Of Dukes and Deceptions: Dangerous Dukes Vol 4

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Of Dukes and Deceptions: Dangerous Dukes Vol 4 Page 14

by Wendy Soliman

  ‘Nick, please!’

  He groaned and quickened his movements. It was almost as though his groin responded to her challenge in spite of his desire to hold back. This time there appeared to be an urgency on his part too. His eyes darkened, his breathing quickened, and suddenly her body was rocked by the sensation that had been eluding her. It exploded quite without warning, a feeling of soaring excitement which fizzed through her bloodstream, sending liquid heat to the outermost parts of her body in wave after dizzying wave. She was aware of Nick watching her closely as she threw back her head and screamed. She simply couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t have cared at that precise moment if her cries had woken the entire house.

  As she slowly came down to earth she was ashamed of the deep oneness she felt with Nick at that precise moment. It shouldn’t be so. He had warned her that they would engage their emotions during the coupling, but she doubted whether he had intended for her to feel quite so keenly. She also doubted whether she would be able to turn her feelings off again as quickly as he would, but she would die before she made that admission.

  She looked up at him with a question in her eyes, wondering what happened next. But it appeared not to be over. Nick picked up the rhythm again and Alicia realised that so far he had unselfishly foregone his own pleasure in order to give her satisfaction. She felt heat already building inside her again. Just the sight of Nick’s face, contorted with passion as he finally sought release, was enough to reignite her own passion.

  Eyes locked together, she joined him as he reached his own pinnacle. The hands clutching at her breasts were harsh, and he cried her name almost as though in pain, thrusting and throbbing deep inside her until he was spent.

  Nick gathered her in his arms afterwards, careful to avoid her injured shoulder. She rested her head on his glorious chest as she waited for her breathing to return to normal.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said in a tiny voice that sounded ridiculously formal. ‘Now I know what I will be missing.’

  Nick chuckled. ‘You imagine you can live the rest of your life without experiencing anything like it again.’

  ‘There’s no need for scepticism.’ She lifted her head from his chest and tossed it to emphasise her point. ‘Unlike the male of the species, we females have control over our desires.’

  Nick laughed. ‘So you just demonstrated.’

  She pretended to take offence. ‘It is most ungentlemanly of you to remind me of my temporary lapse.’

  Nick chuckled as he levered himself from the bed and reached for his clothes. ‘It will soon be light,’ he said. ‘Best not let the servants to discover me here.’

  She nodded, trying not to take offence at the speed with which he intended to leave her now that he’d had his fun. No, that was unfair, she reminded herself. She was the one who had insisted upon doing what they had just done. Naturally they must be careful to avoid detection.

  ‘Just remember what I said.’ Nick leaned over her to emphasise his point. ‘You should remain in your chamber tomorrow where you will be safe.’

  ‘Certainly not! I won’t be intimidated into changing my routine. People, not to mention my animals, are depending upon me.’

  Nick paused in the fastening of his breeches and sighed impatiently. ‘That is what I thought you would say. If I cannot dissuade you, at least promise me that you will never let yourself be alone. Don’t put yourself in a position where someone might easily be able to attack you. I cannot watch you myself every second of the day,’ he added, bending to kiss the tip of her nose and then her lips, ‘however much I might wish to.’

  Alicia’s heart soared as she felt the full force of the compliment.

  ‘I promise to take great care, if that will set your mind at rest,’ she said, when she realised that he was watching her expectantly, awaiting an answer.

  ‘Hardly but I suppose it must suffice for the time being.’

  She stood and wrapped herself in her robe. ‘Good night,’ she whispered.

  ‘Take very great care,’ he said, opening the door and peering around it to ensure that the corridor was deserted before slipping quietly from the room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nick paused outside Alicia’s door, waiting for his breathing to return to normal. The way she had given herself to him with such sweetly trusting innocence tore at his heartstrings. He felt himself hardening at the recollection, which served to heighten his remorse. His behaviour had been unpardonable. Alicia wasn’t some scullery maid but a well-connected lady, and he’d taken shameful advantage of her vulnerable state. He wondered what he could possibly do to make amends when a heavy hand came to rest on his shoulder.


  He turned, instinctively clenching his fists, only to find himself looking straight into the face of his henchman.

  ‘Gibson, what the devil are you doing skulking about here?’

  ‘I might ask you the same question.’ He ran his eyes over Nick and grinned. ‘But the answer’s bloody obvious.’

  Nick let out a long breath, in no mood to endure Gibson’s ribald comments. ‘I was concluding my conversation with Miss Woodley,’ he said tersely.

  Gibson guffawed. ‘And winning our bet too, judging by that look in yer eye.’ He sighed. ‘I oughta know better than to strike wagers with you when a wench is involved. Ah well, I’ll pay you later. Worth it, was she?’

  ‘Actually, Gibson,’ Nick said, astounding himself with his next words, ‘Miss Woodley and I only talked.’

  Gibson stared at him in bald disbelief. ‘You never did! You’d never pass up such an opportunity.’

  Nick began walking, glad that Gibson couldn’t see his features in the gloomy passageway. ‘Well, there you are.’

  Back in his chamber, Nick pulled off his shirt and threw it aside. ‘What were you doing hanging about that corridor anyway?’

  Gibson chuckled. ‘I knew you was up to something when you dismissed me earlier. It weren’t that difficult to work out wot it had to be. Thought you might need me to watch yer back but,’ he added, grinning in the direction of the back in question, ‘someone else obviously beat me to it.’ Too late Nick recalled Alicia raking her fingernails down it hard enough to leave marks. ‘So, wot did you learn from yer conversation with Miss Woodley?’

  ‘For one thing, her inheritance is definitely too small to incite her relations to murderous conspiracies. And apart from her sub-quality stallion, that’s all she possesses.’

  Gibson poured water into a ewer. ‘It’s cold but better than nothing. Seems talking to Miss Woodley’s got you all hot and bothered.’

  Nick ignored his smirk and washed in the cold water.

  ‘If it ain’t about money,’ Gibson reasoned, ‘then it must be something to do with that nag.’

  Nick nodded. ‘Did you know that they had a virus in the yard a couple of years ago?’

  ‘No one has mentioned it, which is interesting. It opens all sorts of possibilities.’ He paused. ‘Here, what if Shalimar caught the virus?’

  ‘He did.’

  ‘Stallions that get viruses are often left sterile.’

  Water splashed over the side of the ewer as Nick slapped his hands in it, soaking his chest. ‘But that must be it! It’s so obvious I should have seen it immediately. Woodley doesn’t want Alicia to exercise her stallion because he supposedly fears for her safety. But she’s a superb horsewoman, and I never really thought his concerns rang true.’

  ‘Are you saying his fear ain’t for her but for the stallion? He don’t want him injured or over-exercised, otherwise he won’t be able to perform?’

  ‘Yes. It would also explain why he is so anxious for Alicia to remain at the Manor. Or at least stable her horse here. When she refused, he somehow got his son to propose to her.’ Nick chuckled. ‘It must have come as quite a shock when she turned him down.’

  ‘Aye, but guv’nor, would he really resort to murder? His own niece too. Why didn’t he just come clean and explain wot he’s doing?’

  ‘Probably because he’s too full of pride to admit to his mistakes.’ Nick grimaced. ‘It appears to be a family failing. He turned down Alicia’s offers of assistance in the stud so could hardly confess to his failure without losing face. Besides, what he’s doing is fraudulent. I doubt that Alicia would countenance his actions, even to save the stud. Most of his customers want their mares covered by Shalimar, who commands high stud fees. His other two stallions aren’t black so they can’t be used. Which just leaves Fabian.’

  ‘Aye, but wot about his colouring faults?’

  ‘Just a quirk, probably, from several generations back.’ Nick dried his hands on the towel Gibson passed to him. ‘If Fabian has been performing Shalimar’s duties for two years and no one has complained about the prodigy, Woodley must think he’s in the clear.’

  ‘Wanting you to purchase that other stallion now makes sense too.’

  ‘Everything does. Including the fact that Woodley dismissed some of the longest-serving grooms at the time the virus struck, claiming the need to economise.’

  ‘It’s all very well, but how’re we gonna prove it to Miss Woodley’s satisfaction? She won’t wanna believe that her uncle’s capable of such a wicked deception.’

  ‘Indeed she will not. We shall have to think of a way to convince her. The first thing we need to do is find out when Shalimar’s next due to perform his duties.’

  ‘I thought it strange that he hasn’t been in action since we’ve been here. I gather a couple of mares arrived just before we did. Presumably Woodley thinks we’ll be leaving the day after tomorrow. That’s always been our plan. The mares’ll probably be covered as soon as we’re not here to stick our noses in.’

  Nick nodded. ‘That is my expectation too.’

  ‘He must be in quite a panic if the mares are ready and he thinks we’ll not be leaving until his man turns up with the books.’

  ‘Oh, that delay has been quite deliberate. He hoped that with time on my hands I would solve all his problems by falling for his silly daughter. I am willing to bet the duchy on the fact that the books will turn up tomorrow.’

  ‘Most likely. And I dare say they’ll look straight. What then?’

  Nick pulled his nightshirt over his head. ‘I need to discuss this with Alicia first but I think I have a plan.’

  ‘More meetings with the chit.’ Gibson smirked. ‘I can’t imagine wot you two find to talk about.’

  ‘I have warned her that she ought to remain in her chamber tomorrow and not ride her horse, but I very much doubt if she will take any notice. That being the case, we ought to be there to meet her at dawn.’

  ‘Sure I won’t be in the way?’

  Nick threw one of his boots at Gibson and dismissed him.

  Alicia shut the door behind Nick and leaned against it, feeling dazed yet euphoric. She closed her eyes and sighed, reluctant to move from the spot where he had last kissed her. It took her a moment to realise that soft voices were coming from the corridor. Panic overtook her. Surely he had not been found out. She cautiously opened the door a fraction in order to be able to hear better. God’s teeth, if her uncle were to have somehow got wind of Nick’s visit to her bedchamber, then all hell would break loose.

  Relief flooded through her. It was only Mr. Gibson’s voice she could hear. Nick must have set him to guard the corridor, just as he had recruited Janet to perform the same duty outside the conservatory earlier. It took a moment for the essence of their conversation to penetrate her befuddled brain. When it did, she slammed the door and threw herself on the bed in a state of extreme mortification. The sheets bore a lingering scent of Nick’s body, bringing home to her the full implications of her reckless actions.

  The sound of Mr. Gibson’s gruff voice congratulating his master on a satisfactory outcome rang in her ears, and Alicia was unable to delude herself. She now knew why Nick had gone to so much trouble to single her out. If she had not been so easily seduced by his attentions, then it would have been obvious from the outset. Nick wasn’t really interested in her. He had merely bedded her in order to win a wager with Mr. Gibson.

  A virulent anger coursed through her that made her want to hurl things at the wall, pretending it was Nick’s head. Only as she calmed down did she wonder why the discovery should disquiet her so much. He had warned her all along what his intentions were and had promised not to force himself upon her. No more had he. He had come here tonight, concerned only for her welfare. It was she who’d insisted upon taking matters further. Besides, even if his actions were not motivated by that wager, she had always known their relationship would be transitory. He would be gone from here in a day or two and she would never see him again. She had managed quite well before she knew him and would be herself again as soon as he left.

  Their liaison had affected her profoundly, and she wouldn’t be able to dismiss it from her mind as easily as he would. So where did that leave her? The only answer that sprang to mind was to take the coward’s way out and avoid him as much as she could until he left Ravenswing Manor. She thumped her pillows and closed her eyes, determined to salve what was left of her pride by sticking to that resolve. It was only a couple of hours until dawn. As soon as it was light, she would ride Fabian regardless of her injured shoulder and put the duke out of her mind once and for all.

  The sound of Janet moving quietly about the room woke her.

  ‘Morning, lamb, did you sleep well?’

  Oh, Janet, if only you knew. ‘Yes, thank you.’ She sat up and stretched. ‘What time is it?’

  ‘A little after seven. I didn’t mean to wake you but wanted to make sure you were all right.’

  ‘Heavens!’ Alicia threw back the covers. ‘I have overslept. I must ride Fabian before my uncle is about. Hopefully he will be late up this morning, too, since the party went on so long.’

  ‘You can’t ride that hulking brute with an injured shoulder. Best stay in bed and rest.’

  ‘I will be fine, Janet. The doctor did say that the wound is not deep and that the bang to my head was more serious.’ Her shoulder had withstood the rigours of her activities the previous night so she could trust Fabian not to exacerbate the injury.

  ‘That is exactly why you shouldn’t go gallivanting off.’

  ‘Upon reflection, perhaps it won’t harm to leave it for another day. Too many people will be up and about by now, and my activities are bound to reach my uncle’s ears. I’ll turn him out to pasture instead, then call at the yard and visit the horses as usual.’

  ‘What happened to your face, lamb?’

  ‘My face?’ She peered in a mirror and was horrified to discover that it was red raw. The rest of her face changed colour to match her chin as she desperately sought an explanation that would satisfy her maid. She could hardly tell Janet that Nick’s bristles were responsible. ‘Oh, I expect I slept awkwardly. The noise of the party kept me awake half the night. You have no idea. I tossed and turned for hours.’

  Janet eyed the mess that was Alicia’s unmade bed. ‘I expect that’s what it must be.’

  Much to Alicia’s surprise, Janet busied herself with her duties, saying nothing more on the subject. She tutted with disapproval when Alicia refused to remain in bed. She held out an old gown for her—one which she wouldn’t mind soiling in the stable yard—and she stepped into it.

  ‘There’s something you ought to know which arose from my discussion with the duke last evening, Janet.’

  Alicia prepared her maid for a shock and then related all Nick had told her about her accident. Janet was so dumbfounded that she couldn’t utter a single word for a full two minutes. When she regained the power of speech, questions poured from her lips in a breathless tumble.

  ‘Who could possibly wish you harm?’ Janet sounded as bewildered as Alicia herself had felt when Nick had first revealed his suspicions.

  ‘That is precisely my difficulty. I cannot think of anyone.’

  ‘Well, whoever it is, if I could get my hands on the dastardly cow
ards, they’d soon get their comeuppance.’ Her bosom swelled with majestic indignation.

  ‘There’s no cause for alarm. I don’t for a moment believe there is anything in it. I just thought you ought to be aware. His grace is insisting upon looking into the matter out of some sense of misguided responsibility, so there’s no need to distress yourself. If anyone can get to the bottom of this, it will be him. I have complete faith in his abilities.’

  ‘Aye, lamb.’ Janet’s eyes lingered on Alicia’s bed and her expression softened. ‘I saw that last night with my own eyes.’

  Alicia slipped from the house, pulling a thick shawl tight across her shoulders to protect herself from the sharp north wind. Her hair was tied back with a ribbon and over her arm she carried a basket of windfall apples. Somehow she wasn’t surprised to sense Nick’s presence as she approached the first row of loose boxes. Mr Gibson stood immediately behind him and Alicia thought that to be just as well. Now the time had come to face him again, she was unsure if she would be able to maintain an aloof attitude if they were alone. And aloof, distant, she was determined to be. He had no business striking wagers with his henchman and if she had known its terms in advance she most definitely would not have encouraged him to win it.

  ‘Good morning, Your Grace. Mr Gibson.’ She inclined her head toward them both but her tone remained frosty.

  ‘Miss Woodley. I trust you feel a little better today.’

  ‘Thank you, yes. I slept very soundly and feel refreshed.’ Not for the world would she reveal that what little sleep she had managed had been a long time coming.

  ‘Breakfast?’ Nick nodded at the basket of apples.

  ‘Windfalls the gardeners collect in the orchard. Matilda expects to be waited upon.’

  The appearance of the cob’s head over her half-door, accompanied by a soft whinny, rendered further explanation unnecessary.

  ‘Save one for Fabian.’


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