Vampyre Rescuer

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Vampyre Rescuer Page 9

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  When she brought his drink to the table, he said, “I don’t remember your name.”

  “It’s Callie. What do you want to know about Delia?”

  “Is she okay? She cried before she left my home, and I’m concerned she might be continuing to be upset.”

  “She’s fine. Did you take too much of her life-force essence? Is that why she doesn’t want to see you anymore?”

  “No, I would never do that to Delia. She means a great deal to me. I’ve missed her so much.”

  “She’s a bit quiet lately, but otherwise fine. I have to go to my other tables. I’ll be back in a while.” Callie walked away and served three other tables in the center section of the club. When she returned, she asked, “Do you want another beer?”

  “Yes. Will you tell Delia I asked about her? If you do, will you also say I’m hoping she’ll change her mind and come to my home.”

  “Okay, I’ll let her know what you’ve said, but I think she’s wise. You vampyres are really only interested in one thing, aren’t you? And by that I mean life-force essence.”

  “We need it to survive, the same as you need food. Even though Delia’s life-force essence is unique, I want her, not her essence.”

  Callie walked over to the bar to order his second beer. When she came back, she asked, “Will you want more? If not, I’ll process your cash disc.”

  Herres gave her his disc and she went to one of the machines on the wall. She pressed several buttons, placed the disc in a narrow slot, and then brought it back to him.

  He suggested, “If you ever have a concern about her or think she’s unhappy, you can usually find me most evenings in Lori’s, the small bar on Pertlan Walkway. Do you know it?”

  “I’ve never been in there, but I know which one you mean.” Callie stared at him for a moment, and then made her way between the tables and into the kitchen.

  Herres drank his beer in two gulps, stood up and went out onto the busy avenue. He strode to where Steven waited for him with the sedan, and they journeyed home.

  * * * *

  Two weeks passed, and Delia’s feelings had changed a little. She continued to believe she’d made the right decision by leaving Herres, yet she felt sure her initial condemnation of their lovemaking was a knee-jerk reaction. Her inner angel was shocked by what they did, but now she remembered the vampyre with fondness. He couldn’t be blamed for his wild behavior; he was the offspring of demons. She also couldn’t be blamed; her human side was weak and had reveled in it. In that respect, they blended perfectly, but Delia was sure both vampyres and humans would frown upon their union. In the future, she’d have to hope she could find a man who would thrill her as much as Herres. She couldn’t imagine anyone being able to do that, yet from now on she would try to forget the vampyre.

  A little under a week ago and early in the morning, Callie said Herres had come into the Kobard Club the previous night and asked about her. He wanted to know if she was okay. In addition, he’d suggested she should contact him if she was ever concerned about her roommate.

  Callie questioned, “Was it a lie when you said you both decided to end your relationship? The vampyre told me you were the one who made that decision.”

  Delia bit her bottom lip. “Yes, I’m sorry, Callie, I did lie. I felt so unhappy and didn’t want to discuss what happened. Now, I can tell you I behaved hastily, yet also wisely. You see, we’d made love a second time, and it was better than anything I could ever imagine. Then, in the morning, I was feeling guilty and ashamed. I guess my inner angel was shocked by my enjoyment of his sexual drive. So I told him what I felt and said I didn’t want to see him ever again. In retrospect, I’ve realized I had a knee-jerk reaction, but telling him it was over was sensible. Demons and part angels don’t mix well.”

  “I’m glad you’ve realized you should never feel ashamed of making love. It’s what makes life bearable. Are you sure you’re over your attraction to him? For the few minutes I talked to him, I could see he’s not handsome like other vampyres, but there’s something about him that is very attractive. His eyes seem to pull you to him.”

  “I know what you mean. At first, I thought his vampyre eyes were weird, and then I soon grew to like them. He told me he can make people do anything just by looking into their eyes. He messes with your mind.”

  “Did he do that to you?”

  “He did a couple of times, but not about anything important. I know he didn’t make me like him, I did that by myself.”

  “So now you’re over him and looking for someone else?”

  Delia could admit to Callie something she found hard to feel comfortable with herself. “No, I think it will take a long time to get over him and maybe never, but I want to believe I’ve made the right choice.”

  “Well, I don’t think he’s getting over you, he seemed very concerned and said he hoped you’d change your mind.”

  That wasn’t what Delia wanted to hear. She tried to brush it off with a joke. “Hey, maybe he’s used his vampyre power on both of us, making us believe he cares.”

  “You could be right. Anyway, let me tell you what else happened at Kobard’s last night. I had to serve a table of five lycan males, who are brothers. One of them is gorgeous. He has blond curly hair and a smile that captures your heart. I would love to see his inner wolf, and perhaps I will. I’m going to have lunch with him today.”

  “What about your usual sleep time? You have to work tonight.”

  “I’m going to bed right now and I’ll set my alarm for twelve midday chimes. Who cares if I feel tired tonight? To be with him will make it worthwhile.” Callie went into her bedroom and Delia got ready for work.

  * * * *

  Today was Delia’s day off from work; the bookstore always stayed closed one day each week. She and Callie wouldn’t be going out that night because her roommate was seeing Deklan, the new lycan boyfriend. He’d come into Kobard’s every night since Callie first saw him with his brothers about a week ago. Delia was happy to stay home, knowing her friend would be enjoying herself. She’d either watch the TVision set or read the romance novel she’d bought yesterday from the bookstore. Thoughts about Herres continued to bombard her and she’d begun to regret her decision to leave him. He’d made her life happier than before and she missed his ability to make her feel special.

  She hadn’t discussed her regretful thoughts with Callie, because whenever they chatted, it was always about Deklan. He was uppermost in the lycan’s mind. Maybe he was the one who would become Callie’s lifetime partner? Delia hoped so, because her friend would have a happy future even if hers was bleak. She could go to Herres and say she’d made a mistake, but what if he’d already moved on and found someone else who pleased him? That would be embarrassing and she was too bruised to do anything to add to her unhappiness. Maybe one day they’d meet by accident, and depending on his attitude toward her, she would say she’d like to renew their relationship. It would probably never happen, but it gave her a slight feeling of hope.

  In the evening, and not long before Deklan would be calling for Callie, her roommate came into the living room wearing a coat. She said, “I’ve got to dash off and buy some new lip gloss. It shouldn’t take long, but if by any chance Deklan gets here before I come back, just tell him where I’ve gone. I’ll be as quick as I can.” Callie hurried out of the apartment.

  Delia went into her bedroom to get the new novel, and as she walked into the hallway, she heard a knock at the front door and figured it must be Deklan. He was early, but that showed he was keen. She put the book on the hall table, went to the door, opened it and was surprised to see a tall, good-looking man standing there. It wasn’t Deklan, this one’s hair was deep chestnut and Callie had described the lycan as having blond hair.

  “Are you Miss Hariel?”

  “Yes, can I help you?”

  He stared at her and she suddenly felt as though she was under the control of formidable power. Somewhere inside her mind she heard, “You will do what I say. I
nvite me into your home.”

  Her inner angel tried to break his hold on her mind, but she said, “Do come inside.”

  The stranger walked in, closed the front door and followed Delia into the living room. She stood waiting for him to tell her what to do next.

  He informed, “You have influenced Herres and caused him to behave in a manner that is contrary to the vampyre principles. He has turned someone I care about against me and I am here to seek my revenge.”

  She had no idea what his words meant, but her need to tell him that disappeared as he took hold of her with one hand on her back and the other on her chest. Telepathically, she heard, “You will give me all of your life-force essence, regardless of how that may harm you.”

  Delia nodded and felt a sharp pain enter her upper body. It began to feel as though he’d actually started to pull the life from her. The feeling was nothing like when Herres had taken a small amount of her essence. That was pleasant, this was excruciating. She attempted to struggle, but was already becoming weak. What could she do to stop him? He had control of her mind and body. Her vision started to blur, and then darkness enfolded her. Delia slipped into an unconscious state as the vampyre continued to take her life-force essence.

  Chapter Twelve

  Herres sat in a dark corner of Lori’s bar, drinking beers in order to try and forget his unhappiness. He came to the bar most evenings, knowing it wasn’t the kind of place Delia would ever enter, yet fantasizing that one night she might. His third beer was almost gone when the entrance door opened and Callie, the roommate, rushed in. She looked to see who sat at the bar, and then noticed him when he leaned forward and waved a hand in her direction. She hurried over to Herres, tugged at his arm and urged, “Come quickly! Delia was attacked by a vampyre and now she’s unconscious with a very weak pulse.”

  “What? Where is she?”

  “She’s in our apartment. Deklan, my boyfriend, is with her while I’ve come here, hoping to find you. I’ll tell you what happened as we go there.”

  “Wait by the door while I pay for my beers.” He stood up, went over to the barman and gave him his cash disc. “Be quick, Miles, I’m needed somewhere.”

  As soon as the disc was handed back to him, Herres strode to the door and he and Callie went out and onto the walkway. He instructed, “Tell me what happened.”

  “I had a date arranged with my boyfriend, Deklan. He said he’d call for me at the apartment, but when I got ready, I couldn’t find my lip gloss. I told Delia I would be gone for a few minutes, buying a new one. We arranged that she would tell Deklan where I was if he came to the apartment before I returned. So I went down to the main entrance, and as I’m opening the door, a man, who stood outside, took hold of the door and went into the building as I left. I didn’t think anything of it because it has happened before.”

  “I believe it’s safer not to allow someone you don’t know into your building, yet it’s easily done.”

  “I know, I know, but I was in a rush. If I hadn’t done it, I’m sure Delia would be okay. Anyway, I bought my lip gloss, hurried back to the apartment, and as I go into the living room to see if Deklan has arrived, I see the same man, holding Delia and she looked out of it. I yelled at him, he lets her go and she fell on the floor. He ran past me and I got a whiff of his scent. My inner wolf has a keen sense of smell and I recognized him as a vampyre. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it when we passed each other at the main entrance. Anyway, I realized he’d stolen her life-force essence, so I dashed over to her and felt her pulse. It took me a while to find it.”

  They had reached the apartment building. Callie unlocked the main door and they hurried up the first flight of stairs. As she pressed the various buttons to open the apartment’s front door, she added, “I don’t know why she let him into our apartment. Maybe she thought he was Deklan. I didn’t know what to do, but then I remembered what you’d said to me about usually being in Lori’s at night. If you hadn’t been there we would have taken her to a hospital.”

  “They wouldn’t be able to help her. If her essence was taken, she needs a fresh supply of it.”

  “Here we are. We lifted Delia onto the couch. Deklan arrived a few minutes after the vampyre ran out. Thank goodness he came because I wouldn’t have dared leave her alone.” Callie smiled at Deklan and asked, “How is she?”

  The lycan put his arm round Callie. “I think she’s dying.”

  Herres knelt down in front of the couch and placed his hands on Delia’s head. She was almost depleted of essence and was close to death. He sensed her inner angel had somehow managed to keep her alive until now. If anyone could save her, it was him. As he placed one hand on her chest and gave her some of his own essence, he silently begged her inner angel to help him. With Delia gone forever, he wouldn’t want to go on living.

  Her face was deathly pale and she didn’t move. He directed, “Feel her pulse, again, Callie, and see if it’s any stronger.”

  The lycan put two fingers on Delia’s wrist and answered, “I think it’s a tiny bit stronger. What did you do?”

  “I gave her some of my essence. I’ll give her some more. Tell me if her pulse improves.” Herres sent more of his essence into Delia, but she remained immobile.

  “Yes, I think that’s helping. Her pulse is easier to feel now. Can you give her even more?”

  “Not right now or I’ll be too weak to take her to my home. My driver is parked on Pertlan Walkway, so I’ll carry her to my sedan. I’ll send him to your apartment tomorrow morning to tell you whether Delia is improving.”

  He picked up the limp Delia, and Callie and Deklan went with him, opening the doors. They walked to where the sedan waited and Callie urged, “Please take care of her, Herres. I don’t want Delia to die.”

  The two lycans moved toward Drammer Avenue, and Steven got out of the vehicle and held a door open. Carefully holding Delia, Herres got in and sat down. He told Steven why she was unconscious and directed him to drive quickly, but carefully to his home. Herres cradled her as they glided along.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Herres took Delia to his bedroom, undressed her and put her in his bed. He gave her a little more of his essence, but then stopped when he began to feel weak. Tomorrow he would need to take more essence from someone. Tonight he’d be fine as long as he rested. He took off his clothes and lay down beside her. Herres took hold of her wrist and tested Delia’s pulse. It felt weak, yet was detectable. Unlike vampyres who couldn’t replace lost essence by themselves, other life forms could. Given sufficient time, she would build her essence back up to its normal level. In the meantime, her somewhat depleted state could cause death. Herres was determined not to let that happen.

  He drew her close to him and whispered, “My little Delia, I’ve missed you so much. If at some level you can hear me, please don’t die. I want us to be together and if you don’t recover, that can’t happen.” Could she hear him? He had no idea, but hoped her inner angel was aware of him. Herres spent some time, stroking her hair and back. He told Delia how much he cared for her. Eventually, he fell asleep and didn’t wake until morning.

  When he opened his eyes, she was there beside him. He checked her pulse; it was the same as the previous night. No color touched her cheeks and she didn’t move. It was obvious she needed more essence. He would have to go out and find someone from whom he could take what was required. It would be difficult because he was feeling weaker now, but he must help Delia.

  Herres slowly got out of bed, put on his clothes and went in search of Mrs. Perty. He found her in the kitchen, chatting to Cook. They looked at him as he staggered, and then leaned heavily against the door frame. Mrs. Perty asked, “Are you okay, Master Herres? You look unwell.”

  “I’m just a little weak, but I have to go out. Miss Hariel is in my bed and I want you to sit with her until I come back. Last night she was attacked by a vampyre and is close to death.”

  Cook answered, “Steven told us this morning what happened. Is Miss
Hariel no better?”

  “No. I’ve given her three doses of my essence and she remains unconscious. I must go out and take some essence from someone so that I can give her more.”

  Mrs. Perty walked over to him, lifted his hand and placed it on her chest. “You’ll be risking your own life if you try to do that. Take some of mine, Master Herres. You’re too weak to go looking for someone and I know she means a great deal to you. We’ve seen how sad you’ve been since she left you a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Are you certain you don’t mind? It isn’t for me, it’s for Delia.”

  “Take it. I want to see you smile again.”

  Herres drew in some of her life force essence, but not too much to harm her. “Thank you. I’ll make sure Delia knows about your kindness when she recovers.”

  Mrs. Perty walked out of the kitchen and Cook came up to him.

  “Take some of mine, too. I don’t know Miss Hariel, but if you like her she must be special.”

  The vampyre took some of hers and felt cheered by his servants’ generosity. After thanking the cook, he went into the hallway and was approached by Steven.

  “Mrs. Perty has told me you’re in need of essence. I want you to have some of mine.”

  “Did she tell you why I need it?”

  “Yes. I like Miss Hariel, so I’m happy to help.”

  After absorbing a third dose of human essence, the vampyre felt much stronger and hurried back up the staircase and into his bedroom. He sent more life-force essence into Delia and for a moment she stirred. That was a good sign; she must be a little improved. Herres watched the humangel’s face to see if her eyes would open. They didn’t, but a slight tinge of color appeared in her cheeks. Herres sat in a chair, close to the bed and held her hand.

  He tried to think positively and wondered how he could persuade Delia to stay with him, once she was recovered. She hadn’t approached him during the past two weeks to say she’d made a mistake; that must mean she continued to believe what they did was wrong. Would he be able to convince her it wasn’t? Herres now knew he loved Delia, yet of what use would that be if she didn’t care about him? No, he mustn’t think such thoughts, helping her to get well was all that mattered for the next few days.


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