Desiring the Forbidden

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Desiring the Forbidden Page 4

by Megan Michaels

  “I always found disciplining so difficult. I knew how to set firm boundaries and rules, but when time outs and grounding didn’t work and I had to be firm, it almost broke my heart. I hated it.” His green eyes focused upon something across the room, and he grew silent. He shook his head finally, as if forcing himself from his momentary reverie.

  “I didn’t notice that, at the time. I think I was too afraid of what was coming next to see that. You then sat Brittney on the edge of the bed, walking over to me and scooping me up to sit next to her. I swear I can still feel my heart pounding in my chest. You lectured us on how to treat others and the maliciousness of our prank. I think you even discussed the fear of snakes and heart attacks.” She laughed at how he’d been so thorough in his discussion with them.

  Cade quirked an eyebrow at her. “You know, there’s nothing stopping me from spanking your naughty backside now. So, unless you’d like to feel this spoon on your bare bottom, I suggest you stop laughing at me.” He waved the spoon close to her. “Right now.”

  Would he actually spank her? And bare her? He wouldn’t!

  She covered her mouth, forcing herself to stop laughing. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

  “Sweet pea, it’s not a laughing matter. I’m serious about that.”

  “But… I mean… I’m a woman now. And—”

  Though the onions and sausage didn’t look done yet, he turned the burner off, leaning over the counter, invading her personal space. “I won’t have you doing anything that’ll get yourself hurt. It’s important that you listen to me and do as you’re told. These people are dangerous, and they’ll be looking for you until they’re jailed. If you don’t listen — or decide to do something that puts your life at risk — I won’t hesitate to paddle your bare bottom. Understand?”

  Her tummy clenched, her clit throbbing again. Her memory of his discipline sessions with Brittney would deter any misbehavior, she was quite sure of that. She couldn’t even swallow as she watched his eyes narrow, a hard muscle twitching in his jaw.

  “When I ask you a question, I expect an immediate answer.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, her heart beating in her throat. “I understand.”

  He nodded at her. Turning the burner back on, he continued with dinner. “You said that you enjoyed being at our house as a child, that you missed having a daddy. Is that how you still feel?”

  She hesitated. How did she admit that as an adult? Of course, the answer was yes, but conceding that she would like a Daddy made her feel… immature. Silly, even. She fantasized about the gorgeous man being her Daddy, how this tall State Trooper — who in her fantasy would take his hat off after entering the house — would call her to the room, telling her that he’d heard about the naughty thing she’d done at school today. He’d snatch her by the arm, dragging her down the hall to her bedroom. After shutting the door, he’d stand in front of her with his hands on his hips, accentuating the wide black belt troopers always wore.

  During this part of the fantasy, Madison’s fingers would slip to the slit of her sex, sliding in her juices before stroking and circling her clit. In her dreams, he’d lecture her about being a bad girl. He’d tell her how her Daddy loved her too much to allow her to behave this way.

  Exactly what he’d told Brittney when Sunni had watched her friend’s spanking at her father’s hand.

  Madison spent many evenings in her bed, lying on her belly, pretending she was over his lap. Cade would sit on the edge of her bed, standing her to his right, pulling her pants and panties down, lecturing her while she stood with her sex exposed to him. He’d then tip her over his lap, stroking her bottom with his huge hand. He’d tell her how much he loved her just before he’d slap her bottom with his hard-as-a-board hand. Her hips would move wildly, trying to avoid the punishing smacks, but one swat would cover her whole backside until she screeched and cried in agony.

  In her imagination, her tears and sobs would break his heart and even though he’d be thorough with his discipline, he’d be anxious to hold her on his lap, comforting her, assuring her of his love. Her Daddy would never stop loving her, but he also wouldn’t tolerate any misbehavior. He wanted to show off his well-behaved little girl.

  How many nights have I gone to sleep with that spanking fantasy?

  She looked over to find him staring at her, waiting for her answer. “Yes, Sir. I miss not having a father. I don’t think that feeling ever goes away.”

  “I can be that for you. I wouldn’t mind being your Daddy. You’re old enough to consent to my discipline, and since you’ll be staying here for a while under my care and supervision, and I’ve already threatened to spank you…” He winked at her with his devilishly boyish grin. “It makes sense, if you agree. I’d be more than happy to be your Daddy. You’ll get to see what it’s like — the good, the bad, and the ugly. Up to you, sweet pea.”

  Am I dreaming? Maybe I’m masturbating in my sleep.

  She dug her nails into her upper arm, the hot pain making her wince.

  Yep, I’m awake.

  She looked at those strong arms, the bulging biceps, the large veins in his arms and hands. Those arms and hands looked quite capable of meting out a very hard spanking indeed. She remembered how Brittney would complain about her bottom being sore the next day. Sunni always wondered what it would feel like.

  He was right, this would be her chance, the perfect opportunity. She did wonder briefly what Brittney would think about it though. She hadn’t talked to Brittney since she’d left school, and even then, they hadn’t been friends since middle school.


  “Good.” He walked over to the counter. “Let’s try it. Say, ‘Yes, Daddy.’”

  She blushed at just the thought of saying it out loud. Then she took a deep breath.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Chapter 4

  Cade’s cock jerked at her response. He’d been a Daddy Dom in the past, but it had been a while since he’d had a girl to care for. He’d love having Sunni on his lap. She’d grown into a beautiful woman, and it was easy to forget she was that little girl at his house all those years ago. Gone was the awkward, lonely child with scraggly hair and unkempt clothes. She’d always been a sweet child — obedient, and kind. He had loved her playing with Brittney; she’d been a good influence on his impulsive, tomboy daughter.

  But the curvy woman who stood in front of him now had him aching for her. He wanted to bury his cock between those breasts. Although she was still a petite woman who only came to the middle of his chest, she made up for that lack of height with her voluptuous ass and breasts. Just the thought of spanking that backside had him daydreaming, imagining the way his hand would make those globes wobble.

  He shook himself out of his reverie. “Good girl. I’m looking forward to having a little girl again. I like taking care of my women, cherishing them, coddling them, and treating them as my girl. And, while we’re discussing it, punishing them. We touched on some of this already. You’ll be expected to behave yourself like a good little girl. The rules are some of the same ones that Brittney had while she lived at home. No swearing, no smoking, no leaving the house without telling me where you are going. But in this case, there’ll be no leaving the house without me. Period. I need to be with you until it’s safe. Clear?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He beamed back at her. “That’s a girl. No lying, no temper tantrums, and you will not do anything that is dangerous to yourself or others.”

  “H-how will... what will you use to sp-spank me?” Sunni appeared to be having a hard time talking about the subject, even saying the word ‘spank’ seeming to make her stutter.

  “That depends on your behavior and how many times we’ve discussed it. Generally, I don’t use anything more than my hand. I’ve heard it’s hard and gives a pretty good wallop. But if you don’t listen the first time, and I have to repeat a lesson — or you put yourself in danger — it’ll be the paddle.” He walked over to the door to the basement, ope
ning it. He flicked on the light inside, revealing a large, round ping pong paddle hanging on the wall.

  He took it off the hook, spinning it in a circle in his hand. “This is the spanking paddle. If I send you to retrieve it, you’ll find it on this hook. And after we’re done with your paddling — which I guarantee will leave you with a red, blistered bottom — you’ll return it to this spot before going to your room.” He hung it back on the wall, then turned the light off, and shut the door.

  He walked back to the counter, sitting on the barstool next to her, turning her so her knees were between his legs, then taking her hands. “If you lie, or do something very serious such as drinking while driving or texting while driving, it’ll be a spanking with my belt. I don’t anticipate that happening though. It’s very rare for me to use my belt. And if I remember correctly, you’re a very good girl. I bet it won’t be used at all.”

  He stood up quickly, kissing her forehead before going to the kitchen to stir the sauce. “I’m looking forward to showing you how Daddies love.” He turned the burner off, grabbing pasta bowls from the cupboard. “And look at this. Dinner’s ready. Is my girl hungry?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m very hungry.”

  Chapter 5

  Sunni followed Cade to the bedroom. “Brittney has some clothes in here that I’m sure will fit. We’ll buy you some new ones this weekend, but until then, these will work.” He pulled open a dresser drawer, drawing out a short, pink night shirt that had a large heart stitched on the front. “This will do. Let Daddy undress you.”

  “I can do it myself.” Sunni crossed her arms over her chest, feeling very vulnerable. “I-I should do this myself.”

  He dropped his arms, though he still held the nightie. “Daddy just wants to dress you. There is no sex, no fondling — at least not until you’re ready and ask me for it. This is about showing you how much I care, taking care of you.” He grabbed the hem of her shirt. “Raise your arms, sweet pea.”

  She reluctantly obeyed, and he pulled her shirt over her head. Covering her breasts with her hands – well as much as her hands could – she avoided eye contact with him.

  Cade ignored it though, undoing her bra and sliding it down her arms before quickly covering her with the nightie. His fingers ached to plump her breasts in his hands, feeling the tightly pebbled nipples in his palms, his mouth watering at the thought of sucking her sweet flesh. He needed to take this slow. He had promised her he’d show her how Daddies loved, cuddling her with no pressure to perform in any capacity. But his cock had twitched, straining against the stiff denim of his pants. He hoped she didn’t see his erection yet. He didn’t want to frighten her with his arousal.

  He reached under the short pink cotton to find her jeans, undoing them, letting them fall to her ankles. “Step out, please.” Her scent wafted to his nostrils, and he did his best to take a deep breath without her knowing he was doing so. God, she smelled heavenly! He wanted nothing more than to bury his nose in the cleft of that sweet pussy, licking her until she screamed with her orgasm.

  After that sweet orgasm from his babygirl, he’d thrust himself into her, pushing himself to the hilt, his balls slapping her shaved pussy, her slickened sheath clenching and squeezing him, tighter and smaller than he’d anticipated.

  God, he needed to get himself under control. He knew he’d raise her confidence and trust if she felt his love first. He would rather say goodbye than hurt her feelings. This sweet girl, his Sunni Day, needed to know that her feelings and heart would be protected beyond and above everything else in his life.

  And right now, he needed to get her out of this bedroom and onto the couch to watch a movie. Cuddling his new little girl.

  She lifted each foot from the bunched material. “That’s a girl. Now, you’re all set. Let’s go watch some television before bedtime.”

  Cade walked her to the living room, turning on one of the pay channels, covering her with a blanket. “Daddy will make some popcorn. Here’s the remote. You find a chick flick movie you want. I’ll watch anything. Promise.”

  He walked out of the room and she made sure to lean over to watch that gorgeous ass saunter to the kitchen, ogling him as long as she dared. She found one of her favorite movies, one that required tissues. She was pretty sure he’d say no.

  No guys ever watched those movies. However, no guy she’d ever been with had undressed her without groping her either. Cade didn’t even seem to look. Maybe he didn’t have an interest? Some guys didn’t like curvy women. She’d heard that many times from men — too short, too heavy. The story of her life.

  She pulled the blanket up higher to hide her body. He’d be no different. It was the only explanation for him not saying something about her body as he took her clothes off. He didn’t even try to cop a feel through her panties when he took her jeans down.

  She’d avoid the popcorn he was making. The last thing he wanted to see was her adding more calories to her hips and ass.

  “Here we go!! Largest bowl I could find in the kitchen. And what did you find for a movie?” He handed her the bowl and stared at the television for a moment. “Oh, I remember this movie. This one is really sad. I’ll get the tissues and hold you close when it gets sad. Okay?”

  She stared at him, dumbfounded. “S-sure.”

  He put the box of tissues on the table in front of them, placing the bowl of popcorn next to it. Then he scooped her up to sit with her back against his chest while they watched the movie. His long arms reached over to grab the bowl of popcorn. “Dig in, girl!”

  “Nah. I’m good.”

  “What? I made this huge bowl because I just knew you’d love it. C’mon, I’m not eating this alone.” He picked up a couple kernels, feeding them to her.

  She had to admit they were very buttery and found herself wishing she hadn’t tried it. Now, resisting would be even harder. The trouble was, she couldn’t resist — and he didn’t allow it either, nonchalantly doling out a piece to her at random intervals.

  Cade’s other hand affectionately rubbed her arm or played with her hair. Sunni couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so relaxed.

  Her phone vibrated across the room, reminding her that she’d completely forgotten about checking her Facebook statuses, text messages, or any of her other social media. She lunged forward. “My phone. God, I must have a ton of messages. I need to let people know where I am.”

  Cade grabbed her arm. “Oh, no you don’t. Sit back down.”

  When she didn’t immediately sit, he quirked an eyebrow at her. “Do we need to discuss doing as you’re told already?”

  “N-no. But, I need to check what’s going on. I still have a life going on here.”

  “Madison Weaver, come sit down on my lap while you can still do it without pain.” His voice had dropped, and he patted his thigh, urging her to obey.

  What the fuck? Yeah, there would be some problems soon around here.

  Not wanting to push him any further than she already had, she went over and sat back down. But inside, she fumed, knowing that she needed to update her status and let her closest friends know she was safe. “I need—”

  “No, you don’t need to do anything right now. You can’t update your Facebook status. Your friends of friends of friends — who may actually be friends with Zack or Jared — might learn where you are.” He tipped her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eye.

  He had a point. Zack was friends with some of her friends. “But what about—”

  “You can tell your parents. No one else needs to know where you are. I need you to trust me on this. Are we clear?” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Let’s finish our movie and get you to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  Chapter 6

  Cade woke up, looking over at the clock. Eight in the morning. He needed to get up to check on Sunni and make her some breakfast. She’d fallen asleep long before the movie ended, and he’d carried her to bed,
watching her sleep for a bit before going back to his own lonely, cold bed.

  It amazed him how this whole situation had just fallen into his lap. He’d been looking for a woman who needed a Daddy, someone to cater to and cherish. Since Katie had left a year ago, his friend Matt had tried to match him up with other women who liked having a Daddy Dom, but they didn’t seem to mesh. Most of these women needed age play — which when he’d tried it in the past, he’d enjoyed certain aspects of — but he was more comfortable with a woman who needed a Daddy aspect to their relationship without falling into toys, sippy cups, diapers and such. There were many friends that he’d become friends with that needed those elements in a relationship. But he loved having a woman who enjoyed cuddling and discipline without those aspects.

  This seemed to be a perfect match for both he and Sunni. Lacking a father as a child left a void in her life, and he’d be more than willing to fill it for her. Just hearing her say ‘Daddy’ had filled his heart with pride. He quickly threw a robe on, walking down the hall to check on her. Her bed was already made — and Sunni was nowhere to be found.

  He walked into the kitchen and living room, figuring she’d woken up before him and had started her day already. No Sunni. He called out for her. Nothing.

  She better not have left the house.

  Suddenly, he heard his truck starting outside, and he ran to the window, peering out.

  “Oh, hell!” He threw on his boots, opening the door, and running down the walkway to the driveway. As he approached the vehicle, Sunni quickly locked the truck’s doors. He tapped the driver’s window, and her large, frightened doe eyes stared up at him. Pulling down on the shifter, she ground the gears on his truck.

  Thankfully, the closest neighbor was more than two miles away. He didn’t need to keep his voice down. He shouted through the window. “Open the door, Sunni. Now!”


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