Changing on the Fly

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Changing on the Fly Page 23

by Cherylanne Corneille

  Did I hear him? I did hear him, right?

  Tim looks up at me. “Is something wrong?”

  “I...I hadn’t realized this was going to be a date.” It’s a half-lie.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Man, I’m so stupid.” He drops his utensils. “It’s immature to send an email to ask someone out, or use a contract as an excuse. I’m sorry, Kian, I should have planned this out better.” Tim seems genuinely upset.

  “Wait, please, hear me out.” I touch his forearm. “Let me explain. I didn’t know you were gay, and I wanted this to be a date. Hell, it took me forty minutes to pick out an outfit so it didn’t seem like I was on a date. I’m glad to be here. I promise.”

  “I think everyone knows I’m gay. I mean, I never put it in a press release because it’s no one’s business. But I’ve never hid it,” he states matter-of-factly.

  “I was thinking you were, but I didn’t want to push or call you out. No pun intended.” I smile and pick up my knife and fork. “I’m glad to be here.”


  Throughout the entire dinner, Tim and I discuss everything and anything. I tell him about looking for a new job, how much I love Kyson, and how I will make sure he’s taken care of. Tim tells me all about his supportive, loving parents, some funny stories, and some of the achievements of his career. But I can tell he’ll miss the time on the ice, his teammates, and the game, but he’s excited about his next adventure in broadcasting.

  We clean up our plates and dinner together. It’s nice, and the conversation is at ease. There’s no awkward silence or uncomfortable parts of conversation. It’s one of the best first dates I’ve ever had.

  “Want to grab the wine and move into the living room?” Tim picks up the bottle.

  “Sounds good.” I follow him to the couch and take a seat at one end. He sits in the middle, next to me. I watch as he pours more wine into our glasses.

  “Since you’re out but not out, have you had many relationships?” I can’t ever remember seeing him with anyone. I know this is a serious topic, but what the hell?

  “Nothing more than a few flings. The guys I’ve been with can’t deal with my schedule, and most don’t even like hockey.” He chuckles. “What about you?”

  “Well, I kept mine hidden most of my life. My first was in college and most of my encounters were there. When college was over, there was a guy, and I thought something was there, but he didn’t like the fact I wasn’t out, and he left me. Since then, it’s been a one-night stands, until Stan. Once Kyson found out, it was much better, but now…” I shrug.

  “I heard Kyson talking about it in the locker room one day. Such a shame. I am sorry to hear it.”

  I sigh. “I didn’t tell my brother, but Stan broke up with me because I do everything for Kyson. I know he’s twenty-five, and I know he’s a mature adult, but he’s my only family left, and it makes me feel better. However, I’ve recently realized I need to cut the apron strings a bit. It’s why I’m looking for a job.”

  Tim nods. “I can understand that, and I think Stan’s wrong. You and Kyson have a serious bond and it’s special. You shouldn’t let anyone tell you what to do.”

  “Thank you. I kind of needed to hear from someone who’s looking from the outside in.” I smile. I can feel myself getting hotter with Tim sitting so close to me. “Um, about the contract, do you really want to see my notes?”

  “Actually, yes I would like to.”

  I nod and get up from my comfortable position on the couch and go grab the contract. When I come back, I go over the few things I marked and explain a different wording to help him in the end.

  “Kian, this is great. Thank you so much. I had a lawyer look over this, and he didn’t even catch those. How much do I owe you?”

  “Oh,” I shake my head. “Nothing. It’s not a big deal. I’ve been doing this for so many years with Kyson, it’s comes naturally now.” I try to act as if it’s not a big deal when in reality contract writing is a huge deal. A simple the, is, or even and changes an entire contract.

  “No, seriously.” Tim sets the contract down.

  “We’ll call it even with the amazing dinner.” I check my watch and notice how fast this night has gone by. “I should be going.” I stand, and he follows me.

  “Right. I’m sure you have things to do.”

  I shrug. “A job interview and it’s early. I swear it’s not a line either,” I joke as I reach the door.

  “Kian,” Tim says my name in a lower tone. “I’d like to see you again. Maybe tomorrow, if you’re open.”

  A grin comes across my face before I can stop it. “I would enjoy seeing you again.”

  “I’d like to cook again. If you don’t mind.” He steps right up to me.

  We’re eye-to-eye, and I know what’s about to come. I’m no teenager. However, the question is who leans in first? It’s the part of kissing I hate. The first move. This time, it’s Tim.

  Our lips touch, and the spark is struck. He pulls me closer and grips my hips. I can feel his hardness already, and my dick twitches at the contact. Our kiss intensifies as our tongues touch. I hold him closer, and the light scruff of his pale beard tickles me. I never want to leave this spot, but finally, I pull back.

  “Sorry, I got carried away.” Tim’s smile makes my dick twitch again.

  “I did too.”

  “Tomorrow. Yes. I’ll be here. I’ll bring wine.” I’m stammering, trying to find words that don’t make me sound like a fool, but it’s not working well.

  “Great.” He’s still smiling, and I quickly turn and head out to my car.

  What the hell just happened, and when can it happen again?

  Chapter Three

  I FEEL AS if I’m eighteen again, and I just had my first real kiss. I walk around on a cloud thinking about Tim and our dinner last night.

  I walk into my interview confident and poised to get this job. I should have told Kyson where this interview is, but I decided not to in case he wanted to pull some strings. It’s the last thing I need; my brother getting me a job. I know it’s not that way, but it would feel like it.

  Working for the New Hampshire Bears could be a good thing for me. I know almost everyone, it’s close to home, and I’ll still be near Kyson. I’ve said it numerous times; yes, he’s an adult, but I’m still his brother, and I’d feel better being near him.

  Even though I haven’t worked in public relations in forever, I’m hoping my previous work history and references will be able to get me in. In college, I majored in communications in hopes I would work for a non-profit, maybe something for kids or AIDS, but life took me in a different direction.

  I started out a Fortune 500 oil company, which ended up being a major headache because of the EPA and government. However, the pay had been better than I could even dream, and it let me help Mom out, especially when she started to get sick. I kept the horrible, but well-paying job until Mom died, and I had to take care of Kyson.

  I moved on to a hospital and it was a lower level job, not such great pay, but better hours to be with Kyson. They didn’t even complain, much, when I had to take Kyson around to hockey events and games.

  When Kyson was drafted, I quit the hospital and became Kyson’s full-time assistant. Of course, he paid me, and I think too much, but I didn’t argue with him.

  Now, I’m back to the beginning. I’m interviewing again and looking for a job. The difference, I’m forty-one and it’s not as easy as I remembered. Nonetheless, I’m going to land this job interview.


  AFTER THE INTERVIEW, I head to the store, pick up some food, and grab two bottles of wine for tonight. Yes, two is a lot, but I'm not sure if I should get red or white. I can always use it as an excuse for another date.

  When I walk into my place, I hear laughter from the kitchen and head in the direction.

  “Kian!” Kyson, Keaton, and Remington all shout my name as I walk in.

  “Hi guys.” I chuckle, sitting the bags down. �
�Shouldn’t you three be getting ready for a game?”

  “We’re about to, but we were waiting for you.” Kyson smirks at me.

  “What for?”

  “We heard two rumors today.” Remington chuckles, sipping from a glass of water.

  “And those would be?” I turn and face them wondering what joke they’re trying to pull on me.

  “The first was from Tim.” Keaton suddenly becomes serious.

  My heart stops a bit. “Tim Gibbs?”

  They nod.

  “We heard you had a date with him last night and have another tonight,” Keaton continues.

  I clear my throat. “Um, yes, we did and do.” I feel a little uncomfortable.

  “Don’t be shy about it.” Kyson slaps my back. “We all know about Tim; he’s never hid it from the team. We just don’t blast it to everyone out of respect. I’m happy for you.”

  I feel my shoulders sag in relief. “I’m glad. We had a good time.” I pause. “So, what’s the second rumor?” I’m starting to think it’s about sex or something like along those lines.

  “You’re about to land a job in the Bears’ public relations department.” Kyson smiles.

  “ do you know this?” I step back.

  “We hear everything,” Keaton says in a spooky voice.

  “Why didn’t you say anything to me?” Kyson asks, ignoring Keaton.

  “ want to do it on my own. Which I’m guessing isn’t going to happen since you three nuts heard it already.” I lean against the counter behind me.

  “Hey!” Kyson seems hurt. “I’m proud of you, and I want to help you if I can. You deserve it.”

  “It’s not that I don't want your help, it’s just I’m trying to do it alone. It’s been so long since I’ve had an independent job away from you.” I think it sounds worse than I mean it to.

  “I think you bagged it.” Keaton nods. “And with that, guys, I’m heading home and getting ready for the game.”

  “I’m right behind you,” Remington says and follows Keaton out.

  When the two leave, I’m alone with Kyson and wondering what he is really thinking. Maybe, he’s just being nice around his teammates. No, he was fine when I was with Stan. Hell, we even went on a double date with him and Meadow. I don’t think he’s changed his opinion so quickly.

  “Kian, what is it?”

  “Just thinking.” I nod at him and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. “I’m meeting Tim in a few hours, and I need to shower and such.”

  “Kian.” Kyson stops me by blocking my path. “I think this is a good thing. Tim’s a great guy, and you two look like a great couple. Plus, I would love if you worked for the Bears.”

  In front of me stands my little brother. I can still see the annoying kid who followed me around all the time and was constantly in my stuff. However, right now I see him: a man and concerned brother.

  “Kyson, I didn’t know how you would feel about me being with Tim. I’m still getting used to the fact that you know about me. On top of that, what if I work for the Bears? Would it be strange for you to work for the same organization you play for?”

  He shakes his head and places both of his hands on my shoulders. “You are my brother, and nothing else matters as long as you are happy. That’s it. If you want to work for the Bears and it makes you happy, then I don’t care if you’re a janitor. If you want to date Tim, you both are adults and again, if you’re happy, then I am too. The end, Kian.”

  I hug him. I wrap him up in my arms but can’t say anything because I’m too emotional.

  “Kian, I love you, but I have to get ready.”

  “Right.” I let him go, smiling. “And thank you.”

  He slaps my back before heading down the hall to get ready. I, on the other hand, had to shake my head clear before getting ready for my date with Tim.


  I KNOCK ON Tim’s door trying not to fidget with my tie and not drop the wine bottles. Tim opens the door smiling.

  “Come in, Kian.” He steps to the side, and I stroll in.

  “I bought white and red because I’m not sure what we're having.” I try to justify the reasoning so he doesn’t think I’m trying to get him drunk.

  “How silly of me. I should have told you. I’m sorry.” He leans in and gives me a quick kiss, taking one of the bottles from me.

  I feel comfortable with his kiss. It’s almost natural, but something like this can’t happen this fast. It takes time, right? I know Kyson was always falling in love at first sight, but I’m different. Sure, I find men attractive. I’m not blind by any means, but love? It’s a whole different game.

  “Tonight, I thought fish would be good.” Tim says as he opens his broiler and two large pieces of fish appear.

  “Fish is great. Need me to open the wine?” I ask because I need to do something with my hands.

  “Please.” He smiles over his shoulder and goes back to cook and plating. “I didn’t go all out tonight; I’m sorry, but I’ve been at the arena all day.”

  “How come?”

  Tim begins telling me all about his day getting ready in the broadcasting booth. He’s overly excited and wishes he could have started tonight; however, he has to wait for the other broadcaster to finish out his contract, which expires at the end of the week.

  We take our seats at the table while he’s still talking. I don’t see any real nervousness about his new job from his tone; it’s more of pride. Throughout most of the dinner, he continues to talk about how he is going to spend the next few days making sure he’s up to date on his history of the Bears and the players.

  “Here I am just rambling away, when I should be asking you about your interview,” Tim chuckles, sipping his wine. “Did you get the job?”

  I shrug. “I think the interview went well, and obviously, they knew who I was, but I’m still hoping I get it.”

  “Where was it?”

  “The Bears. It’s with their public relations department.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have put in a good word for you. I know all the staff down there.”

  “I want to do it on my own. Even though they all know I’m Kyson’s brother, I really hope they overlook that particular fact and give it to me on my merit and skills. Of course, I’ve not worked in this field since I took over for Kyson, and that’s been almost six years. In PR years, that’s a long time.”

  Tim waves his hand. “I’m sure they understand, and you’ll totally get the job,”

  I take a deep breath. “I hope so. I’d like to work with the Bears. I know they’re very professional and more laid back than other companies.”

  “Very true.” Tim nods and finishes his last bite of food.

  The conversation easily moves to other topics. First books, in which I learn Tim is a big reader of British classic novels. Then movies, which I’m more of a fan. I like all sorts of movies. It seems we’re pretty even on music since we’re close in age and even liked the same bands and singers in our teenager/early-adult years.

  Like last night, I help him clean up, even though he insists I don’t need to worry about it. I pay him no mind and go about scraping the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. Tim wipes down the table, counters, and stove. When we finish, we grab the wine glasses and bottle and go into the living room.

  “Do you mind if I catch the rest of the game?” I ask. I’ve checked my phone a couple of times and the score has been tied.

  “Sure.” He turns on his large flat screen TV, and we cuddle close together as the game pops up.

  “Are you missing it already?” I ask, seeing the score hasn’t changed yet.

  “I thought I would miss it more, but when I woke up this morning, knowing there was a game, I was a little bit relieved.” He softly laughs. “I miss it, but I like the new adventure ahead of me.”

  “I’m sure you do. It’s a good one to have. You’ll get to travel with the team and be in front of the TV. Who wouldn’t love that?” I w
ouldn’t be doing the exact same thing in the PR department, but it would be somewhat similar.

  “I can’t wait, really. This is something I never thought for myself.”

  “Well, what did you plan to do when you retired?”

  “In truth, I had no clue. I thought about going back to Canada, buying a house on a lake, and just living it out. Then this opportunity fell into my lap, and I couldn’t pass it up. This way, I’m off the ice but not out of the game.”

  I can understand what he means. I have no clue either about what I will do when I retire. I figure Kyson and Meadow will have their own place and their own lives. I know Kyson always wanted to travel when his hockey career ends, but I have no desire to. I guess I need to think about my future. I am forty-one, and it’s not as if I’m getting any younger.

  I look up at the screen and we watch the final moments of the Bears game. Kyson doesn’t score, but Vance, who is only in his second season, does, as does the captain Hamilton Baer, who always looks mad at the world. I never have seen him smile. Nonetheless, the Bears win, and it’s a great way to start the season off.

  “Good game,” Tim says turning off the TV.

  “Yes. Kyson will be pleased even if he didn’t score.”

  “More wine?” He lifts the bottle.

  I shake my head. “No, thank you. I’m good.”

  “Okay.” He puts the bottle and his glass down. “Would you like a tour?”

  “Sure.” I place my glass on the table as well and take Tim’s outstretched hand.

  He takes me to his workout room, which is in the basement. He has all the state-of-the-art equipment. He leads me to the first floor, past the living room, to his office. There, in the center of the room, sits a large oak desk, with a desktop computer placed on top of it. He has a few note pads and such lying around, but it’s far from messy.

  On the way up the stairs, I can’t lie; my heart races a bit, knowing I’ll be seeing his bedroom. However, I shouldn’t hope for it either. I don’t want him to think I’m there only to have sex. Although, it would be a highlight.


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