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Probe Page 74

by Douglas E Roff

  Vera, who actually enjoyed the old codger, replied, “All lies probably invented by Mr. Raoul Bentley. I hear he reports back to you just because I’m fun, and he’s not.”

  Edward chuckled, “Nope. Rumor has it MI-5 has already started a file on you, so I get regular reports through official channels. Seems they like to follow your football betting patterns. I hear you cleaned out the security guards at the Loft. Fact or fiction?”

  “Fact, most definitely. They like those amateur side bets that never pay off. Plus, me and the girls like to show them a little cleavage which distracts the lads and makes them stupid. Next thing you know we got fifty quid, Bob’s your uncle and their drinkin’ money is gone. Sad really, but there you have the whole truth. Right ladies?”

  “What she said,” laughed Doris.

  “Ditto,” said Penny, laughing hard.

  “I’m suspicious, but I’ll get the truth out of James later.”

  James laughed, “No chance, Edward. I work for Hannah and I’m afraid of Vera and the lasses. Raoul and I are outnumbered and we’re frequently coerced.”

  “It’s an impossible job, but someone has to do it James. You and Raoul hang in there. You have my number if you need an emergency evac!”

  The room went silent for a few seconds.

  “Well, then we have to have a little chat about some upcoming matters that concern Vera, Doris and Penny. Unless you have an objection, I have a couple of suggestions that may keep us all a little safer in the future and beyond.”

  Hannah said, “What do you have in mind, Edward?”

  “A little misdirection for a few weeks longer. I would like Vera to remain dead for a few more weeks, maybe even a few more months, with Doris and Penny in seclusion somewhere in the south of France. That will be the rumor the media spreads for us from an anonymous source close to the police investigation. Then, because this will seem cruel to the family of Ellie Marks, we won’t prolong this charade any longer than necessary.”

  “What then?” asked Hannah.

  “Then we formally announce via the press and tabloids that Vera and the Sisters Pennington have been whisked away into seclusion in the US of A, to an undisclosed location under the watchful eyes of the FBI. 3 Birds as a business will continue, directed from the Manor, but supposedly from the US. We’ll assist with on site management support to handle the day to day operations you can no longer do in person, given you are ‘in seclusion’.”

  “Why all the subterfuge, Edward? How does this help us in any way?”

  “I want whoever was responsible for this … episode … to be looking for you ladies somewhere other than where you actually are. Safer, in my mind. I don’t want to take any chances, so I’d consider it a favor if you played along with our little ruse. Thoughts?”

  Penny said, “Will Ellie’s mum be told anything? This could be very painful for her. She’s lost her daughter and will be grieving. Not sure how to make that right for her. Dreadfully sad.”

  “Yes, of course. The police have already contacted her, and I’m told she’s willing to do her part. The Brits are tough inside, you know, where it really counts. Mrs. Marks is willing to help catch and punish those responsible. And we’ve contacted Ellie’s roommates to secure their cooperation for the next little bit. They’ll be on sabbatical at our expense for the next little while. Once you’re announced to be safely out of the country, the ruse will be complete.”

  Vera asked the question that immediately sprang to mind, “Does this mean we’re trapped here at the Manor? Forever?”

  “Not at all. I don’t think clubbing in London is a great idea, but very shortly we’ll make arrangements for you all to travel around together.”

  “Where to?” asked Vera. “Anywhere in Britain might be chancy with the tabloids and all.”

  “Where would you kids like to go?”

  Hannah asked, “Maybe you should tell us where we should not go?”

  “I agree with Vera that London, and just about all of the UK is out of the question, but we can take you anywhere else you’d like to go.”

  “In Europe?”

  “No. In the world.”

  Vera screamed. “Anywhere?”

  “Not Afghanistan. Baghdad is also probably off the table too. Ditto Somalia, but pretty much anywhere else is probably on the table. Compensation to the ladies for unfortunate circumstances. James and Raoul will travel with all of you, and we may assign additional minders. Locals but able to coordinate with the lads.”

  Vera said, “Please adopt me, Edward. And the rest of us too!”

  “My pleasure. Poof, you’re all my kids now! So, are we good with the plan? You can take some time to think it over and let me know. Feel free to discuss with the rest of the family, but I need an answer soon. We good?”

  Hannah said, “We’re good. Very good in fact. We’ll have a chat then let you know. But Vera’s got that look in her eyes that means that the decision is already made. You might hear from us in less than sixty seconds.”

  “I love you all. Sorry things turned out the way they did. And Vera?”



  “No chance papa. That’s why you love me. I’m the cool chick.”

  “Yes, you are, Ms. Capri. Yes, you are.”


  “Do we need a vote on this? All in favor say ‘aye’”

  “Aye,” said Penny, looking a little like the deer caught in the proverbial headlights.

  “Aye and aye.” I voted for you too Hannah,” said Vera. “You gave me your proxy.”

  “Aye,” said Doris, unsure of what she had just heard, but grinning broadly from ear to ear.

  “Aye,” said Raoul, delighted that the people he loved most were all together, and going to remain that way. “A definite ‘aye’.”

  “If I’m in charge, along with Miss Hannah and you all agree to conduct yourselves appropriately, then aye.” James was looking steady, British, and very serious.

  Vera shouted, “Call him. Call him right away. Before he changes his mind.”

  “Settle down there, tinker bell. He isn’t goin’ anywhere. He’ll still be alive in the morning.”

  “Don’t you dare go all bossy on me Hannah Andrews Parker. You call him this instant. You had better call this instant, or I will. Besides, he likes me a lot. I can tell.”

  “All right, all right. You make the call for us then. Brat.”

  Vera’s immediate response was, “I know you are, but what am I?”

  “Attention passengers, the time warp flight back to junior high departs from Platform Vera.”

  Vera laughed. She knew why she loved Hannah. This was why.


  Vera made the call, and the matter was officially settled. Hannah looked around the room as everyone started to get up.

  “Before we all go our separate ways tonight, there’s something else I’d like to share with my best friends and family.” Hannah looked very serious as if something was about to happen and she didn’t know how to say it.

  Vera looked concerned. “What’s the matter sweetie? Is something wrong?”

  “Nothing. Nothing is wrong Vera, but I learned something yesterday, something important that I’ve known since the very first moment we met back in Portland. I realized how much I love you, how much you make me happy, and how I feel just having you near. Going to bed with you in my arms every night and waking up in that same bed with you every morning. The thoughtful, kind and loving woman you are. You make me better, better in every way. There are only two parts to my life: the confusion before you came into my life and the meaning of love that I know now. Nothing else in this world matters to me except you. If I ever lost you, I would die. The hole in my heart would never heal.”

  Vera watched her lover, tears in her eyes, hands covering her mouth as she hung on every syllable Hannah spoke. At that moment, as she tenderly returned the love she saw in Hannah’s eyes, no o
ne else occupied their time and space; only Hannah filled her heart with anticipation of the words she wanted to hear.

  “I love you so much. Will you marry me and make me the happiest woman on the planet. Please say yes before I die. Please say you love me too.” Hannah looked at Vera with all the tenderness she felt in her heart. With Vera, Hannah’s spirit was light; with Vera, the world made sense; with Vera, Hannah could face life fearless and unafraid.

  Vera, for her part, felt everything that Hannah felt, and in equal measure. She had dreamed that one day she would hear these words from someone. Someone special. Now she had, from the one, the only soul that mattered.

  Through her joy and tears, she glided into the arms of the woman who made her, more than anyone or anything, feel loved, wanted, and needed. A tsunami of emotions overpowered Vera she felt powerless to control; that she didn’t want to control. She wanted to be swept away, to drown in a sea of unbridled passion she experienced every time she lay with Hannah. She wanted to feel that feeling now and forever. With Hannah, she was always safe. Her heart was safe with a woman to whom she had willingly given the key to her very soul.


  Vera would treasure every day she would share with Hannah, confident in the strength Hannah gave her from the love she knew had no bounds.

  “Yes, of course I will. Of course, I will, I love you so much.”

  Penny and Doris were crying and quickly moved to their two friends, wrapping their arms around them, enveloping them in the warmth of their friendship and approval of a love that had touched them. Touched them so deeply.

  And their men.

  Neither Raoul or James were emotional men. Neither totally understood how to express the love they felt for the two Americans who had changed their lives in ways they had never even considered possible.

  Vera was fisting to break away. “Come over here you two lugs. Give us a hug and tell us how happy you are for us. Crying is OK, you know.”

  Raoul hugged Vera very hard, then hugged Penny. Hannah looked at James, always so reserved, so stoic.

  He smiled and said, “I love you both; I hope you know just how much. I’m not very good at…well… just about anything other than doing my job. But what progress I have made as a man, and what happiness I mark today is due to Doris and you two Yanks. I treasure the day you found me and taught me things I never knew I needed. I am so pleased, so happy that you have allowed me, allowed us, to share this moment. God bless you both, as I know God will bless this union.”

  Hannah reached out for James, beckoning him to hold her. James whispered to them softly, “Thank you. Thank you, Hannah, and Vera, for being in my life. For letting me, and the people I love be in yours. I can’t tell you how much this means.”

  Vera looked at Raoul and James. “You two aren’t crying, are you? Tough guys.”

  “Not a chance,” said Raoul. “And we’ll deny it,” said James. “We just have little specks in our eyes, that’s all. We’ll be as right as rain in a moment or two”

  Doris looked at her man. He had changed so much since the Americans arrived. She thought it would take a lifetime and then some, to unlock all that James held inside him to give. To her and to their extended families.

  In fact, since Hannah and Vera arrived, it had only taken a little more than a year. James was transformed; he was immensely happy, even if he couldn’t sometimes say so aloud.

  Penny had reached out for her guy, Raoul, holding him close. She had similarly seen the sea change in him from his friendship with the Americans, but especially with Vera. He laughed. Out loud. He made jokes, even when he was the only one who laughed. He was confident emotionally and he knew rather than hoped that he was loved.

  Penny, like Vera, felt safe, very safe with Raoul. She knew he would always keep her close to his heart, even if his emotional expression was still a work in progress. But she had time. A whole lifetime to unwrap him.

  She would begin her work immediately.

  Now, there was a wedding to plan. She wondered if her day would be like this. She hoped so. Today was magic.

  Chapter 10

  Weeks earlier.

  The Barrows Bay crowd arrived in early evening after the long flight on a private jet from Victoria to a small airfield scarcely a few miles away from the Manor Complex. They settled into the Misti Building, scantily furnished at present, but promising the opportunity to collaboratively create an environment that would make everyone feel right at home. There was plenty of space to permit individual expression, but at least one room needed to be outfitted as a nursery. Two little ones were on the way, and the location of the nursery or nurseries was the first order of business for the newly expectant mums.

  Misti had changed. Not just because of the adventure at the Grand Canyon, but because of the impending arrival of a new soul. She felt close to Noki, closer than ever before. Theirs was a kinship borne of the new adventure that was unfolding inside them every day, and from the friendship, and partnership they shared together with the others on this incredible journey.

  Danger was present like a dense fog that hung low in the morning, obscuring their vision of the future day to come. Yet that danger no longer felt real to them and no dread or terror could take hold in their mind or hearts. Adam’s visions had, so far, been accurate; that they would endure together in this world was no longer in question. Whether it was God or some other force they didn’t know; they felt safe from harm while enrolled in Adam’s reality, now a deeply internalized belief.

  Misti had long since decided that causation wasn’t her concern. What Adam believed, or Noki or Alana simply was no matter to her; whatever the causation, it was a joyful reality.

  Mark and Julia Eagan, along with their young charges, would spend the first few nights in this Building. Then, after furnishing the original Manor House to their taste, they would move in to their new home. The girls would be allowed to shop for the furnishings for their own rooms as a reward for becoming the headstrong, confident, and proper young ladies that they in fact had become.

  The Suarez girls had firmly resisted the bribes, and badgering that Cindy and Edward occasionally offered up to coax, no bribe them into training for the martial arts. They were interested in soccer, not jiu-jitsu. They had no desire to learn how to kick, punch and subdue another little girl. Grandma Julia supported them. Their dad was silent on the matter, though he sided with his little angels; if they had no desire now, maybe they would later. If not later, never was OK with him too.

  The clan settled in and passed the first night in their new surroundings as they had passed every night back in Barrows Bay.


  The mood was happy with the joy of an impending marriage. The girls were asked if they would consider being flower girls again to Aunt Hannah and Aunt Vera.

  “Do we get pretty dresses?”

  “You most certainly do ladies. We’ll find something together,” said Vera. “And Aunt Misti and Uncle Adam will help too, just like at their big wedding.”

  The girls resoundingly approved and spent their nights in the UK dreaming of dresses and a bright future around so many grown-ups who loved them so very much. It was good to be a Suarez and a little girl. Their lives would be full and complete, safe in the bosom of an extended family that would love and care for them always.


  Hannah and Vera had spoken with James and Raoul and the Pennington Sisters asking them to step into the roles normally taken up by family and close friends in any wedding. Hannah explained to Vera that she wanted to marry soon which meant that family and friends might not be included under the circumstances. But like Adam and Misti, they could later reaffirm their vows back home with those who could not attend this ceremony. Their present lives were just too dangerous to bring their families and friends to the UK; security was going to be significantly tighter.

  But Vera understood that this fantasy of future events would never happen, though she dreamed
it might one day once the world was newly ordered. For now, she was unwilling to question her happiness and she was willing to accept the burden that changed circumstance had demanded.

  What did Hannah have in mind?

  Hannah, for her part wasn’t sure, so the ladies sat down with the lads, and lasses, and asked what they would recommend.

  “Leave it to us,” said James. “I have a thought and I think I know just what we need to do.”

  “Can we do this soon,” asked Hannah. “I’m anxious and want to get hitched to my girl before she changes her mind.”

  “Then quick we shall be. Leave it to us and we’ll make magic. Something special for your big day, I promise; something you’ll always remember.”

  Vera and Hannah smiled and kissed. They trusted James and Raoul, and hoped that if there was any male nonsense, Doris and Penny would find a way to curb it. Besides she would squeeze the plan from James later, and if not, Vera would squeeze it out of Raoul.

  Poor Raoul. He never realized just how tough and persistent women could be. He was just now beginning to find out.


  James dialed Edward, who was still back in Barrows Bay, but would be joining the rest of the family within a matter of days. “Hello James. Everything all right?”

  “Just peachy, Dr. St. James. But I have a request for you, as a personal favor. Not as much for me as it is for Miss Hannah and Miss Vera. Do you have a minute?”


  For as long as Edward had known the Bentley boys, he had never been able to break them of the habit of calling him “Dr. St. James”. He understood why but, still a lot had changed in the intervening years. Now they were family; it was like a son calling his father by his first name. Or last.

  “Now. What’s on your mind, James?”

  “You have heard the news, of course. Miss Hannah and Miss Vera are engaged and wanting to tie the knot soon. Nothing big but still it needs to be special. They have asked our help and by ‘our’ I mean Raoul and the girls too. We talked it over and thought there was a place that would be fitting. But there are obstacles. Obstacles that you can most assuredly make disappear.”


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