A Slave's Wedding

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by K. J. Ward

  A Slave’s Wedding

  “Do you trust me?” Those words from Laura Cole’s Master, a man named Warren Smith, resounded in her mind once more as she awoke with the sun, as she usually did. Her shocked response had been an immediate “Yes Master!” which he answered with another question, “Do you wish to serve me for the rest of your life?”

  Upon hearing that question, she’d frozen up and an awkward silence had ensued. It wasn’t that she did not want to be his slave – she had entered into their arrangement voluntarily. It was simply that there was a sort of permanence to that question that had not been part of the deal. The pair had met through a mutual friend, and they quickly became close despite their difference in age – she had been 18 and he was 32. Once they found out more about each other’s desires, hers as a submissive and his as a dominant, they discussed the possibility of something more than simple friendship. Warren, being quite wealthy for someone in his thirties, put forth the possibility of paying for her to go to college in exchange for her serving him as his slave until she graduated. Being that it was something she wanted anyway, Laura jumped at the chance, especially considering it would only last until graduation. If she didn’t like it, she only had to wait until after she got out of school to get out of it, and her education would be paid for. Warren had put a contract together which she’d signed and which clearly granted her freedom on the day of her graduation from college, which was one week away. Finally, she broke that long silence by answering, “Master, our current arrangement is until I graduate in one week, but yes, I would like to serve you for the rest of my life.”

  “Then, go back to your apartment and take the rest of this week to spend time with your friends at the college and finish up any remaining schoolwork. Attend your graduation, and go to a party afterward if you like. In essence, you are free to do whatever you wish – for one week only. On the day after, open this box and then make your choice,” Warren said stoically, giving her a box about the size of a cell phone.

  Laura knew better than to question the odd orders, only responding as she knew he expected her to, “Yes Master.” Now, having just graduated college the day before, she sat up in her bed in the apartment that he’d rented for her, looking over at her nightstand at the small box that she’d kept there beside her bed the entire week. She took a deep breath as she picked it up. She had her freedom, she had her degree, and she had a way out – she could just disappear and never see Warren again. She didn’t have to be his slave, didn’t have to serve him anymore... But she loved him and she wanted to. He was wrong about her having to make a choice that morning – the only choice she had was to be with the man she loved, as the slave she desired to be. She opened the box and took out its contents: a hotel key card and a small note which simply had a hotel’s name, the address and room number 517 written on it. It was a hotel he’d had her meet him at before, which was a short walk away from her apartment on campus and easier for her to get to than his home. Laura smiled to herself as she stood up quickly to get ready.

  As she stepped into the bathroom, Laura glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She was beautiful and she knew it, not because she thought she looked particularly good but because her Master constantly reminded her of how much he loved her and the way she looked. Of course, she kept her body as he wanted it, watching her diet and going to the gym at least twice a week, as well as keeping her nails polished and her body hairless. To that end she quickly showered and shaved, and checked her nails to make sure they didn't need to be touched up. Thankfully the beautiful blue nail polish had not chipped, and when she glanced in the mirror again matched her eyes even more perfectly than she remembered. She combed out her shoulder length brown hair and then pulled it into a tight bun so there was no chance it would cover any part of her body he might want access to. She put on a bit of makeup – just blush and very light blue eyeshadow, never using much, just enough to accentuate her best features. She considered briefly what to wear, before she settled on a classy green sundress that would display her curves nicely, especially her breasts. They were the one thing she hated that her Master loved. Hers were only a B cup; she wanted big breasts like many of the girls at her college, but her Master always told her that shape was more important than size. Once she was dressed, she grabbed her purse and the hotel room key and left her apartment, possibly for the last time.

  She had no second thoughts at all on the short walk to the hotel. Rather, the anticipation of serving her Master, the man she loved for the rest of her life was building and exciting her. She walked along with a purpose but unhurried, not wanting to tire herself out at all as she did not know what Warren might have in store for her. When she made it to the hotel she headed right up to the elevators and up to the fifth floor, where she would use her key to enter the room. Her breathing was heavy with anticipation as she closed the door behind her and put the card and her purse down on the table next to the door. She walked over to the king size bed and found a blindfold and a piece of paper with typed instructions like Warren would occasionally leave for her at her apartment, which simply read, “Take off all your clothing and lie down on the bed blindfolded. You are to follow the instructions of the person who enters the room exactly.”

  Laura had no problems following those instructions at all – her Master had already had her naked in front of other people and had her serve them as well. She quickly removed her dress and folded it neatly, along with her bra and panties, and placed all her clothing on the table next to her purse. After removing her shoes, she sat down on the bed and took the plain black blindfold, tying it behind her head tightly enough so it would not slip off but loosely enough so it was still comfortable and looked around, checking to make sure that she could not see at all before lying back on the bed. The instructions hadn’t specified how she should lay, but she already knew that her Master would want her on display for whoever entered the room, so she laid spread eagled, her arms stretched out over her head which pulled her breasts up enticingly and her legs spread wide to reveal her womanhood to whoever wished to see it. Though the bed was incredibly comfortable, even if he had had her wait for hours, she would not have been able to sleep, such was her excitement and anticipation. She did not have to wait nearly that long, however – she guessed it had been about twenty minutes before she heard the door open and then close behind whoever had entered the room.

  She knew immediately when she felt the touch that it was not her Master. Fingers ran along her slit and a hand cupped one of her breasts, giving it a playful squeeze. Those same fingers that played over her slit soon slipped into her pussy, which was already soaking wet with the excitement she felt. She let out a soft sigh as those fingers left her and the hand moved away from her breasts, but soon felt those fingers against her lips. She knew what was expected of her, of course, so she opened her mouth and took them in, sucking and licking her juices from them. As she did so, she heard a woman’s voice speaking, “Absolutely exquisite. Warren found something special when he found you. I am, of course, here at his request to prepare you and you are to obey my orders.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Laura answered immediately when the woman pulled her fingers from her mouth, though she did wonder what the woman would be preparing her for.

  “Good girl,” the woman told her before moving away and then adding sternly, “On your hands and knees on the bed, and stick your ass out.” Laura quickly moved to comply with her order, knowing that pleasing this woman would be pleasing to Warren. She moved to her hands and knees and lowered her body toward the bed, sticking her ass out with her knees spread a bit, the position really exposing her ass. It was not long before she felt something cold being rubbed on the puckered entrance to her bottom, causing her to gasp, though she kept herself
from reacting and pulling away. The woman ignored her discomfort from the cold lube that she was using and slipped her finger up her ass to further lubricate it. Naturally, this was something she was familiar with – her Master used her ass on a regular basis. Even so, she wasn't entirely prepared for what came next. The woman quickly removed her finger and then pressed a large butt plug against her, starting to push it in none-too-gently. Laura whimpered softly before letting out a cry as she felt the butt plug start to move into her ass. It wasn't the largest butt plug she'd had in her before, but Warren usually worked his way up with smaller plugs before moving on to something this size, especially considering that he hadn't used her ass in a while. Laura struggled to remain still as the woman did her work, taking deep breaths and doing her best to keep her ass relaxed. It took a minute or two, but finally the woman had worked the entire butt plug into her ass, her asshole closing around the notch at the bottom. The woman stepped away to admire her handiwork as Laura took a few more deep breaths, silent now as she tried to grow accustomed to the feeling of the plug filling her. The woman finally spoke, “You took that rather well. I’m a bit impressed – Warren has definitely trained you to be a wonderful slave. Now, get off the bed and stand up. Keep the blindfold on.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Laura responded shakily, still feeling the effects of having the large butt plug pushed into her. Even blindfolded, normally she would have been able to move and stand up pretty quickly, but since she was still trying to grow used to the plug in her ass, it was slow going. She winced a bit as she moved to sit on the bed before slowly sliding over to the edge of it and standing. She found that she had to stand with her legs spread. Otherwise, it became too uncomfortable with the butt plug filling her as it did. She was thankful that the woman seemed to expect slower movement from her and waited patiently for her to do as instructed.

  “Arms up over your head,” the woman ordered, and Laura did as she was told. The woman moved her arms around her, putting a strapless bra onto her and then having her lower her arms, adjusting her breasts within the cups for her. She then had her lift one foot at a time off the ground, pulling a pair of panties onto her. They felt like they were bikini cut and very lacy. Though Laura had no problem following orders like this, she was a bit perplexed at what was happening. Though her Master would occasionally instruct her to wear something in particular if they were going out to dinner, he generally wanted her naked when they were together, even when other slaves and their masters were involved. She was brought back to reality as she felt a garter belt being put around her waist and the clasps in back hooked on. The woman then gave her an order she was hoping wouldn’t come, “Sit down on the bed.”

  Once more Laura followed the woman’s instructions without hesitation, though she was not thrilled about having to do so. It was not as bad as it had been when the butt plug had first been put in, but it was not at all comfortable to sit. Even so, she was able to do so without wincing this time. The woman had her lift her legs one at a time and when she did so she felt thigh-high stockings being put on her. She could only wonder what her Master had in store for her, getting her dressed up like this. When the woman told her to stand and she did so, she attached the straps on the garter belt to her stockings and adjusted them, as Laura suspected she might. What in the world was her Master having her prepared for?

  “Turn around so you’re facing the bed and put your hands behind you,” the woman instructed. Laura did so, and the woman quickly tied her hands together loosely at the wrist, not using rope as she expected but a lacy ribbon that she would likely be able to get out of if she wanted. If her Master wanted her tied, it wouldn’t normally be like that. She felt the woman place a plain leather collar around her neck and fasten it into place. Laura was instructed to turn around once more and she felt something being attached to the collar. She suspected it was a leash and this was confirmed when she felt a tug at her neck. The woman smiled, “I do believe you’re ready.”

  “Ma’am, if I may ask…” Laura spoke softly, her head bowed as she hesitated. Her Master had taught her not to speak without being spoken to, but he was usually lenient with her when she had a question. She wasn’t so sure if this woman would be as lenient as her Master was. When she realized that she wasn’t going to be reprimanded for speaking, she continued, “What exactly have I been prepared for?”

  “You are being prepared to spend the rest of your life with your Master, as his slave,” the woman answered with a soft, amused chuckle, “I'm certainly not going to spoil any details of what he has planned for you. Now, don't ask again, I'd rather not have to punish you for your curiosity.”

  “Understood, ma'am,” Laura replied as she felt a tug on the leash. She followed carefully, not entirely sure where she was walking as she was still blindfolded. She heard the door to the hotel room being opened and realized, as she felt another tug that she was being led out of the room. She blushed fiercely but continued walking obediently. Her Master had had her naked or very scantily clad in front of people before, but generally those were other slaves, masters, mistresses, or people that he wanted her to serve. Here, in the hotel's hallway, she could be seen by anyone – hotel staff, random members of the public... It was much different from what her Master usually put her through. She stopped when she felt the leash go slack, not entirely certain where they were. When she felt the tug again and stepped forward, with her bare feet on a hard floor instead of carpet, she realized she'd been led into an elevator. It started to move down soon after she'd stepped onto it.

  It did not take long at all for the elevator to stop, and Laura had no idea how many floors it had gone down or where it had taken her. All she knew is that when she was led out of the elevator, it was onto a hard, cold floor that felt something like asphalt. She didn't feel the sun on her skin either – perhaps it was a loading dock of some kind? She briefly wondered what her Master could have been planning and where she was being taken – she couldn't help it. Yet she felt no fear – only the burning desire to see her Master, be with him, and serve him. She felt the leash go slack again a short time later and stopped walking. She heard what sounded like a car or van door opening and was helped in by two pairs of hands before being instructed to kneel, which she did. As soon as she knelt on the vehicle's soft carpet, she felt it starting to move. It was not a particularly long ride, but it felt like an eternity for her before the car stopped. When it did, she was helped up and out of the car, and she felt another tug on her leash, this one a bit rougher than the woman had been. Perhaps it was still her – she had no way of knowing. She followed along obediently, this time over a cold floor made of concrete or stone which she guessed was a garage before being led onto a comfortable carpet. She was led a few steps further into the carpeted room before being ordered to kneel, which she did with her legs spread slightly to try to maintain some level of comfort with the butt plug in her. It was then that the collar and leash were removed, her hands were untied, and after that the blindfold was finally taken off of her.

  Her Master was standing before her dressed in a suit along with another suited man, and various masters and mistresses, many of whom she'd serviced before, sat in a circle around her, all well-dressed. The room was mostly featureless except for the bed set up behind her master, which had plain white sheets on it. She immediately bowed her head slightly in obedience despite her excitement at seeing her Master. Warren let her simply kneel in silence for a moment before stepping forward, looking down at her. The man who had been standing beside him spoke, more sternly and solemnly than she'd heard in quite some time, “Laura Cole, do you pledge to serve Warren faithfully as his slave for the rest of your life?”

  “Yes sir,” Laura answered immediately, keeping her head bowed in submission to her Master.

  “Will you tend to his physical, emotional, mental, and sexual needs to the best of your abilities, following his orders as a good slave should?” the man asked next, with that same stern and solemn voice. Again, Laura answered quickly
, keeping her head bowed, “Yes sir.”

  “Will you accept any punishment or correction he offers, striving to become a better slave to him than you are at this time?” he asked her. She didn't hesitate now either, keeping her head bowed as she answered, “Yes sir.”

  “Do you promise to honor, love, and obey him at all times, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?” the man asked her. Though he had changed the words just a bit, Laura knew those phrases anywhere – it was a promise given in marriage. Was Warren marrying her in this ceremony, or making her his slave? Perhaps both? He hadn't exactly asked her to marry him. But then, as a slave, she didn't expect a traditional wedding. She looked down at herself, noticing for the first time that the undergarments she'd been dressed in were all white. Perhaps this was as close to a wedding dress as she was ever going to get – but then again, she'd never seen herself in one anyway, particularly since becoming a slave. In that moment, she realized that she didn't care. She didn't know if it was a legal marriage or a wedding that would hold up in any kind of court, but in her mind it didn't need to. It was far more than she expected as a slave. A marriage was supposed to be between equals, but she was not Warren's equal – he was her Master. She wanted to be his slave for the rest of her life, but it seemed that she was becoming even more than that in his mind. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she realized just how much he cared by giving her this and not simply making it a normal collaring ceremony. She took a deep breath and responded in a clear, proud voice for all to hear, “I do, sir.”

  “Warren, do you promise to love, honor, and direct Laura at all times as your slave, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?” the man asked her Master. He responded immediately as he looked down at her, “I do.” Afterward, the man continued, “Then, you may make Laura your slave.”


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