Fight (Velocity, #2) (Velocity Series)

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Fight (Velocity, #2) (Velocity Series) Page 12

by Molly McLain

  “You’d be with me even if you didn’t love me?”

  He straightens upright and I venture a potentially telling glance up at him. He’s frowning down at me. “We don’t ever have to worry about that.”

  “No, but—”

  “There’s no but, Tee. One, we’ve never made love without it meaning something, therefore we’d never be in the same position as Tito and Bria.”

  Goosebumps flood across my skin and the smile that tickles his mouth says he feels them beneath his fingers.

  “Two, if I ever accidentally got you pregnant, I’d take that as yet another sign of how destined we are to be together.”

  The pressure in my chest blooms into heated emotion and suddenly I’m choked up. “There’ve been other signs?”

  He dips his chin resolutely. “No one else would put up with my shit and still love me.”

  “Casey would. So would your mom…”

  His head tips to the side, giving me that crooked smile of his. “I don’t get hard for them, Tee.”

  Thank God for that.

  “I don’t believe the Lord would have blessed me with someone like you if He didn’t mean for me to love you in every way imaginable.”

  Warm tears build in my eyes, and he leans in and places a sweet kiss on my lips.

  “You’ll make a beautiful mother someday, Taylor, and if you and God decide I’m the one who gets to share that with you, there’ll be nothing accidental about it.”

  - - -


  “Well, well…” Flint greets me and Taylor at the door with his Canon on a strap around his neck. He’s wearing a sleeveless T-shirt, revealing a thorny tribal tattoo on his right shoulder, and he’s sweating like a motherfucker. “I’ll never turn a pretty lady away at the door, so you’ll have to bear with my less than desirable accommodations today…” he says to Taylor, giving her a generous look-over, before he frowns. “My air conditioning is out and it’s hotter than hell inside.”

  Taylor, bless her heart, smiles. “And to think Colton just got here.”

  Flint throws his head back and gives a full-bellied laugh. “I like this girl, Col! I like her a lot!”

  He ushers us inside and immediately takes Taylor by the hand, leading her to his pride and joy bar. My attention snags on Bria, emerging from the back hall…in a white string bikini.

  “Hey, you,” she greets me with a grin. “Wasn’t sure if you’d show up.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” I sift through the small pile of ProFit clothing that Flint has stacked on the arm of his couch and bite back a groan. I see why Bria’s dressed the way she is. Apparently it’s swimwear day and, of my four changes, I’ll be lucky if two of them have enough spandex to cover my balls.

  “Well, you quit, so…” She lifts a shoulder and glances toward the bar. “Reinforcement, huh?”

  “My real girlfriend,” I snap, though the warm feeling that blooms in my gut at equating Taylor with that title is nice. “And I quit the bullshit with you, not High Octane or my contracts.”

  “Hmm,” she sounds, tossing her wavy hair over her shoulder. “Let’s hope Liz doesn’t have a shit fit.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if she does.” In fact, part of me wants her to, so I can laugh in her goddamn face. She thought she’d get me to buckle, but she’s seriously underestimated my bullheadedness. Or the strength that having Taylor in my corner gives me.

  “Go on and get dressed,” Flint calls from the bar. “I’ll keep your lady entertained over here.”

  I’m sure he will, the friggin’ perv. “Don’t even think about taking her to the dark room.”

  “What if she wants to?”

  “She won’t,” I warn, and he chuckles.

  “Always ruining my fun.”

  Damn right. “Which one first?” I ask, grabbing the pile of all white gear from the couch.

  “Let’s go with the man-thong first. Get the awkward shit over with.”

  Friggin’ great.

  Glancing back, I catch Taylor biting her lips together to keep from laughing. I’m about to humiliate myself in front of her…for her. She better have lots of kisses saved up for me, because the second we get to Phoenix, I’m going to wipe that smirk right off her gorgeous face.

  “You just wait,” I warn her with a grin of my own before I head to the changing room. Ten minutes later, with the hair- and ball sac-pulling material stretched to its limit, I return to the studio with a towel slung around my waist.

  The second I drop it, the door opens and Liz saunters in like the high and fucking mighty queen she thinks she is. McKinnon tags along behind her, looking uncomfortable as hell. My outfit—or lack thereof—probably doesn’t help.

  “You’re not supposed to be here.” Liz scowls at me before glancing at Taylor, sitting on the couch. “Oh, how nice. You brought your flavor of the week, too.”

  Ignoring the jab, I shift a glare to McKinnon. “If you’re here to replace me, you can leave. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He dips his chin, and starts to turn, but Liz grabs his arm first and points to the couch without saying a word. McKinnon drops down opposite of Taylor like a trained dog, and I grunt.

  Pathetic bastard.

  Thankfully the shoot goes fast and, an hour later, Flint calls a wrap. I hurry up and get dressed, hopefully leaving little time for Liz to pounce on Taylor in my absence. When I return, however, it’s Bria that has Taylor pulled off to the side, talking animatedly with her hands. For a fleeting second, I wonder if someone like Taylor could be good for Bria. Someone still planted firmly in the normal world. Someone with a good head on her shoulders.

  Liz approaches with a two fingers of brandy in hand. “Well, you won this round,” she says with a smarmy lilt. “But you won’t win the next.”

  “This isn’t a game.” I shake my head.

  “Yeah, it is.” She flashes a bitchy grin. “And I never lose, Colton. I told you that a long time ago.”

  “All of this because you want a few extra bucks? Fucking sad.”

  She lifts a shoulder. “Money makes me happy. Just like it does you.”

  “No.” The woman watching me carefully from the other side of the room? She makes me happy. “All this time we’ve known each other, I can’t believe you don’t know me better than that.”

  “We were business associates, Colton. Never friends.”

  Good to fucking know. A lesson for next time around, too.

  “She’s very pretty, by the way. I can see why you like her.” She nods to Taylor. “Does she know about you and Bria?”

  “Yep.” I glance at my watch and use my Uber app to request a ride to the airport. “Richard should have your exit details ready by the first part of the week. You can direct any questions to him.”

  “But does she know everything?” Liz asks, her voice low. “Even Myrtle Beach?”

  I frown. “Nothing happened in Myrtle Beach.”

  To that, Liz just grins. “Oh, Colton. You silly, naive little boy.”

  “Oh, Liz,” I mimic her. “You greedy, blood-hungry bitch. I hope you have a nice life.”

  With that, I gather Taylor and we walk out, closing that chapter of this messed up friggin’ saga once and for all.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The open air arena in Phoenix is smaller than the one in Vegas, but I think it’s my favorite so far. Smaller crowd, a warm night, the stars in the clear night sky above…

  I left Colton in the garage with the rest of the guys after their warm-up so they could talk shop and do whatever it is they do before their shows. I imagine them putting their hands in the middle of a huddle and pumping each other up like other sports teams do, but since they’re competing against each other, I doubt my vision is anything like reality.

  Regardless, I have a good feeling about tonight. The energy in the crowd is positive. The guys all ran a great practice, too, so the show is sure to be over the top. There’s also no doubt in my mind that I’ll be the
one claiming Colton’s victory kiss this time around, even if my earlier conversation with Bria wasn’t awkward as hell.

  Something about the woman rubs me the wrong way. She was obviously trying to kiss my ass today and rightfully so, still some of the things she said left me feeling uneasy. I can’t quite put my finger on what, but if I had to guess, I’d say she’s hiding something. Naturally, my suspicion is that she isn’t really pregnant at all, but Colton showed me a text he received from Tito earlier. The sonogram image looks similar to my own, save Bria’s name printed up in the corner. There isn’t a due date listed, but she says she’s due a week before I am, so the fact that her baby is a bit bigger makes sense.

  But something is off. She kept apologizing for Myrtle Beach, telling me it was a drunken mistake and, while I didn’t actually accept her apology, I suggested we put it behind us. If I were in her shoes, I’d want to clean the drama from my closet before my little one came along, too. If nothing more comes of this with her, maybe it’ll help her be a better mother. Especially if Tito ends up having to co-parent with her.

  From the stands, I glance down at her and the other bunnies, surprised to see Liz making her way toward the group. Bria excuses herself from the other girls and meets Liz off to the side. Bria nods at something Liz says and a small smile curves at her mouth. It’s not a kind smile, in the least. In fact, it matches the grin on Liz’s face, which sets my stomach rolling.

  What in the hell are they up to?

  “Hey, stranger!”

  I turn at the familiar voice and see Sara climbing up the stairs, waving excitedly.

  “I wondered if I’d see you here!”

  “You did?” I laugh, standing to give her a hug.

  “Yep. Brandon told me that Colton went back to Wisconsin after that crazy press conference. We hoped it was to set things straight with you.”

  I really, really like this girl, and if spending more time with her is what’s in store for me for the next few months, this hiatus just became more appealing.

  “I was really worried about you two,” she continues on, claiming the seat beside mine. “Colton told what happened in Vegas. I was so sick for you.” She bites her lip. “You doing okay?”

  “I am now.” Though if I knew what Bria and Liz had going on, I’d be a heck of a lot better. “Seems I’ll also be seeing more of you in the coming months.”

  She arches a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “Oh?”

  “I’m going to stay with Colton for a while. Will proba

  Her pretty face lights up and she dances in her seat. “I’m so happy for you guys! I wasn’t sure he’d ever shake that crap with Bria.”

  I laugh softly. “Tell me about it.”

  “She’s such a vulture. I hear she’s playing all nicey nice, but I don’t trust her for a second.”

  “I don’t either.” And I’m worried that Colton’s been a little too forgiving. I know he hates unnecessary drama, but sometimes it’s warranted. “I’m trying to decide if she’s really pregnant.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt if it was all a big sham. Another way to manipulate Colton in some way.”

  “But why?”

  “Same reason as Liz.” Sara shrugs. “Colton’s a very profitable rider right now.”

  “Well, they’re in for a rude awakening, because they’re not getting a dime out of him.” I’ll make damn sure of it.

  Sara grins as High Octane’s kickoff music begins and the crowd goes wild.

  Time for me to focus on what matters most—my man, owning the night.

  - - -


  Not surprisingly, I nail my first two launches, throwing a Superman and a tsunami like the friggin’ pro I am. Tito’s on fire, too, finally pulling off the tsunami he’s worked so hard for. He flies over to me, his bike screaming, with a big shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Did you see that?” he hollers above the crowd and the rumble of engines. “I can’t fucking believe it!”

  I give him a quick bro-hug, followed by a shoulder slug. “Told you not to overthink it. Just let your body do the work.”

  “Felt so amazing up there!” Damn guy has stars in his eyes. “Can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Not tonight though. You gotta change it up.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He waves me off as Trey comes over to congratulate him, too.

  “Nice ride, man.”

  “Thanks, bro. ‘Bout damn time.”

  Trey grins. “Whatcha got planned for the next round?”

  “Going with a rodeo. Maybe I can actually place in the top five once this year.”

  “Hell yeah.” Our co-rider gives Tito an encouraging shake before he turns his attention to me. “You get your shit with Bria worked out yet?”

  I lift a shoulder. “As much as it’s going to be, I guess.” I wish I could rewind the past couple of months, but since that’s not going to happen, all I can do is move forward. “Shot the last of the ProFit images today, so I’m finally done with her and Liz.”

  “Dante ever get back to you with the PI info?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Seems Bria and Liz are still spending a lot of time together.” Not that it matters much to me at this point. I don’t plan on fighting with Liz over her last six weeks’ worth of pay. I just want it done.

  “I’m probably delusional, but I keep hoping the kid only exists in Bria’s imagination,” Tito speaks up. “Otherwise, it’s going to be a long ass seven months.”

  “Taylor says the ultrasound looks legit.”

  “Fuck.” My roommate shakes his head. “I can’t think about this shit right now.”

  I slap him on the back and grab my helmet. I’m up next and I’m feeling lucky tonight. Maybe it’s because there’s someone special in the crowd, cheering me on.

  Turning to the right, I find her in the stands and she’s already looking my way. A bright smile spreads across her face and she blows me a kiss that I return right back.

  I can’t wait to do this with her, weekend after weekend. More than that, I can’t wait to tell everyone back home what I’ve known for a while now—this girl owns my heart and I’ll work my ass off to deserve hers. There is nothing that can stand in the way of that now.

  I climb onto my bike and rev the engine as my music begins to pulse through the stadium. The crowd goes wild and Taylor jumps to her feet along with them.

  Life sure as hell doesn’t get any better than this.

  - - -


  He didn’t tell you about Myrtle Beach, did he? the text reads, and I swing my gaze to the bunnies, where Bria’s watching me. She glances down to her phone and a couple seconds later, mine lights up with another message. I don’t doubt he loves you, but he hasn’t been completely honest. You should know what happened.

  You’re trying to manipulate him, and now me. Enough is enough. Game over.

  I wish that were the case, but we won’t know for sure until the baby is born.

  There’s no way it’s his baby.

  This says otherwise…

  This bitch is crazy. Certifiably freakin’ crazy. I wait for whatever she’s supposedly sending, but doesn’t show up. I look back to the field to see her walking toward the backstage area, instead of the guys gathered around in the middle of the floor, congratulating each other. Colton’s in the middle of the chaos with a well-deserved grin on his handsome face. His hair is wild from his helmet, but it matches the excitement in his eyes perfectly. Tonight, he set a new High Octane record, edging out Brandon’s all-time high score by a tenth of a point.

  “You going down?” Sara tugs on my arm and I smile, stuffing my phone back into my purse.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I’ll worry about Bria’s sad attempt to stir up more crap later. Right now, I have a record-setting FMX superstar to congratulate.

  “Baby!” Brandon calls when Sara and I approach, and she runs off to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

  I push my way through the mass of riders sur
rounding Colton. His back is to me, so when I finally reach him, I slide my arms around his waist from behind and kiss between his shoulder blades. “Congratulations, Country Boy.”

  His response? A feral growl as he spins around and sweeps me off the ground. His mouth crushes down onto mine with pure possession, and his buddies erupt into a chorus of catcalls.

  “You’re mine tonight,” he says, with one hand on my butt, lifting me even higher. Grinning, I wrap my legs around his waist.

  “Is that a promise?” My fingers slide into his hair, so I can hold his head steady while I tease the tip of my tongue along the seam of his lips. The hand on my ass squeezes hard into my flesh and liquid heat pools between my legs.

  Please, God, let the media obligations be short and sweet tonight.

  “It’s a fucking warning,” he rasps, before he carefully lowers me back to the arena floor. Pushing my hair back from my face, he steals another kiss. “Let me get the bike backstage and then I’ll meet you by the gate for pictures.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “You want me there for that?”

  “Time to set the story straight, Tee. Like I should’ve months ago.” Winking, he gives my butt a quick slap and heads off toward the garage.

  I sigh and watch him go. All of this still seems so surreal. Like a dream I’m going to wake up from at any moment. I sure as hell hope that’s not the case, because there’s no way my heart could ever go back to being just a friend. Not now.

  Tito gives me a wave before he follows after Col, and I dig out my phone while I wait for Sara to finish sucking face with Brandon. I’ve never done the press thing before, so hopefully she can give me some pointers.

  I have a new text, so I pull it up and roll my eyes when I see it’s from Bria. It’s an image—or rather a video—but the initial screen is black, so I have no idea what it’s of. Curious, I open it and turn up the volume so I can hear it over the lingering crowd.

  The clip remains black for several seconds with…groaning in the background?

  I bring my phone close so I can hear better and my stomach clenches for whoever is making that awful, pained noise. Suddenly, Bria’s face comes into view as she sets the camera--probably her phone--on something stable. She’s wearing a devious smirk and my defense immediately goes up.


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