Pleasuring Anne

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Pleasuring Anne Page 3

by Tessie Bradford

“Uh, sorry, what was I looking for?” he whispered against her ear after ending their kiss with a sexy groan.

  “It’s going to be really embarrassing if we get escorted off the premises for lewd behavior,” Anne answered, breathing heavily.

  “Killjoy.” Garth kissed the top of her head and took a step back. “Fine, I’ll do my best to control myself out in the open, but all bets are off when we get to number eighteen, the hole with the cave.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Hey, you told me you’d never been here before.”

  “I haven’t. There’s a layout of the course on their website. That particular feature was why I chose this one. Did you know there are eight miniature golf courses in the general vicinity between your house and mine?”

  Anne wondered how she was supposed to continue on with the game. Garth’s expert ability to switch back and forth between casual conversation and decadent flirting had butterflies dancing in her stomach and moisture dampening her panties. His devilish expression as she completely blew the next hole left no doubt that he knew exactly what effect he had on her. The fact that he had to prompt her to continue telling a story was further proof of how he scrambled her brain.

  “So you manage the doctor’s office from home? How does that work?”

  “No, now I do payroll, audit invoicing and patient billing and make myself available to help and support the new part-time manager. I put in twenty hours online a week max and attend the monthly staff meeting. It’s a great setup for all concerned. The practice is saving money, I’m not putting in sixty hours a week anymore, but I get to stay on their benefits.”

  Anne held her breath as she watched Garth’s ball roll around the rim of the next hole, dangle dramatically for a split second then drop in, taking him up yet another shot. “You’re quite a lucky guy this morning.”

  “Actually, my luck turned two days ago when an amazing woman opened her front door.”

  “I can’t believe you delivered that line with a straight face,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “It’s the truth.” He stepped off the green and leaned against one of the fake trees decorating the course. “Tell me about Victoria DeMallen.”

  “Believe it or not, she’s the product of my intense, and I might add early, midlife crisis. In a very short period of time, Bethany got married, I had a couple of health issues, Bethany got pregnant and things were changing at my offices. My nest was empty, I was about to be a grandmother and I had no fucking idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life; especially, if I lost the only job I’d had since college.”

  “So you just whipped off critically acclaimed books?”

  “Why Detective Slaiter, I think you checked out my website.” Anne walked passed him, adding a little spring to her step. “My daughter designed my logo and maintains the site. Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful, but I’m dying to hear why you chose to write in the genre you do.”

  She didn’t miss his emphasis; she made a choice to avoid it. How could she adequately explain the deeply personal nature of her stories to a man she was just getting to know?

  “I’ve always been an avid reader. In one week, I picked four books that, in my opinion, were utter crap. I complained ad nauseam to my best friend, and she dared me to try write something better. How was I supposed to turn that down? I subbed my first manuscript three months later. It was accepted, and I was blessed with an editor who had the patience of a saint. She saw raw talent and took the time to teach me so much. I then threw myself into learning the craft and writing more stories. The rest, as they say, is history.”

  “Obviously you’re extremely driven and focused, two qualities I greatly admire. I can’t figure out why, though, you’re blatantly avoiding answering my question?” Surprise filled his voice. “I’ve read three of your short stories and Connie’s Cops. They’re fantastic, Anne. I can’t wait to read the rest.”

  “Wow, thanks, I, um, well, hell,” she stammered, gaping at him as shock and monumental pride rendered her momentarily speechless.

  “The characters and settings are well developed, the dialogue is natural, and I love your humor.” Garth led off the next hole. “I’ve learned a great deal about you.”

  “I write fiction, Garth, nothing more,” Anne replied, smiling brightly as she played her ball.


  He’d read all of the excerpts on her website. Her books ranged in length from twenty-some pages to around one hundred. They all had very different plots, settings and number of characters. He sure as shit hadn’t expected the stories to share a key similarity. Each of Anne’s strong, successful, independent heroines had suppressed or unrealized sexual submissive yearnings and a history of choosing men who didn’t fulfill them. He was no expert in romance novels, but he never doubted his gut instincts. She was writing her fantasies and her history. Her books were about as personal as they could get. Why else would she revisit the same core issues?

  “I guarantee you, Garth, that I’ve never left the planet, and to the best of my knowledge, I’ve not met a vampire or were-anything.” Anne graced him with a drop dead gorgeous grin when she gained a stroke. “And I’m not now, nor have I ever been, limber enough to do the nasty with multiple partners.”

  “You do write damn fine, and may I add impressively inventive sex scenes, but we both know the main component of your stories goes far deeper than that,” Garth said, walking to her. He trailed the tip of his index finger from beneath her chin to the base of her throat. His dick hardened when goose flesh rose along her skin. “Tell me you’re not writing your own desires, Anne.” He watched her pupils dilate as she stared at him.

  “I can’t,” she admitted quietly.

  The honesty mixed with the vulnerability reflecting in her eyes, her voice and her stance as she leaned slightly forward rocked him to his core. He gently caressed the side of her neck. “Then allow yourself to experience what you’re longing for. You don’t have to hide or hold back with me.”

  “I’ve been hiding and holding for a long time,” she replied playfully.

  “I promise I’ll make it worth your wait.” Garth gave her a quick, hard kiss. “But we must get back to our game. There are two holes left before the cave.” He pointed ahead to the right. “Let’s build the suspense a bit, shall we? From now on, we alternate shots. I’ll go first.”

  “Change it up all you want. I’m still going to beat you.”

  “Bold words.”

  They were tied when they entered the dim cave. Her ball was closer to the hole than his, but not by much. Garth set his club against the wall.

  “It’s your turn,” Anne said, looking a bit confused.

  “I’m not ready for the game to be over just yet. Come here, sweetheart.” Garth held out his hand.

  “No fair using your manly seductive powers for evil.”

  Contrary to her words, Anne didn’t hesitate to follow his direction. He took her club, placed it next to his then wrapped his fingers around her wrists. Garth moved her arms until he held her hands pressed at the swell of her ass cheeks. With a quick jerk, her abdomen was pressed tight against his throbbing hard-on. Her gasp of surprise was loud in the small space. He took immediate advantage of her parted lips, claiming them and sweeping his tongue inside.

  Garth let go of one of her arms and tugged the hem of her shirt from the waistband of her jeans. He caressed up the soft skin of her side. When he cupped her breast, Anne whimpered. He pulled her bra out of his way and rolled her pebbled nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She quivered in his arms.

  Faint, distant laughter drifted into the cave. Anne ended their kiss. “Garth, we have to stop.”

  “Not quite yet.” He quickly raised her shirt and bra to fully expose her breasts. Garth palmed one and drew the other into his mouth. Anne grabbed two handfuls of his hair and thrust her chest forward.

  “Yes, God, that feels so good.”

  He treated himself to her glorious breasts until th
e conversation of the other players became clear. With great regret, he pulled away and righted her clothes. Anne’s eyes were half closed, her cheeks flushed.

  “I believe it was my turn,” he stated with a wink. He handed Anne her club, collected his own then sank his putt.

  “He gets all up in my business then expects me to golf,” Anne muttered as she set up her shot. She missed by a foot. “We are so going to have a rematch some day.”

  “You’re on.”

  “And next time, there’s going to be a no fondling rule.”

  “Don’t count on it,” he warned, taking her hand as they walked toward the clubhouse.

  They turned in their clubs and went to his car. He opened the passenger side door and helped her get settled.

  “I’m starving,” he announced when he took his seat and started the engine. “What about you?”

  “Now that you mention it, so am I.”

  “I know a great place where the corned beef sandwiches are stacked high and the potato salad isn’t skimpy on the hardboiled eggs.”

  “I love a good deli. What’s it called?”

  Garth rested his hand on her thigh. “My house.”

  Chapter Three

  “Remember, this is a work in progress,” Garth said as he opened his front door and motioned her inside.

  The floor was stripped to bare wood, and there were sawhorses and all manner of tools throughout the main room. Three stacks of slate and a couple giant pieces of driftwood sat next to a massive fireplace in the far wall.

  “That’s going to be beautiful,” she said, pointing.

  “My plan was to have this room done by springtime, but suddenly, I’m feeling inspired to finish it sooner.” He draped his arm across her shoulders. “Picture it, you and me lounging in front of the roaring fire after we’ve made love.”

  Anne briefly closed her eyes and took a steadying breath. She’d been consumed by fantasy scenarios of making love with him since they met. After taking miniature golfing to an R-rated sport, and Garth’s continued flirting and periodic caresses during their forty-minute trip here, the images in her mind were so vivid she ached with needing him.

  “Garth,” she whispered, wrapping her arm around his back and resting her head against his shoulder. “I’m really, really horny.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” His agreement, without any follow-up action, made her weak in the knees with excitement and desire. She grabbed a handful of his shirt, and he tightened his grip on her shoulder. “Lunch first.” He kissed her cheek tenderly.

  “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  “You will be when you see what’s made and waiting for us in the fridge.”

  “Pretty confident I was going to be here today, huh?” she asked as they walked into the beautifully renovated kitchen.

  “As a matter of fact, I was.” Garth pulled out two enormous sandwiches wrapped in plastic, a heaping bowl of potato salad and two bottles of water. “Does that bother you?”

  “I’m not sure,” she answered honestly.

  “When I want something, failure isn’t an option I waste time considering. I was blown away by everything about you the day we met, Anne; your humor, your intelligence, your passion. When you agreed to go out with me, in my mind it was a done deal that I’d have you here this afternoon.”

  “You’re so different than any man I’ve known.”

  “Good.” He pulled a tray out of a cupboard and set the food onto it. “Can you grab plates from the cupboard next to the window and silverware from the drawer by the sink? It’s such a nice day that I thought we would eat out on the deck.”

  “Um, sure,” she said, collecting the items and adding them to the tray. “This is enough food for a small army,” she commented, following him through the glass sliding doors.

  “Or two people who are about to expend a hell of a lot of physical energy together.”

  Anne sat down, picked up one of the white napkins and waved it in the air. “I ask for a temporary cease fire in sexual overtones and references.”

  “No can do.” He served their meals before pulling his chair close and sitting down. “The last thing I want to happen is for you to forget how hot you are for me.” Garth tickled her ribcage.

  She giggled and slapped his hand away. “You’ve got nothing to worry about on that front, but seriously, Garth, I might not be able to eat much if you don’t take it down a notch.”

  “I’ll feed you if I think you haven’t had enough.”

  “You would actually do that, wouldn’t you?”

  Garth didn’t say a word. Instead, he took a bite of his sandwich and followed it with a large forkful of salad.

  “What in the world have I gotten myself into?” she asked quietly while cutting her enormous sandwich into quarters before delving in.

  Again, he didn’t speak, further solidifying her impression of him. Garth was a take-charge kind of guy, confident in who he was and what he wanted. He was a man who wasn’t looking to her to lead or clean up his problems. He was her fantasy man come to life in ways that went far deeper than the physical.

  Her stomach made a loud gurgling noise. She began to slowly eat her lunch. “You’ve got your own little slice of paradise here,” she said, gazing out across the lake. “I’ve rented vacation properties up north that weren’t as picturesque as this.”

  Again, as during their golf game, Anne was fascinated by how much she enjoyed talking with him. During their meal, they solved most of the country’s current economic and social problems due to sharing startlingly similar views on the issues and easily chatted and laughed over numerous other interesting topics.

  Garth had spoken the truth; his sandwich and salad rivaled any she’d had in a restaurant. Anne set down her fork on her empty plate. There was a lull in the conversation, and her full focus instantly returned to thoughts of a carnal nature. She hadn’t been with a man in three years and, until this afternoon, had never even been tempted to have sex on a first date. Anne studied the pattern in the glass tabletop, tracing it with her thumb.

  “Would you like anything else to eat?” Garth asked, startling her.

  “No, thanks, it was delicious. I’m pleasantly stuffed.” She creased and folded her paper napkin into a tiny square before tucking it under the edge of her plate.

  “Then this meal is officially over.”

  He scooted his chair back from the table, cupped her elbow and helped her to stand up with him. Anne searched his face. His expression was intense, commanding and slightly intimidating. She felt flushed and tingly all over. He wrapped his strong arms around her and held her tightly, protectively, as he took total control of her mouth. When he ended the kiss, she was trembling.

  Garth held her hand in a solid grip as they walked through the main floor and up the stairs in silence. The room at the top of the stairs was gutted, as was the next one on the left of the hallway. He opened the only door on the right and preceded her into the room. Anne slowly followed. Garth toed off his tennis shoes and pulled his T-shirt over his head. Her mouth went dry, and her pussy moistened. His muscly upper body was spectacular, as was the bulge behind his zipper. He smiled and crooked his finger.

  Nearly overwhelming emotions kept her rooted in her spot. Never in her life had she wanted a man more, and she had no doubt he would be unlike any other lover she’d had.

  “Come to me now, Anne, or turn and walk away.” Garth crossed his arms over his chest. “If you choose the latter, we’ll figure out something else to do, but I’ll be extremely disappointed and I think, so will you.”

  God, he’s so right! What the hell am I waiting for? Anne went to him.

  “We’re going to have one hell of a good time,” Garth stated with a wink. He popped open the buttons of her shirt one by one and slowly pushed the garment off her shoulders. “You’re going to play by my rules from this moment forward.”

  Her bra came off next.

  “I expect to hear about it when I give you pleasure. If somethi
ng happens that is not pleasurable for you, tell me and it stops immediately.” Garth briefly toyed with her taut nipples. “Lose the pants, sweetheart.”

  Sexily removing jeans, in the broad light of day, with the girls unfettered, was easier written than done. Anne tried desperately to not fixate on the jiggling happening in parts she wished were firmer. “Drawing a drape or two might add a nice ambiance,” she suggested.

  “If I wanted the room to be dark, it would be.” Garth stroked her shoulders, down her arms, along her sides, over her hips. “You’re a beautiful woman.”

  He slid a hand between her thighs and caressed her soaking pussy. When he tapped her clit, she whimpered. Garth grasped behind her knee with his other hand, lifting and holding her leg against his hip, opening her. She held onto his shoulders for support as he teased around her entrance.

  “Ah, so wet and ready for me.” His thumb breached her, but just barely.

  “I’m dying here,” Anne whined, digging her nails into his skin and flexing her pelvis.

  “Hmm, I wonder, does that mean you’re enjoying what I’m doing or not?” Garth removed his hand from her cunt and let her leg down. He leisurely licked her juices from his fingers.

  “Definitely enjoying.” She grasped his wrist and tugged, wanting his hand back at her needy pussy. When that didn’t work, Anne let go and began to stroke along his denim-covered cock. He was hard as steel. She attempted to undo the button of his jeans.

  “Apparently, there’s a minor communication problem.”

  Anne squealed with surprise as he deftly lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed. He laid her on the mattress with her head resting on the fluffy pillows.

  “We both need to be more specific regarding our desires and expectations.” He climbed onto the bed, placing his knees on either side of her hips. “I’ll go first.”

  “Whoa, what the?” was all Anne got out before her left wrist was secured to the headboard. “Handcuffs, really? Aren’t they a bit cliché, Detective Slaiter?” Her heart thudded.

  He positioned her right arm where he wanted it and snapped the cuff in place. “Have they cleared up whatever confusion you were having about who’s in charge?”


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