Dr. Travis, I Love You: A Secret Baby Medical Romance

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Dr. Travis, I Love You: A Secret Baby Medical Romance Page 15

by Cassandra Dee

  “I hear that deal went through a few days ago, with no fight,” my father said dryly, as he sliced the steak on his plate. “What’s going on, Hunter? Are you distracted?”

  I frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Being the new CEO was hard. The employees were used to Hugh, and I was seen as the boy prince, the prodigal son who only got to where he was because of Daddy. But once my workers got to know me, they’d see that their lives were better now. I tried to lead with authority, but also compassion, which was something my father had never been able to manage while wielding the iron fist.

  Unfortunately, these things take time. Even though I tried hard to connect with everyone, I knew that not everyone was loyal to me. My dad had a collection of spies around the office, and I knew their trust couldn’t be won on my own. I’d taken measures to protect myself, but sometimes the task seemed impossible.

  “I hear you aren’t really in the office anymore. Hunter, you know this time is too valuable to waste. You should be making connections right now – as many as you possibly can.”

  “I decided to take some time off,” was my reply grunt. “It’s just for the summer, and I can assure you that my performance hasn’t changed. I’m still keeping this hellish meeting schedule. And frankly, I’m a little angry. It’s insulting that you think I’m not doing my job.”

  My father didn’t look up from his coffee.

  “You know I work my ass off,” I continued. “The company earns twice as much profit under me as it did under you. It’s one of the premiere media companies in the world.”

  “You spending more time with the kids?” My father asked, ignoring everything I’d just said about work. “Priscilla will be pleased.”

  I knew his implication was clear: my sister might be happy, but my father sure as hell wasn’t.

  “Yes,” I replied. It was true, I was spending more time with the Kristi and Aaron. “We’ve been having a game night once a week, or going to the movies. It’s important to spend time with family,” I said calmly while reaching for my orange juice.

  “Family time is important, but you need to make more time for the business too,” said Hugh smoothly. “I don’t want this company I built to suffer because you can’t be bothered to give it the proper attention.”

  What an asshole.

  “I haven’t been out with a woman in weeks,” I said, barely keeping the anger from my voice. I knew what my father was getting at. I’d developed a reputation for sleeping around over the years. But this summer, I had felt no real desire to look at anyone other than Dani, which shocked me to my core. Was it possible that I was changing?

  Even more surprising, I was starting to think of a future with the gorgeous girl. Dani would be going to school in the fall and I’d be leaving the city, going wherever the company needed me. But that didn’t mean being together was impossible. I travel on a private jet, so we could work something out.

  Suddenly, a female voice interrupted my thoughts.

  “Hunter, it’s so nice to see you!”

  My mother’s voice snapped me out of my head. Elaine smiled broadly as she joined us on the patio, sliding an thin arm around my shoulder and kissing the top of my head.

  “It’s nice to see you, Mom,” I said as I hugged her lightly.

  “I didn’t know you were coming for breakfast.” She looked to my father. “Why didn’t you tell me Hunter was going to join us?”

  “This is supposed to be a business breakfast,” my father replied smoothly. “I didn’t think you’d be interested.”

  “Hugh Maddox, you know you are retired,” my mother scolded as she took a seat between us. “No more business. Not right now.”

  My father shook his head and went back to his plate, knowing full well that she was the primary reason he left the company. Elaine had been telling him for years to retire. She had finally worn him down enough to give me control of the company, even though he obviously wasn’t ready to step down.

  But now that Elaine was here, I knew we wouldn’t be discussing business anymore for the day. Thank god, because my mom has always had a way of rescuing a conversation going south. She was the queen of niceties and smooth transitions. We could be talking about endangered species, and somehow she would steer the conversation to something cheerier.

  And Elaine worked her magic this time as well.

  “I hear Mary is in town visiting her mother. You should try to see her before you leave.” My mother eyed me. “I hear she’s very beautiful, Hunter, and so sweet. Did you know she volunteers with orphans?”

  I tried not to groan. Mary Everton was a girl I had gone to high school with. Our mothers did charity work together, and I had known Mary for almost my entire life. If there was one woman my mother was constantly badgering me about, it was Mary Everton. The Everton family was old money, with traditions up the wazoo. By contrast, we Maddoxes were nouveau riche and supposedly uncouth. It amazed me that the Evertons would even be interested in welcoming me to their rarefied world.

  But Mary’s mother was quite fond of me, for some reason or other. Nancy Everton always made an effort to include me in Everton family events, and the truth is that Mary was lovely. She was beautiful, smart, and one of the nicest women I had ever met. But nothing was going to happen because Mary liked women – although neither set of parents knew.

  So I hedged.

  “I don’t think I have the time. All my free time is taken up with Kristi and Aaron.”

  My mother scoffed. “I think you can spare one afternoon. I know my grandchildren would be happy to let their uncle have a night off.”

  “Mother, it’s very kind of you, but I’m not really looking for anything right now.”

  She looked at me with the sad-eyed expression that always made my heart twinge guiltily.

  “What’s going to happen when you are ready to settle down but there isn’t anyone left? All the good girls are taken already. Mary isn’t going to wait around forever, you don’t.”

  I tried to keep my expression smooth.

  “Mary should marry someone that she loves, and not settle for just anybody. Maybe I’m not right for her,” I said cryptically.

  “Nonsense,” my mother said, as a maid dropped a plate of fruit in front of her before fading into the background. “I know what’s best for you. You’re my son.”

  “I know what’s best for me. But I’m not what’s best for Mary. Trust me on that.”

  “You don’t know that,” my mother shot back, using her knife and fork to cut a single strawberry on her plate. “We’re Maddoxes, Hunter. We always marry the best.”

  Part of me wanted to mention how my sister was on her third husband, but my mom had conveniently forgotten. Figures. As Elaine began to drone on and on about wealth and respectability, I continued cutting my omelet and chewing each piece into mush. My mind began to wander to other territory.

  Would my family ever accept Dani if she didn’t come from money? Would they accept the curvy brunette based on merit, and not a family name or her social status?

  I hoped so because I wanted the girl badly … and nothing was going to stop me.

  Chapter Nine


  Summer was almost over and I knew I’d never had such a perfect time. I’d done so many things to branch out of my comfort zone and had made wonderful memories with Justine, as well as become friends with Kristi.

  And then there were my stolen moments with Hunter. He made me feel so alive. Before Hunter, I’d wandered aimlessly around with no real goal.

  But things were different now. He gave my world color. I could come up with a million cheesy statements, but they all came down to one emotion.

  I was madly in love with him and I didn’t know how to stop it. In the beginning, my emotions had been sheer instinct, like the pull of one magnet to another. He’d been irresistible, physically, making me moan and shiver. But somehow it’d developed into something more than that. We laughed and talked together during o
ur stolen moments, our hearts connecting irrefutably. And now, I was worried that I’d never be able to forget the billionaire.

  I felt so stupid. When our affair had begun, I thought I could have him and restrain my emotions. I had never had a lover before. Heck, I had never even kissed anyone before him, so I was nothing more than an inexperienced girl making a guess.

  But now, it was clear that the idea was foolish. After that first time, I knew I was in trouble. We found ourselves seeking each other’s company at any chance we could get. There were nights where we stayed up talking until the sun rose. I told him about my family – which was a topic that even Justine and I didn’t discuss often – while Hunter confessed his deepest fears. He told me how he was desperately afraid of losing his father’s approval and ruining Maddox Media.

  I had never felt closer to someone. Physically and mentally, I felt I knew him better even than I knew myself. Slowly, I started to open my heart to him and before I knew it, the deed was done. I fell head over heels in love with the billionaire. Whenever we said goodbye, all I could think about was the next time we would see each other. And when we were together, I just wanted him to consume me.

  Was this true love? The real thing that storybooks preach?

  Once, I’d asked Justine to describe love to me. She hadn’t said much, just shooting a weird look my way.

  I swallowed nervously and stared up at the night sky, the stars twinkling. Hunter and I had agreed to meet each other on the beach. It was one of our favorite spots because the tourists had already left, and now the white expanse of sand gleamed in the evening light. But a sense of foreboding entered my soul because Hunter had said he “wanted to talk.”

  My heart beat unsteadily. About what? Our future? The summer was drawing to a close, and we had no plans for fall. I was off to college, and he had to get back to managing his company. He’d told me that summers are a slow point in the media business, but come September, things would pick up once more.

  So I sat with some trepidation on a small sand dune, wrapping my arms around my knees. I’d brought a blanket with me and slid my feet into the beach, digging into the earth with my toes. Hunter had sounded mysterious when we’d made these plans.

  I wondered again what it was that he wanted to talk about.

  I hoped it was our future – that is, if the two of us were to have a future together at all.

  A sudden warmth enveloped me. “Have you been here long?” Hunter asked, as he squeezed my shoulders.

  I leaned back into him. “Not too long.” I turned back to look into his beautiful blue eyes. “Why did you want to meet here?”

  “It’s calm and quiet here. I thought it might be a nice alternative to the house.”

  I chucked. I spent most of my evenings at Hunter’s sister’s mansion these days. We mostly spent time in the pool house at the back of the estate, so I was less likely to run into Kristi and Aaron. I was lucky that Kristi didn’t seem to mind that I was hooking up with her uncle because it was probably pretty obvious, to be honest, what with the breathless pants and ecstatic screams I was unable to keep in sometimes. In fact, Kristi seemed to like the idea of it. She had told me that she had seen a change in him almost immediately after we had met

  “It is nice and calm here. I didn’t even know this part of the beach existed. It’s really gorgeous,” I said, scooting closer to Hunter and inhaling his musky fragrance. My pussy tingled in my panties at the hopeful thought that soon, his lips would be pressed down there.

  “I used to come down here a lot when I was a kid, when I wanted to get away from parents. It’s nice because it’s so isolated. There used to be sign right there,” Hunter said, pointing to the top of the hill.

  “Yeah?” I snuggled closer. “Is it dangerous here?”

  Hunter shrugged. He kissed my forehead and warmth flared in my chest. My heart beat fast just from sitting so close to him and I was anxiously waiting for him to start talking about something other than a mundane beach sign.

  “No,” Hunter replied. “And if it is, I’ll protect you.” He stretched his arms high into the air and let one come to rest on my shoulder.

  “It’s so nice here. I’m going to miss all of this when I have to go back home,” I said, inwardly cursing myself for mentioning the future.

  Hunter ignored what I said, pulling my head to rest on his chest. We sat like that, staring at the beach, letting the waves splash a few feet away. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart thudding within his muscular chest.

  “I wish things could stay like this forever,” I said softly. “I don’t ever want them to change.” I shuddered. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  The billionaire took a deep breath.

  “I was thinking,” he said, his hand curving over my hip and drawing me against his body. “Maybe I could visit you up at your school. In a few months’ time, after you get settled and everything.”

  I twisted around so I was staring up at him.

  “I’d like that,” I murmured. I wasn’t lying. I did like the idea – I liked it a lot. But what did it mean? A lump formed in my throat as I swallowed. I could feel myself getting more emotional and I didn’t want to cry, but it was probably inevitable.

  Because what did this mean? Did this mean that he was interested in a future with me? Or was it a fly-by-night operation where he’d show up at my dorm for sex, and then sayonara? My heart sank as I thought about the latter. I didn’t want merely a physical relationship with him, not with the way I felt.

  Hunter felt so close and so far away at the same time.

  A hot tear slipped down my cheek. I tried to wipe it away before he noticed, but Hunter grasped my hand in a warm, strong grip.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked suddenly, blue eyes concerned.

  I laughed awkwardly. “It’s nothing, I’m just happy to be here with you.”

  I tried to look away, but he grabbed my chin, making me look directly at him.

  “Don’t lie to me,” he said forcefully. “I know something’s going through your head. Tell me what it is, Dani.”

  “I don’t know if I can. I just don’t want things to change between us,” I said softly.

  “Tell me what you want,” Hunter growled, eyes intense. “I want you to be honest with me.”

  I took a deep, unsteady breath.

  “I don’t know if I can continue this relationship,” were my low words, knowing in my heart that there was no going back now. The truth was out. It was now or never. If he didn’t feel the same way about me, I was going to have to walk away. If Hunter didn’t reciprocate my feelings, my heart would break.

  Hunter took a deep breath. “What are you talking about?” he asked, expression intense.

  I was taken aback by his reaction. I bit my lip, waiting for him to say more.

  “What can’t you continue?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “What’s the problem, Dani?”

  “This,” I said, motioning my hand between our chests. “I care about you too much. I can’t just have a physical relationship without having emotions involved. I thought I could, but the more time we spend together, the more I’m starting to care for you. I don’t think I can be with you, unless you want something more.” I put my hand on his cheek. “You’ll ruin me if I don’t stop it now.”

  Hunter looked at me for a long time before speaking again. And his next words had my heart pounding.

  “I’m glad you feel that say, sweetheart. Because that’s what I want too.”

  For a moment, I couldn’t believe it. The words rang through my head and I shook my head, blinking wildly. In my daydreams, I’d never imagined this happening.

  “You what?” I asked again, unsure I had heard him correctly the first time.

  Hunter smiled softly while he took my hand to kiss the inside of my palm. “This summer, I feel like I’ve come alive. I have felt things that I haven’t felt with anymore in the forty years I’ve been on this earth. And I know it’s because of you, Dani. I can’t
imagine not seeing you every day and I can’t bear to have you leave me. I know it’s going to be a lot of work, but I know we’ll be able to make it work.”

  “You want a relationship with me?” I whispered, eyes wide.

  “Yes,” Hunter said, his voice a low growl. “Why is that so hard to believe?”

  “I- I just can’t believe it, that’s all. I love you so much that I knew I couldn’t bear it if you said you didn’t want anything real with me.”

  Hunter stopped his movements, turning his face to me. “You love me?”

  I hadn’t realized the slip until he repeated the words back to me.

  “I’m so stupid!” I wailed, covering my mouth with one hand. “I can’t believe I said that! Don’t listen to me, I don’t know what I’m talking about.” My cheeks were burning furiously in the dark and I was glad Hunter couldn’t see my face. Because what would he do now? Call it off? I hadn’t meant to say those words, and the pressure in this relationship had just ramped up a thousand percent.

  But then the magical happened once again.

  “I love you too,” Hunter said, his voice calm and serious. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long but I know in my heart that I love you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’ve never been so sure of someone before. I know that we’re meant to be, sweetheart. You and me.”

  Immediately, my heart started pounding, mouth hanging open. And instead of thinking, I went with my first instinct. Throwing my arms around his neck, I kissed his lips. I wanted to be consumed by the billionaire in the only way he hadn’t consumed me before. I could feel the ache in my chest growing and I knew the only way to contain it was to have him as close to me as possible.

  The kiss was soft and sweet at first, until we both grew needy. Hunter set me on his lap, pulling me closer against him. He sucked on my lower lip as I moved my hands to his forearms, digging into his muscles. Spasms of arousal cascaded through my body and I shivered as Hunter slid his tongue into my mouth and sucked on my lips. I could feel the urgency in his kisses because there was a need there that I’d never before experienced before.


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