Endgame: A LitRPG Adventure (The Crucible Shard Book 7)

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Endgame: A LitRPG Adventure (The Crucible Shard Book 7) Page 5

by Skyler Grant

“You know that to be another lie,” Elsora said.

  I nodded.

  “Darkness and Light. Destruction and Creation, we’re old themes. Absolute classics. I don’t know if you’ve given any thought to that,” Elsora said.

  “Diamond says I’m making a mistake having any faith in you. That if you are another half of her mother, it’s one incapable of creating anything,” I said.

  Elsora looked pensive for a moment and shook her head. “Diamond is brilliant, the greatest of Ashera’s children and it’s always worth listening to her. Still, there is more to it. Whenever trying to judge a liar such as myself, look at our deeds and not our words. Why am I here?”

  If I’d ever thought she’d stop playing my instructor just because we were married, clearly I was wrong. It hadn’t made her motivations any more transparent either, for all that I did think she was trying.

  By here, I didn’t think she was talking about Castle Sardonis. She must mean the Crucible Shard. And why? While she had originally come for Cobalt, Elsora remained for me. There was more to it, though. Elsora had the whole universe to choose from and yet she had come here. It had to be for the same reason Cobalt had come here—and why unknowingly I had been drawn here.

  The same reason everyone came to this place. They wanted to change their fate.

  “Diamond was right, but she isn’t anymore,” I said.

  Elsora smiled faintly. “Ashera has children, a strong and powerful bloodline running through reality, because she has part of that essence of creation within her.”

  “And you couldn’t have children, because you’re the essence of destruction. Yet, you’re pregnant now,” I said.

  Elsora said, “I am. Although you know the theatrics it took to make it so. I’m never going to be mistaken for the good one, but I’m not the destruction of the universe and I am building something grand. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  I did. I had nine daughters out there that had been created to be monsters. They were designed to spread death, destruction and suffering wherever they went. They were, in other words, a lot like her.

  I wondered if Elsora was really a master planner at all. Silver had been a Seer, perhaps she was as well. Had she orchestrated grand plans to make herself a twisted little family of monsters, or was she a woman striving very hard to bring something good out of a terrible situation? I didn’t know, and strangely enough I decided it didn’t matter. That twisted little family was in front of me and needed my help. I was going to find a way to save all of them.

  “I love you,” I said.

  “I know. It’s terribly foolish. Kiss me again and then let’s get in there. We have to stop a few wars and then start a new one.”

  I kissed her, but made it a quick one. We had worlds to conquer.

  Elsora and I made our way into the war room and settled into our seats, I had my place at the head of the table with Elsora beside me.

  “Might I start us off?” Elsora asked.

  “Sure. We may as well get it out of the way,” I said.

  Elsora said, “Most of you have met me before, although there was a lot you didn’t know about me. There still is. This is the important thing to know. Wars are springing up around the center of reality and a build-up of forces is happening that can be truly cataclysmic. I have a plan to stop it.”

  “We’re listening,” Diamond said.

  I hadn’t expected her to be so open-minded. Diamond probably wanted to hear the whole plan before coming to any conclusions.

  “Queen Ashera is holed up in the Silver City, while multiple armies surrounding her prepare for war. While the Nine are out there and her enemies gather, she and her forces are effectively pinned down,” Elsora said.

  Diamond’s eyes narrowed just a touch, and she nodded imperceptibly.

  “It is the safest move. While she is in residence with her army, the Silver City can be considered invincible,” Cobalt said.

  “Is Grandma really that strong?” Hope asked.

  “Your grandma has very big fangs, kid,” Tiger said.

  “We are not so limited. Here at this table we have several of the more powerful forces including two who possess the Right of War,” Elsora said.

  “So do the Nine,” Diamond said.

  “I’m not suggesting we face them. I propose we find a way to shut down the armies that lay siege to the city,” Elsora said.

  Diamond looked thoughtful, but she raised no objection.

  “I’m out of the loop. What are these armies?” Cobalt asked.

  “The first should be known to you. The Neutronium Spire,” Elsora said.

  Cobalt winced. I’d never heard of them, and that wince was never a good sign.

  “I’ve unofficially bumped up against them a few times. Killed one of their Emperors once. They’re an Interplanetary Empire in their own plane, and constantly at war with any number of alien species. They really love killing,” Cobalt said.

  “They’re capable of limited inter-planar travel. Not with their ships, fortunately, but they have devised planar gates that allow them to move an army. It is an interesting technology,” Diamond said.

  “They have not-infrequent internal wars between factions. They are pretty dangerous. Can you handle it alone or do you need help?” Cobalt asked Diamond.

  “You won’t understand their planar technology and that is going to be our best chance of shutting them down. I’m on it,” Diamond said.

  Well, that was two of our biggest fighters gone right out the door.

  “Next the Oga-kar,” Elsora said.

  “I’ve got them. They love a good fight and hey, I’m me,” Cobalt said.

  “What is an Oga-kar?” Hope asked.

  “Not too technological, they love battles and drinking. The thing that makes them somewhat unique is they are all immortal. Every one. Kill them on the battlefield and they rise the next day,” Diamond said.

  “I could see that dawn never came, if necessary, but I’d prefer to not exterminate them,” Elsora said.

  “Absolutely not. I won’t allow it,” Hope said.

  “You shouldn’t have to. They respect a good brawl. It’s been too long since I got a real workout. This will be great,” Cobalt said.

  “Next up, we have the Dark Witches of Exum. Powerful spell-casters and practitioners of the darkest sorceries,” Elsora said.

  “I can talk to them, I used to date one. We got along well,” Tiger said.

  “She tried to sacrifice you to a demon lord,” Diamond said.

  “Well, it was a rough breakup,” Tiger said.

  Elsora cleared her throat. “Then I guess that leaves Olympus for King Liam and the others.”

  “Olympus?” I asked.

  “You wouldn’t know them, we scrubbed them from Earth history. You’ll like them though, they get in fights and sleep around a lot. They’re our kind of people,” Yve said.

  “Take Hope,” Cobalt said.

  Hope perked up.

  I wanted to spend more time with her, but I hadn’t planned on taking her to war.

  “Glad to have you,” I said. This would be an all-new worry.

  Chapter 9

  Getting to Olympus shouldn’t be too difficult with Hope having the Right of Travel. I don’t know where that one came from considering that Cobalt didn’t have it. Perhaps it had something to do with her being conceived in close proximity to an inter-planar drive. That could be an awkward question for me to pose to Diamond one of these days.

  I quickly learned that having the Right of Travel didn’t necessarily equate to being very skillful at it. Hope had little practice with the power. Eventually she might learn to be as great at hopping around as Malachite, but she wasn’t right now.

  Before we finally reached our goal we wound up having lunch at an Olympus Bar & Grill, browsing the wares at Olympirium Arms & Armor, and we nearly decided to stay the night at the OlympInn. Still, persistence pays off and we did finally reach our destination. Of course, this meant mate
rializing right in the throne room of a hostile power.

  The room had an impressive amount of marble and statuary, as well as rather peevish-looking people in ornate clothing. I slipped on my glasses of Game Sight and had a look to see what we were dealing with. First, the figure upon the throne.

  Zeus: Patriarch of the Gods

  Zeus is commonly called the Father of the Gods of Olympus. A proud man and an awful ruler he maintains his throne by being powerful. With superhuman strength and endurance and electrical-based attacks he is a powerhouse.

  Okay. So he was buff—and not alone. If my own life had taught me anything, I’d learned it was stupid to ignore the woman next to the throne.

  Hera: Matriarch of the Gods

  Hera is the wife of Zeus, although to call her the mother of the Gods would be inaccurate. In truth many of those of Olympus are born from illegitimate unions and Hera is known for taking her vengeance on her husband’s lovers and their children.

  No note on her powers, but I’d assume her to be dangerous. Next, the stunningly beautiful girl not wearing a stitch of clothing, and someone who didn’t look like she wanted to kill me.

  Aphrodite: Goddess of Love

  Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and of Pleasure. Aphrodite is the most beautiful of the Olympians and can inspire desire in all who see her. Often petty and ill-tempered she is a source of many problems in Olympus.

  Right. I was pretty immune to instantly falling in love these days, but I’d better check on my companions. Yve and Ashley looked totally enraptured, Walt and Hope still seemed to have their wits about them.

  What about the one actually wearing armor?

  Ares: God of War

  Ares is the God of War. Skilled in all manner of weapons and violence and possessing of divine strength and skill, he is to be found wherever there is a war to be waged.

  If worse came to worse we’d just kill this guy. Take away the God of War and you can’t have a war. It made sense to me.

  “Who dares to enter our home uninvited?” Zeus asked, standing from his throne, electricity crackling against his form.

  Hera said, “One of a twelve, although not our twelve who is husband to Nyx. One who has drunk of power and is as Maenad. A fallen Aphrodite and a Hades rising. Alongside them, Hope,” Hera said.

  Really? Hope got to be herself while the rest of us were various types of gibberish. The universe really did like those of the Blood more.

  Zeus looked suddenly uncomfortable. “It has been long since we’ve seen Nyx. What brings you to the halls of Olympus?”

  Right. Elsora seemed to have opened up something of a door at least.

  “We wish you to call off your war with the Silver City,” I said.

  “Ah,” Zeus said, giving me a level stare. “Then you have come on a hopeless cause. Long have we deserved to take our rightful place and the way is open. We shall tear down the Silver City and place Olympus there. There is no discussion to be had and no compromise to be made.”

  Well, that wasn’t leaving me a lot of wriggle-room to work with. I was getting awfully tired of barging into other people’s homes and them not yielding to my demands.

  “I’m going to have to insist,” I said.

  Zeus didn’t consider this for more than a moment before he raised a hand. Lightning blasted out, sending me sprawling backwards with bolts of discharge flinging off my armor.

  Good. It wasn’t like we had to fight an army, just those in charge of one. How bad could this be?

  Ares was charging towards Ashley, and Hope intercepted him, ducking under a blow and tearing the shield from his arm to bash him in the face with it. The God of War looked more than a little startled to have a fight on his hands. They didn’t know who we were.

  “Be careful,” Yve said, as she unhooked her sword. “They’re all going to have abilities.”

  There was a blur of motion. I couldn’t even fully make out the figure rapidly moving around her, pummeling her senseless, although the glasses of Game Sight got a glimpse of a name. Hermes.

  Zeus had left me for dead and directed his attention towards Walt, who was blocking a stream of lightning with the Death-hand. It was never smart to ignore me.

  I drove Intemperance into his thigh and the sword blazed brightly. Lightning cracked out, hurling me back once more in an explosion of light.

  “Ares, settle with the girl and get over here,” Zeus said.

  “Trying,” Ares said, as Hope bashed him in the face once more. “She’s not bad.”

  “That’s my daughter,” I said. Kind of proud of that fact.

  “And that’s my boy. Kind of a disappointment,” Zeus said, before blasting me with another cascade of lightning. The repeated blasts were really weakening me, my limbs twitchy, and it was getting harder to keep a hold of my sword.

  Hope threw the shield into the air and flipped onto her back, catching the shield with a kick from her feet that sent it hurtling upwards with astonishing force into Ares’ jaw. The God of War wobbled for a moment and crashed hard to the floor.

  “Think we’re done here,” I said.

  “Pretty sure you’re right. You really should have brought your wife,” Zeus said.

  Stepping towards Hope, Hera opened up an intricately detailed box. Wind gushed and howled, and Hope flailed for a moment before being sucked inside.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “That was your muscle being taken out of the fight,” Zeus said, as he placed both hands together and hit me with the nastiest bolt of lightning yet.

  The room had been fairly empty when we arrived, but more deities seemed to be arriving by the minute. Most of them were busy beating us up. Walt held out surprisingly long against four of them before a blow finally got past the Death-hand and knocked him out. Ashley didn’t last nearly as long.

  I had the mixed blessing and curse of cosmic-level endurance. Zeus beat me bloody and then he kept beating me. I don’t know how long he kept at it, all I know is that Zeus had a lot of rage and it took him a while to get it out of his system. He was still working me over as the others were dragged out of the room. The box containing Hope was put on a shelf.

  If I was tired of people refusing my reasonable demands when I came into their homes, I was even more tired of them winning the fights that came afterwards. I had to get stronger.

  It was my last thought before I lost consciousness.

  Chapter 10

  When I came to I was having sex—or at least it seemed like it. I’d gotten used to having my brain messed with, and become resistant to it, so I had my suspicions. A giveaway was my apparent choice of partners—people I was quite certain I’d not be winding up in bed with any time soon.

  One moment I’d find myself in Diamond’s arms and kissing along her neck, and the next with Dara Riel writhing beneath me. Malachite, Ashera… Yvera in her new volcanic form. It also never seemed to be going anywhere in particular. All build-up, no payoff.

  I was in some kind of spell then. That made sense. Making a cell to hold someone like me would be tough, so it would be better to trap them inside a prison of their own mind. It wouldn’t be the first time for that either. Liara had done something like this once when she had trapped me in pleasure, and Walt and Ashley in different forms of suffering.

  A parade of partners I never actually slept with, and having sex that never got anywhere. Was I ensnared in my own sexual frustration? If so, someone was going to die for this. It would work as punishment, and it did serve as sort of a backhanded slap at Elsora.

  Mind Games was going to be my best option here. If I had some genuine partner putting me through this torment, it would at least let me get inside their head.

  I reached out with the power. The world fuzzed and blurred for a moment.

  I was still in bed just as I had been, although now I was sandwiched between mirror images of Aphrodite. Well, this hadn’t been helpful. If anything it seemed to have doubled my problems.

  “Now that is unexpecte
d,” said Aphrodite one.

  “Nobody mentioned you had the ability to go inside minds,” said Aphrodite two.

  The only conversation I’d ever had inside a mindscape had been with Veros. I’d assumed it was possible because of his overwhelming power. Perhaps that was the case here as well.

  “I do. I take it I’m being held prisoner. I get that, after an attack on the throne room, but why am I stuck in an Aphrodite sandwich?” I said.

  “You’re in Tartarus,” said Aphrodite one, nipping at one earlobe.

  “It’s a prison for the most wicked of souls,” said Aphrodite two, nipping at the other earlobe.

  “Yeah. A threesome is just about the worst punishment a man could endure. You’re ace torturers,” I said.

  Aphrodite one laughed. “The torment of King Sissyphus. There is this giant boulder and he just spends all eternity pushing it up a hill.”

  Aphrodite two nuzzled against me. “He almost gets it to the very top and then it comes rolling back down.”

  I took a deep breath, that didn’t help. They smelled amazing. It was so hard to focus like this, but I knew how important it was. People kept underestimating me, kept thinking that they could prey upon this weakness of mine. I wasn’t going to let them.

  “I get it. It’s a lot like I was just going through. That doesn’t explain you,” I said.

  “One of us is Nephele, the cloud nymph. That is the one holding you prisoner,” breathed Aphrodite One into my ear.

  “The other is Aphrodite, who was trying and failing to set you free,” breathed Aphrodite Two into my other ear.

  I was starting to get an idea where this was going. I didn’t like it.

  “And I can’t tell simply by talking with you,” I said.

  “Aphrodite would love to make it that easy for you,” said Aphrodite one.

  “But this is Nephele’s world,” said Aphrodite two.

  “So why don’t you just tell me how this all works,” I said.

  “The one isn’t a perfect copy,” said Aphrodite One, settling her head upon a pillow.


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