Olivia's Return

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Olivia's Return Page 15

by Cindy Matthews

  Did this mean he could access her thoughts?

  "It's all so sudden. I mean, I know I came here to be somebody's bride, it's just I...I ..." She was babbling, she knew, but she couldn't help herself. It was perhaps her only psychic defense. "I-I thought we'd have a little more time than ten minutes to decide. It's a big decision, you know?"

  Did she glimpse a tiny glimmer in his eye? Was it a tear? A tear of sadness for being rejected and not accepted right away? As quick as she'd seen the glimmer it disappeared. A coldness settled in where she thought she'd detected warmth. Can he turn his feelings off and on like a machine? Can he manipulate mine as well?

  "I understand. There is a much longer courting period in your culture before such an important question is asked." He bowed his head. "I apologize. I did not wish to offend."

  Olivia felt guilty now. She didn't want Moreau to feel like he was totally worthless, but she also didn't need to be tied down to one Pure Blood while she was searching their clan house for the secondary Portal. Still, perhaps having Moreau as an escort wouldn't be such a bad thing after all? Could she bat her eyelashes at him and make him reveal their clan's secrets? As his fiancée she might even have access to off-limits public areas.

  "Yes, we court for days and weeks and even years in my culture, but when we find someone special..."

  Her attention drifted and once again she could discern no demarcation of where her personal space began and his ended. Their thoughts and hopes were blending together? She was being drawn into his web, his control...

  Fight it. Keep your distance, Ollie girl. Your sanity could very well depend on it.

  "When we find someone special, sometimes we don't wait too long," she blurted. She bit her tongue. Did I just say that out loud?

  The glimmer in his eyes returned. "So, you are agreeable?"

  "Let's say I'm agreeable to saying we're engaged to be engaged. Deal?"

  His fangs glinted as his thin lips pulled into a smile. "Deal. You have made me a very happy man, Lauren. We shall celebrate at the pairing meal as one—couple. All of BloodDark will rejoice at such an advantageous pairing."

  Whatever had she gotten herself into—and would she live to tell the tale afterward?

  They strolled through the hall and into the long hallway toward the dormitory. Now they had been paired, and she would have her own room Moreau informed her. BloodDark brides weren't to be denied any special treatment. Anything she wanted, all she had to do was ask.

  "Can I have a cheeseburger and some chili fries and a chocolate shake?" she asked as they waited for the maids to air out her new residence around the corner and up a flight of stairs from where she first slept.

  Moreau looked thoughtful. "Perhaps I should rephrase what I said before. Anything within reason you may have."

  "Well... if you put it that way, then I'll just have a nice long soak in the tub. Is that okay?"

  Moreau barked several orders to the maids and then bowed. "I will come for you soon." He departed without a sound, the same way he had arrived.

  Olivia was relieved to be reunited with her luggage, glad of being given a small private room and bath in which to prepare herself for tonight's big dinner, but not so glad to find her signaling device worked about as well as her first iPhone did after she knocked it into the kitchen sink full of washing up water by accident. Why couldn't BloodDark have cell phone towers?

  The small two-way radio was something her dad would have called a Walkie-Talkie. He went on and on about how fun they were when he was a kid. Of course, CB radio was all the rage back in the mid-twentieth century, too, Olivia had learned much to her chagrin. But technology was technology, and this portable communications device had been used on BloodDark for the most part by the Overseers for centuries. It should work. So why didn't it?

  "Annara? Are you there? I can't speak up much louder. I don't want them to think I’m muttering to myself. Annara?"

  Olivia double-checked the frequency. She set it to the correct one. She and Annara had tested the tech before she left BloodDark after their attempted kidnapping, and they had made certain it was working before she transported via the Portal. Olivia had even seen several Overseers working near the Portal and around the clan house using similar devices, so they must work. She could think of no reason why her radio shouldn't be working...

  Unless someone or something was jamming hers?

  Olivia gave the palm-sized box a shake, and it made a faint crackle. "No, no this thing appears to be working. Maybe Annara's receiver isn't? Oh dear... Has she even returned to BloodDark yet?"

  Olivia placed the communications device down on the mattress beside her and prepared herself to touch up her black toenail polish since she was wearing sandals with her black sleeveless cocktail dress. The skull-and-cross-bone decals on her fingernails—which coordinated perfectly with her dangling earrings—really sold the Goth look in her opinion. Just as she finished her left foot the radio squawked into life. "Olivia?" Annara's voice boomed out of the small speaker. "You there?"

  Olivia capped the nail polish and put it aside. She grabbed the device, turning down the volume. "Yes, I'm here," she whispered. "I was worried when you didn't return my first call."

  "I've been...detained."

  She didn't like the sound of Annara's voice. Had Caveman discovered what they were up to? Had Hernando back on Earth discovered she wasn't attending college classes this week? She had told him she didn't want to be disturbed, and she would contact him when she was able. There were just too many variables to keep track of. Had she accounted for them all?

  "How has your first day gone so far with Clan Alpha?"

  Olivia blew out a long sigh of relief. At least it had only been a day and not a week. Her instincts had been right. "My first day has been...interesting. We had a short celebration last night and then we all pretty much collapsed and slept for a while. When I woke up, I took a short stroll and ran into my fiancé."

  "Fiancé? I thought this was an introductory period to see if both parties were agreeable."

  "I suppose it is, but they seem to want us paired off super fast. Tonight is the pairing meal I believe it's called."

  "Already?" Even through the tinny sound of the small speaker Annara sounded incredulous. Olivia gulped. Had things sped up faster than either imagined they would? The mail-order spouses had been assured it would be at least an Earth month before any finalizing of the relationship. They had figured they had sufficient time for Olivia to search the premises, take notes and skedaddle before anyone's heart was broken too much.

  "I know it does seem early, but after our brief get-together right after we got off the plane, you could say, they got down to business and started pairing us off."

  "I was hoping you'd have scouted out the compound before then and left. Olivia, I must tell you something important. The pairing ceremony includes a—"

  A knock on the door made her jump. She switched the device off and slid it under the blanket. "Yes?"

  The heavy door swung open a couple of inches. "Are you ready, Lauren?"

  He's anxious all right. Olivia smoothed her hair back into a black Scrunchie, adjusted her glasses and beamed a dazzling smile at Moreau. "Just about. Can you give me a few minutes?"

  "A minute is a short time interval, correct?"

  "It is. I'll meet you at the stairs, all right?"

  He nodded, but his crestfallen stance indicated his disappointment at not escorting her out on his arm right away. "All right.

  Whew. Too close. What if he heard me talking to Annara? How would I explain it? Olivia went back into the bathroom and reapplied her deodorant. She had broken out in a cold sweat.


  The pairing meal wasn't quite what Olivia had expected.

  Instead of the hundreds who had jammed the grand hall for their first family gathering, this party was small and intimate and included Moreau and his immediate family and close friends. The quaint dining hall was tastefully decorated with what appea
red to be painted portraits of their ancestors on its paneled walls. Intricately cast silver candelabra had been set on the low, long table. The short padded stools and banquet tables reminded Olivia of an ancient Roman feast. There were no other mail-order brides to be seen—not even her new friend Kate.

  "Where is everybody?" she asked.

  "Everybody who needs to be here has arrived save one," Moreau replied. He frowned. "Did you expect someone else to attend?"

  She took pity on his confused expression. "Uh, no. I mean, are there other pairing meals going on tonight elsewhere? Are the brides with their partners?"

  He smiled and flashed a sexy bit of fang. "I see. I don't know of any other pairing meals happening now, but there will be more soon. I'm sure most of our new guests are with their partners at the present time, getting to know them better."

  Why don't you and I have the luxury of getting to know each other better before we're rushed to the altar? Olivia grinned and did her best not to appear nervous or worried, but she couldn't help it. Annara had been about to tell her something about the pairing ceremony itself when Moreau had knocked on the door and interrupted their conversation.

  His timing is impeccable. Uncanny, the more I think about it.

  Why oh why hadn't she asked more about the Pure Bloods' traditions before she agreed to take this mission? Annara had filled her in on a number of customs and traditions she was aware of, but Annara also admitted she didn't know everything. For more in-depth information they should have consulted a Pure Blood or a Quadsang like Valori or Hernando. Even then, there were probably a few things even those of partial Pure Blood heritage might not know, rituals only known to the Alphans and their closest kin.

  "Let us sit. Here, you take the honored place."

  Moreau escorted her to the head of the long table and seated her on a plush-covered stool with no arms or back. Olivia bent her knees to the side in a rather awkward position in order to slide them under the low table. She felt trapped.

  There's no way I'm going to make a quick escape out of this room. I'm farthest from the door, and I'm sitting in a yoga position.

  To her chagrin, Moreau left her side and took a seat on the far end of the table. She shot him a puzzled look, but his distant expression indicated he was miles away both mentally and physically. The others broke off their conversations in time and drifted to take seats on either side, leaving one large orange-upholstered ottoman open along the middle side facing the fireplace. All eyes seemed to fall to the open seat awaiting its occupation. This person had to be important.

  Olivia caught her breath. There's only one person who could command such respect and anticipation in this household. I hope I'm wrong, but I know it can only be her.

  A loud knock forced their attention to the heavy double doors at the far end of the chamber. They swung open with no apparent effort and the Alphan High Priestess entered, her dark eyes flashing, her long black locks pulled back in a headband styled tiara encrusted with a myriad of autumn-hued stones, her long orange-red silken gown train trailing behind like an bubbling river of molten lava.

  Drucinda. Wonder if she's still angry with me about threatening to blow up their hidden spaceship and then snitching on the Alphans' big secret to their neighboring clans?

  Drucinda floated along the stone floor and alighted on her tuffet with grace and practiced ease. She nodded and smiled at her kinsmen each in turn and then rested her gaze upon Olivia.

  I'm Lauren. I'm not who you think I am. We've never met. I take it you're important because everyone seems to defer to your judgment.

  Olivia returned the nod and smile, and Drucinda's focus drifted away as she began chatting with her table mates on either side. Olivia assumed the older handsome couple to Drucinda's right were Moreau's parents, but she had not been formerly introduced to anyone yet she realized.

  Odd, you'd think if she were to become a part of their family they would have wanted to introduce themselves? Maybe it was the lack of translator devices? Yes, that had to be it. As far as she knew, Moreau alone could speak an Earth language.

  Olivia smiled and nodded while two young teen boys acting like butlers served dinner. Did Hernando ever work in the dining room like these boys? The large platters of various vegetable dishes were passed about once they were delivered to the table, but she noticed no one took very large portions.

  Olivia's stomach growled, but she didn't want to stand out. She took small bites and chewed with great care. The Alphans may have skimped on the quantity of food but the quality was first rate, and the wine was excellent. BloodDark's version of the grape yielded quite a good vintage.

  Fifteen minutes into the meal and the quiet chatter dwindled. Moreau put down his chopstick-like instruments and his dining companions did likewise. With a flash of red-orange silk Drucinda stood and clapped her hands. Everyone jumped to attention. Olivia was almost halfway through her plate, but she dropped her sticks and struggled to her feet. All eyes fell upon her. Was it time for Moreau to go down on bended knee and give her a diamond solitaire?

  Drucinda’s dark eyes glowed in the candle-light. Her long black hair glistened like a dark waterfall down her back. The high priestess walked with a proud air toward Olivia. Okay, it's time for a friendly handshake with the family's spiritual advisor? A blessing of sorts?

  Olivia took a deep breath and tried to relax. There was nothing to fear here. She was in disguise, and she knew for a fact Drucinda had never taken a good look at her when the priestess banned her to the farm on the sunlit side of the planet. Drucinda had been far too angry and distracted by Murnau's stupidity to take any real notice of her. Since Murnau their slave procurer was dead, there was no way he could have ratted her out. As long as she played it cool, she was safe.

  Drucinda paused and considered Olivia for a long moment, scanning her features. An intense frown knitted the priestess's sharp features together. Then the sniffing began. Drucinda struck a deliberate pace, circling her several times, sniffing high and low.

  Oh, no, please not the sniffing! I don't think I'll ever understand how an intelligent species such as the Pure Bloods use their sense of smell more than their other senses. They're more like wolves relying on instinct than intelligent bipedal creatures.

  Yes, wolves. You could say we're in touch with our primitive nature.

  Olivia froze. She swallowed a scream. Who was reading her mind? Who was speaking into her thoughts? Valori and Hernando had sensed only general feelings from her before, but this person was reading her actual thoughts.

  Her eyes darted to Drucinda's face, but the priestess's pale countenance appeared calm and focused upon her ritualistic sniffing. Olivia looked down the long table toward Moreau. He smiled.

  Is it you? Or am I just imagining this?

  It is me.

  His expression didn't change, but the glimmer in his eyes was there. His eyes confirmed it. Olivia took a deep breath to steady her nerves and directed another thought to him. How do you do it?

  The wine helps heighten our natural abilities to peer into another's mind. Our sense of smell tells us much about others without the use of words. Over the millennia we have perfected these non-verbal communications by enhancing our genetic code with your species' genes and the genes of other Terran creatures... In some way, you could say our exile to this pitiful world with one inhabited planet within our Portal's reach has enabled us to pick and choose the best from each world and combine them into a superior whole. We have evolved into a race like no other.

  Olivia shuddered. The Pure Bloods were like the creatures of Jules Verne's classic tale. No longer completely alien, but not fully human... Did their blood thirst come from vampire bats? Their love of the hunt from the wolves?

  I would like to meet this Jules Verne and his Doctor Moreau. It seems we have much in common.

  Olivia willed herself to look away from her fiancé, but found she could not. Her focus was locked on his, her feet frozen in place. From the corner of her eye she witn
essed Drucinda cease her careful inspection and take a step back. Moreau with his parents at his side approached her, taking slow deliberate steps.

  "It is time to become one with the family Alpha, Lauren," Drucinda said out loud. The priestess clapped her hands again. The remaining dinner guests silently turned and encircled her. "It is time to enact the most ancient of traditions."

  "Square dancing?" Olivia forced a nervous chuckle.

  Drucinda's attempt at a crooked smile did not show in her eyes. "Once you are one with us, you will be forever Alphan. You will be part of our world... alone."

  "No! I'm too young to be in this situation. I want out." Olivia twisted and tugged at her legs, but her feet remained planted. "Please?"

  Moreau stood mere inches in front of her. His cobalt blue eyes ablaze with an inner light. Olivia was a moth to his flame, drawn to the fire within. Her breathing slowed. She could hear her pulse beating like a gong in her ears, but she did not feel panicked.

  It's all right, Olivia. Moreau's mental voice soothed her jagged nerves. You will become one with Clan Alpha. You will be part of us. You will never turn against us.

  You...you called me Olivia?

  Yes. Olivia is your true name, and you have been here before. Drucinda recognized your scent.

  Oh, no...Olivia fought the building feeling of warmth and sleepiness threatening to overtake her. I-I have to get out of here. I don't belong here.

  You will. You will belong to us soon, Olivia—and you will never be against us ever again.

  BloodDark Book Three: Olivia's Decision

  Coming August 2017

  About the Authors

  Cindy and Adrian Matthews are a married writing team who met through a mutual publisher. They each have been published multiple times in SF/fantasy/paranormal and contemporary fiction. Cindy writes SF/fantasy and contemporary romantic fiction under the pen-name Cynthianna. She also writes adult SF/vampire fiction as Celine Chatillon. Adrian writes SF/paranormal/historical and contemporary fiction as A. J. Matthews. Together they have created the exciting world of BloodDark, a tidally-locked world inhabited by the Pure Bloods, a vampire-like race, along with abducted humans and their offspring. Find out more about the BloodDark series at their web site: http://blooddarkbooks.blogspot.com/


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