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Probe Page 12

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam walked up to monitor the fist fight before it got started but Edward was prepared.

  Edward cut her off, “I’m sorry. I apologize to both of you. I don’t know what got into me, but it wasn’t my place to say anything. I was completely out of line, and I hope you will forgive me for intruding on something that is none of my concern. I genuinely regret opening my big trap.”

  Misti was genuinely shocked. She was expecting some small token resistance, but not this rather complete and immediate capitulation. Her reaction was instantaneous and diplomatic. “Apology accepted. From both of us.”

  It was over before it even started, Adam thought.

  Then she said aloud, so Alana and her Dad could hear, “Now why don’t you introduce me to this very handsome gentleman.”

  She walked up slowly to Alana, “This must be the fabled Dr. Edmund McCarthy, I presume.”

  In his most charming southern accent, Edmund said, “Aren’t you just beautiful. Why if I was a million years younger and a lot better looking I’d …”

  “Daddy! Stop it!”, Alana said. “You’re embarrassing me.”

  “Speak for yourself, you adorable prude,” said Misti, taking Alana’s father’s arm and walking him toward the Terminal. “I think your papa and I are gonna get along just fine. Edmund, may I call you daddy too? Like Alana. Or maybe papa? I’m practically a child, you know. Pretty please?”

  “Why certainly, my darling. You most certainly may.” Feigning ignorance and playing her game, Edmund said, “I’m so sorry, young lady, but did I catch your name?”

  “Why no, you wickedly adorable man, I’m sure you didn’t. But only because I didn’t toss it your way.” She giggled, a practiced affectation. “My name is Misti. Misti St. James. The little boy back there is my husband and the old fart with him is my second Dad. Pay them no mind. Now I understand you’re a physicist. Do tell me more. I’m quite eager to learn everything from you. Everything.”

  Alana caught up to Misti and her Dad and took his other arm while Edward and Adam looked at each other, smiled and followed from behind. The bags were to follow, and they’d pick them up inside.

  Edmund said, “How did three very average looking Joe’s like us get so lucky as to be in the company of two of the most beautiful women in the entire solar system?”

  Misti said, “An interesting observation, sir. Have you merely formed a hypothesis or have your already constructed a theory?”

  “You are good, aren’t you?”

  Why, sir, whatever do you mean?”


  After a short drive along the coast, the group was in La Jolla and moments after they arrived at Alana’s condo. The men chatted away in the living room while Alana and Misti unpacked her Hawaiian wardrobe and replaced it with her London-appropriate togs. It only took a half an hour, a record time, but then they were back in the rented 4x4, and off to downtown San Diego for a light dinner before returning to the airport for their flight to London.

  Alana made sure all their passports were in order and, once confirmed, they were off.

  Dinner was casual and relaxed, and it seemed the whole group got on famously. They decided to avoid work as dinner conversation and instead reserved those topics for the long flight across the pond. They would have plenty of time and a secure environment in which to finalize their contracts and begin discussing the project, why they were going to London and what each would be expected to do. The move to Barrows Bay was also on the agenda and Edward had specific news to share on the topic.

  By midnight they were wheels up.


  They gathered together around a small table in the back of the plane, obviously designed for just such working flights.

  Edward got right down to business.

  “Edmund and I have already discussed our offer to him to which he has already agreed. Alana, forgive me for being presumptuous, but I have taken the liberty of discussing your terms with your father. He seemed to think they would meet with your approval. Any questions?”

  Misti said, “Maybe you should tell her what your offer is, so she can decide for herself. Adam and I can excuse ourselves while you explain her contract to her.”

  Alana said, “If you don’t mind, Edward, I’d like you to explain your offer to me with Adam and Misti present. I’d like them to hear whatever it is you are offering. I trust their judgment and it’s important that they hear this too.”

  Edmund said, “Might as well tell them my terms too. If Alana trusts their judgment, then so do I. I’d hate to think I got taken by a slick, world famous archeologist!”

  Misti said, “I see you have met Edward. This should be interesting.”

  “OK, Edmund first. Salary, $1 million per year for five years. Commitment bonus, an additional $1 million. Full benefits package, plus retirement and a two-bedroom home in Barrows Bay. We can talk about that later. You keep your home or sell it, up to you. You have a ‘put’ to us at fair market value if you don’t want to bother with that. We move all your belongings up to Canada at our expense. You will resign from UCSD, but I understand that will be booked as your retirement. We’ll discuss your job after we’re done with the paperwork.”

  “Now as to you, Miss Alana McCarthy, your offer is slightly more complicated, as we have to disentangle you amicably from the Feds. But not completely. They still want access to your mind. Can’t say that I blame them.

  “Your offer is $3 million per year for five years, with a commitment bonus of $5 million. Same benefits as your Dad, same house, same moving package, same everything else I guess. Same ‘put’ option.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You have the right to force us to buy your condo at its fair market value. We give you cash, we keep the condo. Or keep it if you want a summer home in San Diego. Up to you.”

  “What’s the deal with the Feds?”

  “You will continue to help them on specified projects, time permitting. You choose but you won’t be obligated to do anything. However, they hope you will agree to assist as before and you will be compensated separately for that work. They’d like to discuss that option with you very soon.”

  “Edward, I’d like to make one change.”

  “What would that be Alana? We can bump up your compensation, if it’s not enough.”

  “Oh no. Heavens no. Your offer is more than generous; it’s incredible. No, I won’t be needing the home. You can delete that. Then I’m ready to sign.”

  “We can keep the home in and, if you change your mind later, you will have it.”

  “No. I don’t need it and I won’t be changing my mind. I’ll be moving in with Adam and Misti. Permanently. Adam says they have plenty of room and Misti thinks I’ll be happier there. I think I will be too. Now, where’s that pen?”


  Alana and Edmund signed their contracts and the Confidentiality Agreements that went along with them. Alana did a little happy dance inside when she was alone with Adam and Misti, while Edmund and Edward went off to talk business in the forward part of the cabin.

  “I don’t curse very often, daddy doesn’t approve you know, but holy fucking shit that’s a lot of money. Where does it all come from? May I ask?”

  “Sure,” said Misti. “From the family trust. It was a family decision. Vote was unanimous, although Edward was quite insistent. Thought the deal was a bargain. He wasn’t kidding; they would’ve bumped up your comp from there if you had asked.”

  “Can you afford it?”

  “The trust has an estimated value of about $1.7 billion dollars and is growing at a rate of about $100 million per year. Mostly new earnings from patents and royalties. So yeah, the family can afford it.”

  “Does a lot of money like that ever make you horny? God, I’m positively wet right now.”

  “Oh, that’s not good,” said Adam. “I think this calls for an emergency horny-ectomy. Is Dr. Misti in the building?”

  “Right here,
Dr. St. James. How can I assist?”

  “Please go back to the bathroom and try to assist the patient. Appears to be wet and in dire need of emergency oral services.”

  “Step right this way, Ms. McCarthy. I think I know just what to do to cure what ails you.”


  Edward, Misti and Adam had just finished their primer on the Project, what the McCarthy’s would be doing and when they would start work, just as the pilot announced they were still three hours out from landing. He was intending to dim the cabin lights for the duration of the flight, so he asked them to please take their seats and fasten their seat belts.

  Alana and Misti cuddled side by side and quickly nodded off. Adam joined his father and Edmund for some further discussion about how Edmund might assist Marcus and Tawney Thierry and the Drs. Detwiler. When they arrived in London, they still hadn’t slept.

  Adam was overwhelmed and immensely happy. He glanced back at his wife and their new mate wondering what the future held. Didn’t matter, he said to himself. We’ll face it together.

  After all, how bad could it possibly be?

  Chapter 19

  Edward arrived early ahead of the social mixer planned for the evening with the senior members of his core teams from London and Barrows Bay. Rod and Cindy wouldn’t be in attendance for this event but were expected to be in attendance for the first of the business meetings scheduled for the next day. Adam, Misti and the McCarthy’s would gather at the Loft, along with the Thierry’s, Hannah, and Vera. Finally, Bethy would accompany Edward so that the senior teams would’ve the opportunity to get acquainted with her, as well as each other, ahead of the detailed briefings. Edward would reveal what each was expected to do, and how they fit into the overall Project.

  Curiosity about team members and personalities and whether other team members could be trusted would have to begin in a social setting. Edward believed was harder to get angry at someone you had met, got to know and whose company you both liked and enjoyed. Conversely, it wasn’t at all difficult to be disrespectful or petty with someone who was little more than a name pasted to a photograph. Team building was personal, and a one-on-one endeavour, though results could never be predicted in advance. Edward knew his people and was confident that all would get along well. However, with Tawney and Adam, professional respect and civility might have to suffice.

  The formal meetings and informal gatherings for the week in London, hosted by Hannah and Edward, would go far to help the team understand the complexity of the tasks ahead, the interrelationship of tasks and skills involved and the precision teamwork that would be required for success. He hoped, just by chance, that they would find a way to like each other. Not essential, but highly desirable.

  Interestingly, Edward was very optimistic. Bethy, an old pro at diplomacy, was on hand to assist if things began to go off the rails. But she too, knowing the personalities in attendance, was confident that any alleged hostility was probably due to false perceptions, not reality. Bethy’s approach was to have people understand what they had in common, not the opposite.

  There were two members for whom this event was primarily designed, and Edward would be watching this dynamic very carefully. He had already counseled both to be on their best behavior but that assured absolutely nothing. Both were smart, strong willed and capable. Edward needed them to be the best of friends too.

  But Edward also had a backup plan and that part of his strategy would be activated immediately. If this gambit worked, the rest would fall into place nicely. Bethy thought Edward was being too clever by half but admitted to some admiration for his chess game.

  Edward had also decided to invite the Bentley boys for the first part of the gathering. There were going to be announcements and Hannah insisted that the boys be in attendance before being excused to carry out their regular duties.

  But first, he wanted a word. He met them in the Technology Centre.

  “James.” Edward extended his hand in welcome, then to Raoul, “It’s good to see you both again. It’s been far too long. You don’t know how pleased I was to hear that Hannah and Vera had asked for you to stay on as personal security. I must admit, I should’ve thought of that myself.”

  Both men smiled broadly at the warmth of Edward’s greeting. They like Edward immensely and had worked with him on many occasions both while they were in the SAS and afterwards. Edward was tough and could be vicious in the field when required, traits they admired when lives were on the line. He was a good man to have next to you when the bullets began to fly; cool under fire, superb leadership skills and no nonsense. If he promised he’s get you get home safely to your family, that was a bankable promise.

  How the egghead archeologist and both his sons got so lethal was a story they had not, as yet, been fully made aware. Perhaps they would one day.

  “Tonight, is just a social event with senior staff and Hannah would like you both in attendance. Hannah and I would like to emphasize that several of the attendees tonight have a fairly substantial cash bounty on their heads while most of the rest had also been targeted for elimination. So, confidentiality and secrecy are paramount tonight as you can well imagine. I mentioned to Hannah that you are each familiar with the burden of living under that kind of weight, so your discretion would be automatic. I assume the Iranians and Al Qaeda, what’s left of them, are still looking for you?”

  “They are, sir.”

  “I also understand that the bounty has appreciated in value somewhat since last we spoke.”

  “Indeed sir, it has. But the identities you helped us with, well let’s just say the Thompson brothers died a horrible and tragic death in Yemen. Case closed.”

  “Good. Good. Now for tonight, I understand that you two boys have become quite attached to my girls.”

  “We have sir; quite so. All good and proper though.”

  “Yes, I understand. The girls are quite fond of you both, and I understand that Vera has quite a crush on you Raoul. An accomplishment in and of itself.”

  “Don’t know about that, sir. Miss Hannah is probably being overgenerous in her assessment. Miss Vera is quite a handful and she curses like a sailor. Who wouldn’t admire a lady like that? She’s one of us sir, even though she’s quite lovely and a lady in every respect, if you follow my meanin’, sir.”

  “I do. And, James, I understand from Hannah that she has come to rely quite a bit on your judgment in various and sundry matters. True?”

  “Can’t say for certain, sir. But Miss Hannah does inquire of my opinion on some matters, from time to time. Whether it influences, she doesn’t say. But Miss Hannah is a strong woman, a good leader and fair. She knows when to look the other way. She also knows when to put your balls in a vice. Figuratively, I mean.”

  “James, Hannah has told me confidentially that she feels that you have become her most important and most reliable counselor. Not that she doesn’t listen to her other staff, just that she most often listens to you. I think if she had her way, she’d reduce staff somewhat as duplicative and unnecessary. We thought differently when we started but this is how she feels right now. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.”

  “Yes sir, I will.”

  “Just so, gents. Just so. Well, good. Now tonight we have some announcements and one concerns Miss Vera. Miss Hannah wants you to be there for the announcement, then I understand there’s a football match Miss Vera wants to watch with you later, Raoul. Something about a small wager.”

  Raoul said, “Miss Vera has picked up some of the finer points of English football sir. Security downstairs has lost over a hundred quid to her on side bets. Lads just keep losing. She could’ve been a bookie. Got the eye. And the nose.”

  “Good to know. I’ll put my wallet away.” Edward continued, “OK gents. You have the guest list and the photos, so once we have everyone inside the apartment, then just step inside too. When the announcements are complete, just step outside and keep an eye on the floor. Should be over in
a couple of hours. After that you are to both drive three of our guests back to their residence and see them inside. MI-5 will take over from there. Given our arrangement, Miss Hannah will personally give you instructions later. These three packages are high value, high security. Understood?”

  “Yes sir,” said Raoul.

  James nodded agreement, and said, “And thank you, sir.”

  “For what?”

  “Much obliged, sir, that’s all.”

  Chapter 20

  The teams assembled in the Residence, occupied by Hannah and Vera, and the Bentleys were parked outside the door awaiting the late arrivals. The Thierry’s, Bethy and Edward were huddled talking about New Orleans and jazz, while Hannah and Vera were chatting up Edmund about his impending move to Barrows Bay. Though abrupt and somewhat out of character for the quiet and somewhat reclusive senior McCarthy, he mentioned that the shakeup in his life, and that of his daughter’s, was both welcome and invigorating.

  “I think we, my daughter and me, had gotten comfortable with a destructive sameness that can take over one’s life if one isn’t careful. I have no intention of sitting around in my dotage waiting to die.”

  The girls were becoming fond of Edmund and thought him a good fit with Edward and the other characters residing in Barrows Bay.

  “Speaking of your daughter, Edmund, where has she gotten off to?” Hannah wasn’t worried but Misti, Adam and Alana were now over a half an hour late. Official concern would commence promptly at forty-five minutes, with a call placed to MI-5 at the hour. More than one country would profess an interest in the well-being of the newlyweds; however, those same countries would send out search parties for Alana. Her safety and whereabouts were of national concern to more than one nation.

  Just as Hannah was about to corner Edward, the door opened and three young twenty somethings plus their two British minders came through the front door.


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