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Probe Page 97

by Douglas E Roff

  Edward smiled and welcomed the young man he had heard so much about. His background, and that of his family, was honorable and had a long history of service to his nation of France. When Edward got the report on his wife, Marie, there was another entirely different set of circumstances to consider. Not that there was anything wrong with her. There wasn’t. But Marie was from the very rich and powerful Emile Rousseau family, a name with whom Edward was very familiar. The association was neither amicable nor pleasant and far from professional. It was entirely personal and, if it could be said that a single event could sour a relationship with an entire nation, culture and people, this would be that one case. Edward didn’t like Emile, his friends, Paris or the French way of thinking about America and Americans in general. Outside of Paris he loved the French. Distinctions were made.

  “I have asked you here today at the request of my daughter and your friend, Cindy Suarez.”

  Cindy smiled in that reassuring way she had. All good, it signaled.

  “I understand from Cindy’s reports that you have been instrumental in assisting Cindy in planning and logistics as well as field operations. You enjoy the field work, yes?”

  “Very much sir. I am not a desk man. I would wither and die in an office.”

  Edward looked at Cindy, then quickly looked away. Francois noticed the interaction.

  “I wouldn’t normally wish to give you news, particularly good news in this fashion but today is an exception and I regret that this is how it must be handled. But I will leave that for Cindy to explain when I’m done.

  Francois was getting nervous but said nothing.

  “I am here today to offer you a new position within our organization. An important position, a position of trust and authority. The decisions you make, the work you do, will affect the lives of many of your comrades, our family and your friends. But it’s not a field position. It’s in command and control, and you will work away from ops. You may go on training missions, but you will be retired from active service in the field.”

  “But it is what I do. It is the only thing I know and love. I don’ know how I can accept a position I don’t truly believe I am worthy to perform.”

  “I … we, disagree with your assessment on this one matter. You are the best tactician we have, bar none. The best in planning and logistics, the best in detailed manpower assessment, and the best we have in field operations. If you hadn’t declined promotions, you would have your own unit now. It’s time, Francois. It’s past time. And we need you doing what you do best. It’s just not in the field anymore. I’m sorry.”

  “And if I decline?”

  “I … we wish you wouldn’t. But the choice is yours. You can rejoin your unit if that’s your decision.”

  “Then I decline. I appreciate your offer; I know you believe this to be what’s best for me. But it isn’t what I think is best for me. I hope you see that.”

  Edward said, sincerely, “This is more about what’s best for the men and women who would be under your command. In that sense, it’s not about you. It’s far greater than that.”

  Cindy looked at her friend. “There’s more. Let’s go for a walk and we can catch up with Dad, I mean Edward, a little later. Please excuse us.”

  Edward looked at Francois, understanding every emotion the young man was feeling. Even if he changed his mind, Edward had one more item to discuss. He was unsure how that would turn out too.


  Cindy and Francois excused themselves and walked over to the mess hall and sat down alone in the rear of the room at a long table.

  “I have some news I want to share with you and a conversation I had recently. With Marie. And there’s a small problem that has come up. Not important, but Edward believes you need to be aware.”

  “Please Cindy. Just tell me what this is all about.”

  “You need to call Marie right away. Your life is about to change and in a big way.”

  Cindy took out her cell and hit the speed dial for Marie. She answered. Cindy handed the phone to Francois and then got up and walked away.

  She returned a few minutes later. Francois was happy, but his mood still wasn’t good.

  “The two of you have been making plans for me I see. Without talking to me. I am very unhappy with my wife. And with you Cindy. You had no right.”

  “I know it looks that way. But it’s not what you think. I promise.”

  “Really, then perhaps you can explain how it looks to you. I am interested.”

  Francois looked somewhere between betrayed and angry, with a touch of “how could you do this to me” thrown in.

  “Look, Francois. The promotion has been in the work for months. Edward and I had our first conversation on this over two months ago. Long before the news. Long before Marie and I talked about any of this. I know how you feel, I do. But I’m Marie’s friend too. And I know how she feels. And then the news came. The baby. And Marie was distraught, beside herself with worry. And she was inconsolable at times and then you went away. She was a wreck; she loves you Francois. She got a little panicky. So, we talked. I’m sorry if that was wrong to you, but she’s my friend and I understood every bit of how she was feeling. I’ve felt that way too. It’s maddening.”

  She looked at her friend.

  “So, I told her about the promotion. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that, but she was so happy. After that, I only got five calls a day from her, so I knew she was feeling better. She smiled again. That beautiful, radiant, sweet smile.”

  “You indulge her too much. My wife, she’s too needy at the most inappropriate times. Such as now. She should be stronger.”

  “She should be no such thing, Francois Charles Armand! Your wife is the most treasured gem in your world my friend. And in mine. She is normal; she’s not like us. Thank God for her, and for you in my life. Everything she does, everything she thinks, is about you. And only you. The only thing she loves, the only thing she truly values in this world. You mean everything to her. You are her life. Never forget that.”

  Francois was chastened, but still stinging from knowledge gained far too quickly, and explained far too poorly.

  “Francois, you are thirty-two, and Marie is twenty-eight. She wants a family. So, do you. And your career in the field is coming to an end anyway. How many more years can you go? Two, three, five?”

  “Ten. At least.”

  “You’re delusional. Rod and I are done when this is over. Retired and doing what I hope you’ll be doing. And maybe not even that. And we’re both twenty-seven.”

  “This is true?”

  “I promise. I want to watch my kids grow up while I’m still young.”

  “I will call my wife and…”


  “Yes, apologize. I was angry. I am sorry for that. I will talk this over with Marie and speak to Edward tonight. Marie said that Edward knows her father. And that’s a problem?”

  “He does, and it is. But that is between Edward and Emile. Marie and I will do as we please, not as he commands.”

  “Good. Glad I’m not involved. Marie and I can celebrate and console each other when you’re busy.””

  “You know Rod says you are sometimes a tyrant like your sister Misti. I think he’s right.”

  “I know. But it could be worse.”

  “Not sure how.”

  “I could be your sister. Or, worse, your wife.”

  Francois said, “I should call Marie, and tell her how much I love her. You scare me.”

  “I know. I’ll call her too.” Cindy smiled, leaned over and whispered. “She and I can have a naughty date tonight. She’ll be better then, I know.”

  “You two. Always conspiring and, well, conspiring. You are a very bad influence on my very naughty wife.”

  “I am a very good influence, Francois, and you, my friend, are the chief beneficiary of our naughtiness.”

  Francois smiled his most handsome and devilish French
smile. He wasn’t just handsome, he was beautiful, Cindy thought.

  “I will speak to my wife and let her know you have designs on her tonight. Then I’ll have to go home soon before she becomes larger and more beautiful.”

  Chapter 51

  Francois did speak to his wife and he grudgingly accepted that it was time for him to move on and up. He chastised his wife for plotting behind his back, but immediately told her how much he loved her, how happy she had made him and how delighted he was that they were going to have a baby. Francois a father! Marie a Mother! He wished he was home and promised he would be there soon to hold her close, kiss her and celebrate.

  He spoke to Edward later that evening, at the dinner for the troops, and told him that he accepted his offer.

  “But Cindy and my wife tell me there is some issue with Marie’s father. This is so?”

  “Yes, Francois. A personal matter but that isn’t what concerns me. What does, and I can only share this with you, is a matter of security for us all. What is your relationship like with him?”

  “He’s a controlling, meddling and arrogant prick who bullies his wife, and daughter, and has little regard for me as a son-in-law. If I never saw him again, it would be too soon.”

  “You would consider moving then? Perhaps away from France?”

  “How far?”

  “How far would you like?”

  “Very far. And very soon, if you must know.”

  “Ever been to England?”

  “I hear it’s charming. City or country?”

  “Country. But high tech and lots of kids. And two pregnant ladies. We walk every night, have grandparents in abundance and plenty of security. You’d be very happy there, I’m sure.”

  “I’ll inform Marie. She’ll be delighted. She was … concerned about her father. When do we start?”

  “Be in my office tomorrow morning at eight. I can have you here at our little retreat within the week.”


  “Ask him if we can have a little country cottage of our own. Please you must ask him. Please for me.” She paused, then said in her very softest sexiest voice. “I’ll be bad. For you. Very, very bad if you’d like.”

  “How bad is this bad? Like two weeks ago bad or like that time last summer bad? Or a new and improved bad?”

  “Sky’s the limit bad. And just us girls and at least three different outfits bad.”

  “On one condition then.”

  “Name it.”

  “I’m very horny right now. I need emergency naughty. Tonight.”

  “What should I wear? What … other items will I need?”

  “Check your email. I’m sending a list.”

  “You’re the best.”

  “I know. Regular time. Don’t be late.”


  Cindy was walking the grounds of the Manor with Edward.

  “She says she’s always had a dream of living in the countryside, in an adorable little cottage with a yard and flowers everywhere, with her kids and dogs and maybe even a few chickens. Not to eat though, just for show. And a man who loves her insanely and goes to work every morning and comes home every night who she would adore and always take care of. Always. And they would have mad passionate sex whenever they pleased, be happy for all their days and grow old and fat together. There might be a horse too, and a forest nearby for the kids to build as tree house, and run around bare foot and wild like feral children”

  “How small is small?”

  “I think three thousand square feet should suffice. She’s got some ideas.”

  “I’ll have the architect swing by once they are in residence. Anything she wants. I want my newest daughter to be happy at the Manor.”

  “I love you, old man. You’re a scoundrel and a brat. But there are times, just sometimes, when you’re everything you want the world to think you are, even though you really aren’t. Those times I love you the most.”

  “My family grows, and my approval ratings increase daily. I should’ve been nicer sooner.”

  “Let’s not go crazy, Papa.”

  Chapter 52

  In the days, weeks and months following the arrival of the Fortizi families in South Dakota, the mood, which had initially been angry and cold, began to soften. Helena simply accepted that she and her brood were captives and would remain so, for the indefinite future. Helena was from a powerful splinter Clan in Germany, but had no interest whatsoever in politics, be it Gens or human. If her husband was doing one thing or another, traveling and getting himself involved in all manner of nonsense, she was fine with that. Their relationship was less than happy. It improved dramatically for both her and the kids when he was away from home, which was often.

  Though a Gens and a fierce warrior in her youth, she was now fully on board with human form and had adopted human emotions and habits. She loved her kids and would do anything to protect them. If she had led her minders to think that she knew something, well that just had to be a benefit somehow at some future date. In reality, she knew nothing of the war plans and was fastidious in her insistence that she be kept in the dark and uninformed. In other realms, she was an encyclopedia of knowledge, arcane and contemporary.

  If things went badly for her family, she still wanted her kids to survive.

  But she was no trophy wife; Helena was educated and knowledgeable in all things culturally Gens. And she understood the Gens mentality and could quickly sort out the truth from the BS and dissembling.

  In her world, her priorities were unlike traditional Gens females; she had children to care for and her most pressing job was to assure her kids that everything was OK. Like a protective human mother, she told her kids without conviction that this was just an adventure, like a vacation, and things would be normal again very soon.

  She felt safe at the base and had been treated well and with kindness. Her kids played with staff and often her minder would babysit the kids to give Helena a break. He tried to reassure her that though they couldn’t leave, they shouldn’t consider themselves prisoners and in any danger. She felt reassured but remained unconvinced. The world was a dangerous place, quixotic at best and that was true for Gens, humans and every other creature on the planet.

  Bella on the other hand had been affected at a deep level by her contact with Octavio, her minder, and the staff at the base. Though her son was unruly, and absent, that had been his choice. Bella grew to appreciate Octavio and the humans with whom she came in contact. She watched him interact with the children and often took all the kids on adventure tours of the base. He showed them things he had learned as a Cub and Boy Scout: how to tie knots, start a fire and whittle. The younger kids adored him and looked forward to his visits. He was friendly, helpful and very tolerant. For a guy who could break arms and kill with his bare hands, he was amazingly loving and tender with his young charges.

  Octavio was a martial arts disciple and, to that end, practiced almost daily with other men at the facility. Bella wandered in on one of his spars and sat silently watching this human in the fullness of his youth compete with other men. His physique was hard and muscled; his mental fitness equally strong. She liked him, and her girls liked him. He played dolls with them if he said he would, always made time for them and kept all his commitments to them. At two months in, the girls were asking their mum if Octavio could put them to bed and tuck them in. They loved the bedtime stories he told them when he was watching the girls and Bella was visiting Helena at her apartment. He was willing to assist with the kids but didn’t want to overstep any boundaries with Bella. If she had reservations he would have to tell the girls no. When the girls looked up at their mom, eyes wide with hope and anticipation, Bella relented and agreed that if Octavio wasn’t otherwise busy, and if the girls behaved, she would ask Octavio if he would mind taking on some light parenting duties.

  Octavio said he would be delighted. He was himself from a large family and being the oldest boy was often in charge of his you
nger siblings whether that was babysitting, disciplining or teaching. The girls were infatuated with him, so Bella saw no harm in inviting him into their small family circle.

  As time passed she considered how Paulo reacted to his own kids. He made time for Jason, his son, but was barely even aware of his two daughters. He had little contact with them which, in fairness she thought, was the Gens way. Still Bella couldn’t help but notice how the attention paid to the girls made them come alive, feel loved and appreciated and … happy. The girls smiled and giggled, and Octavio told them little girl jokes he learned as a kid in his own family.

  Octavio took the time, especially late afternoons, and Saturday mornings, to visit and watch cartoons with his little ladies. Bella could sleep in or have a rest, and Octavio, though not much of a cook, could always make things the girls enjoyed.

  Bella kept her distance though, still suspicious that this was all a ploy and that the proverbial “other shoe” was about to drop. No matter what she was told, she considered herself a prisoner at the base, even if the cage was gilded. She saw the other side of humanity that she had only ever seen back home in Germany, an anomaly at best. Though there was ample evidence that humans in this new world were mercurial and undependable, dangerous to the Gens world at large, she began to think that not all humans were so.

  Over time she began to speak more to Octavio, sometimes at lunch when he would join them for a meal. One or the other of the girls would sit on his lap and make “goo goo” eyes at him, just as he had taught them. Over the weeks and months, she began to ask if he would mind sitting with her once he put the girls to bed. She loved her sister-in-law very much, but until this situation arose they were no longer close as they had been once in Germany. She spoke to others on the base, and most were friendly, and cordial, but it wasn’t the same as having someone in your life that you could talk to and even lean on when her emotional strength flagged.


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