The Virginia Chronicles

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The Virginia Chronicles Page 16

by Kayt Miller

  So, I spill. I tell him every single thing about my life, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because he’s a good listener. He’s been sitting at the table nodding and looking contemplative as I rambled on and on. When I finish, he rubs his chin, “Well, did you just want me to hear that story or do you want my advice?”

  “What’s your advice?”

  “Well, first of all, I’d like to thank your dad for his sacrifice. Guys like him will always be heroes in my eyes.”

  I nod and smile, “Thanks.”

  “As for the rest of it, I think you need to fucking get over it. You’ve led a charmed life, it seems. None of the shit with your parents was your fault. I think you’re just using it as an excuse.”

  “An excuse? No, I’m…”

  “You are. For some reason, the thought of being in a relationship scares the shit out of you, and I’m not just talking about women. You said you have what? One friend?”

  “Two if you count Virginia.”

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t count Virginia. She doesn’t want to be your ‘friend,’” he says using air quotes.


  “No. And you damn well know it.”

  “But, my parents...”

  Taylor rolls his eyes, “It’s not your parent's fault you can’t commit. Sure, you’re mom sounds like a real piece of work but that’s on her. I don’t know Virginia well but I know she’s cool, and sweet, and pretty damn hot now so, I think you’ve got two choices.”

  “Two choices.”

  “Yep. One. Let her go.”

  I nod as I scowl. I don’t think I can let her go.

  “Or two, go get her and do your best to keep her.”

  Go and get her. Keep her? “Why the fuck does that terrify me?”

  “Which option, one or two?”

  “Both of them.”

  He shrugs, “Shit or get off the pot, dude.”

  I know he’s right, “That’s not bad advice for a jock.”

  He chuckles. “The only reason I play football is for the scholarship. Unlike you, I wasn’t born with money, so football has given me a chance at an education.”

  “What’s your major?”

  I’m expecting him to say something like Exercise Science. When he says, “Physics.” I nearly spit out my beer. “I’m an academic All-American and All-American linebacker.”

  “Congrats man. You going pro?”

  “Nope. I’m hoping for NASA, not the NFL.”

  I stand up holding my hand out, “Good luck to you, Taylor. I’ll be sure to catch your games. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

  “Let’s workout sometime. You need to work on your deltoids,” he says smirking.

  I chuckle, “Fuck you, man.” I shake my head, “Fine, whatever. Catch you later.”

  “Later,” he says sipping his beer.

  He’s pretty cool. Virginia could do worse than that guy. “Yeah, she could have me.” I need to think about Taylor’s two choices. The thought of walking away and never seeing her, talking to her, or kissing her makes me feel sick. I guess I know my answer, but am I ready for that? If I let her in, she’ll be in for good. Fuck, I don’t think I’d want it any other way.

  Chapter 37


  Jeez, I wish I’d worn a jacket. It’s been unseasonably warm for autumn in Iowa, so I’ve gone without a coat or even a sweater for most of October and the first week of November. Now, Mother Nature has decided to do her job. The temperature has dropped twenty degrees since yesterday. Shivering, I bring my arms up and cross them in front of my chest hoping I can use my body heat to warm me up.

  I walk at a brisk pace down Lincolnway the six blocks to my street. I’ve stopped crying, thankfully. I know I blabbed that I was on my period but I do think it’s about to start. I always get a little weepy around that time, so it makes sense. Taking a deep breath, I make myself think about other things––anything but Baker Stark.

  “Work! I can think about work.” I start back tomorrow. I’ve had several weeks off, and it’s been pretty great, honestly. I know dad gave me money to help with expenses, but I don’t want to use that savings account unless it’s absolutely necessary. Since my checking account is dwindling, I need to get back to earning some cash, and Jackson promised me that everything at The Coffee Bean is better than ever. Even the new manager is a hit––at least that’s Jackson’s story. I’ll find out more tomorrow when I work with both of them.

  When I get close to my turn, I see a familiar black Nissan parked on the street. There’s a large hockey player leaning against it. Groaning, I let my shoulders slump, and my head hang low, “What do you want now, Baker?”

  “Wow, you’re happy to see me. Not.”

  “I’m exhausted from you. I’m tired of fighting with you. I’m tired of thinking about you. I…”

  “You think about me?” he interrupts.

  The involuntary eye roll happens again. I can’t control it. “Seriously? You’re asking me that?”

  He steps toward me taking off his jacket as he walks. Throwing it over my shoulders, I slide my arms into its warmth. “I’m seriously asking.”

  I look up at him, and his expression surprises me. It’s sincere. “I think about you all the time.”

  “I think about you too.”

  “I know. I’m your friend,” I say, defeated.

  “No. When I think of you, we’re definitely not just friends.”

  I blink up at him again, “What do you mean?”

  “I think about having you in my bed and about me sinking into you. I think about what it’d be like to wake up with you, your hair all messy from sleep and hot sex.”

  I feel my face turn pink. No, I bet it’s magenta.

  “You’re blushing.”

  “Of course I’m blushing. Jeez, Baker. You’ve got such a smut mouth.”

  “Sometimes you act so virginal. I…” He stops talking for a second as he looks into my eyes. His next four words are painful and embarrassing, “No. No fucking way.”

  I pull off his jacket and hand it to him. Without another word, I start to run. I see my apartment from the corner, so it only takes me a few minutes to make it to the door. “Oh, of course,” I hiss. The one time I need the door propped open with that brick, it’s not. I dig through my purse frantically searching for my keys.


  Frick! He’s so close to me now; I feel his breath on my neck.

  “What!” I shout turning to face him. “I’m a virgin, okay? Now you know.” I turn to unlock the door, but I can’t seem to get the key in the freaking lock. “Damn it.” A hot tear strikes my cheek then another one and another. My eyes are wet and blurry. I can’t see what I’m doing.

  He puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me around. “Babe, stop.”

  Stop what? Stop crying? Stop trying to unlock the door? Stop trying with him? What?! “I need to go, Baker. I’ve got stuff to do.” I wipe away the tears from my cheek, “I want to be alone.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “Wow, you know how to make a girl feel special.” I try to turn around again, but he keeps me in place.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I’ve always liked my solitude––like being alone. Until I met you. You’re on my mind twenty-four-seven. Even when I’m at home, I want to text you or talk to you. You invade my space even when you’re not there.”

  “Gee, I’m so sorry I…”

  “You’re getting peeved at me when what I’m trying to tell you is I like you there––in my space.”

  Sniffling, I say, “You do?”

  “I do. The thought of you invading someone else’s space, however… When I saw you with Taylor tonight, I nearly came unglued. After you left, he and I talked. He gave me some great advice.”

  “He did? What advice?”

  “He told me I either needed to let you go…”

  “Uh, huh.” I know he’s going to pick that one.”

  “Or I had to come get
you and fight like hell to keep you.”

  I blink up at him waiting for him to tell me which way he’s leaning. When he says nothing more, I bend at the knees to get away from his hold on me. “I guess I know which one you chose.” I finally get the key in the lock and turn.

  “You do?”

  “Of course.” I push the door open and step inside. I attempt to move fast enough to lock him out, but he’s wile. His body is through the door before I’ve even turn around.

  He moves toward me slowly as I back up, our steps in sync. “So, which one did I choose?”

  In no time my back is against the wall of mailboxes and Baker is pressed against me. “What is it with you cornering me against walls and shit?”

  “I like it. I get your undivided attention this way.”

  Eye roll. “Whatever.”

  “Since I can’t seem to get you to answer, I’m just going to tell you which one I picked.”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “I picked the second one.”

  I look up at him, startled. “You did? Why?”


  “Yeah. You’ve made it clear from the beginning that this thing,” I say pointing back and forth between us, “isn’t going anywhere.”

  “I was wrong, or at least I hope I was wrong. Do you see us going somewhere?” he asks as he moves a strand of hair out of my face.

  “How should I know? The longest relationship I’ve ever had was two months. That was in high school, so that doesn’t count.”

  “Well, you know about my high school girlfriend.”

  I do. I remember the story from our one-on-one interview.

  “Here’s what I know,” Baker says with a sigh. “I know your smart, beautiful, caring, and sexy as fuck. I also know that no one can kiss like you.” He’s staring at my mouth as he says the last part.

  “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Holy hell, yes. I spend my days and nights rock hard thinking about you, especially after that night on my couch. Goddamn, your body’s made for sin.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” I deadpan.

  Sliding his finger down my cheek to my lips, he mutters, “You will. When you’re ready. Until then, we’ll go at your pace. I’ll wait.”

  “Y-you’ll wait?”

  “I will.”


  “Because babe. When you and I finally connect, it’s going to be out of this world.”

  “How do you know that?” I’m confident I’m going to be terrible in bed.

  “The kiss. I can tell by the way you kiss me it’s going to be better than anything I’ve ever had before.”

  Shit, now he’s got me intrigued. “Well, hell. Now I want to go do it just to see if you’re right.”

  Baker throws his head back and laughs loudly. “If that’s what you want,” he says bending down to get closer. “Let’s start with a kiss and see where it leads.”

  Straight to bed, that’s where. “Wait! What happened to your face?”

  “My mom scratched me. Had to have surgery to repair this big cut on Monday.”

  I blink at him waiting for the rest of the story. “That’s it? You’re not going to tell me the rest?” I try to pull away from him but that’s not happening.

  Letting out a deep and frustrated breath he continues, “I will. Let’s pack you a bag so you can come to my place. Stay with me. I’ll tell you everything. Okay?”

  I push myself up onto my tiptoes. “Okay.” Just before it our lips meet, I ask, “So, you’re my boyfriend now?”

  “Babe. Do we have to label it?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. I’m not moving forward without labels.”

  Running his hand through his hair, he sighs, “Then yes, I’m your boyfriend.”

  “And I’m your girlfriend.”

  That makes him smile, “Okay. I like that sound of that. Virginia Murray is my girl.”


  “Girlfriend. Now kiss me, girlfriend, before I die of need.”

  I giggle as our lips meet. In no time he’s got me lifted up and I’ve got my legs around him. The wall behind me is keeping me up. When he grinds his hardness against me, I moan. Kissing my way to his ear, I whisper, “I don’t think it’ll be long before we test that hypothesis of yours.”


  “No. I’m so wet for you, Baker.”

  “Fuck, you drive me crazy, Virginia.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter 38


  Up in her bedroom, I watch her as she packs an overnight bag, my hands twitch with the need to touch her. She’s bending over in front of me picking up something off the floor. Next, she’s stretching up into her closet until her shirt slides up her side showing me her soft little belly. Jesus, she has no idea what she does to me. Okay, maybe she has some idea since I keep telling her she ‘drives me crazy’ but now that I know she’s inexperienced, maybe she doesn’t know what I mean. I’m about to show her, though.

  “Fuck!” I growl. I move up behind her; my front is pressed so tightly to her back no light can shine through. If I could get closer, I would. I let my hands slide up beneath her flowing top until I reach wonderland. Using both hands, I cup her breasts and squeeze. When she moans, I nearly come.

  “Baker.” My name escapes her lips like a breeze.

  I tweak her nipples and quickly pull the cups of her bra down and away from her. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want to do, Virginia. I promise. I just need…”

  “Touch me, Baker,” she says arching into my palms. “Please?”

  I move my hands down to the edge of her top, “Lift your arms.”

  She follows orders and hurriedly lifts them above her head. Reaching back, she unhooks her bra. As I slide the straps down her arms, I kiss her shoulder and neck as it goes. “You’re beautiful.”

  Turning in my arms, she reaches up and puts her arms around my neck. Without a word, I palm her ass lifting her up, so we’re looking at each other. We kiss slowly with our tongues swirling and twining against each other. It’s a fucking hot kiss. The only thing missing is her skin touching my skin. I walk her over to the bed and set her down. Reaching back behind my neck, I pull my shirt off.

  “Wow.” She says it so quietly I could have missed it if I hadn’t been staring at her lips.

  “No. You’re the wow in this room, Virginia.” And that’s no lie. Sitting on her bed in nothing but her tight jeans is fucking sexy as hell. I look down at her jeans. I’ve seen her nude before. I’m not sure she’s ready for it again but when she stands to unbutton and unzip her jeans. I get my answer.

  She shimmies out of them with the cutest little wiggle. Once they’re down at her feet, she steps out of them and tosses them away. Standing in only a tiny pair of baby blue panties, my first instinct is to dive in. But, this is Virginia. My girlfriend. My virgin girlfriend.

  I stare at her panties then let my eyes move slowly upward. Her tits are fucking perfect. They’re full and round. Her nipples are pink like her lips. I lean down and kiss her lips softly, then move down her neck until I reach them. Swiping my tongue over one tip, I watch it pebble and peek. Virginia’s breathing is labored and erratic. I look up from there, “Is this okay?” When she nods furiously, I chuckle. “You like it?”

  “Y-yes. Don’t stop.”

  I use the flat of my tongue to swipe the nipple over and over. Moving to her other breast, I do the same. I feel her fingers slide into my hair to hold me in place. Sucking the hard nub into my mouth, Virginia releases a moan so fucking sexy I nearly come.

  I move back to the other breast and give it the same attention. Slowly, I slide my palm into the top of her blue panties and cup her. She doesn’t shave, but her hair is soft down there. I need to know. Sweeping my finger into her, I moan. “You’re dripping.”

  “I know,” she says in a husky voice.

  “I love that you’re wet for me, babe.”

  “Me too. Don't stop.”

��Don't stop what? What do you want me to do?”

  “Everything, Baker. God, everything.”

  Growling once more, I stand up and unzip my pants pushing them along with my boxers down to my feet. Kicking them off I quickly grab her by the waist and lift her onto the bed. With my body pressed between her legs, I kiss her so hard and so deep I imagine what it’s going to feel like when my cock makes it home.

  She’s frantic. Touching my hair, arms, and back. When her hands find my ass she squeezes it so hard I wince. She must not have noticed because she uses her hands to pull me into her. “Baker. I-I need you.”

  Latching onto her breast again, I lick and suck and nibble on and around the nipple. Squirming against me she starts to get frustrated. “Baker! Do something. I-I need to…”

  “You need to come?”

  “Yes, damn it. Stop toying with me.”

  Chuckling, I move down her body until I’m able to grab her panties and slide them down her legs. “Open your legs for me.”


  “You want to come?”

  She nods hurriedly.

  “Then, open those legs. Let me see that sweet pussy of yours.”

  “Oh, God. You talk so dirty, Baker.”

  “I know. Now do it.” I watch as she opens her legs slowly. It’s like she’s opening up one millimeter at a time. The wait is killing me, so I help her. Placing my hands on her knees, I gently pull them open until I get a glimpse of her. “Fuck, sweetheart.”

  “What’s wrong? Is it ugly?”

  I can’t help it, I laugh. She thinks I’m laughing at her because she tries to pull away. “Shh, Virginia. Trust me when I tell you. You’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. It’s pink, and you’re so wet you’re practically weeping for me.”

  “Are you being honest with me?” she asks softly.

  “I’d never lie to you about something as important as your pussy, babe.”

  She starts to laugh slapping my arm at the same time. “You’re such an ass.”

  An ass about to make her come so hard she’ll launch off the bed. I lean down and kiss her lips as I run my fingers through her wetness. I use my middle finger to circle her clit varying the pressure. Squirming in my arms, I sink my tongue into her mouth. When she starts to moan, I slide a finger into her but not far, just enough to rub the inner wall as I play with her hard little nub.


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