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Probe Page 94

by Douglas E Roff

  “That’s the building that houses our data processing facility. The one Adam and I run. The one that’s connected to my people, to Adam and Misti, and to everyone in Barrows Bay. We left Barrows precisely because we thought something like this might happen. If they could find out about me, Adam and Misti, they will find out about you and the Eight Families in Seattle. Then they’re going to come for you. And everyone else I love. I’ve asked everyone to gather in Seattle at Sacred Heart; Rafi and the cousins are getting everyone prepped and will go somewhere safe. Somewhere remote that no one knows about. Then I’ll scatter everyone around the country until this blows over. You, my friend, have got to leave immediately. They are coming for you. It could be hours, it could be days, but they are coming.”

  “I have to leave? I have a life here Edward and a woman; we’re happy.”

  “If you love her, go collect her and head directly to the Bellingham Airport. No discussion, no delay. You must go Carlos. Please.”

  “OK. Let me think.”

  “Carlos, trust me. I have a plane waiting for you. For both of you. And she’s lovely, by the way.”

  “How do you…”

  “Spies. Spies everywhere. Misti has already called her. She’s waiting for you. She thinks this is a wonderful adventure and terribly romantic. Bonnie and Clyde. You can thank me later.”


  “You will fly to Houston and pick up new identities and passports, a whack of cash and a driver.”

  “Where am I, I mean we, going?”

  “Ever seen the Caribbean this time of year?”

  “I used to run weed to the construction workers on the rigs in Campeche. Does that count?”

  “The plane’s waiting. God Bless and don’t stop to pack. Just go. You’ll have time in Houston to get into your ‘rich tourist’ disguise. New name, new everything. You may never want to come home. She told your daughter she wants to have you all to herself now. 24/7. What’s your secret, old man?”

  “Tats. She thinks I’m dangerous. Couldn’t hurt a fly anymore, but if she thinks I’m sexy, who am I to complain? She says I make her happy. I… I …”

  “Go now Carlos, and I’ll see you both soon. With Misti and Adam. She’s getting big, grandpa.”

  “Take care of my little girl.”

  “I promise.”


  Rafi was in charge of logistics, which in this case was getting the main members of the Eight Families down to Sacred Heart, and aboard sixteen-passenger vans with the least amount of stuff as baggage. Some of Octavio’s team had been sent immediately to Seattle to assist Rafi, and they arrived mere hours after Edward called to reassign them. Octavio Moreno and his cousin Danny Diaz from the assault team, remained behind with Bella, Helena and the kids at Casky. Edward would need them very soon, if things turned out as he expected, and he would also need some help from the Gens who had been detained but were still loyal to Paulo.

  The Paz twins, Danny and Nestor, were the first to arrive at Sacred Heart and immediately took charge directing the family members into four vans. Their possessions would remain behind, Edward’s orders. They would pile in the vans immediately or the twins would physically assist with their immediate relocation.

  Felipe Ortega took a fifth van and headed to the homes of a few family members who ‘had no intention of leaving Seattle, especially for that tyrant Edward St. James’. Felipe loaded them up and asked them to please cooperate and quiet down. If all went according to plan this would be over in a few days and they would be back home, safe and sound. They grumbled but got in the van. Felipe wasn’t a skinny kid getting into trouble throwing rocks at abandoned homes any more. He was fit, serious and in no mood for the normal nonsense.

  His “cousin” Lulu, who he hadn’t seen him in years, took notice of her faux ‘cousin’ right away. She smiled sweetly and gave him no grief.

  “Do as he says Mama. This is for our own good. If Felipe is doing this for Uncle Edward, it must be important.”

  Felipe winked at her and thought he would make a special effort to get to know cousin Lulu a little better. Later, of course.

  Felipe had all of his assigned charges, so he headed back to the staging area to caravan down to the intended destination: southern Oregon near the California border. They would take up residence in Adam and Misti’s hideaway, then he would contact Edward for new directions.

  When he arrived, Bitsie Tolan was waiting. Rafi asked her to jump into the van that Felipe was driving, and he would join her directly. Her car had disappeared, but it would be returned to her if and when she ever came back to Seattle. Edward of course wanted Bitsie at the Manor and, as soon as he could arrange it, she would be flown to the UK. But first she would spend a few days as a guest of the Eight Families.

  Bitsie was prepared for a lot of things, she thought. But she wasn’t prepared for the chaos of the Eight Families. She had never been around such a mass of humanity but, three days later, she didn’t want to leave. The girls bunked with the girls and gossiped incessantly about Edward, Adam, Misti and everyone else not present. Bitsie had quickly grown fond of Rafi and, though not attracted to him in that way, she nonetheless found it oddly comforting when he was near. She normally saw little use for men; Rafi was an exception.

  Rafi felt it too. But a MIT computer wonk didn’t seem his type. Too high strung and, besides, wasn’t she, you know, not into guys all that much. Or at all. He thought little of it but, tried to spend his free time with her, and found her to be an excellent companion and pleasant to be around.

  When Edward called to discuss Bitsie coming to the UK ASAP, she asked if Rafi could escort her. She was still wigged out by the whole Portland attack, and she still wasn’t sleeping well at all. Noises freaked her out and sudden movements made her jumpy.

  Rafi told Bitsie he would be in the next room and, if she got scared, to come and get him. The second night, she did just that. They took their sleeping bags into the living room and slept peacefully next to each other. In the early morning, they went back to their regular spots.

  No one said a word, but everyone noticed.

  When Edward asked Rafi to bring Bitsie to London, he thought the assignment odd. But he liked Bitsie and thought the assignment might be fun.

  It was that. And more.


  Bitsie and Rafi left southern Oregon for San Francisco a week later. They boarded a direct flight for London and settled into their First-Class seats. The female flight attendant, a cheery young Brit thought that the two made a cute couple.

  “Honeymoon in London?”

  Bitsie and Rafi looked at each other and smiled. Before Rafi could say a word, Bitsie quickly said, “Yes, newlyweds. First big trip abroad together. We’re so excited!”

  “Well you two are just adorable together. Congratulations.”

  Rafi looked quizzically at Bitsie when the flight attendant left.

  “You see that? We’re adorable,” Bitsie said. “Please don’t be cross with me. I just wanted to see what it felt like.”

  “Like what felt like?”

  “To belong. To someone and something. I… I haven’t ever had that, not really. I’ll behave from now on.”

  Rafi laughed. “You don’t have to behave on my account. I’m happy to be your Mister for as long as you want.”


  “Yes, really. And we can make out a little later if you want. Just for show, of course. Gotta keep up appearances.”

  Bitsie smiled a crooked smile. “Of course. We mustn’t disappoint.”

  Nonetheless, Bitsie slipped her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. She was asleep and adrift before they even lifted off.

  It might not be forever, Bitsie thought, but it was nice for now.

  Chapter 47

  Demitri as on his way to a meeting with Paulo and the newly released Enzo when his phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number and the display read
“caller unknown”.

  “Dad, it’s Pyotr.”

  “Son, where the hell are you? I thought you might be caught up in that Black Shirt business. I’m so happy to hear your voice.”

  “I know Dad. But just listen for a second, I don’t have much time.”

  “Son, what are you…”

  “Dad shut up for a second. We don’t have much time. The attack in Portland, it was all Black Shirt. Some crazy fuck named Patrick O’Brien and that psycho Saldana Ri.”

  “How do you…”

  “Dad, I said listen up. They’re trying to do all this and take credit for going after the Human and reclaiming the Library. Trying to embarrass Paulo, and the leadership of the Collective.”

  “How do you know son?”

  “I do. For now, I just do. No time to explain. But that’s not why I called. These nut cases are going to kill a lot more people in the next few days. If they find the Human, they will say that they could accomplish what Paulo couldn’t. But if they can’t find the Human or the Library, they’ll blame all the deaths on Paulo and the Collective and the retribution will be on us. Again. Dad, you’ve got to do something; they don’t care anymore if the humans find out about us. They just want to start something. I don’t know why.”

  Demitri focused, trusting his son knew what he was doing. “Where are they going next?”

  “They’re going after a list of names in Seattle. Then they’re going to attack some place up in Canada, on Vancouver Island. That’s where they think the Human is. We couldn’t find him in America because he was never here. Dad, you’ve got to tell Paulo and do something, or this is only going to get a lot worse.”

  “I need to get you back here. Immediately. Where are you? I’ll send a team.”

  “Not yet Dad. I’ve got a plan that I think can really help but, I need a couple of days. I’m using your Eavesdropper app on Marsha Nelson’s cell.”


  “Her parents are Black Shirt. She thinks I am too, and she can use me to find you. She knows a lot and we need to get her away from here.”

  “Where’s here?”

  “Ukiah. Northern California, Mendocino County. Look Dad, just pass the info on to Paulo and I’ll find a way to get Marsha away from here.”

  “Can you get her to Sacramento? We have people there.”

  “Two days Dad. I’ll have her in tow, or it’ll just be me. Email me the GPS of where you want me to go.”

  “I’ll make the arrangements. Pyotr?”

  “Yes Dad.”

  “I love you son.”

  “Careful Dad. You’re beginning to sound like a human.”

  “Not everything they do is wrong. Maybe I’m just weak.”

  “Fat chance Dad. I love you too. See you in two days. I’ll email you my plan. Just be ready.”


  “Marsha, we need to get out of here. We’ll be safe with my Dad. I promise.”

  Marsha said, “How do you know that. You know how these people are. If they find us they’ll kill us. Even my parents. I know they’ll kill you for sure, and I’m not sure about me.”

  “We can go on a date tomorrow night and just keep driving. We’ll have a six or seven-hour head start. If we can get to Sacramento, I have family there. Then we can go anywhere we want. To my Dad if you think that’s best.”

  “I’d feel safer with your Dad and his people. I’m scared, Pyotr. I’m really scared. I just know something awful is going to happen, and I don’t want to be anywhere around here when it does.”

  Marsha Nelson didn’t feel such fear and never had. She had been indoctrinated in the Black Shirt Movement propaganda for many years, her parents being early adopters and adherents to the twisted philosophy of Saldana Ri. The Nelsons had escaped the destruction of the Princeton facility and been relocated to the main facility, and headquarters of the Black Shirt Movement in Northern California. Most of the personnel evacuated ahead of the attacks on the research facilities had been sent to other Black Shirt “facilities” to continue their research, located in remote locations around the Southwest.

  That, however, was a ruse. Saldana Ri was aware they would be found sooner or later, if not by Paulo, then by the Human. When they were, and those facilities attacked and destroyed, their adversaries would be deceived into thinking that the Black Shirt Movement had been effectively eliminated.

  But they would be wrong. Very wrong. Most would touch down at those ‘secret’ facilities briefly, then move on to the real labs located elsewhere.

  But Marsha Nelson and her parents, though valued members of the Movement and a part of the Movement’s future plans, were not privy to those plans. Few outside Saldana’s inner circle were.

  No, Saldana was quite pleased when Piero Nelson approached her, and told her that the son of Demitri Asinamayov was dating their daughter and they would try to bring him along. He could be useful in getting close to Demitri, and if so, to Paulo and the leadership of the Collective. Then, at the right time, they may be able to sever the head of the Collective in one fell swoop and bring the Collective to its knees.

  Saldana had grander plans than that but encouraged the Nelsons to have their daughter seduce young Pyotr and convince him to follow them west. Pyotr wouldn’t be allowed to know the location of the old base, and he would’ve to live among the humans some distance away, but the young lad could be managed. Marsha, for her part, thought it a wonderful game and one in which she could dupe and control the younger man.

  Human sex. She never realized just how potent a narcotic it was to the transformed male Gens. After she had used young Pyotr for what she intended, she would kill him herself. She detested the young fool, and she was confident that her wiles had captivated, and besotted the younger Asinamayov.

  Marsha was both attractive and skilled in human sex. But she hadn’t fooled Pyotr. Pyotr was Russian, his father former KGB now FSB, and he knew that Marsha and her family were up to something well before the attack on the Princeton facility. But, as it was only suspicion at the time, he held his tongue. When Marsha told him that her family was departing immediately for the far west through Dallas, Pyotr’s suspicions were almost confirmed. The next day they were completely confirmed; they were Black Shirts, no doubt about it.

  If they didn’t kill him or try to use him as leverage with his father, he knew they would try to use him in some other way. After weeks away from home, and with Marsha as his only Gens contact, it became clear that Marsha was trying to find out the Demitri’s location and, therefore, Paulo’s. To date, Pyotr simply said he did not know his father’s current whereabouts but, in time, his father would eventually try to find him if he survived the attack on Princeton. When he did, he said, he would get them all to safety. With his father.

  Marsha thought Pyotr saw no connection with the Black Shirts; that Pyotr had been fooled into thinking that the Nelson family was hiding out until they discovered who was responsible for the attacks on the research facilities. When it was safe, they would come out of hiding. And rejoin the Collective.


  “We head south to Sacramento, then rejoin my father and the Collective. When it’s safe, we contact your parents and bring them to safety.”

  Masha asked, “When do we leave?”

  “Tomorrow night. Don’t breathe a word to your parents. We can do this you and me. And protect your family.”

  “I love you Pyotr. You’re very brave.”

  Marsha went home that night and told her parents of Pyotr’s plan. They contacted Saldana, who sent Marsha a new cell phone with special apps that would make it easy for their tech people to track the pair as they led the Black Shirts directly to Demitri and Paulo.


  “With your daughter’s help, we’ll find this last nest of vipers, and take care of one of our larger problems. By the weekend, we’ll have the Human, the Library and another big problem solved. Then we’ll be the undisputed masters of the Collective
, with all the money, and resources we will need to finish what we have started. Your daughter will be a hero.”


  The following night the pair set out on the journey to Sacramento, and by morning they were at the home of “friends”. Pyotr told Marsha to call her parents and let them know they were safe and in Sacramento. He told her that he had spoken to his father and that his father and the leadership of the Collective were now in Kansas City, Missouri. They were to drive there directly and meet up with them as quickly as they could.

  Marsha went outside to make the call and after a few minutes returned.

  “My parents were relieved to hear we are OK but asked if they could join us for the drive to Kansas City. They said they’d feel better if we all travelled together to meet your Dad. You don’t mind, do you? We can have a night here alone before they arrive. It’ll be romantic. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “No. I don’t think I would.”

  Pyotr quickly grabbed the cell phone in Marsha’s hand and tossed it over to a man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “Dad said to take this to the bus station and put it on a bus to Kansas City. Send it as a package addressed to one of the hotels.”

  He turned to Marsha. “You are coming with me. Or I should say, with us.”

  A man and a woman entered the room, the woman clutching a hypodermic needle. “You’ll be taking a little detour and then we’ll introduce you to my Dad. And he’ll introduce you to his interrogators. They’re very anxious to meet you.”

  Marsha’s face immediately showed her true vicious nature. “Do your best you fucking coward. I won’t tell you anything, nothing. I’m loyal to the Movement. And I won’t give them up, certainly not for a couple of shit head Russians.”

  “I admire your spunk, Marsha. A little scheming cunt right to the very last. You can afford to be brave now as you go to sleep. But when you wake up, we’re going to see just how brave you really are.

  “Never … give them up… fuck yoouuu…” Marsha drifted off. But the last words she heard came from Pyotr, whispering in her ear.”

  “If you say so. And be brave, little one. On the other hand, you’ve never met my Dad. He’s can be very persuasive.”


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