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Probe Page 89

by Douglas E Roff

  “Did Calista Gold tell you her research was slow? No progress? For both the E-5 virus, and the Serum projects? Well, guess what, Paulo, they have developed the E-5 virus, and both the A+ and A- formulas in the Serum Project. Both are very close to launch. And they developed two more formulas that will just make you want to cry.”

  “If that’s true, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You’d all be dead.”

  “Seems like that would be true, doesn’t it? But Saldana has her own problems, the biggest of which are threefold. First, she would be dead too, as she has no immunity to the synthetic virus she has caused to be created. Second, they don’t have any money to distribute their little gift to humanity and won’t if we have anything to do with it. Third, they have no means of distribution. They are dead in the water unless they solve those three problems, and we won’t let them do that.”

  Paulo began thinking. “OK, so let’s say that’s all true. So, what? What does any of this mean to me?”

  “It will give you back your empire and avert the war you guys were foolishly contemplating. I will rid the world of the E-5 virus and stymy the Black Shirt Movement while we round them up and dispose of them. We will hunt down Saldana Ri and retire her. Permanently.”

  Asinamayov was listening but was skeptical. “This sounds to me like a trick to divide our people and dispose of the Gens worldwide. How do we know we can trust you? Or that anything you say is even remotely true?”

  He turned to Paulo, “He hasn’t given us any proof. Just a very tall tale, as you Americans say.”

  Adam continued, “OK, Demitri, then as of now, all your bank accounts are frozen, and the funds have been transferred to me in the Caymans. That includes your own personal bank accounts, your credit cards have been cancelled and, oops, your driver’s license has been revoked.”

  Demitri turned on his tablet and checked.

  “Parlor trick. Doesn’t mean a thing.”

  “I have more, Paulo. Much more. Some things need to be done face-to-face, which is what I am proposing we now do. First, unshackle your brother. He didn’t send the emails to your buddy Derek Nobilus nor did he transfer any funds to anyone for the job in London. That was the work of the brothers Hanley.”

  Paulo said, “Go on.”

  “We have some rather explosive news, but not for the ears of your friend Demitri. Just for you, and Enzo. When you get here, that is. Not on the phone.”

  “Enzo is not a traitor?”

  “He might be for all I know, but then all I’m saying is that he didn’t orchestrate the Incident in London. He’s had no contact with Saldana Ri that we could find nor any contact with any of the senior Black Shirts. On the other hand, Mr. Asinamayov has. Could be something, could be nothing. You should work that out amongst yourselves and find out what he’s up to. I’ll send you the proof of both assertions right now. There. Good, all sent and done.”

  “OK.” Paulo signaled the guards to come in. Demitri was unarmed, but still potentially lethal. But he was now staring at the business end of three pistols, including the one Paulo kept strapped under his desk. Paulo motioned for the guards to put their weapons away.

  Paulo knew all about the contact Demiti had made with the Black Shirts; Demiti had made contact at Paulo’s request.

  Adam continued, “We have your wife and children, and Enzo’s. I have news on that front too. We are willing to release your families, but not before we have our face-to-face and get some things clarified and agreed upon. The number one priority is that you need to reverse course on this insane desire for war. You can’t win it and besides we have the means to inoculate all of humanity against it. Unfortunately, not the case for Gens folk. We have money for our projects; you and the Black Shirts have squat.”

  “What else?”

  “We have the perfected A+ and A- serums, as well as a few other little items you are unaware of. We’re willing to share all that we know with you in return for your cooperation, and agreement to end this stupid conflict. We have no desire to kill you, but all bets are off if I find out you’re not being honest with me.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Contact all your Councils, and tell them what you now know, and that we want to meet with them. All of them in convocation within a month.”

  “That won’t be easy.”

  “That’s why you’re the leader, and not Enzo. You can make things happen. Otherwise we go to war and kill every single Gens on the planet. You were committed to doing away with us; I have no compunction against finding every single Gens and making you, and your people extinct. Any duplicity, and the deal is off. If there is, I go to the papers, to governments, and to every hunting club in the world with what we have; I will spell out your plans for world domination and release the Library we have in our possession. Then hunting season opens, and you’ll be on the menu at restaurants all over the planet.”

  “When can I see my family?”

  “Soon. They’re happy and healthy and are quite anxious to see you again. Now I have work to do before then, but you need to get going. You have seventy-two hours to get back to me. If I haven’t heard back by then, I go to Plan B.”

  “Which is?”

  “Which is none of your damn business except to say you will not enjoy it one bit. Nor your wife and three kids. Don’t jerk me around. It would be very unwise.”

  “How and where do we meet up?”

  “I’ll send a limo and you’ll come alone with Enzo. We’ll bring you to a secure location. Any attempt to follow us or communicate with your people means the deal is off. This is a one-time offer. It has a limited shelf life for you to accept, so don’t waste my time or yours on nonsense. We will know if you are wired or if we are being tracked. You have seventy-two hours. Use them wisely.”

  Chapter 38

  Paulo looked at his brother still not convinced totally that Enzo was loyal to him. They had been at odds in the past, and Enzo had fought a demora twice with Paulo, losing each time. There would be no third time because if there was, and Enzo lost again, he would be put to death. Paulo would have no way to prevent that outcome; this punishment was outlined in the Code of Strictures. It was also the case that Enzo was Paulo’s chief enforcer and most trusted confidant. Enzo, and a few other Fortizi loyalists, were tasked with tracking the progress of numerous projects for the Collective. Not all tasks had to do with their two major science projects; however, that said, Paulo relied heavily on Enzo to dig deep, and get answers.

  Paulo turned to guards taking up position inside Paulo’s office, minding a bound, and shackled Enzo Fortizi.

  “It appears I owe you an apology, little brother. It appears that you aren’t a traitor after all. Odd however that the Human specifically said that you weren’t to blame and asked me to set you free.”

  “Odd? Maybe. But the truth is big brother that you incarcerated me on the basis of emails, and bank records that were clearly falsified by others in order to frame me. You cannot have it both ways; if you don’t trust me, then I’ll leave, and go home. Or you can assign me other duties. I won’t stay if you have any doubt in your mind.”

  “The Human only said you weren’t guilty of those actions and I believe him. He has sent me the proof of the treason, and duplicity of others. Unfortunately, we have found out the hard way that those I trusted most and tasked with the most sensitive undertaking have betrayed me. I have reason to doubt my own judgment now and that includes you little brother.”

  “I that case, unshackle me and give me leave to pursue other projects.”

  “Such as?”

  “Finding my wife and children and bringing them home safely. Yours too.”

  Paulo turned to the guards, and Demitri and asked them to leave his office while he spoke privately with Enzo.

  “Have a seat little brother. We have much to discuss.”

  “If you don’t trust me, it would seem that we actually have very little to discuss.”

  “Close the door, Enzo and take a seat. Don’t be annoying or play the ‘victim’.”

  Enzo closed the office door and took a quick look down the corridor to see if anyone was lurking around. He was feeling the same paranoia as Paulo, and if this episode had taught them anything, it was that nobody could be totally trusted.

  “Enzo. I had to arrest you when the evidence was so damning as to your collusion with the Black Shirts. If it’s any consolation, I never believed that you had done anything wrong, and we would eventually prove it to be a frame up.”

  “I suppose I would’ve done the same if I were in your shoes.”

  “If I had thought you were guilty, you’d be dead right now. But I did not. The arrest was just for show. But now we have something else to discuss, and this is important. I want you to go back to Princeton and get on your home office computer. I’m going to send you some materials, and I want you to go through them carefully.”

  “Not following, Paulo. I can do that here.”

  “No, in fact, you cannot. I need the world to think that we’re estranged, that I don’t trust you and I have sent you away. I want you to assemble a team of Captains, and Trackers you trust, but not before you do me this one task.”

  “Which is?”

  “The Human has sent me a very long list of Gens who may be cooperating with the Black Shirts. The list may include members of all Gens Councils, including those at the very top. I intend to have a call with all Councils worldwide in 72 hours, but we cannot trust everyone on those councils to be loyal. In fact, I am reasonably certain that there are Black Shirt collaborators on every Council, from the Great Council on down to the locals. I want you to compare the list of Councillors at present, top to bottom, and going back ten years with the list the Human gave me. I want to know who those folks are.”

  “Can we trust the Human. Maybe he’s misleading us and trying to confuse and cause dissention. Why is he trying to help? Doesn’t sound right.”

  “This is the same guy who cleared you, remember? I don’t trust him one bit, but I also know that, so far, he has only responded to provocation and hasn’t ‘outed’ us to the world. For the time being I will trust that he wants to avert war and find a peaceful settlement to our situation. He views the Black Shirts as an imminent threat, and justifiably so. He’s of the opinion that the Black Shirts are attempting to foment civil war among the Collective and force us into a war with the humans. He has never wavered from that position.”

  “And the dead? How do we explain that to the Collective? He murdered over eighty thousand of our kind. He’s threatened worse.”

  “Only if we provoke him. Only if we go after his people. You cannot hold him responsible for the response to the Incident in London. He warned us of what would happen if we assassinated humans, particularly those closest to him. I think he did what we would’ve done in his shoes. Terrible as it was, I believe him when he says he could’ve done far worse. Quite frankly, he has resources we don’t have, and I think he has no problem using them.”

  “So, you trust him?”

  “No. He has his motives just as we have ours. But he’s kept his promises so far. I’m willing to trust him until we know we cannot.”

  “Do we cease looking for him?”

  “No keep that up. But it’s now a super low priority. I need to be prepared for the call with the Councils in three days’ time. But we need to understand who’s a Black Shirt sympathizer is and who isn’t.”

  “What do you intend to do?”

  “I’m going to arrest everyone on that list and hold them?”

  “Hold them for what?”

  “We need to prevent the Black Shirts from knowing what we’re doing and what the humans are proposing.”

  “Someone may leak the information, even if they aren’t sympathizers.”

  “Perhaps. We’ll see. But I think I can frame the consequences as dire for transgressors. And I have a plan.”


  “It begins with me banning and disgracing you. Let’s see what shakes out from that.”


  Paulo sent out word to the Collective leadership that Enzo had been sent back to Princeton in disgrace. He emphasized that as far as he knew, Enzo had done nothing wrong, but now wasn’t the time for misplaced loyalties. He wouldn’t be the only leader arrested and detained.

  Even if phony, the message was clear: nobody was beyond suspicion these days.

  Enzo left directly from North Carolina and returned to an empty home in Princeton. He immediately went to work on the lists Paulo had received from the Human, checking them against the various leadership councils worldwide.

  When word got out that Paulo would be looking for traitors in positions of authority around the world, within twenty-four hours most of the names on the list had already disappeared. Paulo would ask the Human if he had the means to track them, but that would have to wait for another time.

  Enzo completed his task, going not only over leadership lists, but also the ranks of the Captains, Trackers and the Military. Within twenty-four hours he had given a full report to Paulo which names from the Human appeared on which list of Councillors and those in the ranks. There were many, but most seemed to be the same Gens who challenged Paulo regularly anyway. But it was the names on the list that were scientists, Captains, Trackers and the Military that concerned him. While it wasn’t a majority anywhere, the numbers were still high.

  They were communicating on a secure phone line, but assumed the Human was overhearing their conversations anyway. The humans had proven themselves beyond capable in learning the secrets of the Collective, and the Black Shirts. He had no doubt that their sophistication with technology was far superior to theirs.

  Enzo asked, “Now what do we do?”

  “As to the leadership councils at all levels, we detain those identified on the list provided by the Human. As to the ranks, we put any and all suspects on leave. No detention, but I want to see who bolts and who stays behind. Just because there was contact between them, and a Black Shirt doesn’t mean they’ve done anything wrong. But they do need to be isolated for now, just in case. Have your most trusted Trackers carry this out. If there are any on the fence, segregate them immediately. Do it quietly, and no violence. At this juncture, nobody has been proven a traitor.”

  “Right away. The order needs to come from you though, Paulo. I’m in disgrace, remember?”

  “I’ll give the order. Now I want you to read the materials I just sent you. Read them very carefully and call me tomorrow. Our time is short, and I need your thoughts on this before I make the call heard ‘round the world.”

  “Where does this intel come from?”

  “The same. The Human. But read it. It is accurate, and it’s very chilling. If this is true and verified, we need to act fast. Not sure we have time to waste on debate. We may have to act without informing the Great Council or Council of Elders.”

  “What else?”

  “The Human has offered to help.”

  “Help with what?”

  “Just read what I sent you and let’s discuss it tomorrow morning early.”

  Chapter 39

  Enzo called the next day early as Paulo had requested. His tone was somber, more somber than Paulo had been at the worst point in these most recent troubles. It was a hallmark of Paulo’s leadership style to not give away his emotions to anyone even Enzo, Paulo’s wife and children. His wife knew that, at times, the burden of leadership was oppressive for Paulo, but she held little influence on him.

  “I had no idea that the treachery and betrayal ran so deep and so close to home. I’m beyond shocked; I’m dumbfounded by what I read. Is there any chance that the Human’s intelligence is wrong? Surely this disloyalty cannot be as widespread as the Human seems to think.”

  “Actually, the Human has no opinion on the matter. But it’s my opinion that the treason runs deep and wide. This is no longer a matt
er of rounding up a few malcontents. We have a full-scale insurrection on our hands and we have been caught napping while all this came about.”

  Enzo asked, “What do you mean the Human has no opinion? Seems like he does.”

  “Yeah, that was the odd part. He just said that their research had found telephone, email and other evidence connecting Gens scientists, council leaders and the ranks to various known members in the Black Shirt Movement. He never said they were sympathizers or adherents, only that they had been in contact.”

  “How could he know that?”

  “Not sure. But he has been spot on in over eighty-five percent of the cases where personnel have disappeared, fleeing ahead of contact with our Trackers. And, in just the past week it appears that the Black Shirts have also begun eliminating some Gens with which they had been in contact over time. I’ve been getting reports of assassinations around the world. Every name is on one of the lists that had some contact with Saldana Ri or her leadership. I guess if you don’t come aboard with Saldana, the alternative is terminal.”

  “You mean she’s now eliminating the Gens she’s tried to enlist?”

  “I’m almost certain of it. I assume that the recently departed must’ve known or become privy to her plans, or something she’s trying to accomplish. I guess if you get too close, and don’t join up, it can be fatal. So, what are your thoughts Enzo?”

  “About what? At this point it seems that the Black Shirts have us at a disadvantage. Basically, we’re screwed. What are our options? Do we even have any?”

  “We can align with the Black Shirts against the humans or we can align with the humans against the Black Shirts. I think that’s about it. I don’t think we can stay neutral. If we do, they’ll both come after us, together or separately.”

  Enzo remarked, “I don’t think we can align with the Black Shirts; that’s simply out of the question. First, they’d want to kill us both, along with the global leadership. Then the reign of terror begins, and they’ll try, and fail, to decimate the humans. Then we’re dead along with the Black Shirts in the bloodbath that will surely follow. And, truthfully, I’m guessing they won’t think they need us. So, really, what part can we play?”


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