Vampyre Rescuer

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Vampyre Rescuer Page 5

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  He moved his mouth from one breast to the other one and did the same licking and biting. She wanted to moan with pleasure, but forced her lips shut. If he didn’t stop, she’d be arching her lower body against his erection that pushed hard into her panties. She thanked her lucky stars he hadn’t removed them or she would be losing all control. Herres must be using his vampyre power to make her feel this way. It couldn’t be because she felt an attraction to him. Or could it? Yes, that was the reason. She was at the point of begging him to do more.

  “Have I persuaded you?”

  Delia couldn’t trust herself to speak, but didn’t pull back from him.

  “I think your silence means you want to have sex with me, so let’s see how you like this.” Herres pulled off his underpants, removed hers, and pushed her thighs apart. His fingers found her clit and he began rubbing it in such a manner that she would be devastated if he didn’t take her. Delia moaned and pushed herself into an even closer connection with his fingers.

  Herres maneuvered his body so that he was on top of Delia. He whispered, “Are you ready for me?”

  An almost inaudible “Yes” escaped from Delia, which was followed by a loud “Ooh” when he thrust his cock inside her. He was big and felt wonderful.

  His hands cupped her buttocks, pulled her closer, and then positioned her legs around his waist. She tangled her fingers in his hair and welcomed the force of his in-and-out pounding. His strength was such that she had to comply with his powerful movement, but she wanted to do that. Delia hadn’t had many lovers, but she was sure he could surpass most males, whether human, shifter, or vampyre.

  The beginnings of an orgasm stirred inside her and Delia shuddered and moaned repeatedly. She was vaguely aware of him shouting odd words in another language, but the growing need to climax dominated her. He was the most forceful and yet exciting male lover she’d ever known—the only one who could complete her.

  The erupting orgasm sent her into a place of pure bliss, and for a moment or two she drifted in satisfaction. Then, she was quickly made aware of Herres. His thrusting went into overdrive and he was yelling her name, over and over. An actual howl came from him, when it appeared he climaxed.

  Herres moved his lips across Delia’s forehead, and then claimed her mouth with a passionate kiss. “You are mine, little Delia, all mine. Do you want to rest for a moment before I plunder your sweetness again?”

  Reality was breaking through her sense of ecstasy. She’d let him make love to her and reveled in his forceful manner. He considered he’d plundered her. How could anyone think that was love? No, it was lust, which matched the book’s description of a vampyre, and she was his next victim.

  Delia tried to push him away from her. “I’m not yours and never will be. Get off me!”

  Herres stared into her eyes. “Didn’t you enjoy my lovemaking?”

  “That wasn’t love, it was lust.”

  “Apparently, you’re not happy with what I did. Other females have always found pleasure in whatever I do to them. Maybe I’m losing my charm.”

  “Maybe your vampyre power didn’t work on me.”

  Herres stared at her, displaying an expression that was impossible to read. He released his hold on her, got out of the bed and put on his jeans that were draped over a chair. It was obvious she’d hurt his feelings, but she didn’t dare to apologize. He might jump back in the bed and do more to her.

  Delia looked at the vampyre as he stood, appearing to be lost in thought. His face might be unusual, but his body was gorgeous, boasting broad shoulders and muscles that were the finest she’d ever seen. She wanted to trace their lines and plant kisses on them. Now, she was back to wanting him again, and that could be disastrous.

  “Give me my bra. I need to get dressed so that I can go home and get ready for work.”

  He picked up the bra, gave it to her, and said, “I’ll tell Steven to take you.” Herres walked out of the bedroom.

  Delia put on her underwear, got up, and dressed. She walked out onto a wide and long landing, while admiring the plush carpeting, the paintings and expensive decor. The vampyre must be very wealthy to own such beautiful items.

  When she descended the staircase, Herres appeared in the hallway with her coat. He helped her into it and informed, “Steven will be ready in a few minutes. Go outside and wait for him.” The vampyre turned away and began to mount the stairs. Delia moved quickly and grabbed his arm. For some ridiculous reason she couldn’t leave without trying to make him look less unhappy.

  “I’m sorry, Herres, for what I said. It was unkind. I guess I didn’t want to have more sex with you, and that was the first thing that came into my head. What happened between us should have disgusted me, but I liked it.”

  He pulled her up to the stair he was on, bent down and kissed her. It was brief with no tongue probing, yet she hoped it was motivated by a genuine emotion.

  The vampyre remarked, “Your inner angel won’t let you maintain a lie, and for that I’m grateful. I believe the bookstore closes at noon today, so I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Did she want him to do that? She was ambivalent. Spending more time with Herres would help her understand him. He seemed to fit the vampyre character described by the book, but she’d begun to realize he was different in certain ways.

  “Mr. Branly might want me to stay and do stocktaking. We haven’t finished yet.”

  “Then I’ll come inside and persuade him to let you go. Vampyres can be very persuasive, as you’re going to discover.”

  “If I go with you, we mustn’t have sex again. What happened earlier was a one-off between us.”

  He showed no reaction to what she said, but patted her bottom and added, “Steven should be ready for you now. I’ll see you later.”

  Delia went back down to the hallway, out the front doors and got into the sedan. Steven drove her home and allowed his solemn face to smile when he opened the vehicle’s door at the apartment building.

  * * * *

  Callie was in the kitchen, drinking coffee. When she saw Delia, she questioned, “Where were you last night?”

  “I was at the vampyre’s home. He came into the bookstore yesterday, bought some books and insisted I bring them to his home at night. His driver picked me up.”

  “So how come the driver didn’t bring you back after you gave the vampyre his books?”

  “I don’t have time to go into the details now. I must get ready for work, but can you tell me what Marla said about Herres?”

  “Well, she said he’s a typical vampyre who brings different women into that bar. Some are only with him once. He plies them with drinks and Marla suspects, uses his vampyre power to make them want to have sex with him and let him take their essence. She’s seen some of them later somewhere else, so she presumes he doesn’t drain his victims dry. Marla said his face is odd; he’s not the usual handsome vampyre, but he has a definite charm about him. She told me she wouldn’t mind having sex with him because she thinks it would be mind-blowing.”

  “She’s right, it is mind-blowing. He satisfied me better than any other guy ever has.”

  Callie frowned. “Marla says vampyres are really only interested in taking our life-force essence. You need to be careful.”

  “It’s okay. I told him we can’t have sex ever again. I think, I hope, he understood, but he said he’ll see me when the bookstore closes. I may or may not be here when you wake up and get ready to go to work tonight.”

  “Just be careful. Having some fun is fine, but don’t let him feast on you.”

  “I won’t.” Delia went into the bathroom to shower, and then got dressed for work. She had to rush along the two walkways in order to reach the bookstore on time.

  * * * *

  The morning was busy and she forgot about the vampyre until she saw him enter the bookstore. Mr. Branly was with a customer, showing various fiction books on murder mysteries. Delia stood behind the counter as Herres approached her.

  She asked, “
Is there anything special you’d like me to show you?”

  His coat collar was down, so she saw his thin lips crease into a grin. “I can think of something very special I’d like you to show me, but we’ll save that until later. Right now, I’ll browse the bookshelves and wait for your employer to be free.” He moved into the center of the store. Now and then, he lifted a book in order to flip through it.

  Delia saw Mr. Branly notice Herres and she was sure he would want to encourage the vampyre to buy more books. Within a few minutes, he’d brought the female customer to the counter and asked Delia to serve her. She processed the woman’s cash disc for two books, put them in a bag and was vaguely aware of the woman leaving. Delia’s attention was on her employer and the vampyre.

  As he had done the day before, Mr. Branly guided Herres around the bookcases, making suggestions about which books should interest him. Herres settled on only three this time and while his cash disc was processed, he stated, “I’ll take these with me today, and I’m hoping to also take Miss Hariel with me at closing time. I want to use her expertise in rearranging the books in my study. They’re in a mess at the moment.” The vampyre offered a warming smile to her employer.

  “Of course, she’ll go with you and should be helpful. She keeps my bookstore in good order.”

  Herres looked at Delia and informed, “I’ll wait outside for you.” Then, with an incline of his head to Mr. Branly, he walked out of the bookstore.

  “Go and get ready to leave. We mustn’t keep our vampyre customer waiting.” Her employer seemed flushed with excitement.

  “It isn’t closing time yet. You’ll need me.”

  “I can manage. It will be twelve midday chimes soon. Hurry along, or he might become impatient and leave.” He shooed her out from behind the counter and stood smiling at nothing in particular.

  Delia went into the back room, put on her coat, grabbed her bag and returned to Mr. Branly. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”

  “No. Go, go!” He pointed at the door.

  She went outside and found a bright red sports car waiting for her. Herres was at the wheel. The top was down and it was the type of vehicle that made heads turn.

  “Wow! This is gorgeous. I’m going to feel pampered riding in this.” Delia opened the door and sat next to Herres.

  “This is only the beginning of my pampering.” He pressed a button and they sped away.

  Chapter Six

  Herres drove Delia along the walkways, feeling a sense of anticipation. Earlier that morning she’d said she liked what he did to her. If he could maintain her developing acceptance of him, he might be able to form a lasting relationship with her. It was difficult to believe she liked his face, but she’d assured him he wasn’t ugly. He could make her believe he was handsome, as he’d done with many women, yet it was important for her feelings toward him not to be influenced by his power. If she felt attracted to him, that interest must be genuine and not imposed upon her by his ability to shape her perception.

  When they glided onto his driveway, she asked, “What have you done to Mr. Branly? He didn’t like vampyres, but now he thinks you’re wonderful. Have you made him think that?”

  “I may have changed his attitude toward me a little. Why?”

  “Do you do that to everyone? Have you done it to me?”

  “You’re one of the few who hasn’t become subject to my power. Oh, I did send you into a deep sleep while I undressed you. When I removed your clothes, you started to wake up and I thought you would scream. If you did that my servants might think I’d hurt you.”

  “Surely your servants are totally under your power? You could make them think I laughed and didn’t scream.”

  “I don’t influence them in any way. They serve me well, as did their parents, grandparents and many times great grandparents. My life has been blessed by them.”

  “That’s a surprise. I thought you’d probably fooled them into thinking you’re a regular human being.”

  “Not with this face. They know what I am and they respect my need for essence. On occasion, they have let me take theirs.”

  “They’ve done that willingly? You must be a very charismatic vampyre. When those vampires were taking my blood, I felt violated.”

  “Vampires are mere creatures compared to vampyres. My kind knows how to make you feel privileged to give your essence to us.”

  “Well, I didn’t feel privileged when you took some of mine, so please don’t do it again.”

  Herres turned off the engine and replied, “I’ll have to get my inner demon to persuade your inner angel that essence sharing is almost as satisfying as sex.”

  “What you did to me wasn’t sharing; you took my essence without permission.”

  “But I can give you some of my essence, and then it would be sharing. I’ll do that later tonight.”

  “Oh no, I might turn into a vampire.”

  Herres laughed out loud as he guided her through the front entrance and into the study. He took off her coat and gave it to Mrs. Perty who had followed them into the room.

  “Bring Miss Hariel a pot of coffee. She’ll be busy rearranging some of my books.”

  The woman nodded and went out of the study.

  Delia observed, “I thought you lied when you told Mr. Branly you wanted me to work in this room. Is that the real reason you’ve brought me here?”

  “My books are in a mess and I’m certain you can arrange them more suitably. I have to go to another city to attend a meeting of the Vampyre Council. If you sort these books into a more sensible display, it will keep you occupied while I’m gone.” He caressed her cheek and continued, “My real reason for bringing you here has nothing to do with books. I want your company tonight.”

  “What’s that Terran saying about killing two birds with one stone? You’re trying to use me in more than one way. I thought we could talk and get to know each other, but it seems you view me as only a commodity.”

  “Sweet Delia, I view you as someone quite unique and a challenge to my vampyre nature. You will be well-rewarded for rearranging my books. I tend to pick up a book, read it, and then put it on whatever shelf is close to me. I believe you have an orderly mind and will rectify the present mess in my study.”

  “I suppose I could refuse, but you might punish me in some diabolical way, so I’ll tidy your bookshelves. I frequently do it at the bookstore and it gives me a sense of satisfaction.”

  “Thank you, Delia. Now, I must leave. Mrs. Perty will bring you whatever you need, coffee, cakes, or cookies. I should be back by evening and we can have a meal together.” He leaned down, kissed her brow and strode out of the room. When he reached Mrs. Perty in the hallway, he said, “Bring her whatever she wants. She is very special to me and I don’t want her to feel unhappy in any way.”

  “Yes, Master Herres. I shall take good care of her.”

  The vampyre went out of the main doors, jumped in his red vehicle, glided down the driveway and out onto the highway that would take him to another city.

  * * * *

  Mrs. Perty came back into the study, carrying a tray, which she placed on the oak sideboard. “There’s a plate of cookies if you want them, and also cream and sugar. I’ll come back in a while to see if you need anything else.”

  “Thanks. Before you go, can I ask whether you know anything about these books?”

  Mrs. Perty looked stern. “Are you asking me if I read the books? They belong to Master Herres and I would never touch them. I’m surprised he’s allowing you to do anything with them. Some are rare, old, and I’m sure, extremely valuable.”

  “Don’t worry; I’ll be very careful with them. I’m trying to decide how to tackle the problem of rearrangement and I’m wondering whether there are more stories than books about various topics.”

  “I know he is interested in many subjects, therefore, I presume there are far more of those books.” The frown hadn’t disappeared even as she turned away from Delia and left the study.
  It was obvious Mrs. Perty didn’t approve of her. Why? She was probably very protective of Herres and thought she could harm him in some way. Could anything be more ridiculous than a vampyre being threatened by someone like her? Delia shook her head and smiled as she began searching the first bookshelves for novels.

  She soon discovered that Mrs. Perty was right. There were very few fiction books. Most of them were stacked together on three lower shelves. Delia lifted the novels and piled them on top of the desk. She poured herself a mug of coffee and added some cream and sugar. The cookies were large and filled with raisins. Maybe she’d try one later in the afternoon.

  While drinking her coffee she searched for the rare, older books. There were quite a number of them. She decided not to handle them until she’d finished her coffee. Herres would definitely withdraw all her life-force essence if he found brown stains on his special books. Once the mug was back on the tray, Delia took down each book and carefully placed them in piles on the leather armchair. She admired their bindings and peeped inside some with care and wonder. These books were real treasures.

  The afternoon progressed with Delia beginning her task by arranging the special books and novels on the first set of bookshelves. She placed the old ones on the higher shelves and the fiction below them. Then, she had more coffee and tasted one of the cookies. It was delicious, so she ate a couple more. Mrs. Perty came back with a fresh pot of coffee, but didn’t share a smile.

  At times, Delia used the study’s ladder to remove or replace books on the higher shelves. She arranged the rest of the books in subject order and by the time she finished it was dark outside. Steven came in, drew the drapes, and lit the fire. He nodded at her and asked if she needed something to eat or drink.

  She answered, “I’m fine. If it’s okay, I’ll wait here for Herres to come back.”

  “The master should return by seven chimes. I’ll tell him you’re in the study when I see him.” Steven went out of the room.


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