Master of the Dungeon: A Heroes and Harpies Fantasy

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Master of the Dungeon: A Heroes and Harpies Fantasy Page 7

by Cara Vance

  “Just a little more...”

  But Trinity made sure Tevor wouldn’t get that little more he so desired, because just then, she bit down with her teeth.


  Tevor - Trevor - screamed as she clamped down, her teeth grinding into his skin.

  Trinity opened her mouth, preparing to chomp down hard - intent on biting it in two - but she wasn’t given the chance. Tevor slapped her away and she fell back, but it had been a glancing blow - more to stop her than anything.

  She was able to roll with the fall and regain her feet in time to see him stagger back, bent over, and with both hands cradling his injured junk.

  Trinity spit onto the ground, clearing the taste out of her mouth. “I can see why they call you Rottencrotch.”

  Tevor snarled and opened his mouth to roar, but what came out was more mewling whine than anything. Some wounds couldn’t be shaken off as easily as others, even for a musclebound brute.

  Realizing that his injury would only impair him for so long, Trinity turned toward the tent entrance, preparing to flee, but then stopped after only a step.


  She’d already played that game, running away while Lisa’s smug smirk followed her out the door. This Lisa wasn’t exactly in any shape to do the same, but nevertheless. Trinity had no intention of suffering the same humiliation twice.

  “Finish the quest,” Seth’s voice called out from the walls, the fire, and the ground itself.

  Trinity smiled. Yes, she’d finish it alright, but in her own way.

  * * *

  Not wishing to waste what little time she had, Trinity ran for the back of the tent, tearing the curtain aside as she did. She spared Lisa-orc’s body one quick satisfied smile before tearing the sword out of her corpse.

  She turned back to find Tevor limping, but not out of the fight yet.

  Let’s see if we can change that.

  Once more digging deep inside of herself, she opened her mind and accepted - became - Sonya, letting her warrior instincts take over.

  She ran at Tevor and he swung a massive fist her way. It was a ruse on her part, though. At the last moment, she feinted to the left and spun, her sword gouging a deep cut across his upper arm.

  He roared in pain, but she knew he wasn’t done yet.

  Dodging behind him, she thrust - attempting to skewer him through the middle. Amazingly, though, he flinched to the side at the last second and all she managed was the barest of scrapes along his side.

  “Ooh, sorry. Lousy roll there,” came Seth’s disembodied voice. “Not a fumble, though, and your barbarian fury still gives you an extra attack this round.”

  Trinity stopped in her tracks and cried out, “Not helping!”

  “Huh?” Tevor grunted. “Tevor not help you. Tevor kill you!”

  All at once, Trinity saw her mistake in hesitating to acknowledge Seth. Tevor kicked out behind him, his heavily muscled leg coming up in an arc strong enough to shatter a cinder block. Trinity had no time to dodge and caught it in her midsection.

  She wanted to puke from the force of the impact, but instinct again took over and she managed to catch his foot before it could disengage. With the speed of thought itself, she understood what Sonya wanted her to do.

  Woozy from the blow and knowing she couldn’t take another, she raked the blade of her sword across the back of Tevor’s heel, severing his Achilles tendon.

  He cried out as they both fell to one knee. The difference, though, Trinity knew, was that she could get back up.

  * * *

  Breathing heavily, and supporting herself with her bloodied sword, Trinity watched as Tevor attempted to stand. Sadly for the dumb fuck, the moment he tried to put weight on his injured leg, he went crashing back down to the ground.

  Trinity willed herself to move, forcing the pain down, and striding toward where Tevor lay. He pushed himself up to his elbows, only to catch a boot to the mouth from her. Trinity’s own strength in this body was formidable, far more than anything her yoga class had ever produced, and Tevor rolled over onto his back, stunned.

  Trinity stepped over him, her feet straddling both sides of his muscled torso and raised her sword. She had meant to plunge it straight through his chest, Sonya practically demanding she do so, but stopped herself at the last second.

  “No, I’m not finished with you yet.”

  Realizing the danger he still presented, she instead targeted his massive arms. Stabbing straight down through both biceps, she effectively rendered them useless.

  When she was finished, she stood over him, triumphant. Gone was his arrogant sneer and in its place, a whining, pleading tone.

  “Please. Tevor surrender,” he begged.


  “Tevor do anything.”


  “Yes. Anything for human...master.”

  Trinity liked the sound of that, liked it a lot. It gave her ideas, ones that made her tingle with excitement.

  She lifted the sword again and his eyes went wide, but this time, she had a different target in mind. With a deft movement of the blade, she slit the straps of her armored bikini bottom, letting it fall away.

  She reached down, grabbed a handful of Tevor’s hair and dragged him to a setting position.

  Pulling his face closer to her growing wetness, she said, “Now you’re going to service me for a change. And you’d better make it good. Your life depends on it.”

  * * *

  Obediently, like a whipped dog, he did as commanded. At once, Trinity felt his coarse tongue lapping at her crotch, trying to find its way inside of her.

  He wasn’t nearly the artist that Seth was, and several times, she had to correct him with a sharp slap across the face. The one advantage Tevor had, though, was the immense satisfaction she got from it. She’d gotten even with the asshole for his transgressions and now she was finally getting her share of the spoils.

  Even better were these new feelings inside of her. She’d wanted to be taken, forced to enjoy a man doing to her as he pleased. Seth had done that and more and it had been incredible. What she hadn’t expected, though, was the enjoyment of taking total control, compelling her will upon another.

  This was so much different from what she used to do for Trevor, being weakly assertive in the false hope of being pleased in return. No, this wasn’t the same at all. She was firmly in charge here...perhaps not the Hero Master of this world, but a master nevertheless.

  That thought brought her pleasure surely as much as Tevor’s frenzied suckling of her vulva, increasing in tempo and focus as she sensed that perhaps he was enjoying her domination a bit too, despite his injuries.

  Well, fuck him! All of this was for her pleasure and hers alone. She made sure he knew it, cruelly twisting one of his ears when he seemed to get a little too into it - getting bolder than was his right as her prisoner.

  All of it served to make the experience so much sweeter.

  Sweat began to bead on Trinity’s exposed chest and she ground her hips into his face in time with his movements, enjoying his rough tongue and coarse lips against her.

  No, he wasn’t nearly as adept as Seth, but he was good in his own crude way and she closed her eyes as her juices began to flow, ordering him to lap them up as if he were a man dying of thirst in the desert.

  At last, she felt the tremors begin to grow inside of her, slowly at first, but then mounting in intensity as he continued to ram his tongue into her slit.

  A shudder racked her body, and then again, as her hips buckled. Another few seconds and she’d no longer be able to stand, but that was more than enough time for what she intended.

  The orgasm overtook her and she cried out, “Oh yeah, baby. That’s the ticket!” as she raised the sword above her head.


  Trinity’s eyes popped open and she gasped for air. One moment she’d been walking back to town, Tevor’s head in her hand, when suddenly, she’d grown dizzy.

  The world had s
pun and she became dimly aware of dropping her well-earned prize and then falling to the ground alongside it. She’d reached out, unwilling to lose her trophy, when all had gone black.

  Once her eyes regained their focus, she expected to see his severed head lying just out of reach of her outstretched hand. What she saw instead was a small metal figurine. It was painted green and depicted a pig-faced monster holding a sword.

  What the?

  Panicking, Trinity sat bolt upright and blinked. She had no idea where she was or how she’d gotten there. She was seated at a table in a room. Action figures looked down at her almost mockingly from the shelves upon which they sat.

  A blonde-haired woman sat across from her, a flushed look upon her face and the top three buttons of her blouse undone. For a moment, Trinity wanted to ask where she was and what this stranger had done to her, but then all at once, her head cleared and recognition flashed in her mind.


  “How are you doing?” Her roommate’s voice was thick and raspy, but contained a note of satisfaction. “Feeling any better now?”


  “Welcome back, sleepy head,” another voice said. She turned to her right and saw Seth sitting where he’d been behind his dorky gaming screen, still wearing his weird-ass t-shirt. The only difference was that he looked winded, as if he’d just run a marathon.

  He was placing that strange book from earlier back onto the pile he’d taken it from. When he was finished, he turned to Trinity. “You probably have some questions.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “Like how many experience points you got.”


  Just then, there came a buzzing at the intercom. “But first, pizza!” he said, easing his way to his feet and still breathing a bit heavily. Becca reached into her pocket, but he stopped her with a “my treat tonight.”

  Seth threw them both a fond smile as he left the room, no doubt heading to the front door of the dormitory.

  All the while, Trinity sat there, confused.

  “How’d you like your first adventure?” Becca asked after a few seconds, looking down and self-consciously buttoning her shirt back up.



  “You mean that wasn’t a dream?”

  A blush crept into Becca’s cheeks as she answered, “I don’t know if I’d say that.”

  Memories rushed into Trinity’s head: the danger, the lust, the pleasure. Along with them came the sensations - the sting of an axe blade, the feel of a tongue probing her, being penetrated by Seth’s glorious penis. She relived them all in the space of seconds and wasn’t surprised to find that when she was finished, her panties were thoroughly soaked. “Holy shit!”

  “Relax,” Becca implored. “It can all be a little...intense the first time.”

  Intense was definitely one word for it as far as Trinity was concerned. “And you do this every Friday night?”

  “Yeah. Although, usually, the other guys are here too. Just between you and me, I like it best when there’s a full crew.” The tone of Becca’s voice indicated she wasn’t just talking about some random sword fighting. Trinity was amazed at what she heard. Seemingly gone was her normally mousy roommate and in her place sat a woman who knew what she wanted. “It was weird at first,” Becca continued. “I mean, I’m not like you when it comes to people. Seth must’ve invited me here ten times before I finally worked up the courage to join them, but then he told me what he told you - about the game helping me, bringing me out of my shell. Boy, was he right.”

  “But why...”

  “I knew you’d been pretty miserable with Trevor for a while now, even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself. And then after what he did...” She trailed off for a moment before going on. “Anyway, that’s why I told Seth about you, hoping that maybe he could help you out as well.”

  For a moment, Trinity just blinked in confusion at the confession, but then remembered what Becca had said earlier. She’d told Seth about her and Trevor, about their breakup. Now the whole thing with Trevor/Tevor suddenly made perfect sense.

  “Sorry if I was wrong,” Becca added sheepishly. The mousy little roommate Trinity knew so well was back in control.

  “So all of that...”

  “It was a special custom adventure, something to ease you into the game and give you a chance to get it all out of your system. I thought...I thought you needed it after everything he put you through.”

  Trinity stood up, not quite believing what she was hearing. She’d been lured here, and Becca had known the entire time what was going to happen. She’d been set up. How could a friend do that?

  But then she looked at her roommate, saw her wide eyes staring hopefully back, and realized that was exactly what a friend would do - try to help.

  And hadn’t she? Sure, Trinity had been scared at first. She’d gotten hurt too, nearly killed in the process. However, looking down at herself now, she saw no trace of those battle wounds. Trinity felt as whole as she’d been when she’d arrived here this evening. No, that wasn’t true. Searching her feelings, she realized she actually felt much better.

  The only part she regretted was that none of Sonya’s strength seemed to remain within her...or had it? Her unearthly physical strength was gone, but in the back of Trinity’s mind, she could hear the proud warrior roaring her defiance. Sonya was a part of her now...maybe she’d always been there, just waiting to be awoken.

  She considered this and everything else that had transpired this evening - the pleasure, the enjoyment of being tamed, the raw savage fury of becoming the master, and the orgasms...oh god, those were perhaps the best part.

  At last, Becca couldn’t take the silence anymore, her eyes growing misty with fear. “You’re not mad, are you?” she whimpered.

  Trinity leaned over the table and locked eyes with her roommate. Becca’s gaze wavered and Trinity was certain it was only a matter of time before she’d start crying. When Trinity finally answered, it was with Sonya’s angry snarl. “I just want to know one thing.”


  At that, a big grin lit up Trinity’s face. “What time are we playing next week?”


  Enjoying the world of Heroes and Harpies?

  No Honor Among Thieves (A Heroes and Harpies Fantasy, part 2)

  Coming Soon!


  A geek girl at heart, Cara Vance lives in the most exciting city in the world, New York. There she spends her days enjoying Manhattan and its myriad people, marveling in the life around her as she drinks in the sights and sounds. Her greatest enjoyment, though, comes from bringing pleasure to others, if not with her hands and lips, then with her words.

  Available from Cara Vance:

  Master of the Dungeon

  Meeting Misty

  The Necromancer’s Wife




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