Kidnapping Keela

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Kidnapping Keela Page 7

by Cathy McAllister

  “There you are, my child. I was so looking forward to meeting you and I was disappointed when I heard that you had already left the reception.”

  Keela grew pale, then red. The queen. This must be the queen. She had disappointed the most important woman amongst these people. Hopefully this woman did not bear grudges. Without a doubt she could order someone to cut off Keela’s head, or worse - marry her to the oldest, ugliest man. But what should she say now? What should she do? Curtsey? Or bow? Kiss her hand?

  Heavens! How have I got myself into this situation?

  The queen seemed to realise her concern and went up to her, took her by the hand and led her to the couch where they sat down.

  “What drove you from the reception, my dear?” she asked in a friendly way, without letting go of Keela’s hand.

  “I … I …” stammered Keela, unsure as to how she should tell the queen that she did not want to be sold off to just any man.

  “Did Marruk say or do anything that angered you?”

  “He said that it was intended that I be paired off with one of the men here. I won’t be forced to belong to some man here that I don’t want,” she finally burst out, expecting to have incurred the anger of the queen.

  But the queen simply smiled and folded her hands in her lap. It took a while for the queen to speak.

  “What’s your name, child?”


  “My name is Moreena,” said the queen, looking directly at Keela. “I’d like to speak to you woman to woman. Is that OK?”

  “Of course,” said Keela, shrugging her shoulders. “But it won’t change my mind about not wanting to be sold.”

  “Don’t worry, Keela. Just let me explain something to you. It’s true that it’s the male here who takes the initiative and that he claims the woman that is his mate. He does that in order to make it clear to everyone that the woman now belongs to him and is no longer available. That …”

  “But …,” interrupted Keela, but she fell silent as the queen put a hand on her cheek.

  “Let me explain first, please.”

  Keela nodded.

  “The idea of a man claiming a woman who does not want him is unthinkable. It does happen that some women are hesitant at first and not sure of themselves. In these matters men are usually – not always of course – but almost always accurate.” The queen smiled. “There are actually no unhappy unions in our society. Our men sometimes drive us crazy, but they are faithful and considerate mates and …” The queen winked. “… very good lovers.”

  Keela blushed. It was only too stupid that the only man whose lover qualities would interest her was no longer available. All other men could stay away from her. She would not stay on this planet longer than necessary anyway.

  “I’m putting you under Marruk’s protection. Solima dotes on you and enjoys your company. You’ll stay in Marruk’s house until you’ve found a mate. Marruk will ensure that no male comes near you that you don’t want. I promise you that.”

  “What … what will his wife say about him taking me into his house? In my world such a situation would be uncomfortable.”

  “Wife? Marruk has no mate if that’s what you mean. Solima’s mother died when the girl was very small.”

  Keela’s heart pounded. Marruk was still free? He has no wife? And she was to live with him in his house?

  “Is everything OK?” asked Moreena, concerned.

  “Yes, everything’s OK.”

  “Would you give me the pleasure of accompanying me back to the reception? I don’t wish to force you of course, but I hope that you’ll consider it. No one will hassle you, I assure you.”

  Keela nodded.

  “Wonderful. Shall we both go to your friend first and convince her to come, too?”

  “Yes. Did she run off, too?”

  Moreena laughed.

  “She didn’t come in the first place. It seems that Berka angered her in some way. As I said, our men sometimes drive us crazy. But you’ll learn to deal with them. They’re actually easy to manipulate. You just need to know how.”

  Moreena winked and Keela had to laugh.

  “That’s better. You’re beautiful when you laugh.”


  Marruk stormed out of the palace and went straight to the stable. The cocktail of emotions that were fighting for supremacy inside him was making his blood boil. It had been a mistake to bring this woman here. He should have left her on the damn ship. The last thing he needed was a new mate. He had already had to live with losing one woman who meant something to him and he would not survive it a second time. Only Solima had given him a reason to live after Morika had died. Up to now he had been able to keep his emotions under control. On the few occasions since Morika’s death that he had spent in the arms of a woman he had never felt more than basic passion. Never had any deeper feelings been involved and he had definitely never felt this irritating feeling of raging jealousy as he just had when his brother reminded him of the fact that sooner or later a male would come and claim Keela. He had not for a second considered that this male might be Berka. He knew that his brother just wanted to provoke him. But the warning behind this provocation was clear: Claim her or another will come.

  Just the thought of some male kissing those sensual lips or running his hands over this soft, velvety skin made him rage with anger. Every nerve in his body screamed out to him to claim her, to take her as his own and make her scream out his name when he brought her to a climax. He knew instinctively that sex with her would be something special. He had loved Morika, but in all those years she had never managed to make his blood surge the way this bewitching blond did. And yet they had not once been intimate at all. The very sight of her; the innocent touch of her hand on his arm; even the way she had glared at him angrily - these were all more arousing than anything he had ever felt before.

  Damn it! Damn it! he cursed into the silence.

  Once he reached the stable one of the stable boys rushed up to him.

  “My Lord.”

  “Saddle Kondorr!”

  “Yes, Your Highness. Straight away, Your Highness!” the boy answered breathlessly, rushing back into the stable.

  In less than ten minutes he returned with a noble, black pergamo. The animal snorted joyfully when it saw its master and his grey horn lit up in blue - a sign of joy in these animals. Marruk patted him on his mighty neck and swung up into the saddle. A brief squeeze with his thighs was enough and the animal tore away at break-neck speed.


  They knocked on the door of Amber’s chambers. It took a while, but then her friend opened the door and looked apprehensively out into the hall. When she saw Keela her expression relaxed.

  “May we come in?” asked Keela.

  Amber nodded, looking curiously at the queen. They entered the chamber which differed only slightly from hers, except that this one had a distinctively masculine feel to it. The chainmail shirt hanging over the chair confirmed Keela’s presumption that these must be Berka’s chambers. She wondered how much had already happened between Amber and Berka, but her friend’s expression gave away nothing that may or may not have happened. At least she did not look as if anyone had done her any harm. That was the most important thing.

  Keela and Moreena sat down on the couch and Amber sat opposite, cross-legged.

  “Wouldn’t you like to introduce us?” asked Moreena, smiling.

  “Oh, excuse me. Where are my manners?” said Keela meekly. “This is my friend, Amber, who, like me, was abducted from earth and sold with me as a slave on Xevus3. Amber, this is the queen, um … Moreena.”

  “Oh!” said Amber and put her hand up to her mouth. “I’m pleased ... um ... to make your acquaintance, Your Highness. Please excuse me, I had no … I didn’t think …”

  Moreena sat down and rolled her eyes.

  “Please don’t make such a fuss. I feel honoured to be meeting you both. Please call me Moreena and please relax.”

said Amber tentatively, glancing helplessly at Keela. Keela shrugged her shoulders, smiling.

  “Berka told me that there was a … misunderstanding between the two of you.” said Moreena, looking intensely at Amber.

  Amber snorted.

  “Misunderstanding? – Oh yes, you could call it that. That’s very good! – Misunderstanding!”

  Moreena raised an eyebrow.

  “So what did the wayward boy do to anger you so much?”

  “Oh, nothing that I couldn’t handle. He just declared that he would claim me and that I was now his mate. – Well, I then made my view of the matter clear.”

  Whilst talking Amber had folded her arms and assumed a look of defiance.

  Moreena smiled.

  “And how did you make your viewpoint clear?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Amber put on an innocent expression before grinning wickedly.

  “I took his dagger and put it in a somewhat sensitive place, threatening to amputate something that may be important to him. Clearly the afore-mentioned body part was more important to him than a further attempt to … claim me.”

  Moreena laughed. She laughed so heartily that Keela and Amber could not help joining in until they all shed tears of laughter.

  Chapter 6

  Y-Quadrant, Karrx7

  Royal Palace of the Arr’Carthian

  23rd day in the month of Jakus in the year 7067

  Federation Time

  Marruk jumped as the pain shot through his head like needles. He winced and put his hands in front of his aching eyes. His tongue felt twice as big as usual and furry, and he could have drunk a bucket of water - if he only had one to hand.

  There it was again: that damn knocking at the door, and this time more impatiently than before. Could he not be left in peace with his hangover? What could be so damn urgent that it could not wait a few more hours?

  The door was opened and shut again. The little whooshing sound of the door shut closed, caused another pain attack in his head and he winced again. That damn Moiwan rum. He knew what would happen if he drank that hooch but at the time he had not cared. He just wanted to forget this damn image of that woman.

  “Damn it!” he complained sullenly. “Leave me alone! Piss off, all of you!”

  “Son! We need to talk!” came his father’s stern voice.

  Marruk, brought up to always show his father, the king, the necessary respect, sat up quickly, only to groan in pain. The quick movement had not been a good idea, and just to add to it, he now felt sick. He listened as his father pulled up a chair and sat down next to his bed.

  “What?” asked Marruk, trying to at least open his eyes slightly without being overwhelmed by the pain.

  “What? That’s precisely what I wanted to ask you! What happened yesterday that made you leave the reception and not return until late into the night, blind drunk?”

  “I wasn’t in the mood. And besides, the little one left the reception anyway.”

  “Because you unsettled her. My goodness, the poor child thought that at any moment and in any place some male could turn up and simply snap her up and claim her without her agreeing to it. What were you thinking, portraying our whole race as if we were no different from wild animals? Your mother had to take the matter in hand to calm the girl.”

  “Perhaps I expressed myself a little unfortunately,” admitted Marruk, gritting his teeth. “But basically I didn’t say anything that was incorrect. I …”

  “Silence! You messed up. And yet you know how important these women are for our race. They are not only compatible to our race, they are also extraordinarily pretty, healthy and intelligent. If we could get more women from her planet to bond with our men then we would have really gained something. I don’t want you to ruin this for me. You mother has decided, and I agree with her, that Keela should live with you and Solima until she has found a suitable mate. You will take care of her and protect her - with your life, if necessary. I had hoped that you would claim her for yourself but unfortunately you seem to have been struck blind. At least Berka is ahead of you, for once. He’s claimed this Amber for himself.”

  Marruk laughed bitterly.

  “And what does the happy, chosen woman have to say about that?” he asked derisively.

  “She’s still somewhat unsure, as women sometimes are, but they will be happy, I assure you. I have eyes in my head. I know who belongs together when I see it.” The king looked his son directly in the eye. “And I can see that Keela belongs to you. Don’t make the mistake of pushing your mate into the arms of another. If you don’t claim her someone will come along at some time who won’t hesitate for so long. Think about my words.”

  Marruk turned his eyes away. His head still hurt but that was now a background pain. He felt like a wild animal trapped in a corner. He did not want Keela. He did not want any woman. It was better like that. But he also did not want anyone else to lay his dirty fingers on her. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

  “Tomorrow you will depart with Solima and Keela,” said the king decisively, putting his hand on his son’s shoulder. “I can’t force you into happiness, boy. But I advise you not to make a mistake that you will regret for the rest of your life. And think of Solima. She needs a mother. She already dotes on Keela. – All the best, son.”

  With these words the king left Marruk alone. This time he closed the door quietly behind him.


  Keela and Amber were sitting together in Keela’s chamber drinking tajaka, an icey-cold fruit cocktail made of various fruit juices and wine with herbs. The alcohol content was very low and the drink was very refreshing. The temperature on this planet was very warm but not as unbearably hot as on the desert planet. But it was warmer than the women were used to.

  “I wish we could stay here and didn’t have to go our separate ways,” said Keela, looking at her friend who had been largely silent since coming to her room to bid her farewell.

  “I’m sure we’ll see one another again. After all, Berka and Marruk are brothers,” answered Amber calmly.

  “Will it … Is it bothering you a lot that you’re going with Berka? I know he’s forcing himself on you. At least I don’t have that problem with Marruk. He doesn’t seem to be interested in me at all. He’s just to take care of me.”

  Hypocrite. You’d like to have this problem with Marruk. Who are you trying to fool?

  Amber looked up from her glass and a little smile played around her lips.

  “To be honest I’m very attracted to Berka. I’m just against this Neanderthal mentality! I’m not a possession that you can claim. He’s first got to … deserve me.”

  “Have you …? I mean, have you and he …,” began Keela awkwardly.

  “You mean, have I slept with him? No! But he has kissed me,” answered Amber and her enraptured look said more than a thousand words.

  She put her glass down on the table in front of her and folded her hands in her lap. Keela was watching her very closely. Amber bit nervously upon her lower lip and seemed to be thinking hard before looking directly at Keela.

  “I think I love him,” she declared to Keela’s amazement. “It’s taking more and more will power to resist his advances and I don’t only mean because I’m smaller than him. It’s just that I’m finding it harder and harder not to be carried away by his passion. Just his touch, and …” She shuddered.

  “If you feel that way why are you resisting him? He clearly feels something for you, too.”

  “I can’t … I don’t know. I … somehow I can’t deal with the thought of never going home again. If I got the chance to fly home then I’d take it. But if I give my heart to someone here, how can I ever leave?”

  Amber’s voice sounded strained and Keela was not sure what she should say. She basically felt the same. She felt attracted to Marruk but she could not of course deal with the idea of staying here forever and never seeing her home and friends. Perhaps it was good that Marruk was not making any sign of claimi
ng her, because if he did she would probably give in.


  Y-Quadrant, Karrx7

  Royal Palace of the Arr’Carthian

  24th day of the month of Jakus in the year 7067

  Federation Time

  “Is it far to your house,” asked Keela.

  Solima, who was holding Keela’s hand as they left the palace, shook her head.

  “With the glider it may take three hours. On foot it would take two or three weeks.”

  “Glider? Is that something like a car?”

  “A car? What’s a car?”

  Keela laughed.

  “I see, we’re not going to get very far like this,” she said. “I just need to wait until I’ve seen this glider.”

  She winked at Solima and they both started giggling.

  Marruk, who was walking a few meters ahead of them, turned to the left and Keela and Solima followed him. A few servants were following on behind with the luggage. Solima had insisted that Keela should take a large selection of dresses because there was no clothes maker in Marruk’s house. Keela had never owned so many dresses in her whole life as were now packed into numerous trunks being carried behind her. It was like in that old film, Suddenly a Princess. Everything still seemed so unreal to her.

  They reached an out-buliding with a wide gate which was opened by a guard at Marruk’s command. Solima stood still, so Keela did the same and they waited until a servant drove a glider out, stopping it next to Marruk. The glider looked like an over-sized sledge with a glass roof. It was as wide as a jeep but twice as long. Through the glass Keela could see that there were three rows of seats inside. Behind them was a closed compartment for the luggage. They waited for the servants to load the trunks and step aside. Then Marruk opened the side door that opened automatically at the push of a button. Solima hopped about excitedly and was the first to climb into the glider. Keela followed her. Marruk got into the vehicle last.


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