Shiver (Night Roamers #2)

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Shiver (Night Roamers #2) Page 10

by Kristen Middleton

  I smiled. “Just in case?”

  He shrugged. “I haven’t seen any proof of vampires at all. Or shape-shifters. By the way, that’s even more unbelievable, I have to say.”

  Duncan put a hand over the one Nathan had resting on the table. “Fine, Nathan,” he nodded. “You want proof? I’ll give you proof.”

  Then, Nathan and I stared at Duncan as he opened his mouth.

  “What the fuck?” whispered Nathan, snaking his hand away from Duncan’s grasp. “What the fuck is wrong with your teeth?”

  “I’m one of them now,” answered Duncan. “And believe me, it wasn’t by choice.”

  “You had those implanted,” smiled Nathan. “That’s a little weird, dude.”

  Duncan looked at me and shook his head. “Hey, I tried. He’s just too stubborn to open his mind to other possibilities.”

  I bit the side of my lip and smiled. “There’s another way to show him.”

  Duncan nodded. “I know, but we’re not outside and I’m not very good at it, yet.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” I said. Then, I grabbed the back of Duncan’s head and pulled him towards me, kissing his lips. He answered me hungrily, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in closer.

  “Oh, for the love of God,” grumbled Nathan. “This isn’t the time or place for you to start making up. Get a room or something.”

  Duncan was practically groaning as I kissed him in the booth and the noise in the diner seemed to quiet down considerably. Soon there was an uncomfortable silence.

  “Stop it,” snapped my brother. “This is fucking embarrassing.”

  I pulled away. “Look at his eyes,” I breathed. “Nathan, look at them.”

  Duncan’s eyes were smoldering and burning yellowish-red with the familiar fire of vampire lust. There was nothing human about it.

  “Holy shit,” whispered Nathan.

  “That’s not all,” I told my brother. “He can probably fly like the wind and he’s fast… so… fast, Nathan. He even took on Ethan yesterday.”

  Duncan grinned. “Yeah, I held my own pretty good. Of course, Ethan is hundreds of years old, and obviously, I have a lot to learn about being a vampire.”

  “You mean a Roamer?” I said.

  Duncan shrugged. “Whatever the hell I am now.”

  Nathan put his fork down and stared at us, unhappily. “Okay. You’ve got my attention, now. What else you got?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  We decided to drive to Caleb’s house to talk to Celeste. Duncan still claimed he didn’t know anything about Susan’s death but ventured that she might.

  “So, where did you get the blood to feed?” I asked Duncan, after we’d settled back into Nathan’s car. “It’s pretty obvious that you fed.”

  “Yeah, so fine, I fed,” he said, looking out the window of the Mustang. “I had to.”

  “On who?” asked Nathan. “You didn’t kill anyone, right, bro?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Well, then how did you get it?” I asked, still thinking about Susan and how he’d attacked me earlier. I wasn’t certain that he even knew if he’d killed anyone after that episode.

  Duncan ran a hand over his face and then turned back to look at me. “Listen, I didn’t kill anyone, okay? I wouldn’t kill another human being. Ever.”

  “How then?” I asked, crossing my arms under my chest.

  “I went to Club Nightshade,” he mumbled, turning back towards the window. “There are a lot of willing girls hanging out there, ones that will do anything you want. It’s pretty dark and disturbing, actually.”

  “You hooked up with a chick at Nightshade last night?” laughed Nathan. He stuck a knuckled fist out towards Duncan to smack. “Way to bring it, Dunc!”

  Duncan ignored his fist. “It’s nothing to be proud of. In fact, I didn’t even want to feed, but I was weak and if it wasn’t for Celeste, actually, she was the one who dragged me there.”

  “Celeste,” I muttered. “She seems to enjoy dragging you to all kinds of places.”

  Including her bed…

  He shrugged. “Yeah, well, I can’t argue the fact that she did save my life. After your buddy, Ethan, attacked me.”

  “He’s not my buddy,” I snapped. “Besides, you had sex with her three times. Twice, before you were even injured.”

  Duncan turned back to look at me. “I told you, I don’t even remember the first two times. I swear to God, I really don’t remember anything.”

  “I have to go with Nikki on this one,” chuckled Nathan. “How can you not remember being in bed with Celeste? I mean,” he shook his head. “Come on.”

  “She’s a vampire,” he answered. “Obviously, she can manipulate people to do whatever she wants.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “Can you manipulate people to do your bidding now?”

  He turned back around and smiled devilishly. “I don’t know, care to find out?”

  From the look on his face, I knew he wasn’t joking around. I could feel my own face heat up.

  “Duncan, who do you think killed Susan?” asked Nathan.

  He turned to him. “I don’t know. I suppose it could be any of the vampires living at Caleb’s. Celeste says the others are getting antsy and much more volatile.”

  “She told me they don’t like to stay in one spot for too long,” I said. “I wonder how Caleb works that out, being a cop and all.”

  “I’m sure he’s very convincing at his job interviews,” said Duncan.

  “How many vampires actually live out at Caleb’s?” I asked.

  “Seven, I think, including Caleb and Celeste,” said Duncan.

  We drove the rest of the way in silence and I tried not to think of Ethan, but it was next to impossible. I hadn’t even realized how much I’d wanted him, until today. Now that he’d basically stabbed me in the heart, I felt hollow and ashamed of my own weaknesses. I should have known that crushing on someone who wasn’t even human was setting myself up for certain doom.

  As if reading my thoughts, Duncan turned around. “Are you doing okay, Nikk?”

  I nodded.

  He stared at me for a second and touched my leg. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Falling for Ethan wasn’t your fault. Even I understand that now.”

  I gave him a weak smile and he squeezed my knee.

  When we arrived at the large colonial mansion, it seemed so ominous, even in the daylight. We sat in the car and stared at it.

  “What are we doing here again?” asked Nathan, rapping his knuckles on the steering wheel.

  I swallowed. “Finding answers.”

  “Come on,” said Duncan, getting out.

  We got out and followed Duncan up the porch. Before we could even knock, however, the front door opened.

  “Well, what an interesting surprise,” purred Celeste. She appeared to be wearing nothing but an oversized hot pink T-shirt that left little to the imagination. Her long, red hair was loose and she looked like she’d just enjoyed a tumble in someone’s bed. I wondered if the vampires fooled around together when they weren’t hunting humans.

  “Obviously, it wasn’t too much of a surprise,” said Duncan, pushing past her, into the house.

  “Hi, Celeste,” grinned Nathan, staring appraisingly at her outfit.

  I scowled. From the look on my brother’s face, he was still putty in her hands, vampire or not.

  Ignoring me, she locked her arm through his and I followed them into the house. “I missed you, Nathan,” she said, giving him a pouty look. “You never called me back.”

  “We’ve been busy. Did you hear about Susan?” he asked.

  Her eyes widened. “Yes, what a shame – I went to school with her last year.”

  “She was a nice girl,” he said.

  “I’m sure,” said Celeste.

  I followed them to a large sitting room, where Duncan was already seated and looking pensive.

  “You okay?” I asked him.

  He shr
ugged. “Just still trying to absorb everything, you know?”

  Celeste looked at him and then turned towards Nathan. “So, he told you everything, I take it?”

  Nathan nodded. “Yeah. Got to say, it’s a little hard to believe.”

  She smiled. “You’re not frightened?”

  He paled slightly. “Should I be?”

  “No,” said Caleb, entering the room. He was dressed in a long, blue robe, his hair tousled, like he’d also just woken up. “You have nothing to fear; not from me or Celeste, at least.”

  Nathan’s eyes narrowed. “Does our mom know what you are?”

  Caleb’s lips turned up. “No, not yet. But soon, she’ll know everything.”

  “Yeah, soon when you decide to change her into a vampire completely,” I snapped.

  He studied me for a minute and then let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t know why you’re so against her…surviving. She’s an extremely sick woman. This is the only shot she’s got to stay alive.”

  “How can you be sure?” I said, clenching my fists. “What about chemotherapy? What about seeking medical help, instead of being condemned to living a life where you have to drink blood and stay out of direct sunlight?”

  “It’s not so bad. In fact, life has many rewards when you’re a Roamer. I’m sure you’ve figured out some of these already, hanging around Ethan,” he answered with a small smile.

  I blushed at the knowledge in his eyes and looked down.

  “Okay, I’m extremely lost,” said Nathan, moving away from Celeste. “Are you trying to say you’re going to change our mother into a…vampire?”

  Caleb turned to Nathan. “As I’ve explained to Nikki, your mother has cancer. The moment we connected, if you want to call it,” he said with a sad smile, “I sensed it. The worst thing is, that it’s terminal, Nathan. She won’t survive another two years without my help. She’ll just wither away… and die.”

  Nathan’s face fell. “What? Did she tell you this? How do you know?”

  “She doesn’t even know. Not yet,” he answered.

  “What if he’s lying?” I said to Nathan. “What if he just wants our support to help him with mom?”

  “That’s absurd,” snapped Caleb. “Why would I go to that extreme, just to turn your mother into one of us?”

  “To get our support,” I repeated. “So we won’t try and stop you.”

  His eyes flashed. “I don’t need your support. Have you talked to your mother lately? She’s happier than she’s been in a long time. She suffered the abuse your father put her through for many years and now I’m trying to give her everything a woman like her deserves. When I offer her this gift, I doubt she’ll refuse it.”

  “This gift of yours, it sounds pretty morbid to me,” I said.

  Nathan ran a hand through his hair. “This is some heavy shit. I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Nathan,” said Celeste, putting her arms around his waist. “Everything will work out for the best, I promise. Your mother will live and we can be together.”

  “Excuse me, Celeste,” I hissed. “Do you mean you and Nathan or you and Duncan?”

  “Yeah, I’m a little curious about that, myself,” muttered Nathan.

  She gave us both a bewildered look. “Oh, for the love of God! I saved Duncan’s life! That was the only reason we bonded.”

  I scowled at her. “What about the two times before he was injured?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “You’re unbelievable,” she said. “You’re acting like a jealous innocent virgin, yet you’re stringing Duncan AND Ethan around. You of all people shouldn’t be pointing fingers.”

  “This isn’t getting us anywhere,” interrupted Duncan, his eyes filling with anger. “We came here today to find out if you know what happened to Susan.”

  “To be truthful, we really don’t. Have you asked Ethan?” replied Caleb.

  I shook my head. “No. But I doubt very highly that it was him.”

  Caleb frowned. “Why?”

  I took a deep breath. “Because we were together, until early this morning.”

  “As I was saying…” said Celeste, under her breath.

  I stole a glance at Duncan and could see his anger. I felt horrible, especially now that I was beginning to realize how much he still cared for me. I decided to change the subject.

  “Who and what is Faye?” I asked.

  Caleb turned back to me. “Why?”

  “Because she was with Ethan this morning at the Ruth’s Diner.”

  “Stay away from her,” said Caleb. “She’s very dangerous.”

  “What is she?” I repeated. “Duncan said she’s some kind of shape-shifter?”

  Caleb nodded. “She has the power to change form as well as manipulate people. Not only is she a shape-shifter, but she also feeds on humans. I’m not talking just the blood, either.”

  I grimaced. “What’s going on between her and Ethan?” I asked.

  Celeste smiled. “Probably just sex. He’s a very promiscuous guy, Nikki. I could have told you that from the beginning.”

  The pot calling the kettle black, I thought.

  Just then, another young guy entered the sitting room. He was tall with longish, sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes. He also looked like he’d just gotten out of bed and wore nothing but a pair of black velour drawstring pants.

  What was with all the hot vampires?

  “What’s going on here?” he asked Caleb, “A party, mate? And I wasn’t even invited?”

  I recognized the Australian accent and knew right away; it had to be Drake, the guy Susan had gone out with a while back. Looking at his chiseled muscles and sexy grin, I totally understood how she’d been drawn to him.

  Caleb cleared his throat. “Friends of Celeste’s. They were just leaving.”

  “Oh, no! Don’t leave on my account,” he smiled, staring at me with interest. “I just blew into town and would love a little fresh company.”

  “Did you hear about Susan?” I blurted out.

  His eyebrows shot up. “Susan?” he asked, studying my face.

  “Yeah, the waitress you were talking to in the diner last night?” snapped Nathan. “The one you were flirting with?”

  Drake frowned. “I wasn’t in any diner last night, sorry, cobber.”

  My brother scowled. “The name is Nathan and yes, I did see you last night talking to Susan. Right before she was murdered.”

  Drake’s face darkened. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I just got into town early this morning.”

  “Bullshit,” said Nathan.

  Drake stepped forward until he was in Nathan’s face. “You callin’ me a liar, cobber?”

  “I guess I am,” snapped my brother, his jaw clenched. “Fucker.”

  Celeste got between them. “Okay, that’s enough. Cool your jets.”

  “I have to agree,” said Caleb. “There isn’t time for this, and Nathan,” he smiled, “I wouldn’t start picking any more fights with Roamers. Your mother would kill me if I let anything bad happen to you.”

  Duncan stepped forward and patted Nathan on the back. “Let’s get out of here, come on. They’re not going to give up one of their own. This was a wasted trip.”

  Although they were both still staring at each other with obvious rage, Drake and Nathan stepped away from each other.

  “This really was a waste of time,” I huffed. “Obviously, nobody here is going to admit to anything.”

  Drake, who seemed to have already forgotten his beef with Nathan, sidled up to me and smiled. “I’ll admit one thing, Ethan has very good taste.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, staring at his amused expression.

  “When he thought you were in danger, he dropped everything to come back here to Shore Lake. Christ, you were all the bloke talked about in New York City. It was getting bloody annoying,” he said, touching a strand of my hair. “But now,” he smiled. “I guess I can understand his interest.” />
  Nathan grabbed my arm and pulled me away. “Okay, enough. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Goodbye, Nathan,” called Celeste, as he pushed me through the doorway. “Don’t forget about tomorrow night. Call me!”

  Nathan glanced back and shook his head as we left the house. “I don’t like the way that asshole was looking at you. With our luck, he’ll be trying to pick up where Ethan left off.”

  “Oh, crap,” I said. “I hope not.”

  “I wish these vampires would just leave our family alone,” he mumbled.

  “Even Celeste?” I asked as we reached the car.

  He scowled at me over the roof of his Mustang. “Yeah, even her.”

  “Um, so, what did she mean about tomorrow night?”

  “I told you we were going to Club Nightshade Friday night. But, I doubt I’ll be going back after all of this bullshit.”

  “I don’t blame you,” I said. “Stay away from her, Nathan.”

  “Wait up!” called Duncan from the top of the porch. A fraction of a second later, he was standing next to us by the car wearing his sunglasses.

  “Dude,” cried Nathan. “How in the hell did you do that?”

  Duncan shrugged. “I guess I don’t really know.”

  I looked at my watch; it was getting close to three. “We have to get back to the cabin. I told Rosie I’d be back at the diner at four.”

  “Chill out, we’ll make it,” said Nathan.

  “Can you drop me off at the marina?” asked Duncan as we pulled away from the mansion.

  “No problem, bro.”

  I sat in the back and stared out the window, thinking about everything that had happened in the last couple of days. Duncan had turned into a vampire, I’d lost my virginity to one, and tomorrow, my mother was going to Vegas and would surely return as one of them. It was a living nightmare.

  “What are we going to do about mom?” I asked, biting my thumbnail.

  “I’ve been thinking,” said Nathan. “That she needs to know the truth, and now that Duncan’s a vampire, he can back us up.”

  “I’ll help as much as I can,” he said.


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