Taming the Alien Warriors_Sci-Fi Alien Warriors MMF Menage

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Taming the Alien Warriors_Sci-Fi Alien Warriors MMF Menage Page 2

by Rie Warren

  The Queen Superior and Kerta—X and Zane’s mother and sister—arrived just afterward.

  Kerta paused long enough to bump our fists in turn, the princess as much a warrior as we were.

  Dex and I weren’t privy to view the joining ritual, and we’d never laid eyes on the Blind Seer, the most sacred of all Zenithians. But we listened as the ceremony began, meaning the Seer had appeared to Zane and Astrid as she had during X and Prairie’s mating.

  Low murmurs from within the obelisks filtered out, but I was only paying attention to the man standing next to me.

  Heat radiated from Dex’s body, making me long for the impact of his muscles against mine. I wondered if he was naked beneath the formal leather kilts we wore for the occasion. The braid in his beard was tighter than usual, as if he’d spent special care fixing it.

  He must’ve sensed my regard because he slowly rolled his head in my direction, and his bright eyes narrowed. I braved a slight smile while a rare blush rose to my cheeks.

  I really needed to figure out if I could get him out of my system with a good, long, bone-rattling fuck. Otherwise I’d continue to harbor this unspent craving, which was beginning to make our longtime friendship awkward.

  Prairie’s voice floated out from inside. “Hey. Is Astrid’s bling bigger than mine or what?”

  Her comment drew a chuckle from Dex, the first that night. The sound stirred me low; I wanted to hear him laugh when we were in bed together.

  I wanted to hear him groan my name.

  I inhaled a long breath when Kerta and the Queen Superior emerged from the Temple. Cozmo and his folks followed. Then X and Prairie. They all departed swiftly with Magnar trailing behind to keep extra watch on Prairie. Only Dex, Khalon, and I remained.

  Astrid and Zane however didn’t appear, and it quickly became obvious why.

  A low feminine moan followed a harsh male grunt, then the unmistakable slap of flesh meeting flesh.

  Those two were going at it just like X and Prairie had.

  This time the sounds of fucking—listening with Dex beside me—hit me right in the testicles.

  Stepping up to him, I looked at his firm lips that always seemed poised to grin.

  He watched me with one raised eyebrow, and my eyes hooded low with hunger for him.

  “Magnar’s on X-and-Prairie-duty,” I mentioned.


  “And Khalon has to guard the newlyweds.”


  “We don’t have to go to the feast.” My voice came out in a low purr I’d never used on anyone before.

  Dex backed up a step, blue eyes roaming over my face. “But there’ll be drinking and food and—”


  A wrinkle formed between his brows like he couldn’t quite compute what I was suggesting. Or maybe I was just being too damn subtle.

  We both knew we’d go to the banquet though. Laurel would be there—the dainty human woman he and I both entertained feelings for.

  After the abolishment of slavery—the chattelian caste—the gorgeous black-haired female decided to stay on Zenithia, which was a relief. What wasn’t a relief? Her choice of paid occupation. She’d hired on as one of the many women who performed at ceremonies, festivals, feasts . . . dancing. Thankfully only dancing, but that was bad enough. With her natural grace, her stunning beauty, her lithe movements both sensual and innocent, she’d become quite popular.

  The petite female glowed brighter than the shiniest crystal.

  By silent agreement, neither Dex nor I had ever pursued her. By mutual understanding, we two ensured her safety from afar.

  But Laurel wasn’t the first woman we’d both been attracted to. We’d fucked more than one female together, those times careful never to touch one another. Now I saw Dex differently. The attraction I’d blurted out to X months ago hadn’t begun overnight. When I remembered witnessing Dex pump his thick rigid cock into a warm wet pussy, an intense wave of lust smoldered through me.

  He could be gentle, but I knew he liked it rough . . . really rough. A loud pounding sweaty fuck. I could give that to him.

  I want to give that to him.

  He watched me now outside the Temple, curious, his head cocked.

  My voice dropped to a gruffer than usual tone. “Feast it is.”

  He nodded and spun to head up the path toward the palace.

  “And maybe fucking later.”

  His steps faltered in front of me.



  AGAIN JEDREK SHOOK me off balance. Every indication suggested he was . . . attracted to me?

  Gods, I didn’t know what to think anymore. I’d even stumbled at his husky words about fucking. Him? Fucking me? My cock began thickening in response, and I picked up my pace to the palace as perspiration gathered on my brow.

  Inside the Great Hall, the party had already started despite Zane and Astrid still being absent. We’d left Khalon on guard at the Temple while the sounds of their lovemaking bounced off the obelisks.

  I quickly joined Prairie, X, Cozmo, Magnar, Kerta, and the rest. Wearing a half smile, Jedrek dropped into the seat next to me then ranged his arm across the back of my chair.

  His proximity threatened my sanity. I could smell him, somewhat woodsy, still fresh from the earlier shower. Chills rose on my skin, skin that he almost touched with his long fingers resting so close to my shoulder.

  I swallowed hard, grabbed a goblet from the table, and quickly downed the contents.

  Prairie gazed at me with sparkling green eyes. “How’s it hanging, Dexy?”

  “All there, Prairie.” I reached low to cup my crotch, winking at her.

  “Fuck.” Jedrek gave a rough groan. Leaning in so close his breath washed across my neck, he murmured, “I could help you out with that.”

  My head swung around so sharply our lips nearly collided.

  Pupils dilated across his irises, and it looked like we were poised to kiss.

  Silence gathered all around us—silent expectation.

  Blood flooded down to my groin, and my stomach muscles contracted.

  Just then, sound roared back to life as everyone else in the vast room stamped to their feet. Chants for Zane and Astrid, who’d finally appeared, erupted in boisterous calls. I reared away from Jedrek, bounding up from my chair, knocking his arm loose.

  I stared pointedly at the approaching couple, trying to steady my breath.

  Jedrek uncoiled more slowly from his seat, his arm brushing alongside mine. Even that small contact sent a bolt of desire through me.

  This is insane.

  I was tempted to move to the other side of the table, or—hell—the other side of the room to distance myself from Jedrek when everyone settled back down, but I’d never been a coward before. I wasn’t about to start now.

  For the next hour, I concentrated on shoveling food into my mouth and alcohol down my throat. Jedrek had once again run his arm across the back of my chair, and his thigh inched closer and closer to mine.

  He barely drank.

  He hardly ate.

  And even without looking I could tell his attention was mainly focused on me.

  I hardly registered any of the conversation going on around us until Prairie griped, “Another feast. Another orgy I can’t take part in. Le sigh.”

  At least the orgy part hadn’t begun yet, and I planned on escaping before it did. I remembered with utter clarity one banquet when Jedrek and I had ended up with the same female. I’d lain down on a table with a beauty riding my cock while Jedrek had mounted her from behind.

  The intense sensation of his shaft drilling into her ass and along my cock with only a thin membrane between us had set my balls on edge. Balls that slammed up against his heavy testicles when we’d started a fierce rhythm.

  That wasn’t the only time we’d partaken together.

  I took another drink in an attempt to cool down, but then Jedrek slid his arm away. His fingers skimmed across my flesh, and I
almost choked.

  The bastard chuckled.

  By the time the dancing started, my body was strung taut as a bow. It wasn’t Laurel capturing my regard—the gorgeous human female we both wanted to bed but hadn’t.

  And I didn’t think Jedrek was paying attention to her either. I noticed him reaching down to his lap. I tensed my jaw as I watched him adjust the heavy length of what looked to be his fully hard cock beneath the leather kilt.

  My eyes flicked up to his, but his gaze strayed over my chest, a chest that felt tight and hot. And Gods, the heat in my loins was becoming unbearable.

  “Dance?” he asked above the noise of the chatter and the clapping and the music.

  “With you?” The words strained from my throat.


  I knew our friendship would change forever if I followed him out to join the others dancing in celebration. I inhaled a shaky breath. I met Jedrek’s light gray eyes and nodded with the slightest motion of my head.

  His lips spread in a wide smile, and I realized he wasn’t just rugged, he was outright handsome. He leaped up and began shouldering his way into the crowded mix.

  When I rose to join him, Prairie cupped her hands around her mouth to shout, “Woo hoo! ’Bout damn time!”

  If she weren’t the queen I would’ve thrown a rude invective her way.

  I met Jedrek in the middle of the melee where the heat amplified. Tribal drums pounded out a rhythm, and I watched his sinews twist and flex in much the same way they did when he was fucking.

  Gazes locked together, I mirrored his motions. His hips circled, and mine did too with the smallest amount of space between us.

  When he hauled me straight against him, breath left my lungs in a loud whoosh. He banded strong arms around me, and the feeling of a powerful male body grinding against mine was so foreign, so exotic, I groaned.

  “You like that?”

  I gripped him tighter, mashing our big slick bodies together. “Yes. Fuck.”

  His mouth landed on my neck, and when his tongue lashed out and dragged up my sensitive flesh I slipped my hands down his back and onto his muscular ass. We danced like that, plastered together, groins lewdly grinding, stiff cocks between us.

  He grabbed my hair in a fist and tilted my head to the other side. His lips attacked my neck he held angled, and hotly fueled lust rushed through me faster than the beats of the drums.

  “What are you doing to me?” I asked in a low-pitched voice.

  “I think it’s obvious.”

  I’d never been so blatantly pursued before. Never been so turned on, so fucking horny in my decades’ long life.

  “I’ve never been with a male,” I admitted, drawing back only to see a wicked smile curl his hard lips.

  “I know.” He pumped his cock against me, hands roaming all over my back. “Me either.”

  “When did this start?”

  “No idea. Fuck. Months ago.” Jedrek grunted when I squeezed the taut cheeks of his ass. “Could’ve been years. I just fucking want you in my bed, Dex.” He licked my neck up to my earlobe, which he tugged between his teeth until I felt the tip of his descended fangs. “I want your cock in my mouth.” He sucked on the side of my bristly jaw. “Gods, you taste good.”

  I felt like I was gasping for breath, gagging to get closer to him, skin on bare skin.

  “What about Laurel?” I asked with the last shred of my sanity.

  A high-pitched shriek coming from the direction of the royal table immediately broke us apart.

  “Fucking hell.” I was already sprinting across the room. “Not another attack!”

  The possibility of danger had my blood pumping just as hard as Jedrek’s hot words and sexy touches had a moment before.

  We reached the table in time to see X lifting Prairie in his arms, a pool of clear liquid running all over her throne.

  “What the fuck happened?” My words blazed out.

  “Is she all right?” Jedrek halted beside me.

  “My water broke, geniuses.” Then the very pregnant redhead gasped and twisted in X’s arms. “I blame you two!” she pointed at us, shouting between gasps. “Hot, sexy . . . hormones. You put me in labor. Aaaaah! This is gonna suck.”



  AMUSED RELIEF PUNCHED through me, but it looked like the party was over. I reluctantly peeled away from Jedrek, hurrying to X’s side.

  Jedrek followed closely through the sea of parting Zenithians—each of them bowing their heads as X passed with Prairie cradled in his arms.

  A grimace contorted her face, and she snapped, “I’m not ready for this. Two babies. Two! How could you do this to me, X?”

  “Easy, meehri.” He ran a large palm across her pale forehead.

  “Easy? I’m about to eject two infants from my lady place!”

  Jedrek caught my eye, shaking his head, warning me not to laugh at Prairie’s outburst.

  A swarm of guards and family escorted the couple to the royal chambers. Magnar had been dispatched to retrieve the healer. Astrid and her mother, a midwife, hurried into the quarters while the rest of us remained corralled in the corridor.

  For hours, we waited. Khalon, Zane, Magnar, Kerta, even Dylka. Jedrek huddled beside me, but he wasn’t a calming presence. I smelled his musk, felt his heat, thought about the way his body had moved against mine. Heard again his low intent words rife with the promise of a hard, rough fucking.

  I shifted away, hoping to contain the sudden feverish craving building inside me. But each time I looked up, his bold burning gaze knocked even more of my peace of mind off-kilter.

  My attention only shifted with Prairie’s voluble shouts from inside the chamber.

  Screams. Swearing. Her voice more and more shrill.

  I flinched every time her shout pierced the air while we waited.



  X popped out, shaky and sweating. The only other time I’d seen the king so distraught was when Prairie had been wounded, her life hanging in the balance.

  Expectation weighed heavily in the air, but he shook his head. “Not yet.” Fists clenching, he strode in tight circles. “I can’t take seeing her in pain like this.”

  Kerta laid a palm on his shoulder, stilling him. “She’s a tough one. She’ll be fine, X.”

  “But she’s so tiny.” His forehead creased with a deep frown.

  The sassy little human had forged her way into all our hearts, bringing laughter and new life.

  Zane tapped his fist against X’s arm. “Astrid will take care of her.”

  “Sorry we interrupted your big night, brother.”

  “My mate wouldn’t be anywhere else. You know that.”

  X nodded before heading back inside. Moments later a wail of a different note sounded, siren-like, from inside the rooms. And minutes after that . . . one more. Unmistakable babies’ cries—high and loud and obviously very much alive.

  We could’ve disbanded, but everyone wanted a first glimpse of the twins, the first royals to be born in centuries.

  When the doors slid open, X appeared. He carried two bundles that looked even tinier compared to his massive arms. Tears formed in the corners of his changeable eyes, but he beamed with clear paternal pride.

  We watched in silent reverence as he presented the plump babies.

  “A boy child and a girl child.” His deep voice carried through the hall, and he leaned down to nuzzle each pink-faced infant. “This is Fallon.” He lifted the more delicate-looking baby—the girl—aloft until her face pruned up and she squawked. “And Xyib*eepthxnin—”

  “X Junior!” Prairie—her hearing and her lungs clearly no worse for wear—shouted from within the chambers.

  “X, the Second.” X the First smiled hugely.

  They looked perfectly normal, although they were the first Zenithian/human babies ever to be born. It’d be interesting to witness which traits they inherited from X and Prairie. If they’d be tall and formidable with spec
ial abilities similar to their father, or petite and feisty like their mother. Most likely some wild combination of both.

  “Are you ready to go?” Jedrek’s low voice came from close behind me.

  The sound caused a swift revival of hot reaction right in my loins, but I merely glanced back at him, one brow arched. “Not impressed by the twins?”

  His fingers skated down the center of my back. “I’m more impressed by you.”

  When had he become so bold? When had I quivered at the sound of his voice or a simple touch on my body?

  I continued to hesitate, and he drew his fingers across the top of my ass. “We still have unfinished business.”


  Jedrek spun to depart, and I stared at his retreating back all of two seconds before going after him. His long-legged strides carried him quickly toward our shared quarters.

  “In a hurry?” I asked, amusement mixed with strange anticipation.

  “Yes,” he answered, curt as usual, which amused me all the more.

  But when I stepped into our room, I turned to face him, stiff and unsure again.

  The doors slid closed behind Jedrek, and he immediately unbuckled his chestplate. With a twist of his brawny bronzed shoulders he shrugged free, leaving his torso bare.

  I inhaled shakily, exhaled slowly. “I thought you liked females.”

  “I do.” With a prowling gait, he advanced. “But I like you best.”

  His pronouncement made my cock leap to attention.

  I stepped back. “In that case I guess I should admit I have been hearing a rumor.”

  He lifted one eyebrow, continuing to stalk toward me. “Indeed?”

  “That you’re going to fuck my ass.”

  He leaped at me, driving me against one of the softly glowing walls. “I can’t wait to get my cock,” his hands reached for my thighs beneath the kilt then roamed higher, “in this tight . . . hot . . . ass.”

  The moment his broad palms cupped my bare ass, his mouth lowered over mine.

  No chance to retreat, no place to retreat to, and no thoughts of running, I groaned harshly.

  Jedrek’s kiss was fiery and fierce. His tongue plunged straight into my mouth, and I retaliated. Grabbing hold of his short hair with my fingers, I twisted his head, darting my tongue around his.


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