Dig Deeper: A Hallie James Mystery (The Hallie James Mysteries Book 1)

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Dig Deeper: A Hallie James Mystery (The Hallie James Mysteries Book 1) Page 8

by DK Herman

  I’d been in these woods many, many times. My mom took me for walks out here when I was little. And Gabi, Doc and I were fascinated by them in our early teens. We spent hours at a time out here, building forts, and looking for treasure, or bigfoot. But I hadn't been out here in years. Everything looked different, and not much moon light made it thru the trees. I followed the wide path, listening for the dogs. I came to a fork in the path and tried to remember where each one went. I was considering going back for a flashlight when I thought I heard something about dog sized, running on the left. I hurried in that direction.

  The path wound uphill for a few minutes before leveling out. I walked along the dark path, calling the dogs’ names. Then I noticed the path getting narrower, the trees denser. I could hardly see a thing when I thought I heard something running on the path ahead of me. I hurried again, hoping it was my furry friends and not a coyote or a bear. The rain had done its job here at the top of the hill. The ground was starting to feel slick with mud. Suddenly, I slipped and lost my balance. I fell hard, landing on my ass, I could feel the mud squelch beneath me.

  "Damn it. I should leave you two out here!" I bitched while trying to get back on my feet.

  This was ridiculous. What was I thinking, being out here in the woods without even a flashlight! I should just go back. I turned around in a circle trying to decide which way to go and fell on my ass again. Backwards, I slid downhill on my butt, through small trees, dead leaves, and more mud and brush. I landed on my back in a shallow mud puddle and lay there for a minute, trying to catch my breath. I wiggled my fingers and toes, then moved my arms and legs. I didn't think I was hurt. My back and butt felt like they suffered some nasty scratches, but at least nothing was broken. The moon being the only witness to my clumsiness, I laughed at myself.

  I got up, peering into the darkness, trying to get my bearings. I should try to find the path again, but the thought of climbing up that steep bank was daunting. I could hear a car on the highway and followed the sound. Soon, I heard another car and someone shout. They sounded like they had a few drinks in them.

  Another few minutes walk, I could see the outline of a small bungalow. Beyond that, I could see another larger building. Neon signs in the windows, it sat in a well-lit parking lot. I had found Hank's house and bar.

  I ran my hands through my filthy, wet hair. It was full of dead leaves, weeds, and mud, just like the rest of me. It was Friday night, and I cringed at the thought of a bar full of people seeing me like this. But Gabi and Troy could be in there. If not, I could use a phone. It wasn’t far down the highway to home, but I was a mess. With all the dignity, I could muster, I headed for the bar.

  Halfway there, an awful thought stopped me in my tracks. If Hank was in there, I would rather walk down the highway. I’d already humiliated myself once in front of him. Creeping closer, I went to an entrance door and eased it open a few inches. Cautiously, I bent at the waist and peeked inside. Wonderful, no Hank in sight, but no Gabi either. I saw a few people sitting at a bar made of a glossy, dark wood. High top tables and stools were scattered next to a small stage and a dance floor. I could hear the crash of pool balls and music playing over several different conversations. A ladies’ room, beckoned to me, just inside the door. I was about to make a mad dash for it when someone loudly cleared their throat behind me. My heart skipped beats and I turned to see who it was behind me.

  "Hey," Hank said. He was a few feet away, leaning against an old pickup. His muscular arms were crossed over his broad chest. There was a sexy, playful grin on his face, causing a flash of heat throughout my body. He wore blue jeans and a black tee shirt with Hank's, embroidered in silver, across the front.

  "Hey, yourself,” I finally found my voice.

  "What happened to you?" He came closer and pulled a weed out of my hair.

  Having humiliated myself in front of him again, my tone was pissy. "I accidentally let Gram’s dogs out. I tried to find them in the woods, and I fell down."

  "How many times?" He looked me up and down, then raised an eyebrow.

  "Twice,” I admitted, keeping a grip on my temper. Humiliation always pisses me off.

  "And landed on your butt both times, huh." He laughed.

  "Is it that dirty?" I turned my head, trying to see the damage in a car window.

  "That ripped." He laughed harder.

  "How bad?" I was so flustered, I turned my butt toward him.

  "Well, I can see you gave up wearing underpants, and you’ve be working out a lot." His tone was appreciative.

  "I always wear underpants!" I cried indignantly and reached behind me to feel the damage to my clothes. He was right, damn it. The entire back of my yoga pants was torn open, and I could feel no sign of the bikini panties I had put on after my bath that afternoon. My bare ass was exposed for all to see. Thank God, I hadn’t walked into the bar or tried to walk down the highway like this. Stay calm, Hallie. No need to get upset. So, Hank saw your ass. He’s seen more of you than that before.

  “Sorry, all I saw was you, no underpants," Hank said, laughing at me again.

  I remembered how I had bent over to peek in the door, and I spun around to glare at him, my face on fire. He laughed even more at my horrified expression until he noticed I was getting furious.

  "I'm sorry,” he said sincerely. “Come around to the back door with me. I’ll get you something to clean up and I have a long-sleeved shirt you can tie around you."

  "Can I use a phone to call for a ride?" My lips started quivering.

  "I'll take you home." He put an arm around my shoulders and led me around back.

  “Damn it,” I whispered as tears began sliding down my cheeks. Somebody being nice to me when I'm upset always makes me cry. He stopped us by the back door and pulled me into his arms.

  "I lost Gram’s dogs. They’re so sweet and I really like them,” I sobbed into his chest. “I ruin everything, anymore.”

  "It's going to be alright, honey. I'll take you home and help you find the dogs. Everything will be ok." He pulled me tight against him and held me while I had a good cry. He had his cheek against my hair and his strong arms wrapped tightly around me. I got myself under control, but I just stood there in his arms. I knew I should step back. But, oh my, it was so nice where I was! I’d always felt so safe in Hank's arms. I hadn't let myself admit that I missed him after we’d broken up, but I did. Reluctantly, I pulled away.

  "Thanks for letting me cry, and I needed a hug.” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands.

  “Anytime.” Hank smiled into my eyes.

  I followed him to the backdoor and waited while he went inside. He returned with a flannel shirt and some paper towels. I wiped my face and hands and tied the shirt around my waist. He took my hand in his, and we walked back out front to his truck. He stopped at the ten-year-old, red pickup that he'd been leaning against earlier.

  "Is this yours?” I asked.

  "Yep.” He opened the passenger side door for me.

  "How long were you watching me?" I asked.

  "I just pulled in the lot when I saw you come out of the woods by my house."

  "I didn’t know anybody was out here. Why didn't you say something sooner?" I climbed into the pickup.

  "I couldn’t think of a reason, why you would be coming out of the woods behind my house. Then when you turned around to peek in the bar door, I was enjoying the view." He closed my door with a grin.

  He was flirting! My face glowed for a reason other than embarrassment. Did I want to date Hank again? Duh, of course I did. “Be honest with yourself, Hallie. You didn’t want to talk about him, all these years, because you never got over him,” I whispered, watching Hank walk around the front of the pickup.

  He slid behind the wheel. "I'd ask you to go for a cup of coffee but ..." He looked at my muddy clothes, hair and face.

  "Another time?" I answered, hopefully.

  He looked at me, his smile reaching his eyes. "How about dinner, Monday night?"

sp; "Sure.” I smiled back.

  He leaned slowly towards me, his eyes looking playfully, into mine.

  Yes! He was going to kiss me. I closed my eyes and melted a little inside.

  "Damn it,” he swore softly.

  My eyes flew open. Two young men had come out of the bar. They were climbing into a truck, and another car pulled into the lot, near us.

  "Not here. There's too many people around," He said and started the truck.

  "The bridge,” I suggested as we pulled out of the parking lot.

  The bridge had been “our spot” when we dated as teenagers. We always parked on the little wooden bridge to kiss goodnight. Well... and make out for hours. It was a stone’s throw from my home but just out of sight of prying eyes. Plus, it was romantic, hearing the water burble in the moonlight. The stream was up now from all the rain, and I loved listening to rushing water.

  I put my window down as we drove the mile to my lane. The quarter moon was higher in the sky now and seemed brighter. The night air was soft, yet I shivered with anticipation.

  Pulling onto the bridge, Hank doused the headlights. Shifting into park, and switching off the ignition, he turned towards me. I could hear the creek moving swiftly underneath us. I took off my seat belt, smiling dreamily, as Hank caressed my cheek.

  "Listen!" I broke the spell this time.

  I could hear the dogs, barking furiously, off to my right. They sounded close, and they sounded like something was wrong.

  "I think that's them!" I grabbed for the door handle.

  "Wait," Hank said, reaching under his seat. He pulled out two flashlights. He handed one to me, and we both got out of the truck. We stopped to judge exactly which direction the barking was coming from.

  "They're not far up stream, but it’s dark in there." Hank pointed into the trees. "We could stay here by the truck and call them.”

  I shook my head and started along the stream bank. Hank caught up with me and took my hand.

  The dogs were still barking, like they were trying to call us to them. After rounding a curve, we could see them in the moonlight. They were close together, pawing at the muddy creek bank. I could see the water had receded a few inches since that afternoons. Princess and Buddy seemed to enjoy digging in the soft mud that the water had left behind.

  "Come on, Guys." I clapped my hands. I was so happy to see them. "Let's go home. You two are going to need cleaned up, too. Maybe the three of us, should jump into the pool." I giggled.

  The pair kept digging, and my feelings were a little hurt when they didn't seem happier to see me. I shone my flashlight's beam on the ground at the dogs’ feet. “Oh, my God!” I moved closer, praying my eyes were playing tricks on me. Exposed by the digging and rain was what appeared to be, the top of a human head. I could see, long, blonde hair and a pale, smooth forehead. Blue plastic, covered most of the face.

  "Somebody's buried there.” Hank's voice was shocked.

  I shone my flashlight in his face. "Hank, we have to get the dogs away from here. It’s a crime scene."

  Hank didn't answer, he just stared blankly at the horrible sight that peeked out of the mud.

  I took his shoulder and shook him. "We have to get the dogs away from here and call the cops." I repeated.

  He nodded. "Yeah, we must call the cops,” Hank said robotically. He rubbed his eyes, seeming to get over some of the shock. “My brother's working tonight. I'll call him after I help you with these two." He motioned at the dogs. "Then I'll come back to the bridge and lead the cops here."

  We each took a dog by the collar and started walking toward Hank’s pick up. But after a few yards they decided they wanted to go home and followed us on their own. At Hank's truck, all I had to do was open the passenger door, and they jumped in. Hank drove the short distance to my house slowly, his cell to his ear. He stopped in my driveway and hung up.

  "Andy said that you can give him a statement tomorrow. The scene is going to be crowded as it is. What's your cell number? I'll give it to him, in case he needs you tonight."

  I nodded. Finding a pen in his glovebox, I looked for paper. Hank noticed there was none and held out his hand. I scribbled my cell number on his palm and opened the truck door. The dogs ran over my lap and out into the front yard.

  "I better catch them before they dig up Gram’s roses. See you, Monday,” I said happily.

  "Seven o'clock,” He said and forced a smile. He was very still shaken by our discovery.

  I closed the door and he pulled away. I quickly checked the garage. It didn't look broken into, so I led the dogs around to the back of the house. The patio door was still open. I locked it, and followed the dogs upstairs.

  I shivered, thinking about the body in the woods. Who was it, and who buried it there? I remembered my first night back when I saw a light in the woods. Was that when the body was buried?

  Then there was George, was someone trying to hurt him? It was possible his son was getting impatient for his inheritance. I could never resist a mystery, it’s why I became a private investigator. But a throat slashing maniac and a body buried near my house was some homecoming.

  I looked at the dogs. Most of the mud had come off their feet while they walked in the grass. They were in much better shape than I was. I looked at the clock. It was almost midnight.

  I went into my bathroom and started filling my tub with hot water. The dogs eagerly followed me. "No, this is for me,” I said before pouring in the bubble bath. "I like you two and all, but you made me get lost in the woods and find a dead body. Not to mention, I didn't get to kiss Hank. And he’s a really good kisser,” I said.

  Both dogs sat on their haunches, staring at me and tilting their heads. Then I laughed when Princess winked at me, and both dogs lay down next to the tub.

  "At least, I've got a date with him Monday. Wait until I tell Doc and Gabi!"

  I stopped talking and slapped my forehead. We made plans to go to Hank's tonight. I sat on the edge of the tub. I didn't want Hank to think I was chasing him. Also, I didn't want Gram alone with George while I was out partying with my friends. And now, there was the dead body in our woods. Gram would be upset when she found out.

  "I'll have to cancel,” I told my fur buddies."

  They lay down on the bathroom floor while I stripped and got in the tub. Hank was right about my yoga pants. They were ruined, along with what was left of my panties. When I sat in the hot water, I could feel the bruises and scratches. I let the water relax me until I thought sleep might be possible.

  I checked my phone before climbing into bed. There’d been no calls. Leaving the phone on, I plugged it into the charger. My gun was where I’d left it, on the nightstand. Switching off the bedside lamp, I fell asleep.


  My phone woke me at eight o'clock the next morning. I saw a strange number on the caller ID, but answered anyhow.

  "Hallie, did I wake you?" I recognized Andy Ross’s voice.

  "It's fine, Andy. I have to get up anyhow." I wondered if George had made it out of the garage, yet.

  "Good." He sounded tired. "Can you come in this morning, so I can take your statement?"

  "Sure. What time?" I tried not to yawn. I thought it would be rude considering, he’d probably been up all night.

  "About ten, ten thirty. That work for you?"

  "I'll be there,” I promised.

  I hung up and headed for the bathroom. A quick shower later, I was dressing in tan capris, with a hunter green top. I’d washed my hair in the tub last night. A little gel, on my wet fingers and it was good to go. I put on my makeup, and slipped into my open back sneakers.

  I headed for the kitchen. Liv was making French toast and sausage. I filled my coffee cup and added the creamer. After taking a sip, I greeted Liv.

  "Your Gram and George already ate,” she informed me. Then, plating my breakfast, she handed it to me.

  "It smells great." I walked to the counter and sat on a stool. "I'll just eat here and stay out of their way."r />
  "It’s nice to see your Gram so happy. She's acting like a young girl again." She laughed.

  I tried to smile, but my mouth full of sausage.

  After I ate, I went back up to my room. I got my gun off the nightstand and put it back into the lock box. I would ask Andy about a concealed carry permit for this county.

  I got a big plastic bag off the closet floor. Dumping the contents onto my bed, I sorted the various items of clothing into two piles. One pile of things to be stored, and one to be put away in my closet or dresser. I sneered with disgust at a red, lace, thong and bra set. My ex had given it to me for Christmas last year. My first inclination was to spit on them before setting them on fire. But I managed to control myself. I was still too poor to waste perfectly good under wear. But, not up to wearing them any time soon, I tossed them into the store pile.

  I hung some sweaters in the closet. Then I put my jeans, socks, and undies into drawers. Gathering up the few things on the bed, I carried them out to Chitty. I would put them in the storage compartment under the couch.

  Inside the RV, there was no sign of George, and the bed was made. I noticed it was almost time to go to the police station. So, I dropped the small pile of clothes, on top of the covers. I could put them away later, and I returned to my room.

  I brushed my teeth and fluffed my hair. Then I freshened my makeup before applying a spritz of lilac body spray. Grabbing my purse, I headed back out to Chitty.

  I pushed the button that opened the garage door. Then unplugging Chitty from the electricity, I climbed behind the wheel. I turned out of the driveway and onto our lane. I was surprised to see police vehicles, still parked around the bridge. They were being very thorough. I hoped they found whoever was responsible.


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