Cherish Tomorrow Live Today

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by Trinity Blacio

  Cherish Tomorrow Live Today

  One Last Love Series

  Raven is done with men. She’s ready to relax and enjoy her new freedom. She wasn’t looking to start over.

  Gage, alpha of his pack and a man who gets what he wants, knows Raven is his. Nothing will keep him from claiming her, except for those who wish her dead and her ex.

  Cherish Tomorrow Live Today

  © 2017 by Trinity Blacio

  Cover design by Insatiable Designs

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Published by

  Smashwords Edition

  Cherish Tomorrow Live Today

  One Last Love Series


  Trinity Blacio


  This story is dedicated to my two children, Cheyenne and Rudy. Both of them are now finished with school and have grown into wonderful people. I’m very proud to have them in my life. Love you two, forever.

  Chapter One

  The small waves rolled over the rocks of the shore. The stars littered the skies as they highlighted Watauga Lake. Once in a while, a fish would jump, and Raven would see the ripples in the water.

  It was the first night in ages Raven finally felt at peace. At the age of forty-three, Raven had a daughter in her first year of college, and the day before, she had received her divorce papers in the mail. It was official. She was finally single after twenty years of taking care of two children and a husband.

  The day her daughter, Tara, had graduated, Raven had filed for divorce and started to pack, going wherever she wanted. Her ex was lucky Raven waited for the year to be over before applying for a divorce. Especially, after catching him and Raven’s sister in their bed doing the dip, and it wasn’t dancing.

  She snorted and took another sip of her wine. They both deserved each other. That was a year and two months ago, traveling until Raven had stumbled onto this place. It was like the city called to her, that she belonged there. The Appalachian Mountains was going to be her home. No place had ever given her such a peaceful feeling right down to her soul.

  The first time Raven had stepped out of her car, she had known this was the place she needed to be. If felt right in her heart, that she was home, even though Raven didn’t know a soul close to the city. Nothing but beauty around her.

  Raven soaked up, nature around her. She never felt more relaxed; no one depending on her. Raven could eat when she wanted and do what she wanted.

  The next day, Raven would start her new job, personal assistant to Gage Hunter. From what the woman who had hired her, his sister, Angie, said, their family owned over three hundred acres of land around there. He personally owned three apartment buildings in the small town of Boone, the local bar, and was a leader in their community.

  She stood stretching, taking in one more look at the sun as it was dropping down below the mountains around her. Raven took her glass of wine with her and made the ten-minute walk back down the hill to her apartment when she heard the wolves again. The second night in a row the pack sang in the hills. “Be free, my friends,” she whispered, glancing up at the mountain, knowing what it felt like to be free finally.

  Now, she only had to get through her first day at the job. Raven stepped into her apartment and froze. Her couch was ripped apart, stuffing all over the place, her favorite wolf knickknacks broken into tiny pieces, and a note hung from one of her steak knives embedded in her kitchen counter.

  Do I go inside? What if the person is still there? Slowly, Raven stepped back onto the porch, shaking. All to reminisce of the stalker she left in Ohio. She closed her jacket while still clutching the wine glass.

  The police, she needed to call them. Pulling her cell phone out of her thin jacket, she dialed 911, looking around. But all of a sudden, she had a feeling as if someone was watching her.

  In the air a few minutes later, sirens blared as Raven stayed on the line with the operator, thankful for small towns. She couldn’t even get into her car since the keys were in the apartment. Maybe she should have taken the apartment closer to town, but the little city had seemed so peaceful when she arrived. The people were friendly so far.

  “Ma’am.” The deep voice behind her had her jumping, dropping the wine glass. It shattered just like her belongings inside. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you the one that called?” The police officer looked around, and Raven could have sworn he sniffed the air. “Is there anyone in the apartment?” he asked, coming closer.

  “No, it’s just me. I went for a walk. I was only gone for about thirty minutes.” She nodded to the door. “I didn’t even go in all the way. It’s all destroyed.” Raven hugged herself. “I don’t think I offended anyone here,” she said as another car pulled up, and the biggest man Raven had ever seen stepped out of the car.

  She stepped back as he moved toward them. “Easy; he won’t hurt you. Jared, you got here fast.”

  “We had a meeting up on the hill and heard the call. Gage doesn’t like his employees to be harmed, and since Miss Martin is new to the area, Angie has taken to her. Plus, we know you are shorthanded, so I offer my services.” The guy’s voice was deep, but his eyes you could get lost in. “Miss Martin, were you hurt? Did you get a look at who did this?” Jared asked, both men turning back to her.

  “No, I just came home to find the place destroyed. There is a letter or something stuck on the cupboard, but I didn’t want to risk going in. And your boss doesn’t have to worry about me. I’m sure he has much to do without worrying about someone he hasn’t even met before.”

  Both men snorted. “Miss Martin, you’ll soon learn, Gage does not take to anyone being threatened that he considers his, and once you signed on to be his personal secretary, believe me, he takes it personally. He would have been here himself, but with the meeting just getting out, he had to speak with a few of the local people. Now, why don’t you come with me? You can sit in my car until we figure out what is going on.” Jared stepped around the police officer and wrapped his arm around her, escorting her toward his car.

  Walking next to him, Raven felt like a midget. He had to be close to seven feet tall. But what was really weird was as soon as he put his arm around her, Raven felt safe, that was a first.

  He leaned down and opened the door of his car for her. “In you go,” he said, helping her in. “I’m going to lock the doors while I look around, but if you get scared for any reason, honk the horn, sweetie.”

  She snorted. “I could be your momma, but thank you,” Raven muttered as he shut the door and locked them with the little remote he had. Why she trusted him was just strange, but she did.

  Raven watched the man walk away. He did have a nice ass, that was for sure, the way he fit in his jeans. She shook her head, rubbing her arms. He’d be perfect for her daughter, not an old lady. Raven leaned back, thinking of the last time both her son and daughter had an outing at the zoo before she had packed everything and left.

  Both kids had thought they were too old for the
zoo, a week before her son went off to college and Tara’s senior year. They had the best time, laughing and taking pictures. She looked to the apartment, hoping her pictures weren’t destroyed.

  Why am I sitting here? Raven needed to see what was destroyed and what she needed to replace. Opening the door, she moved around the corner of her apartment only to be met by Jared.

  “I don’t think you want to go in there, sweetie. I have someone coming to clean up the mess, but I’m afraid it’s not good. I’ve talked with Angie, and she wants you to come stay with her tonight. She’ll bring you back here tomorrow after it’s cleaned up.” He tried to usher her toward the car, but Raven didn’t budge.

  “I have to work tomorrow, and I need my personal things, clothes. I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s not as bad as it looked,” she stated, but he shook his head.

  “I would have brought out a bag for you if there was anything that hadn’t been destroyed. I’m sorry,” he said, staring down at her.

  “Why?” She shook her head. “I haven’t done anything to anyone. Why destroy it all?” Raven asked. “Oh my god, my pictures?” she asked. “They were in the cabinet...” He was already shaking his head.

  “But how could they destroy it so quick?”

  Jared grabbed onto her just as her legs gave out.

  “Everything...” One tear slipped out, but Raven wiped it away. “I need my purse. It’s still in the car. Could you grab it? At least I have that. I can stop and get some clothes for tomorrow. I need my keys, also. Did you find them?” Raven asked, looking up at him as he set her down on the hood of his car.

  “No.” He spun and stood in front of her just as another car pulled up. At once, he relaxed seeing who it was.

  “Are you okay?” Angie asked, running to her after getting out of the car.

  “I’m fine, just trying to figure this out. I don’t understand why anyone would do this. Jared, I really do need my keys and purse,” she said, and he nodded.

  “I can get your purse, but I’m afraid you won’t be driving tonight. One, you’ve been drinking, and two, you’re too upset. Go with Angie ‘til we find out who did this,” Jared ordered, and she gave him the same look when she dealt with her son.

  He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Please, go, and it must be a mother thing because I swear my mom does the same thing.”

  For the first time in the past two hours, Raven smiled. “Don’t worry, my mother can still do it to me, and I’m forty-three, but I’ll take your advice this time.” Jumping off the car, she headed toward Angie’s.

  A lone wolf’s howl pierced the night, and it was close. Raven rubbed her arms. For some reason, she knew the wolf was hunting, looking for something. Glancing to her right at Angie, she had her head to the side, and Raven could have sworn her eyes had golden flecks in them right then.

  Even Jared seemed to stop and stare toward where the wolf had howled. It was as if everyone stopped and listened to it. “Okay, why do I feel like I’m in the twilight zone here? Do you understand the wolf?”

  Angie smiled as she opened her door, starting at her, “What do you think the wolf was saying?”

  Taken back, Raven grinned. “I don’t know why, but he sounded angry, like it was hunting. I’ve always been close to animals, actually seem to draw them to me, but it’s weird. This sensation is even stronger here in this valley.” She got into the car as Jared came around the corner with her ripped-up purse.

  “I don’t know if any of it is useful. The whole inside of your car is trashed,” Jared said, kneeling down in the doorway of the car. “This will be taken care of, I promise.”

  “Yeah, but it won’t replace pictures,” she whispered, staring at what used to be her wallet. Every single one of her pictures of her kids gone.

  Raven closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wishing the lump in her throat would go away. She had each of her kid’s grade school pictures, from kindergarten to graduation, in her wallet, and every single one of them was gone. Her driver’s license and cards were safe because she had put them in the hidden part of the purse.

  “I should have hidden the pictures, too,” she whispered, feeling a warm hand on hers, squeezing it.

  “Jared, I want to know who?” Angie growled next to Raven, bringing her out of her self-pity moment and turning to look at her.

  The kind, young woman she had seen earlier gone, replaced by a very, very pissed-off person. “I’ll get through this. You shouldn’t be getting all worked up. You have a little one to worry about now.” Raven squeezed her hand and nodded but still held Jared’s gaze.

  “You will let us take care of this, Angie. You know Kale would spank your butt if he even thought of you doing anything.” Jared lifted his head and looked toward the apartment. “Plus, we have it under control.” He stood, shutting her door, going back toward the front.

  “Let’s get you to my house. I bet a nice hot bath will help. I’ll even let you borrow some of my clothes that used to fit me for tomorrow. Then, we’ll go shopping, make it a girls’ day. What do you say?” she asked, pulling out of the drive.

  “I have a job to start tomorrow, but thank you. The clothes will be helpful. Maybe after work, we can go. By then, I can find out the damage to my apartment and car, so I can start planning where I’m going to come up with the money to replace everything.”

  Angie stopped at the light in the middle of town, turning to look at her. “You’re not paying a cent. We will replace everything that you lost. So don’t even worry about money,” she said with a snarl, and Raven couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You, my dear, are going to be one fierce mama. But really, this is not your fault or your brother’s. I will take care of this,” Raven said, staring up at the mountains and taking a deep breath. If she had to, Raven could take money out of the account she had set up where her alimony payments were being deposited.

  She hated the thought of using anything coming from him, but Raven might not have a choice now.

  Chapter Two

  Gage watched his little sister’s car drive away with the woman inside it, his woman. The first day he had seen her at the grocery store asking if there were any openings, he knew she was meant to be his.

  But Gage also knew that he’d have to court her slowly, until he could bring her over. He smiled. The woman thought she was older than his enforcer had Gage smiling as he turned his head, watching Jared come up to his side.

  “It was Sara and her little group. They have destroyed everything, including her pictures of her family. Your woman is more upset about that than her belongings. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to prevent this,” Jared said as he shifted and stretched.

  “None of us could have known what Sara was up to. The men are hunting that woman now.” He moved to the apartment and stepped inside, snarling at the damage he saw. “She stepped over the line. I won’t have it. Did you locate her parents?”

  Jared nodded. “They are on their way here. I think both of them are done. They have tried everything to change her, but nothing can be done. Sara is out of control and needs to be taken down. This won’t stop either until she is put out of her misery. She claims you as hers.”

  Gage snarled. “I’ve never touched the woman and wouldn’t want her anyway.” Gage looked over his shoulder as he moved to his woman’s bedroom. “She is dead, understood?” Gage gave the order Jared had been waiting for.

  “As for the women with her, I’ll see when we capture them what happens to them. If they are so far gone... but the thought of losing more females,” he sighed.

  “It’s time to bring new blood into the fold, and your blood mate being new will help the others see it is time.” Jared laughed. “You will have a hard time convincing that one that she is not robbing the cradle. She was even thinking about fixing me up with her daughter.” Jared lifted a torn piece of a picture up he had in his pocket.

  His eyes shifted to that of the wolf. “I will have to meet this one.
She looks so innocent though.”

  Gage nodded. “I’m afraid you are right about that. I’ve been checking on her children, and Raven is very protective of her daughter. I believe, in most ways, she is like her mother, trusting everyone, not seeing the others that could hurt her. They both will have to be protected.”

  Jared snarled. “I don’t like the fact her daughter is away at school.”

  Gage grinned but nodded. “Maybe when she comes to visit her mother, she can talk her into staying, or a certain man could persuade her. I know that Jason is very good at convincing young women to his way of thinking.”

  Just as he thought, the wolf inside Jared pushed forward. “He will not go near her. I will personally handle it.

  ” He growled but didn’t turn fast enough, for Gage caught the smile. “Fine, there is something there, so keep him away.”

  “Good. This place is beyond repair. Sara’s stink is everywhere. Whatever we can fix, have it cleaned and sent to the penthouse. She’ll not be staying here. Also, take my Escalade for her. Raven can use it since her car is trashed.”

  “You’re not going to see her tonight?” Jared asked as they stepped out into the night air.

  “No, I’m furious, and I don’t want to scare her. Plus, the wolf is too close to the surface with the threat to her. I’d be too aggressive, and she does not need that right now. Tomorrow morning will be soon enough.” Gage moved to where Sara’s parents were on the ground, kneeling, waiting.

  “Get up. There is no reason for you to bow. This is not your fault, far from it.” Gage helped Sara’s mom up, seeing the tears in her eyes. He hated to deliver the news, but he had no choice.

  “I’m sorry, Tiffany, David. I can’t overlook this threat to my woman. Your daughter has become a danger to herself and to the pack. She must be put down.” Gage reached over and squeezed her father’s shoulder.


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