’ve got to help with this family unit, Jared. Rusty can’t pull all the weight. That’s not fair to him. It takes two men out here to take care of me, the children we’ll have. The land is too dangerous to ask Rusty to take on all that responsibility. No, you didn’t want this, but neither did I want a husband who can’t stand to sleep in the same bed as me. We both have to deal with it.”

  Jared threw back his head and glared up at the ceiling. She could feel the waves of frustration vibrating against her. It felt like tiny tsunamis of anger and sadness rippling against her skin. She truly felt for him, but she couldn’t let him know how much she pitied his predicament when it was hers, too.

  “I’m sorry, Jane. You deserve better than this,” Jared said.

  “You’re right. I do.”

  “I’m going to try, but it freaks me out that you’re pregnant.”

  “Well, that’s two of us.”

  He jerked his head up. “You’re upset?”

  “Well, yeah. I don’t know how I’m going to have a baby out in the middle of nowhere with one man who doesn’t really want me and another who’s never delivered a baby before. That scares the bejesus out of me.”

  “Yeah. I guess there’s that.” He sighed. “I’ll move my stuff back into the bedroom.”

  “After dinner. It’s ready.”

  “Okay. Come on. I’ll make sure you get down the stairs safely.” He walked her to the landing then walked in front of her, telling her to hold his shoulder as she walked down.

  When they entered the kitchen together, it was to find Rusty setting the table. He looked up and nodded at Jared. Jane walked over and checked the meal then smiled.

  “Let’s eat. I’m starved.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jane realized that she’d avoided a huge fight between the two men, but she hadn’t settled how Jared felt. It hurt. A lot. Still, she was relieved that they had an understanding of sorts. She wanted them to all be excited about the baby, but she’d settle for Rusty being excited and Jared trying to handle the kick in the gut he obviously felt.

  The next morning Jane realized it had quit snowing and the sun was out. She couldn’t wait until after breakfast. She planned to out and build a snowman or three. No doubt she’d have Rusty out there with her making sure she didn’t get too cold.

  “No. Absolutely not. You’ll get sick playing in the snow like that,” Rusty said later that morning.

  “I won’t get sick if I don’t stay out long. I’ll bundle up,” she told him.

  “Doesn’t matter, you’re not going out in that,” he said, looking over at where Jared stood next to the window. “Tell her, Jared.”

  “I don’t see why she can’t go outside for a little while. We’ll be with her. She’s been cooped up inside when we’ve gone out every morning and evening to milk that fucking cow and gather eggs.”

  “Damnit, Jared. You’re supposed to back me up on this.” Rusty jammed his hands on his hips.

  “Look. What will it hurt for just a little bit? Like I said, we’ll be out there to watch her. Let her play some, man. It won’t be long until she can’t do much of anything now that she’s pregnant.” Jared spread his hands out. “Give her this.”

  Although Jane was thrilled that Jared was on her side, a little part of her was disappointed that he wasn’t as worried as Rusty.

  I’ve got to stop thinking about it like that. He’s trying. I can’t have it all. I’m lucky he’s even sleeping in the same room anymore.

  “Fine. You’re going to be so bundled up you can’t make that damn snowman you’re so gung-ho on building,” Rusty said with a huff.

  Jane clapped her hands together. She was going to build it if she had to direct the guys on doing it instead.

  Fifteen minutes and two layers of clothes later, Jane wobbled out into the snow with the two men behind her. The snow was up to her thighs in places. The men herded her over to where they’d been shoveling to keep a path to the barn that was located a little closer to them than to Randi and her men’s house. It was much closer to Felicity and her men though.

  “You stay on the path so that you don’t end up over your head if you walk into a dip in the ground,” Rusty demanded.

  Jane giggled as she rolled up a ball and threw it at Rusty’s head. It hit him on the shoulder. He just shook his head.

  “No snowball fights, either.”

  “You’re taking all the fun out of playing in the snow. Fine. Help me roll up a ball for my snowman.” Jane started with a large ball of snow in her hands then started rolling it down the pathway until it began to grow.

  Rusty helped her make the base for it while Jared followed behind her, no doubt making sure she didn’t slip and fall in the powdery white fun stuff. She vowed to sit down in it before they went back inside. She doubted they’d let her back out in it before it thawed come spring.

  Once they had the first huge ball of snow, Jared had gotten into it, making the second level all on his own.

  “It’s a good idea, Rusty. We’re, in a sense, shoveling up the snow some to make the damn thing. See how much snow we’ve cleared off the path?” Jared pointed out.

  “Yeah, yeah. I still think this was a bad idea. If she gets sick, I’m blaming you,” he told the other man.

  Jane directed them on how to finish up her snowman with a scarf and the face made from things they’d brought from in the house. He looked pretty damn good if she said so herself. She especially liked that he was taller than she was and was facing the window, so she could see it anytime she looked outside.

��Okay. You’ve made your snowman. It’s time to go back inside,” Jared said.

  “One more thing, then we can go.” Jane promptly dropped to the ground and made a snow angel to both men’s horror.

  “Are you crazy?” Rusty quickly pulled her to her feet and brushed snow off her back end.

  “I didn’t agree to that,” Jared pointed out as he pulled her out of Rusty’s hands and picked her up to carry her inside.

  “Don’t slip with her, man. That’s all we need, for her to hit the ground too hard and you to break your fool leg.” Rusty hovered around them both as Jared carted her toward the back door.

  “You’re both spoilsports. I just wanted to have some fun. I’m sick of being cooped up inside.” Jane stuck her tongue out at Rusty over Jared’s shoulder.

  “If you weren’t pregnant,” Rusty began, “I’d turn you over my knee and spank that ass.”

  “Hell, it won’t hurt her to do it now,” Jared said as they walked back inside.

  She sighed. At least she’d had some fun. They unwrapped her, checking to be sure her clothes weren’t wet from her little stunt, as they called it. Finding that she wasn’t, they insisted that she drink some of the hot cocoa that was made from one of the plants that made beans in its roots. It tasted a lot like hot chocolate but wasn’t quite the same. At least with some milk in it, she didn’t mind drinking it.

  Jared shook his head at her. “Give you an inch and you take a mile. Don’t expect me to support your little shenanigans again, woman.”

  “I was surprised you supported me in the first place,” she huffed out and walked into the living room with her mug to plop down on the couch.

  Rusty had a fire roaring in the fireplace. She had to admit she’d gotten a little cold outside, despite the bundle of clothes they’d covered her in. The fire felt amazing.

  The men fussed over her the rest of the afternoon, even going so far as to fix the sandwiches they ate for lunch. She liked being fussed over but knew it would get old fast. The one thing she liked most about it was that Jared seemed to get more into it than before. Hopefully that wouldn’t change after he’d gotten past her playtime in the snow.

  “Did you have fun?” Rusty asked when they were all relaxing later that afternoon.

  “I sure did. I can look at my snowman from the window anytime I want to now. Maybe you guys can make a family out there for me. One for each of us,” she suggested.

  “Hell, no,” Jared barked out. “I’m not playing in the snow just for you to watch.”

  “Please?” she asked in a teasing voice.

  “Nope. Not going to happen,” Rusty chimed in. “Enjoy your one and only snowman of the season. It will be out there for at least another two or three months. I doubt it will get hot enough anytime soon to melt him.”

  “Well, if it does, I’m going to make another one. Better hope it doesn’t melt.” She turned around on the couch and crossed her arms. Then she returned to working her puzzles.

  Jane realized that she was low on puzzle books and knew she’d need more to get her through her pregnancy if the men continued to make her “take it easy” while she was.

  “Remind me that I need more puzzle books and to get some novels to read on my e-reader as soon as the snow starts to melt so that we’re going to work again.”

  “You’re not working anymore until after the baby is born and at least a few months old,” Rusty told her.

  “Bull. I can’t leave all that work for that long. You’d never be able to find anything without me entering it in the computer. I can work just fine. Women have always worked. Just think about the ones out in the Wild West who had to milk cows and feed chickens and cook all the way up until they delivered. I can work at a computer, Rusty.”

  “Talk some sense into her, Jared,” Rusty barked out.

  “Why are you making me be the bad man all the time? I agree with her. Besides, it’s better for her to keep active. It will help her with the labor. If she sits around all the time, she’ll have a harder time when the time comes. Haven’t you read any of those books we’ve got?” Jared asked.

  “Not yet. It sure sounds like you have, though.” Rusty cocked his head at the other man.

  “No. But I did back when I was on Earth.” Jared sighed and shook his head. “You guys work it out yourself. I’m going to work on dinner while you hash it out.”

  He didn’t exactly stomp out of the room, but Jane felt his loss. He’d been talking about his wife when she’d been pregnant. It was the closest he’d come to talking about her out in front of them. She prayed it was a good sign. At least he hadn’t stormed out in anger. That was progress.

  * * * *

  Two weeks later the snowman was still there. Jane had watched the guys clear out a little of the snow that had blown against it on several occasions so she didn’t lose sight of it. One of them still made the trek to the barn to either milk the cows and gather eggs or to pick up their portion when one of the other guys did the chores.

  She wanted out of the house again but had finally come to the conclusion that the closest she’d get was standing in the doorway with all her winter gear on while the guys shoveled the snow. They’d long since gotten past her refusal to remain inside while they were out working. Instead, they cleared off the spot just outside the door so she wouldn’t slip and fall. Now, as she stood in the crisp winter air, Jane wanted to cry.

  Lately her emotions had begun to go all over the place. One minute she was angry over nothing, and the next she was crying over that same nothing. It was driving her poor men crazy trying to keep up.

  On several occasions, Rusty had asked if she were happy, sad, or mad just to get a feel of where she stood at that moment when he wanted to say something. It had made her laugh. Then cry.

  “Hell. I don’t know what to say any more,” he’d fussed.

  “She’ll get out of this stage soon enough,” Jared had said, tossing one of the baby books at Rusty. “Read up, idiot. That’s why we have the fucking books.”

  Jane had just shaken her head at the two men and gone back to working her puzzles. It was the one thing she could do that they didn’t fuss at her about.

  The other thing that she’d had to fuss about until they gave in was sex. Neither man wanted to risk it with the baby she carried inside of her. She’d had to bring up the book and feed them the page numbers on several occasions when they’d tried to tell her no.

  “It says that not only will I have an increased sex drive but that sex actually helps with labor. It’s safe to have it all the way up until then, depending on how I felt. You’re not going to hurt the baby, guys.”

  She knew Jared had known it because he’d let Rusty do all the fussing. It was obvious to her he just didn’t want to make love with her while she was pregnant. It hurt, but then a lot of things about Jared hurt. She was getting used to that now.

  “Come on, guys. Just a little fooling around. Please.” She drew out the word please in hopes it would convince them.

  Rusty sighed and pulled her into his arms. “Are you really that hyped up, baby girl?”

  “Yes. I want you and Jared. I want to feel you in my pussy and my mouth. Please, Rusty. It’s not going to hurt anything.” Jane batted her eyelashes at him.

  Rusty burst out laughing. “That looks so lame.”

  He kissed her though, deepening the kiss as she opened to him and responded. She loved the way he put everything into his kisses. His tongue explored and teased hers until she was out of breath and pulling back.

  “You make me so hard just touching you, Jane.” Rusty pressed his rock-solid erection against her belly. “I want you all the time.”

  “Take me. I’m yours, Rusty. Yours and Jared’s. I want both of you,” she told them.

  Jared pressed against her back, the long length of him resting in the crack of her ass as he moved back and forth, grinding his dick against her.

  “I’ve got that hot mouth of yours this time,” Jared said.

You’re sure it’s safe for me to fuck her?” Rusty asked again.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t let you if it wasn’t,” Jared said with a frown.

  “I don’t care who goes where. I just need you. Stop procrastinating with what I want, guys.”

  Rusty turned her so that she had to get onto all fours with him behind her. She opened her mouth to take Jared’s turgid cock into it. He rubbed it over her lips before letting her lick along the spongy, mushroom head. She loved how he fit inside her mouth. He was long so that she had no possibility of taking all of him, but it sure was fun to try.

  When Rusty had finished playing with her pussy to get her ready for his thick cock, Jared pulled out of her mouth to keep from choking her while the other man entered her with several short, fast thrusts. Once he’d breeched her pussy, Jared fed his dick to her once more.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned around the shaft.

  While Rusty gripped her hips to keep her from pushing back even harder than he was pistoning inside of her, Jared groaned as she tongued around his shaft then sucked him deeper into her mouth.

  She loved seeing that lost look on Jared’s face. It was the only time she felt as if he lost himself in her. Lost some of that discomfort of being with her. Lost some of the pain of being without his wife. She treasured these moments when they were joined and he was completely with her. Jane knew he was by the way he looked into her eyes as he took her pussy or her mouth.

  “God her cunt is tight. I feel like she’s going to squeeze my dick off,” Rusty hissed out.

  “Her mouth is hot wet silk around mine. I’m close, man. Where are you?” Jared asked in a strained voice.

  “Close. Fucking close.”

  “Send her over. She’ll pull us with her. I love how she sucks my cock.”

  Rusty reached down and stroked Jane’s clit until she screamed around Jared’s cock and clamped down on his thick shaft. Sure enough, Rusty lost his rhythm and jerked against her ass as he came deep inside her pussy.


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