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by Lynn Rider

  His eyes scan the band standing behind him. “These ugly guys behind me have been my best friends since I was a kid. They’ve stood by me and believed in me. You guys believed in me,” he says to the audience. A few screams from the darkness pauses his words. He smirks in my direction before winking and making my heart stutter. I’m living my dream as I watch the love of my life living his. He turns his attention back to the crowd. He pauses longer than necessary and I know he’s taking it all in.

  “There is one person who believes in me more than anyone. I thought I had extinguished that recently, but she came out swinging and wouldn’t let me fail. She wouldn’t let us fail.” He turns in my direction, and my heart kicks into overdrive as he steps a few steps closer to me.

  “You’ve read about her, but what you haven’t read is how she owns me. She has since we were kids.” He steps toward me cautiously. My heart beats erratically as the sudden urge to vomit or faint comes with thoughts of being pulled into the spotlight with him. In a few long strides, he’s standing in front of me and leading me by the hand into plain view.


  His hand wraps tightly around mine, making me forget the thousands of people watching as he focuses on the audience. “I know for those of you who are die hard Silver Knight fans, you’re probably thinking I’m copying my older brother Ashton, who not so long ago dragged a woman on stage and professed his love to her.” He silently scans the crowd. “I’m here to tell you that shit works. He’s on vacation with his beautiful wife tonight,” he says playfully.

  All arrogance and playfulness are wiped clean from his expression when he turns back to me. “I love this woman with every breath I have and every fiber of my being. She’s been my everything for so long that I’m nothing without her.”

  I blink feverishly, my tears threatening to block my vision. The distant whistles and screams fade away and suddenly we’re the only two here.

  Austin bends down on one knee and pulls out a box. Never releasing my hand, he opens it one handed, exposing a ring with a huge diamond surrounded by dozens of smaller ones. I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle my ugly but happy sobs. He watches me expectantly while I do my best to swallow my emotions.

  “Amber, will you do me the honor of allowing me to be your best friend, lover, husband? Will you let me prove that I’m worth fighting for, and most of all, will you let me love you every minute of every day for the rest of our lives?”

  I nod.

  “Is that a yes?” he asks, desperation lacing his words.

  “Yes!” I cry out, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He spins me happily when he rises to his feet. “I’m going to make you so fucking happy,” he says emotionally against my ear.

  “You already do. I can’t believe you did that!” I say, wiping the tears from my eyes. He grabs my hand and slides the huge diamond ring on my finger. I look down and shake my head. “It’s the biggest ring I’ve ever seen.”

  “I don’t like to be upstaged,” he says with a grin and a chin lift to the audience. My eyes scan the mass of faces that drift off into the darkness.

  “I can upstage you.”

  His eyebrows raise with my challenge as he shakes his head. “I doubt it.”

  I rise on my toes, lean toward his ear and whisper, “I’m pregnant.”

  He backs away and I nod again, offering the silent confirmation he’s looking for. His smile widens, losing all traces of arrogance.

  “She’s pregnant. She’s pregnant!” he calls out to Kyle in disbelief. Kyle looks back to Charlie and he begins drumming, soft at first until the rest of the band follows. Kyle sings and plays guitar as Austin holds me. Unlike most of their music’s fast tempo, this one is slow and melodic.

  When it talks about happiness, loss and finding your way home again, I know those words are from Austin’s heart.


  “Daddy! Daddy, come look at what Avery is doing!” Sophia shouts, climbing on the bed and hopping up and down on her knees. Amber’s hand swings over and beats repeatedly on my chest, telling me to get my ass out of bed so she can sleep.

  “Okay, Soph. I’m up,” I say, planting one foot on the floor at a time. I look down momentarily, thankful that, for once, I’m wearing boxers. The last thing I need to show my little princess is the difference between a boy and a girl.

  “You gotta see this!” she says, running from the room frantically. I glance back to Amber sleeping soundly. I’m seconds from climbing back into bed when Avery’s shriek has me bolting into action.

  “Give it back!” Avery cries.

  “No, Avery, you can’t have it!” I hear Sophia’s bossy reply.

  I bottom the stairs and see them fighting over a marker. My eyes scan the bright purple drawing on the wall. “Girls,” I say, closing in on them.

  Sophia looks up angrily before tugging one last time and winning the marker from Avery’s little grip. Avery wails out in protest before I scoop her up in my arms.

  “I thought you two knew the rules. You’re supposed to wake Mommy or Daddy if you get up first. And you’re not supposed to draw on the walls, Avery,” I say, carrying her into the kitchen.

  “You sleep too late, Daddy,” Avery says, sucking in her sniffles.

  I glance at the clock. “Girls, it’s six ten. Normal people are still sleeping. And what do you have to say about the wall?”

  She shrugs before coiling her little arms around my neck, making me forget the wall is going to need it’s third coat of paint in as many months.

  “I want eggs,” Sophia says, climbing onto the stool in front of the island.

  I place Avery on the stool next to her and see the snooty look Sophia flashes her way. I swear these girls are going to make me old before my time. “Girls you have to learn to get along. Sophia, I look to you to be a role model. You’re almost five and you’re my big girl.” My tone is just short of a beg.

  “I am a big girl, Daddy. She just hasn’t figured out that I’m the boss of her.” I have to stifle my laugh at her matter-of-fact tone.

  “You not the boss. Mommy the boss!” Avery crosses her arms over her chest in a pout.

  “Sophia, you’re not the boss of anyone.”

  “Is Daddy making breakfast?” We all turn in unison to where my beautiful wife stands leaning against the doorway. The sound of stools scooting across the hardwood floor followed by the girls chant of her name fill the air as they run toward her with their arms open wide. Amber’s sleepy smile brightens as she bends over, hugging them tightly.

  I’m a lucky son of a bitch.

  “What’s that grin for?” Amber asks as she slides into my arms.

  “No grin, I’m just admiring my girls.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

  “Soon the odds could be tilted a little more in your favor.” She steps back, rubbing her hand over the curvature of her round belly. My hand instinctively covers the basketball shape. We decided to forego learning whether our baby is a boy or girl, but damn if I didn’t wish I could see inside right now.

  “Stop!” Sophia shouts, snapping me from my moment.

  “All right, timeout!” Amber yells and they obediently gets down and find their respective corners. I laugh, watching my badass wife control these two little monsters. “You wanna do timeout too?” she says, lifting a single brow as she dares me to challenge her.

  I swallow my laughter and hold my hands up in resignation. “No, they listen to you much better than they do to me,” I say, shaking my head.

  She slaps me on the ass. “Cook me some breakfast. Unleash the babies in three. The caterers will be here at eight. I’m going to take a shower.” She giggles on her way out of the kitchen.

  My eyes never leave her ass as she exaggerates the sway of her walk. I hear Sophia’s giggle echo against the wall of the corner. “What?” I ask, turning her direction.

  “You were looking at Mommy’s butt.” She giggles again before Avery joins in.

  “Come help me cook b
reakfast. Just don’t tell Mommy I let you free early.”

  Both race from the corner toward the refrigerator and pull out the bacon. The doorbell rings and Sophia bolts toward the sound.

  “Sophia, wait!” I run after her.

  Her little face presses against the large glass door. “It’s Grandma! It’s Grandma!” she chants, stepping back and reaching for the lock. Avery runs in with the same excitement as Sophia flings the door open.

  “Good morning!” my mother says happily, bending down to receive big hugs from my little girls.

  “Good morning, Mom,” I say with a kiss to her cheek when she stands.

  “Good morning, Aus. Too early for you?” she asks with a smile, scanning my boxers and tee.

  “These girls,” I say with a shake of my head, knowing I don’t need to explain any further. Her warm smile has me reflecting. Our path has been a long one, but we’ve persevered and now she’s a constant fixture in our lives.

  “Come on, we were just making breakfast,” I say, leading the way back to the kitchen.


  The subtle tightening happens again, this time taking my breath away. I breathe through it until it fades. Today is Meagan’s baby shower. This can’t be happening now.

  I straighten when the bathroom door opens. Austin’s face falls with disappointment when he sees me fully dressed. I smile, wondering what he finds so attractive about me pregnant. They say women often have an increased sex drive, and while that has been true, I haven’t been able to keep up with my insatiable husband my entire pregnancy.

  “I was hoping to catch you naked and wet,” he says seductively, sliding behind me. I wiggle under his touch when the short scruff on his chin nuzzles against the delicate skin on my neck.


  “I love you, baby,” he whispers huskily, turning me in his arms. His hand caresses my face so softly that I’m not sure whether it’s an actual touch or just the heat of our bodies meeting. “Thank you for my life.”

  “Not exactly the rock star lifestyle you always imagined,” I say playfully.

  “I couldn’t have imagined anything this good,” he says before lowering his mouth over mine.

  The subtle twist in my gut reminds me why I can’t take this any further. I push away slightly. “We have to get downstairs. The caterers will be here any minute.”

  “You have to eat first.”

  “Yes, sir,” I say with a salute as I step back. He grins before I turn and leave him in the bathroom.

  “My mother’s here,” he calls out as I’m closing the door.

  Avery’s rolling giggle warms my heart as I come down the stairs and sneak into the kitchen undetected. I love seeing Denise interact with the girls. I never believed this day would come. It’s been close to four years sober for her. The exact count… I can’t be sure, but she is. It’s something she prides herself in and she should.

  I look at the clock when the doorbell rings. “Uncle Ash!” I hear Sophia yell through the house.

  I enter the room in time to see Avery and Sophia tackling Ashton to the floor. Some people have dogs that pounce; I have kids. Meagan stands idly away from the chaos with her hands rubbing her basketball-shaped belly.

  “Okay, okay,” Ashton pleads, plucking each little body off of him.

  “Girls!” I say sternly. They both leap to their feet and stop their assault. With the chaos calmed, Meagan greets the girls and Denise.

  “What’s up, little momma?” Ashton says, rubbing my belly like it’s a crystal ball.

  “You’re early,” I whisper while hugging him.

  “I couldn’t leave all the work up to you, and I couldn’t sit in our house for another minute watching Meagan nest. She’s fucking cleaned everything.” He looks back at her lovingly.

  “Doesn’t anyone fucking sleep anymore?” Austin groans with frustration as he enters the room.

  “Mouth!” Meagan and I shout at the same time.

  It’s a constant battle with our foul-mouthed men. She seems to think she’ll be able to tame Ashton when the baby comes, but I’ve assured her it will never happen. I’ve been trying with Austin since before Sophia could talk and we all see how well that has worked.

  The doorbell rings again and Austin sighs heavily. “Who in the fuck could that be?” he snarls.

  Luckily everyone’s focusing on the door and not the reaction to my stomach tightening with pain. I breathe deeply, unable to get enough air through my nose.

  “You aren’t in labor are you?” Ashton says, sneaking up behind me.


  “Babe, where do you want the caterers to set up?” Austin asks.

  I jump into action, escaping Ashton’s scrutiny.


  “You all right, man?” Reeder asks, stepping up to my side.

  “Yeah, just wondering when my badass wife is going to tell me she’s in labor,” I respond, never taking my eyes off Amber. Over the last several months, I’ve grown accustom to her rubbing her belly. The bigger it gets, the more she touches it, but today I notice the gentle pressure of her hand and deep breathing that forms a perfect O as she works through the pain.

  My dick twitches with the memory of her perfect pink lips…

  “Should you take her to the hospital?” Reeder interrupts my thoughts with wide eyes cast in my direction.

  “Nah, my brother is a doctor, and your wife is a nurse.”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “Emma was a nurse, and she hasn’t kicked the morning sickness stage of her own pregnancy,” he clarifies as both our eyes shift to the crowd of pregnant women. There must have been something in the water.

  “What are we talking about over here?” Kyle asks as he and Ashton approach.

  “Can you deliver a baby?” I ask, turning to Ashton. His eyes scan the room, stopping at each pregnant woman. “Any particular reason I’d have to?” he finally asks.

  “Amber’s been in labor for at least the last hour. She’s due to have another contraction in”—I pause, looking down at my watch—“about two minutes.” I smile at the concern etched on all their faces.

  “Bro, she needs to go to the hospital,” Ashton says, watching Amber.

  Her gaze lifts immediately, scanning our group with a curious pinch of her brow before her eyes connect with mine. I wink and enjoy the blush that I still manage to evoke after all these years. She shakes her head with a soft laugh before returning her attention to the group of women.

  “Did you hear me?” Ashton asks.

  “Yeah,” I reply, not taking my eyes off Amber. She’s beautiful and I love to watch her. She doesn’t understand what I find so irresistible about her round belly, but it’s the sexiest fucking thing in the world to see her carrying a life that we created together. I missed it with Sophia, and I’ll never forgive myself for that.

  I see her body weaken with the pain of the next contraction and jump from my thoughts and into action.

  “Things just got real,” Ashton says, following me across the living room in her direction. Her face is pale and her eyes full of worry when she looks up.

  “When you going to stop being so tough?” I chide as I wrap my arm around her to support her weight.

  “It’s time, babe,” she says through heavy breaths.

  “No, Sunshine, it was time hours ago,” I say, guiding her toward the door.

  “I didn’t want to ruin Meagan’s baby shower. It’s her first one.”

  I place her in the front seat of her Range Rover and glance back at Ashton and Kyle. “Take care of my girls,” I call out before folding into the driver’s seat and racing off to the hospital.


  Another contraction hits me hard, taking my focus off Austin’s reckless driving and on to the splitting pain in my midsection.

  “Breathe, babe,” he says, alternating his eyes from the road to me.

  “Aus, keep your eyes on the road,” I say through clenched teeth.

  The edge of h
is lip curls slightly with the beginning of a grin. It drops immediately when I flash an eat shit and die look in his direction.

  “Breathe, Amber,” he reminds me again, annoying me. I can’t forget to breathe; it’s one of those natural things we all do without thought. How in the hell would I forget something so elementary? “Babe,” he says more sternly and I breathe, realizing I wasn’t before. Emotion surges through me as the contraction eases.

  “Hurry, Austin!” I manage out before the next contraction hits me again. The hospital appears in the distance and the mere sight of it comforts me. He pulls under the emergency entrance pavilion at breakneck speed. With the truck only just stopped, he leaps from the driver’s side and around to my door.

  “I’ll take her. You move your car,” a hospital employee says, pushing a wheelchair in our direction. Austin’s glance stops on him for a fraction of a second before shaking his head.

  “I’m not leaving her,” he says sternly, helping me into the chair.

  “They’ll tow it,” the employee adds. Austin grabs the handles of the wheelchair and pushes me toward the entrance. “I don’t give a shit. Let them have it,” he says, throwing the comment and his keys over his shoulder. Another contraction hits me harder and I feel the pressure mounting. “Austin!” I cry out.

  The elevator doors part and Dr. Long is standing there with a smile. She steps forward, calmly holding the stainless steel doors open.

  “You ready to have this baby?”

  First and foremost, I want to thank my husband for too many things to mention, but mostly for always believing in me. I couldn’t do this without your unwavering support and encouragement.

  To the incredible women in my life, Ann Marie, Ashley, Carmen, Dannyelle, Evette and Melanie. Your thoughts and ideas have helped to shape Amber and Austin’s story into what it is today. Thank you doesn’t adequately cover the gratitude I feel for your support of my journey.


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