Beast in Shining Armor (A Kinda Fairy Tale)

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Beast in Shining Armor (A Kinda Fairy Tale) Page 12

by Cassandra Gannon

  So, Belle sat under the bleachers and plotted her revenge. Peter didn’t matter. Belle couldn’t even work up the energy to hate him. He was just a tool of the true mastermind. She was going to make Avenant pay. The Beast had no idea who he was messing with. She tried to think of something that would really hurt him. Something life-scarring and physically painful. Something that would haunt him for the rest of his pathetic, wasted days.

  Something that would break him.

  “There you are.” Avenant sang out in his cheeriest tone. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Bella.” He ducked under the bleacher’s metal supports, heading towards her. A cardboard crown sat on his shiny hair, proclaiming him prom king. “I think Peter might like a dance.”

  Belle swiped at her eyes and hated him with the intensity of a thousand suns. “Peter’s drunk. He has no idea where he is, let alone what he wants.”

  “Oh, I think he knows exactly what he wants. Presently, she’s wearing a red spandex dress and has her hand down his pants.” Avenant arched a brow when he saw she was upset. “Don’t worry. Pete’s not going to get a happy ending. Come Monday, Jill will forget he even exists and he’ll be a laughingstock. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “You must be very proud.”

  “Little bit.” He agreed. “The guy’s always been an asshole and now everyone will see it.”

  “You’re the asshole. Peter is a nice guy and you’re making a fool of him.”

  “Nice.” Avenant’s voice lost its taunting quality. “He’s tongue-fucking another girl in the middle of your date!”

  “Peter’s not usually like this. He’s a Merit Scholar.”

  “He betrayed you! I just showed you that.” Avenant looked confused. Actually, he looked… hurt. Like he was genuinely perplexed by her attitude. “Why are you defending him? How could you even go out with someone so weak?”

  She got to her feet. “Peter was the only one in the school brave enough to ask me. That’s why you’re targeting him.” She jabbed a finger at Avenant’s chest. “You can’t stand that someone would stand up to you. You can’t stand that someone might not be intimidated by your stupid vendetta against me.”

  “I can’t stand that you said yes to him!” Avenant loomed over her. “You only did it to piss me off and now you’re surprised that it worked?”

  “Oh, because everything is always about you, right? Why can’t you ever take responsibility for being a jackass? You don’t even feel guilty about it, do you?”

  “No, I don’t feel guilty. Peter knew I would destroy him if he came near you. Everyone knows that. What happened is on him. When he got between us, he became fair game. I should have finished him off that day at the pool.”

  “It was your fault, not his. Everything is always your fault, because you always go too far.” She glowered up at him. “Do I attack your stick-figure girlfriends? No. I leave innocent people out of it, even when they’re dumber than a pompom. Why can’t you do the same?”

  For some reason, Avenant grew even more agitated. “Peter isn’t innocent. Neither is any other guy who asks you out. I will ruin every date you try to have with another man, I promise you.”

  “You are such a beast!”

  “And I know you don’t give a shit who I’m dating.” He continued ruthlessly. “That’s obvious. If you were pissed about any of them, I’d be thrilled and they’d be history.”

  Belle frowned. “You’re trying to annoy me with…?”

  He cut her off. “But I care about your social calendar a lot. What did you think I was going to do tonight, huh? Let you head off to the after-party with Mr. Merit Scholar and the goddamn flower he gave you?” Avenant grabbed the corsage right off her wrist, crushing the purple carnation in his hand. His eyes glowed electric blue. “Or were you just fucking with me?”

  That did it. Belle’s lips pressed together and she started around him.

  He wasn’t expecting her to stop arguing and walk away. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m done with you, Avenant. Forever.”

  “What? No.” He chased after her. “You don’t mean that.”

  She kept going, wishing she could do or say something to really hurt him. To break him, like he was always trying to break her. But that was impossible, because he didn’t care about anything. “I do mean it. You’re not even worth fighting with anymore.”

  “Stop.” Avenant blocked her path, his face pale. “Belle, no. You can’t leave me.”

  “You’re out of control! You just ruined my prom, my friendship with Peter, and my first corsage!”

  “I know. Shit. I didn’t mean it. The Beast was lashing out and I just lost it for a second.”


  “Please.” He seemed almost panicked. “I’ll buy you a new corsage. A bigger one. I want to. I can buy you whatever you ask for. Flowers, jewelry, books, horses. Name it and it’s yours.”

  “I don’t want anything from you.”

  He flinched.

  Belle glared up at him. “If you weren’t the prince, no one in this entire kingdom would put up with you. They’re just afraid of you. You’re not going to bully me like you do the others…”

  “I’m sorry.” He interrupted simply.

  She hesitated. Avenant had never apologized before and it took the wind from her sails. “You are?”

  “Yes. I shouldn’t have touched your corsage. I just hated seeing it.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “Are you sorry about wrecking my date, too?”

  “Fuck no.” His expression darkened. “Peter will be lucky to live to graduation.”

  That was the Avenant she knew and loathed. “Leave him alone.”

  “Give me a reason.”

  “I won’t give you anything.”

  “No kidding. You sure don’t give me a chance.” He seethed. “That’s what makes me crazy. You give that pasty son-of-a-bitch a chance and not me. Why?”

  “What are you talking about? I have given you plenty of chances to be a Good person and you can’t do it. You show me again and again that you never think of anyone but yourself.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “You’re Bad all the way through, Avenant.”

  “That’s not true.” His voice cracked. “I swear, it’s not.”

  “Name one person you care about, then. One.”

  His gaze sharpened. “You.” He moved closer to her, his body brushing against hers. “I care about you, Belle. More than anything else in this world.”

  She drew in a gasp at his words and at the feel of him. It was like that day in the pool, only better. She automatically shifted closer, feeling the hard ridge of him brush her stomach and… liking it. Her nipples tightened into points and her blood thickened. She tried to think of something to say and came up empty. All she could focus on was the blue of his eyes as they met hers.

  She stared up at him in a trance.

  Avenant’s breathing got harsher when she didn’t push him away. “You don’t ever have to be afraid of me.” He whispered. The electric glow was back in his eyes, but it was no longer angry. “I will give you everything I have and more. Gladly. I’ll hand over the whole kingdom if you ask. I can become a Merit Scholar. I can even try to be a knight in shining armor.” He leaned down, his lips brushing over hers. “Just give me a chance, Bella. You have no idea how I long for you.”

  Oh God.

  She bit back a whimper as his mouth slowly coaxed hers to open. She’d never been kissed before. Reading love stories from the time she could sound out the words had turned her into a romantic. She’d always had big expectations for her first kiss. Epic plans for its splendor. No boy had ever seemed up to matching her imagination. And she’d certainly never pictured Avenant in her dreams. At least, not that she’d ever admitted to herself. He was always so mean to her and Bad and selfish. But this…

  Desire washed over her and her toes curled.

  This was what she’d been waiting for.

my love.” He breathed against her lips and she knew what he wanted.

  Belle gathered her confidence and kissed him back. It was insane, but she kissed him back.

  Avenant gave a growl of approval at her hesitant response. He maneuvered her backwards so she was trapped between the gym wall and his body, his fingers tangling in her hair. The careful work of the stylist was ruined and she didn’t care. Belle’s arms wrapped around his neck, lost in the heat of it.

  Avenant’s hands shook with need. His mouth carefully caressed hers, even as the strength of his grasp had her flattened against the cinderblocks. He touched her like he expected her to slip away and, at the same time, like she was precious to him. The combination of power and gentleness was intoxicating. Belle softened against him, granting him even deeper access. He was always so cold, but now she felt him melting. Giving. Avenant’s whole body leaned into her embrace, his restless cruelty tamed. He wasn’t trying to ravish. The Beast of the Northlands wanted to be tender with her and Belle was completely under his spell.

  This was who she’d been waiting for.

  When the kiss finally ended, Avenant seemed as mesmerized as she felt. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His thumb brushed her cheekbone like she was made of crystal. “You always have been.”

  “And you’ve always been a liar.” She glanced away from his intense eyes, feeling befuddled and not knowing what to say. “Really, I should look a lot better, given how much this outfit cost.”

  Her parents hated budgets and had flawless taste when it came to clothing. Prom was one of the few occasions when she deferred to their wishes and let them dress her up as fancily as they wished. God knew, she had no sense of style.

  She’d wanted to look pretty… but she was suddenly very sure it hadn’t been to impress her date. Like so much else in her life, it had all been about Avenant.

  Belle hesitated, trying to make sense of this.

  “I love this dress, even if you did wear it for another guy.” Avenant’s palm came up to cup her breast through the yellow silk. “But, it is definitely not what makes you beautiful, Bella.”

  No one had ever touched her like that before and it felt… amazing. She’d always been embarrassed by her breasts. They were too small, but, when he touched them, she could feel them swell with desire. Shocked, her gaze flew back to his and she saw his mouth curve.

  Since she was never inclined to give Avenant the benefit of the doubt, she didn’t stop to think he was smiling because of her astonished reaction. Instead, her mind instantly went to a dark place.

  He was tricking her.

  He was laughing at her.

  Of course he was. It was the only thing that made sense. Why else would Avenant be there with her, when he could have anyone? He was out for revenge. She’d done everything in her power to make sure he wasn’t elected prom king and now he was trying to get back at her. Or it could’ve been because she’d been named valedictorian over him. Or because of a thousand other things. Their battles were endless and this fake seduction was just a new tactic.

  Belle shoved him away. “No.” She shook her head, trying to clear it. “I’m not falling for this, you bastard.”

  Avenant seemed surprised. “Belle…” He reached out his hand and she swatted it away.

  “Don’t.” She warned.


  “Why are you really up to? Are you videotaping this or something?” She looked around for cameras.


  “Well, whatever you’re plotting, it’s not going to work.”

  “Goddamn it!” He looked like he was going to explode, no doubt angry that she was spoiling his newest plot to humiliate her. His voice got darker and he didn’t seem to notice. “This is real. You can deny it if you want, but you feel it, too. We’re real. That’s what’s scaring you.”

  She began fixing her dress, trying to hide the tremors in her limbs. “I can’t believe I almost bought your bullshit. I can’t believe I let you kiss me against a wall. The punch bowl really is spiked.”

  “Don’t walk away from me. Not when we are so close.”

  “Close to what? You doing something else to ruin my night?”

  “You’re supposed to be with me!” He roared. “It’s supposed to be this way. Why can’t you see that?” He scrapped a hand through his hair, dislodging his stupid paper crown. “Why won’t you just surrender? Do you get off on torturing me? Is that it?”

  “How in the hell have you turned yourself into the injured party here?”

  “I’ve been the injured party since we were kids. You never thought I was Good enough to be your friend, but we’re going to be a lot more than that. It’s inevitable.”


  “Yes.” He was more worked up than she’d ever seen him, blue eyes glowing with rage. “I’m your True Love! Not Peter. Not anyone else. Me.”

  Belle’s mind whirled, her mouth parting in shock. “What?”

  “It’s true and you know it. You have to know it, Belle.”

  “No.” She didn’t trust him. She never had, because he gave her no reason to. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Take your clothes off and I’ll prove it to you, then.” He shot back furiously. Good folk always knew their True Love when they had sex. “Why the hell would I lie about this?”

  “So you can set me up, obviously! So, you can get me into bed and then laugh your ass off when it’s over.”

  “You think I’m thrilled about it? That I wouldn’t walk out there and find someone less aggravating if I could?” He flung a wild gesture towards the prom on the other side of the bleachers and all the large busted girls who idolized him. “You think I can’t have anyone I choose?”

  Belle’s temper reached its flashpoint. “Well, you can’t have me. You could beg me on your knees, I still wouldn’t be yours.” She shouted. “You’re playing some new game to try and screw with me. Only it won’t work, because I see right through you. I see how cold you are inside. You wouldn’t know your True Love if you sat on her, because you aren’t capable of feeling anything real.”

  “Oh, I’m feeling a lot of things, right now.”

  Belle shook her head. “You can’t win this. You know that, so just give up the ploy.” She met his eyes. “It will always and forever be no, Avenant.”

  Avenant glanced away, his face going tight. For once, he didn’t have anything snarky to say. He knew his scheme had been busted and that she’d won the round.

  Feeling vindicated, even if her body was still aching, Belle marched passed him. “You’d better not tell anyone about this either. It never happened.”

  “I’ve already forgotten it and you. I’m going back to my very limber prom queen and you can go back to being the third wheel on Jill and Peter’s date.”

  As always, he sounded completely confident in his own superiority. Untouched and unaffected by her. But when she glanced at him over her shoulder, Avenant wasn’t heading towards the dance floor. He was alone, leaning against the wall with his face tilted back and his eyes squeezed shut in defeat.

  Like he was broken.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rosabella Aria Ashman: As soon as I started looking into the finances of the kingdom, I knew there was a problem. I don’t know why I was even surprised that Avenant was behind it. He’s always got some trick up his sleeve.

  Look at him over there plotting.

  Defense: Ms. Ashman, my client is handcuffed to a chair and surrounded by armed guards.

  Surely you’re not so paranoid that you think he’s up to something right now

  Rosabella Aria Ashman: Of course he’s up to something! He’s breathing, isn’t he?

  Testimony of Ms. Rosabella Aria Ashman- The People of the Northlands v. Prince Avenant

  Belle let out a gasp as Avenant’s lips met hers. It was unfair that he was so beautiful. That he tasted so good. That he felt so warm. All the clear and rational reasons why she should stay away from him faded away whe
n he touched her.

  “Goddamn it.” She whimpered as his teeth grazed her lower lip. “How do you keep doing this to me?”

  “It’s you who does it to me. You always have.” He lifted a palm to touch her cheek and Belle saw his palm was bleeding.

  “Are you alright?” She caught hold of his hand and turned it to survey the damage. “You’re hurt.” The jagged thorns of the rosebushes had torn long gashes into his flesh. He’d cut his skin to ribbons coming to find her. Belle lifted her eyes to his. “You should’ve been more careful. For all we know these plants are poisonous.”

  “When you’re out of my sight, all I care about is having you beside me, again. This?” He lifted his wrist and made a rueful face at the scratches. “This is one of the least crazy things I’ve done to be with you.” He dipped his head to find her mouth, again. “I want you so much it makes me insane.”

  Belle felt herself falling under his spell. It was always like that when the Beast showed her his softer side. When Avenant stopped snarking at her and became tender, she felt almost spellbound.

  And very, very aroused.

  The kiss got deeper. More passionate. Avenant took everything she offered and demanded more. His body pressed against hers and she instinctively rocked against his erection. Belle’s whole system was screaming for him. The last time he’d done this to her was right before he was sent off to jail and the memory of it still left her waking up panting for him. It was such a bad idea to let this happen, again.

  Belle tried to think. “What about your True Love?” She asked, coming up for air.

  “This has been brewing between us since that day in the pool. Longer than that.” His breathing was harsh. “We’re never going to move forward until we deal with it.”

  Belle’s body felt like it was on fire. “You think we should sleep together?” She translated, wanting to make sure they were on the same page. “Really?”

  “This is our moment.” His voice was dark and hypnotic. “Sooner or later, it had to happen. We both knew that.”


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