Dragon Defense (Heirs to the Throne Book 3)

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Dragon Defense (Heirs to the Throne Book 3) Page 12

by Diane Rapp

  Donovan laughed. “That’s easy. I hate long hair and my beard grows fast.”

  Tessa glanced at Donovan with curiosity. “If you weren’t king, what would you do?”

  “I’d explore Drako.” The answer slipped from his lips as if the thought waited for the question. “This planet is full of mysteries, waiting to be discovered. Krystal and I could seek each one.”

  “Why don’t you do it?” Tessa asked. “Surely Bryant could take charge of the government for short trips.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Let’s see how Bryant handles this absence. He wasn’t pleased with the notion of being Prime Minister.”

  “He can handle anything.”

  “Problems get worse daily. Representatives tug in different directions, refusing to understand the problems of their neighbors. Sometimes I wonder if self-government is possible.”

  “Caston says we need a constitution. It sounds complicated.”

  “He’s a bright lad. A constitution outlines the rights of individuals and restricts what government can do. I wonder if Drako is ready.”

  “How will you know?”

  “Your mother asked me the same question. I’ll form a committee to write a constitution, but it may take years of haggling. Right now we tackle ordinary concerns.”

  Abruptly Tessa stared into the woods and made a sound like a bark. A howl answered, and her eyes turned glassy as she spoke to wolves in the forest.

  She turned back to Donovan. Konig says that Kriegen and Tendra captured Jarrack. He hid in the mind of his son. They’re going to bring the boy to their pack cave.”

  “Jarrack!” Blood throbbed suddenly in Donovan’s temples. “I hoped the man was dead.”

  “Scouts kept vigil until they knew the boy’s mind was still alive. Kriegen and Tendra captured Jarrack inside the boy’s mind.”

  “Let’s hurry.” Donovan spurred his horse to gallop and Tessa followed. Their old enemy believed he was safely hidden inside his son’s mind after his defeat. Jarrack must be furious. The scars of Jarrack’s evil might take years to heal and Donovan didn’t want Jarrack to escape again.


  Donovan and Tessa rode up the mountain trail as fast as possible. After the battle with Jarrack, Donovan gave Tempest to Andrew, knowing the lad loved the horse better than life itself. Now Donovan rode a stocky mare with perky ears. Bred from one of Marasuta’s prized mares, Pooka’s short legs weren’t designed for speed across a flat surface, but she climbed trails like a mountain goat.

  Pooka stopped and acted skittish. Her nostrils flared, and she tossed her head refusing to move. Donovan patted her neck. “What is it, girl?”

  “She smells the wolves,” Tessa said. “Precious acted like that until we spent time with Amber, but she hardly flicks her tail at a wolf now.”

  “I don’t like to ignore Pooka’s warnings, since she’s usually on the mark.”

  “I’ll ask the wolves to come into the open.” This time Donovan heard her mind call the wolves. The ancestor voices joined the conversation and soon a wolf howled. Tessa grinned as other wolves joined the chorus. “We’ve been announced and there’s our escort.”

  Donovan slid off Pooka’s back and Tessa followed her father’s lead. Greetings friend, Donovan projected mentally. I am Donovan and this is Tessa, my daughter.

  The silver body of the wolf glistened in the light of the bright moon. Her ears pricked forward as she said, Greetings King Donovan and Tessa. We are called Shasta and guard the pack cavern tonight. Please follow.

  The humans led the horses through thick brush until they saw the cavern entrance up a steep hill. Shasta halted. Leave your animals here in this enclosure. They will be fed and protected from predators.

  Donovan helped Tessa with her saddle and put the horses into a fenced area. A trough filled with oats and hay waited.

  Shasta patiently sat outside the enclosure. She wagged her tail and said, Join us inside the cavern.

  Father and daughter jogged up the trail to the cavern. Donovan wiped sweat from his forehead and looked at Tessa. “I’m winded but you’re not even breathing hard.”

  “Amber and I roam the countryside at night, so I’ve grown used to running.” She smiled without letting her teeth show. “The ancestors hate to be shut indoors and running calms them.”

  Donovan nodded. “I should get outside more often, or I’ll lose my ability to use speed time.”

  “I often wished I inherited the ability to move faster than the eye can see. Amber is always pushing my body to run fast, but I can’t seem to do it. What does it feel like?”

  Donovan shrugged. “When I’m moving so fast, it just looks like everyone else is standing still.”

  Shasta stopped at the cave entrance. We leave you here and return to guard duties. Kriegen and Tendra are expected soon.

  Donovan bowed. Thank you, Shasta. May your hunt be short and filled with game, he said. The wolf’s ears tilted forward and her eyes widened with surprise.

  Stories claim you have the soul of a wolf in the body of a human. It must be true.

  Donovan smiled but kept his lips closed. Regardless of body shape, we share similar minds. I believe Kriegen is a kindred spirit.

  Shasta wagged her tail. We will remember the expression. Go with courage and enjoy the pack.

  Donovan said, We look forward to meeting you again. The she-wolf ran down the trail with her tail wagging.

  He scrutinized wolf faces as they entered the cavern, hoping to see a friend. When Konig stepped forward, Donovan felt relieved. “We’ve got one of your teachers here, Tessa.”

  Flanked by smaller wolves, he looked regal. The passing of time enhances the pleasure of greeting old friends, Tessa said.

  Welcome, Tessa. You’re becoming a sage philosopher.

  The ancestor voices instruct a poor student. She held Konig’s gaze with a tight-lipped smile.

  A host might not learn the lessons. You do credit to your teachers.

  Tessa glanced at Donovan and he winked. Tessa sat on a bearskin rug on the floor, and Donovan sat next to her. A fire crackled in the center of the room and they were offered drink and cooked strips of meat.

  Konig said, We noticed the type of food you prefer and hope it’s sufficient.

  You’re a good host. Thanks. Donovan sipped the sweet juice and smiled. I love peach nectar, but it’s not in season.

  We traded pelts for several jugs and keep it for this type of meeting.

  Donovan grinned but quickly covered his teeth with his lips. Tessa giggled and patted his arm. “You’re making a valiant attempt, father. Konig is used to human expressions and won’t be worried about seeing fangs.”

  “Regardless, I must practice. I might meet the Council of Elders one day, after all, my daughter is the representative of our pack.”

  A short time later, wolves scurried toward the entrance. Howls and yips of greeting erupted from tail-wagging cubs. Kriegen and Tendra entered the cavern followed by two humans.

  Donovan recognized Tanya and her son, Anthony. The boy clutched his mother’s leg while Tanya stood tall and faced the cave filled with wolves.

  Tendra introduced the humans to the pack. This human is the dam of the cub. Her breeding was forced upon her by the Evil One. She cared for her cub like any good mother but the boy’s father planned to commit host murder. When Jarrack’s body died, he forced his mind to be hosted by this cub—who didn’t agree to the hosting. We watched the cub and knew his mind still lived. Our pack must remove Jarrack’s mind from the human cub.

  The wolves grew more agitated as they listened. Their ears flattened, their hackles bristled, and growls rumbled in their chests. Tanya swept her son into protective arms. “Don’t hurt him!” she screamed.

  Kriegen glanced at Tessa. Explain and help her remain calm.

  Tessa rushed to Tanya and said, “The wolves won’t hurt your son. Tendra wants the pack to remove Jarrack from his mind.”

  Tanya looked surprised. “Can they do th

  “That’s why they brought you here. Set Anthony down and I’ll explain what’s happening.” Tessa stroked the boy’s blond hair. “Can you hear the voices, Anthony?”

  “Yes.” Anthony gazed at the wolves with wide eyes. “They want to take Jarrack away for good.”

  “Is that what you want?” Tessa asked.

  “Yes!” The boy nodded.

  “Stand like a tall soldier and hold your mother’s hand. She can’t hear the wolves so we’ll help her understand.”

  Anthony smiled. “Don’t be afraid, Mama. I’ll tell you what the wolves say.”

  Tessa whispered to Tanya, “Standing makes the wolves nervous. Please sit with your hands visible.” Tanya nodded and sat on the rug.

  Tessa turned to Kriegen. The boy hears mind-speech and I explained to the mother. They’ll cooperate.

  Tendra moved in front of the boy. Do you wish to host Jarrack?

  No! I want him gone, he said.

  Tendra nodded. We’ll hear testimony from Jarrack!

  Silence hung heavy in the chamber as the wolves waited. Abruptly a sarcastic voice vibrated through the chamber, coming from the boy’s mouth. “I am here. My power is too strong for you!”

  Kriegen’s hackles bristled, forming a ridge down his back. Jarrack, what is your defense?

  Jarrack remained quiet. Konig reared on his hind legs and reached for his dagger. Speak.

  The boy turned to Tessa and Jarrack’s voice asked, “What does he want?”

  “Did you hear the question in your mind?” Tessa asked.


  “Kriegen asked if you have a defense for forcing the boy to host your mind.”

  Tessa sent the message to the wolves’ minds as Jarrack spoke.

  Jarrack said, “I can do whatever I please since I bred his body. It’s like a clone. Ask Donovan about Transfer, and he’ll tell you he hid Transfer equipment at the spaceport. It’s his fault I needed to breed replacement bodies!” The wolves turned to Donovan.

  He shook his head. Jarrack twists the facts to his own perverted viewpoint, Donovan answered mentally. Transfer was used by the Institute to prolong life, but our Transfer equipment was destroyed by Jarrack’s sabotage. Now he uses children as forced hosts.

  After Tessa related Donovan’s mental message, Jarrack shouted, “Liar! The machinery is behind a force field at the spaceport. You could give me a cloned body, but I was forced to find another way.”

  I’ll open my mind to you, Donovan told the wolves. You can see that the Transfer equipment was destroyed, but Jarrack will not accept facts.

  Kriegen looked into Donovan’s memories. An open mind cannot lie. The humans have no Transfer equipment.

  While Tessa provided a continuing translation, Jarrack ground his teeth. “I don’t believe it! The doctor told me the equipment was protected by a force field at the cave.”

  Tendra said, The doctor is not here to testify. Witnesses describe your guilt. Have you any defense for your actions?

  “The Institute authorized my actions! No one on Drako has authority over me,” Jarrack shouted.

  Konig asked, Does any pack member ask another question?

  A gray wolf stepped forward. We host the line of Thunder and wish to know how Transfer is done.

  Donovan said, During Transfer the patient’s mind is sent into a clone, a biological copy of the patient’s body.

  Is the clone a willing host? Thunder asked.

  A clone has a blank mind, without personality and does not give permission, Donovan said.

  Transfer is not the same as hosting?

  No. A living host volunteers to carry ancestor minds. Transfer puts one mind into the clone, Donovan replied.

  Thunder turned to Jarrack. Do you agree that hosting is different than Transfer?

  Jarrack scowled. “I see no difference.”

  Thunder growled. No difference? You rob a living mind of will and force it to submit to your control?

  Jarrack grinned, displaying white teeth. “A host is convinced to share his mind but the end result is the same. My mind is strong, so I don’t need permission.”

  Thunder lifted his lips and displayed sharp fangs. A wolf is less docile than a human cub. Try to force yourself into my mind and taste death.

  Enough! Kriegen stepped forward. The cub faces harm if you attack. Thunder moved away, still glaring at Jarrack. Are there more questions?

  May I ask a question of the pack? Donovan said.

  We will allow it.

  What will happen to Jarrack’s mind if he is removed from the boy?

  Tendra paced as she explained, If a host volunteers to take his mind, he may continue to exist in a body. If no host volunteers, he’s held captive until he dissipates.

  “How can you hold me captive?” Jarrack chided. “My mind can move into another body.”

  We hold you captive in the boy’s body, but together, our minds can hold you in a box made of sacred mud.

  For how long? Donovan asked.

  A strong mind might last for many seasons but a weak one dissipates quickly.

  “You’d murder my mind!” Jarrack’s eyes widened.

  You murder an unwilling host. This cub was too young to fight, so you took control without his death. What of other sons you murdered?

  “I’m different! The Institute sanctioned my actions, so it’s not murder.”

  Ask the Institute to find a host body for you! Tendra turned to the pack. Do we remove the mind of Jarrack from the unwilling host? Any pack member who volunteers to host Jarrack or opposes this action, step forward. No one moved.

  Tessa held her breath as somber wolves carried a human-sized red box into the cavern. Jarrack inched away from the box with wild eyes. He pleaded with Tanya, “Don’t let them do this. It’ll kill Anthony!”

  Tanya searched the boy’s face for any sign of her son but shook her head.

  Jarrack whirled on the nearest wolves. “You can’t do this!” he screamed. Kriegen and Tendra joined the circle of wolves closing in on Jarrack. Tessa walked with them, a low growl rumbling in her chest. She rubbed the crystal in her ring, absorbing its power.

  Donovan remembered the circle of telepaths who tried to trap Jarrack at Havenshire. He put a reassuring arm around Tanya’s shoulder as growls rumbled through the cavern.

  Jarrack’s face convulsed with terror and loathing as the circle forced him toward the red box. A shimmering blue haze moved out of the boy’s body and swelled until it was the size of a full-grown man. The blue specter stared at Tessa with hungry eyes and a cold chill crept through her body. She gripped her ring as the haze touched her with icy fingers.

  The wolves erupted into a disharmonious howl and wrenched Tessa free of the deadly haze. The heat from her ring surged through her body, and she pushed the haze into the clay box. The haze shrank from the heat of her touch. Howls added to Tessa’s hot power. The haze shrank until it was pushed inside the box.

  Donovan watched Tessa grapple with the haze, feeling helpless. He tried to touch her mind but the wolves blocked him. Anthony slumped as the wolves shoved a heavy red stone lid onto the box with a loud thump.

  Tanya struggled against Donovan’s grip as the howls stopped. Silence hung ominously as Kriegen sniffed the boy. Tanya rushed to Anthony as Kriegen met Donovan’s gaze.

  We can’t hear the boy’s mind. Kriegen’s mental voice sounded sad. Can you hear it? Try!

  Donovan rubbed the boy’s cold hand. Tessa gripped the crystal ring and touched Donovan’s mind. Together they sank deep into Anthony’s blank mind, searching for a glimmer of life.

  Tessa detected a flicker of energy and said, Anthony! Don’t be frightened. The wolves trapped Jarrack in a casket and you’re safe. The flicker brightened and Tessa saw the boy’s aura.

  Please come out, Donovan said. Your mother is worried.

  He tried to hurt me! Anthony cried, Jarrack wants to kill me!

  Donovan said, Jarrack can’t hurt you.

Anthony’s eyes burned like hot coals. I won’t let him touch me!

  Tessa stretched her mental hand toward the luminous boy. Anthony, the wolves will keep him away. Won’t you come out and hug your mother?

  Anthony nodded and touched Tessa’s hand. She sat on the floor with the boy’s tiny fingers wrapped tightly around hers.

  Anthony’s clear blue eyes opened. “Mama?”

  Tanya sobbed and hugged him tight.

  “He’s gone!” Anthony announced cheerfully. “I can’t feel him any more.”

  Tessa rubbed her forehead and glanced at the box.

  Donovan said, “He’s harmless now.”

  She whispered, “Are you sure? His power almost overwhelmed me, and I’m afraid he might break free.”

  Donovan understood. Jarrack wasn’t an easy man to restrain, and he wondered if the wolves’ power could confine such an evil mind. It might be too much to expect.

  He said, “We’ll take that box to Havenshire and keep him trapped in the dungeons. Jarrack’s a dangerous enemy.”


  Jordan straddled his horse, brooding over his bad luck. That blasted Brandon convinced Krystal to join the group riding to his father’s seaside stronghold. Jordan seethed over the injustice, but Felesia accepted the intrusion without complaint. She considered Brandon a friend and had no concept of the danger Brandon represented. Riding out of the castle, he saw an amused grin on Brandon’s face. A purple aura surrounded his rival, and he knew the man planned something.

  At the edge of the forest, Felesia called Marra, and the panther bounded out. As he watched the cat lick her face, Jordan’s anger nearly dissolved. Felesia walked with the giant black cat trailing at her heels. Fear flickered through Brandon’s eyes when Marra locked her eerie gaze on him. Her tail twitched and she licked her whiskers like she wanted to taste his blood.


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