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Probe Page 14

by Douglas E Roff

  “Not a chance, mister. Later maybe, if you’re good. But we gotta get movin’. The cousins are on their way and will be here in ten. Alana, you almost ready?”

  “Almost. Jeans and a peasant blouse?”


  “Let’s roll.”


  Alana and Misti departed the elevator at the Loft on two and Adam proceeded up to four in the company of the Bentleys. They had little to say to him and grunted directions to the Residence he was already familiar with. They walked into the Tech Centre casting a suspicious eye at him as they disappeared within. Adam knocked on the door.

  The door opened with a flourish and standing before him was a very attractive Asian woman, dressed in yet another short silk frock, this time yellow.

  “Yes? Who are you and what’s your business here, buddy?”

  “I’m Adam. And the boss beckoned. You know the boss? Tall, leggy and blond all over?”

  “Humph. Yes, vaguely.” She smiled at Adam. “Come in then.”

  Adam paused. “C’mon, hurry up,” she said. “Don’t dawdle.”

  Adam stepped in and could see the table was set for breakfast; the attractive young woman headed for a seat, a copy of the Guardian open and on the chair.

  “And who may I ask are you?” Adam inquired.

  “My name is Nocera Lee and I am both security and the boss’s assistant. But everyone here calls me Noki. Have a seat. The ladies should be out in a jiffy. They’re expecting you.”

  Noki was still standing, politely waiting for him to sit down first.

  Adam smiled. “Security, you say. You have a weapon hidden … somewhere? Not much cover considering your … uh … uniform.”

  “You know, Adam, you’d be surprised what large items I can squeeze into this small package.” Her hands dropped down to her waist then quickly spread out gracefully as if presenting features at a car show. “Plus, there’s more room in the rear. You’d be surprised what gems you might find back there.”

  “I’m sure. I’d say the entire package is one giant puzzle. I’m quite good at solving them, you know. Puzzles I mean.”

  “So, I’ve heard. What other hidden talents do you have, mister? I’d be delighted to unravel one or two of yours myself. Maybe just one to start with though.”

  Adam was enjoying the repartee but decided to change the subject. Only slightly.

  “Armed, today are we?”

  “Always. Tucked discreetly in my thong.” Noki smiled. “You men always want to start your hand search in front, so I like to hide my surprise near my rear. Lost art, starting in the rear and working your way forward. Wouldn’t you agree? Where do you prefer to begin, mister, front or rear?”

  “In baggage, of course, like you said. That’s where they have the best parties, or so I’m told.”

  “Been there often?”

  “Not as often as I’d like. Just whenever the opportunity presents itself, so to speak.”

  He paused, appreciating her suggestive wit. “Not much room back there for your weapon, though. Must be a cap gun.”

  “Have a peek. I think you’ll find my trunk space is compact and lethal.” Noki turned around lifting her frock, revealing a truly magnificent set of well-muscled glutes, her thong barely in evidence. However, attached to a leather strap around her waist at the small of her back was a .22 caliber Beretta.

  “I can see that your available space is both tight and lethal. I just can’t see how you could possibly squeeze anything else in there.”

  “Perhaps a hands-on demonstration is in order. Later. Care to assist?”

  “It would be my sincere pleasure.”

  “I’m certain it would. How about I give you a one day, all access pass. That way you won’t miss a thing.”

  As Adam continued to admire Noki’s impressive and tantalizing powers of distraction, Vera and Hannah came out of the bedroom, again dressed in short silk frocks, this time Vera in red and Hannah in black.

  Adam said, “Must have been a sale on silks somewhere. Seems to be an exotic fashion statement someone planned for this morning. At least I hope so, anyway. For me?”

  Hannah ignored his observations and said, “I see you’re inspecting Noki’s secret hiding place. She never lets anyone near her rear. Lucky man.”

  Adam smiled innocently and said nothing.

  Noki interrupted the silence and asked Hannah, “Did you ask? Did she say I could get on board for a thrill ride? For later maybe?”

  Adam feigned shock, “Did you tell everybody? I mean really ladies, kiss and tell, kiss and tell. I’m a little surprised and maybe just a tiny bit disappointed, I have to admit.”

  “Liar,” said Vera, “You love the attention and so do we. Just be happy we don’t mind stoking your rep. Plus, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. Besides, you might just assemble a small but dedicated harem before you go back home. If you play your cards just right, you know. Seriously, you should think about it.”

  Adam smirked, delighted with the developments, “In that case, I’ll have to plan regular visits. My harem may suffer from some serious lack of focused attention after I go home.”

  Hannah looked over at Noki, “As for you, young lady, the answer is yes. You’re invited for dinner tonight by his minders, and we begin promptly at six. We may skip dinner and get you right to the dessert cart, so don’t be late. Our new girlfriends will be joining the festivities. And Adam too, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “And you should know there will be organics here tonight if that vexes you in any way.”

  “Nope. You are, after all, the boss.”

  “I’m standing right here, you know,” said Adam, pretending to be hurt. He wasn’t at all. But he was appreciative that his wife had thoughtfully lined up such a tasty morsel of entertainment for him. Normally he didn’t think in terms of play time with a new friend and him alone. But he did think in terms of Misti and him making new friends, always together.

  This unexpected gift had suddenly now turned his rapidly diminishing attention span to the beautiful and delicious Noki Lee. He decided he would take his time exploring her, front and rear. A great deal of time, in fact.

  The audience could look on. He wouldn’t mind.

  “OK then, Noki. Vera and I have some things we need to discuss with your date tonight, so if you’ll excuse us…”

  Noki smiled sweetly at Adam on her way out, planting the seed of anticipation in his imagination, as she then rapidly disappeared into her adjoining apartment. She left the connecting door slightly ajar. It was Noki’s job to know everything, just in case.


  Vera smiled at Adam. “Alana tells me that Misti has taken to calling you ‘mister’ and Alana said she has too. Hope you don’t mind us outing your little secrets and we really like this little tidbit a lot. So now you’re our ‘mister’ too. There’s ‘hey mister, where are we, we’re lost?’ Then there’s ‘that’s Mister St. James, quite a tyrant and strict disciplinarian with all his girls.’ Then there’s ‘our boss, Mister St. James has a meeting planned for later today.”

  “I think he gets the picture, Vera. And I’m quite sure I know which one you prefer, don’t I young lady?”


  Adam looked at Vera, watching the smile on her face gently fade. She looked at him with innocent but somehow knowing eyes, perhaps unsure whether he had found her out. She smiled at him again, lighting up her beautiful face and trying vainly to conceal what Adam had already discovered. When they were done talking, he would’ve a quiet word with her.

  Vera took a seat at the breakfast table as Hannah began to speak, “So, all kidding aside, mister, both Vera and I wanted to thank you ever so much for our very pleasurable outing last night. Not my first ride, of course, but wow, I don’t remember it ever being so … so … something. I mean we really, really enjoyed every moment of that … you know, that new thing you added.”

  Hannah paused and looked away, nervously.

  “So anyway, Adam, Vera and I talked over what happened last night after you left, and we don’t want to give you the wrong impression or anything, but we wondered if you might do us a favor. Something for both of us before you leave.”

  “Anything, if I can. Just ask. Not sure there’s much I can help with around here. Is it work related?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Something about Misti? Something with Misti? And Alana? You don’t need my permission, you need theirs. Not that that’s going to be much of a problem though.”

  Vera said, “Almost. And hold that thought for just a sec.”

  “C’mon ladies. It isn’t like either of you to be this coy. Am I in trouble? What did I do wrong?”

  “Nothing, mister,” said Hannah. “I’m just embarrassed to ask, but…”

  Hannah stopped.

  “Vera, you ask. It’s too weird for me.”

  Vera, for whom embarrassment in situations like this didn’t exist, and for whom ‘weird’ was seldom an impediment, got right to the point.

  “What Hannah is being such a coward about is she wants to know if you would mind treating us to a few more of your special sessions like last night. Not just another one but another some. Same format, with a couple of special requests. Some experiments we talked over now that Hannah thinks you have expanded your talents since her last excursions with you back in Seattle. That’s it in a nutshell.”

  “That’s it? That’s what you want? I’m not even sure why you’re asking but that’s sweet. I mean sure. What did Misti say? And Alana. I’m sure that you talked this over with them this morning.”

  “Yes, we did. Both Vera and I called your wife and her new protégé to see what they thought. I mean, I just feel so stupid asking Misti if it’s OK for me to have sex with her husband. It’s not like there’s no history and well, you do understand how awkward I feel, right?”

  “Yeah, of course I do. And you’re right it would normally be totally fucking weird just not for Misti or for me. And I doubt Alana has any objection, so nothing to worry about there. It’s all good.”

  “And there’s one more thing.”

  “Which is?”

  “Vera wants her turns too.”

  Adam was a little surprised to field that request. Vera wasn’t known to be a switch hitter. Once, just for the experience like last night, maybe. But turns, plural?

  “Vera? Really? When did all this come about? I didn’t think men were your thing?”

  “They’re not. No change in teams but what you do is … it isn’t like the regular male stuff. It’s somehow different, much more elegant, and vastly more sensual; it’s a lot less of the ‘whatever-it-is-I-hate-about-men’ for me. It’s physical and mental and very, very intense. Pure sensation. Like you’re floating and plugged in directly to our minds – no space between us. So, no, I am still less than enthused about your gender but that doesn’t have a single thing to do with you. Mister. So, can I? May I please?”

  “You do remember both places we plug in for that particular experience, right?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  Hannah said, “Adam, Misti told us how she thinks of you when it comes to what matters in her life, especially sex. She told us she too has absolutely no interest in men. She’s strictly on our team, or at least on Team Vera. But she said that her very strict rule doesn’t apply to you. That you’re so different and amazing, so unique, that, in her life with you, it all seems perfectly normal and natural. The way it’s supposed to be – for her. Not anyone else.

  “And it’s so unique that special rules apply just to you and each special rule is just for the two of you alone. Only you. I feel the same way. And, coincidentally, so do Alana and Vera. It isn’t normal, certainly not conventional; we understand that. But we simply don’t care. Maybe it’s just our normal.”

  Hannah looked at Adam the way she used to, when Hannah loved Adam and things were amazing. Adam saw it right away.

  “You know, Hannah, my wife has designs on you. Her gifts won’t be free. Remember, she was schooled by my Dad.”

  “I know.”

  “And Alana has designs on you, Vera. You know that too?”


  Adam thought for a moment. “I’m just an instrument.”

  “No, you’re not. And please don’t ever say that again; don’t even think that. It’s not true, not to me, not to Misti or to any of us. You will always be more important to us than your mind trick. Maybe we don’t know exactly what that is at present, but we do know that it’s something special; something great.

  “Yes. Then yes, of course. You do understand that this will be different. Interesting, but different. When do we start?”

  Hannah hugged Vera and in unison they said, “Tonight.”

  “I thought I already had an appointment booked for tonight.”

  “You do. But she’s the newbie. She’s last in line.”

  Chapter 23

  The plane arrived at JFK right on time. The young couple collected their bags and took a cab to an upscale hotel on Long Island checking in under assumed names provided long ago by the FBI. This drill wasn’t new to them; only the locations and tasks were different. It was unusual for the pair to return to a city they had once visited, neither desiring to leave a footprint that could later be traced and their identities discovered. But the recent trip to Princeton had been brief and there was no one else who could be called upon to do the task that had been urgently assigned by Edward St. James.

  The assignment was clearly illegal, and, if interrupted by local police, would be difficult to explain. Then huge favors would’ve to be called in and the chance of mishap quite high.

  The plan was simple.

  Edward, along with Rod and Cindy Suarez, had assembled a group of reliable ex-military, ex-security force and ex-police force recruits to assist Team Suarez. Their initial assignment was to surveil the BioGen facility and watch the comings and goings of employees from arrival at work to shopping and the return home in the evening. Then they were to pick out a group of at least ten and as many as twenty BioGen subjects who routinely stopped to shop between work and home. These select few would be the subjects of further scrutiny, and involuntary participation in some project lab tests.

  For now, cars would be monitored to obtain license plates, which would be run for identification against ownership and driver’s licenses. Photos would be obtained and matched. Finally, the names and personal data would be run against the BioGen employee records to confirm the likelihood that any or all employees of BioGen were transformed Gens. If they were, they were all in for the field study – whether they liked it or not.

  Rod and Cindy Suarez were to meet with their field teams the following day.


  The old and somewhat dilapidated building was chosen less for function and more for location as it was just down the street from the BioGen facility in Princeton. What it lacked in ambiance was more than compensated by the direct line of sight to the entrance and exit of the employee parking lot. Every car and truck entering and exiting the Lab had been recorded, photos snapped, and plates run through the DL Main in Portland. A digital camera had been specially developed that allowed the user to snap a high-resolution photo of just the license plate. Then the specifics of the plate went immediately into a database registering plate numbers, state of registration and other captured details. The spreadsheet then poured over into a database connected to the DL Main.

  Then these potential targets were run against the employee records purloined through the nanotechnology planted at the Lab earlier by Rod and Cindy. There was almost perfect congruence between who came and went every day and the BioGen employee records of transformed Gens. As such, there was little doubt that Edward’s new science experiment would provide answers if answers could be found in blood, saliva and tissue samples the field team was expected to harv


  “Cousin Octavio? Is that you, pendejo? When did you get involved in this hot mess?”

  “The minute Uncle Edward called and asked me to. I was working in a mind numbing, no action desk job analyzing field reports. Field reports. I should’ve been in the field generating those reports, not pushing paper. When Uncle called and asked if I wanted back out in the field, I jumped at the chance. Said there might be some action and some conflict, you know, adding a little spice to the daily grind.”


  “And that I’d likely be working with Team Suarez plus cousin Adam and cousin Misti. I know that those two are both nut cases, but Uncle Edward said that you could keep them from going off the rails. In any event, I’m looking forward to seeing them both again and getting out and about with you and Cindy. Heard a lot about you guys from the family and even more from Uncle. What are we doing first?”

  “First is who else is here? Are these folks your folks or Edward’s?”

  “Mostly mine. He asked me to organize some other field teams for later, but he wants the teams recruited top down now. And Uncle Edward added a field tech specialist to our team here just in case. Not sure what that means but I assume you do.”

  “We do. How many in your field team?”

  “Eleven in total, but only six are field operational at present. The others are standby. Uncle Edward said to start the ‘research’ and see how it goes and how many additional hands we might need. Then he wants to activate the rest of the team when we start traveling. Uncle Edward seems to think that will be very soon. Any connection between this work and that?”

  “Nope. None at this point anyway. But this work is critical, and it’s even more critical that we make our presence in this project as undetectable as possible.”

  “How so?”

  “Leave that to us. I want your entire team assembled here as fast as you can, so we can start the training. We’ll use your five presently inactive as our practice targets. Then in the next two weeks we begin the field work. Plus, I’d like to see your entire team in action. We need finesse in this exercise, not brute force. And no guns, beatings or killings. In and out, quick and dirty.”


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